/* * Copyright 2015 The Netty Project * * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package io.netty.handler.codec.dns; import io.netty.util.collection.IntObjectHashMap; import io.netty.util.internal.UnstableApi; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Represents a DNS record type. */ @UnstableApi public class DnsRecordType implements Comparable { /** * Address record RFC 1035 Returns a 32-bit IPv4 address, most commonly used * to map hostnames to an IP address of the host, but also used for DNSBLs, * storing subnet masks in RFC 1101, etc. */ public static final DnsRecordType A = new DnsRecordType(0x0001, "A"); /** * Name server record RFC 1035 Delegates a DNS zone to use the given * authoritative name servers */ public static final DnsRecordType NS = new DnsRecordType(0x0002, "NS"); /** * Canonical name record RFC 1035 Alias of one name to another: the DNS * lookup will continue by retrying the lookup with the new name. */ public static final DnsRecordType CNAME = new DnsRecordType(0x0005, "CNAME"); /** * Start of [a zone of] authority record RFC 1035 and RFC 2308 Specifies * authoritative information about a DNS zone, including the primary name * server, the email of the domain administrator, the domain serial number, * and several timers relating to refreshing the zone. */ public static final DnsRecordType SOA = new DnsRecordType(0x0006, "SOA"); /** * Pointer record RFC 1035 Pointer to a canonical name. Unlike a CNAME, DNS * processing does NOT proceed, just the name is returned. The most common * use is for implementing reverse DNS lookups, but other uses include such * things as DNS-SD. */ public static final DnsRecordType PTR = new DnsRecordType(0x000c, "PTR"); /** * Mail exchange record RFC 1035 Maps a domain name to a list of message * transfer agents for that domain. */ public static final DnsRecordType MX = new DnsRecordType(0x000f, "MX"); /** * Text record RFC 1035 Originally for arbitrary human-readable text in a * DNS record. Since the early 1990s, however, this record more often * carries machine-readable data, such as specified by RFC 1464, * opportunistic encryption, Sender Policy Framework, DKIM, DMARC DNS-SD, * etc. */ public static final DnsRecordType TXT = new DnsRecordType(0x0010, "TXT"); /** * Responsible person record RFC 1183 Information about the responsible * person(s) for the domain. Usually an email address with the @ replaced by * a . */ public static final DnsRecordType RP = new DnsRecordType(0x0011, "RP"); /** * AFS database record RFC 1183 Location of database servers of an AFS cell. * This record is commonly used by AFS clients to contact AFS cells outside * their local domain. A subtype of this record is used by the obsolete * DCE/DFS file system. */ public static final DnsRecordType AFSDB = new DnsRecordType(0x0012, "AFSDB"); /** * Signature record RFC 2535 Signature record used in SIG(0) (RFC 2931) and * TKEY (RFC 2930). RFC 3755 designated RRSIG as the replacement for SIG for * use within DNSSEC. */ public static final DnsRecordType SIG = new DnsRecordType(0x0018, "SIG"); /** * key record RFC 2535 and RFC 2930 Used only for SIG(0) (RFC 2931) and TKEY * (RFC 2930). RFC 3445 eliminated their use for application keys and * limited their use to DNSSEC. RFC 3755 designates DNSKEY as the * replacement within DNSSEC. RFC 4025 designates IPSECKEY as the * replacement for use with IPsec. */ public static final DnsRecordType KEY = new DnsRecordType(0x0019, "KEY"); /** * IPv6 address record RFC 3596 Returns a 128-bit IPv6 address, most * commonly used to map hostnames to an IP address of the host. */ public static final DnsRecordType AAAA = new DnsRecordType(0x001c, "AAAA"); /** * Location record RFC 1876 Specifies a geographical location associated * with a domain name. */ public static final DnsRecordType LOC = new DnsRecordType(0x001d, "LOC"); /** * Service locator RFC 2782 Generalized service location record, used for * newer protocols instead of creating protocol-specific records such as MX. */ public static final DnsRecordType SRV = new DnsRecordType(0x0021, "SRV"); /** * Naming Authority Pointer record RFC 3403 Allows regular expression based * rewriting of domain names which can then be used as URIs, further domain * names to lookups, etc. */ public static final DnsRecordType NAPTR = new DnsRecordType(0x0023, "NAPTR"); /** * Key eXchanger record RFC 2230 Used with some cryptographic systems (not * including DNSSEC) to identify a key management agent for the associated * domain-name. Note that this has nothing to do with DNS Security. It is * Informational status, rather than being on the IETF standards-track. It * has always had limited deployment, but is still in use. */ public static final DnsRecordType KX = new DnsRecordType(0x0024, "KX"); /** * Certificate record RFC 4398 Stores PKIX, SPKI, PGP, etc. */ public static final DnsRecordType CERT = new DnsRecordType(0x0025, "CERT"); /** * Delegation name record RFC 2672 DNAME creates an alias for a name and all * its subnames, unlike CNAME, which aliases only the exact name in its * label. Like the CNAME record, the DNS lookup will continue by retrying * the lookup with the new name. */ public static final DnsRecordType DNAME = new DnsRecordType(0x0027, "DNAME"); /** * Option record RFC 2671 This is a pseudo DNS record type needed to support * EDNS. */ public static final DnsRecordType OPT = new DnsRecordType(0x0029, "OPT"); /** * Address Prefix List record RFC 3123 Specify lists of address ranges, e.g. * in CIDR format, for various address families. Experimental. */ public static final DnsRecordType APL = new DnsRecordType(0x002a, "APL"); /** * Delegation signer record RFC 4034 The record used to identify the DNSSEC * signing key of a delegated zone. */ public static final DnsRecordType DS = new DnsRecordType(0x002b, "DS"); /** * SSH Public Key Fingerprint record RFC 4255 Resource record for publishing * SSH public host key fingerprints in the DNS System, in order to aid in * verifying the authenticity of the host. RFC 6594 defines ECC SSH keys and * SHA-256 hashes. See the IANA SSHFP RR parameters registry for details. */ public static final DnsRecordType SSHFP = new DnsRecordType(0x002c, "SSHFP"); /** * IPsec Key record RFC 4025 Key record that can be used with IPsec. */ public static final DnsRecordType IPSECKEY = new DnsRecordType(0x002d, "IPSECKEY"); /** * DNSSEC signature record RFC 4034 Signature for a DNSSEC-secured record * set. Uses the same format as the SIG record. */ public static final DnsRecordType RRSIG = new DnsRecordType(0x002e, "RRSIG"); /** * Next-Secure record RFC 4034 Part of DNSSEC, used to prove a name does not * exist. Uses the same format as the (obsolete) NXT record. */ public static final DnsRecordType NSEC = new DnsRecordType(0x002f, "NSEC"); /** * DNS Key record RFC 4034 The key record used in DNSSEC. Uses the same * format as the KEY record. */ public static final DnsRecordType DNSKEY = new DnsRecordType(0x0030, "DNSKEY"); /** * DHCP identifier record RFC 4701 Used in conjunction with the FQDN option * to DHCP. */ public static final DnsRecordType DHCID = new DnsRecordType(0x0031, "DHCID"); /** * NSEC record version 3 RFC 5155 An extension to DNSSEC that allows proof * of nonexistence for a name without permitting zonewalking. */ public static final DnsRecordType NSEC3 = new DnsRecordType(0x0032, "NSEC3"); /** * NSEC3 parameters record RFC 5155 Parameter record for use with NSEC3. */ public static final DnsRecordType NSEC3PARAM = new DnsRecordType(0x0033, "NSEC3PARAM"); /** * TLSA certificate association record RFC 6698 A record for DNS-based * Authentication of Named Entities (DANE). RFC 6698 defines The TLSA DNS * resource record is used to associate a TLS server certificate or public * key with the domain name where the record is found, thus forming a 'TLSA * certificate association'. */ public static final DnsRecordType TLSA = new DnsRecordType(0x0034, "TLSA"); /** * Host Identity Protocol record RFC 5205 Method of separating the end-point * identifier and locator roles of IP addresses. */ public static final DnsRecordType HIP = new DnsRecordType(0x0037, "HIP"); /** * Sender Policy Framework record RFC 4408 Specified as part of the SPF * protocol as an alternative to of storing SPF data in TXT records. Uses * the same format as the earlier TXT record. */ public static final DnsRecordType SPF = new DnsRecordType(0x0063, "SPF"); /** * Secret key record RFC 2930 A method of providing keying material to be * used with TSIG that is encrypted under the public key in an accompanying * KEY RR.. */ public static final DnsRecordType TKEY = new DnsRecordType(0x00f9, "TKEY"); /** * Transaction Signature record RFC 2845 Can be used to authenticate dynamic * updates as coming from an approved client, or to authenticate responses * as coming from an approved recursive name server similar to DNSSEC. */ public static final DnsRecordType TSIG = new DnsRecordType(0x00fa, "TSIG"); /** * Incremental Zone Transfer record RFC 1996 Requests a zone transfer of the * given zone but only differences from a previous serial number. This * request may be ignored and a full (AXFR) sent in response if the * authoritative server is unable to fulfill the request due to * configuration or lack of required deltas. */ public static final DnsRecordType IXFR = new DnsRecordType(0x00fb, "IXFR"); /** * Authoritative Zone Transfer record RFC 1035 Transfer entire zone file * from the master name server to secondary name servers. */ public static final DnsRecordType AXFR = new DnsRecordType(0x00fc, "AXFR"); /** * All cached records RFC 1035 Returns all records of all types known to the * name server. If the name server does not have any information on the * name, the request will be forwarded on. The records returned may not be * complete. For example, if there is both an A and an MX for a name, but * the name server has only the A record cached, only the A record will be * returned. Sometimes referred to as ANY, for example in Windows nslookup * and Wireshark. */ public static final DnsRecordType ANY = new DnsRecordType(0x00ff, "ANY"); /** * Certification Authority Authorization record RFC 6844 CA pinning, * constraining acceptable CAs for a host/domain. */ public static final DnsRecordType CAA = new DnsRecordType(0x0101, "CAA"); /** * DNSSEC Trust Authorities record N/A Part of a deployment proposal for * DNSSEC without a signed DNS root. See the IANA database and Weiler Spec * for details. Uses the same format as the DS record. */ public static final DnsRecordType TA = new DnsRecordType(0x8000, "TA"); /** * DNSSEC Lookaside Validation record RFC 4431 For publishing DNSSEC trust * anchors outside of the DNS delegation chain. Uses the same format as the * DS record. RFC 5074 describes a way of using these records. */ public static final DnsRecordType DLV = new DnsRecordType(0x8001, "DLV"); private static final Map BY_NAME = new HashMap(); private static final IntObjectHashMap BY_TYPE = new IntObjectHashMap(); private static final String EXPECTED; static { DnsRecordType[] all = { A, NS, CNAME, SOA, PTR, MX, TXT, RP, AFSDB, SIG, KEY, AAAA, LOC, SRV, NAPTR, KX, CERT, DNAME, OPT, APL, DS, SSHFP, IPSECKEY, RRSIG, NSEC, DNSKEY, DHCID, NSEC3, NSEC3PARAM, TLSA, HIP, SPF, TKEY, TSIG, IXFR, AXFR, ANY, CAA, TA, DLV }; final StringBuilder expected = new StringBuilder(512); expected.append(" (expected: "); for (DnsRecordType type: all) { BY_NAME.put(type.name(), type); BY_TYPE.put(type.intValue(), type); expected.append(type.name()) .append('(') .append(type.intValue()) .append("), "); } expected.setLength(expected.length() - 2); expected.append(')'); EXPECTED = expected.toString(); } public static DnsRecordType valueOf(int intValue) { DnsRecordType result = BY_TYPE.get(intValue); if (result == null) { return new DnsRecordType(intValue); } return result; } public static DnsRecordType valueOf(String name) { DnsRecordType result = BY_NAME.get(name); if (result == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("name: " + name + EXPECTED); } return result; } private final int intValue; private final String name; private String text; private DnsRecordType(int intValue) { this(intValue, "UNKNOWN"); } public DnsRecordType(int intValue, String name) { if ((intValue & 0xffff) != intValue) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("intValue: " + intValue + " (expected: 0 ~ 65535)"); } this.intValue = intValue; this.name = name; } /** * Returns the name of this type, as seen in bind config files */ public String name() { return name; } /** * Returns the value of this DnsType as it appears in DNS protocol */ public int intValue() { return intValue; } @Override public int hashCode() { return intValue; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return o instanceof DnsRecordType && ((DnsRecordType) o).intValue == intValue; } @Override public int compareTo(DnsRecordType o) { return intValue() - o.intValue(); } @Override public String toString() { String text = this.text; if (text == null) { this.text = text = name + '(' + intValue() + ')'; } return text; } }