/* * Copyright 2013 The Netty Project * * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package io.netty.channel; import io.netty.channel.embedded.EmbeddedChannel; import io.netty.channel.group.ChannelGroup; import io.netty.channel.group.DefaultChannelGroup; import io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise; import io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory; import io.netty.util.concurrent.EventExecutor; import io.netty.util.concurrent.GlobalEventExecutor; import io.netty.util.concurrent.Promise; import io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor; import org.junit.Test; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class ThreadPerChannelEventLoopGroupTest { private static final ChannelHandler NOOP_HANDLER = new ChannelHandlerAdapter() { @Override public boolean isSharable() { return true; } }; @Test public void testTerminationFutureSuccessInLog() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ThreadPerChannelEventLoopGroup loopGroup = new ThreadPerChannelEventLoopGroup(64); runTest(loopGroup); } } @Test public void testTerminationFutureSuccessReflectively() throws Exception { Field terminationFutureField = ThreadPerChannelEventLoopGroup.class.getDeclaredField("terminationFuture"); terminationFutureField.setAccessible(true); final Exception[] exceptionHolder = new Exception[1]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ThreadPerChannelEventLoopGroup loopGroup = new ThreadPerChannelEventLoopGroup(64); Promise promise = new DefaultPromise(GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE) { @Override public Promise setSuccess(Void result) { try { return super.setSuccess(result); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { exceptionHolder[0] = e; throw e; } } }; terminationFutureField.set(loopGroup, promise); runTest(loopGroup); } // The global event executor will not terminate, but this will give the test a chance to fail. GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE.awaitTermination(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); assertNull(exceptionHolder[0]); } private static void runTest(ThreadPerChannelEventLoopGroup loopGroup) throws InterruptedException { int taskCount = 100; EventExecutor testExecutor = new TestEventExecutor(); ChannelGroup channelGroup = new DefaultChannelGroup(testExecutor); while (taskCount-- > 0) { Channel channel = new EmbeddedChannel(NOOP_HANDLER); loopGroup.register(channel, new DefaultChannelPromise(channel, testExecutor)); channelGroup.add(channel); } channelGroup.close().sync(); loopGroup.shutdownGracefully(100, 200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).sync(); assertTrue(loopGroup.isTerminated()); } private static class TestEventExecutor extends SingleThreadEventExecutor { TestEventExecutor() { super(null, new DefaultThreadFactory("test"), false); } @Override protected void run() { for (;;) { Runnable task = takeTask(); if (task != null) { task.run(); updateLastExecutionTime(); } if (confirmShutdown()) { break; } } } } }