/* * Copyright 2015 The Netty Project * * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package io.netty.handler.codec.http2; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor; import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations; import org.mockito.verification.VerificationMode; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil.DEFAULT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import static org.mockito.Mockito.any; import static org.mockito.Mockito.anyInt; import static org.mockito.Mockito.atLeastOnce; import static org.mockito.Mockito.atMost; import static org.mockito.Mockito.doAnswer; import static org.mockito.Mockito.doThrow; import static org.mockito.Mockito.eq; import static org.mockito.Mockito.never; import static org.mockito.Mockito.reset; import static org.mockito.Mockito.same; import static org.mockito.Mockito.times; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; public class WeightedFairQueueByteDistributorTest extends AbstractWeightedFairQueueByteDistributorDependencyTest { private static final int STREAM_A = 1; private static final int STREAM_B = 3; private static final int STREAM_C = 5; private static final int STREAM_D = 7; private static final int STREAM_E = 9; private static final int ALLOCATION_QUANTUM = 100; @Before public void setup() throws Http2Exception { MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); // Assume we always write all the allocated bytes. doAnswer(writeAnswer(false)).when(writer).write(any(Http2Stream.class), anyInt()); setup(-1); } private void setup(int maxStateOnlySize) throws Http2Exception { connection = new DefaultHttp2Connection(false); distributor = maxStateOnlySize >= 0 ? new WeightedFairQueueByteDistributor(connection, maxStateOnlySize) : new WeightedFairQueueByteDistributor(connection); distributor.allocationQuantum(ALLOCATION_QUANTUM); connection.local().createStream(STREAM_A, false); connection.local().createStream(STREAM_B, false); Http2Stream streamC = connection.local().createStream(STREAM_C, false); Http2Stream streamD = connection.local().createStream(STREAM_D, false); setPriority(streamC.id(), STREAM_A, DEFAULT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT, false); setPriority(streamD.id(), STREAM_A, DEFAULT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT, false); } /** * In this test, we block B such that it has no frames. We distribute enough bytes for all streams and stream B * should be preserved in the priority queue structure until it has no "active" children, but it should not be * doubly added to stream 0. * *
     *         0
     *         |
     *         A
     *         |
     *        [B]
     *         |
     *         C
     *         |
     *         D
* * After the write: *
     *         0
*/ @Test public void writeWithNonActiveStreamShouldNotDobuleAddToPriorityQueue() throws Http2Exception { initState(STREAM_A, 400, true); initState(STREAM_B, 500, true); initState(STREAM_C, 600, true); initState(STREAM_D, 700, true); setPriority(STREAM_B, STREAM_A, DEFAULT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT, true); setPriority(STREAM_D, STREAM_C, DEFAULT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT, true); // Block B, but it should still remain in the queue/tree structure. initState(STREAM_B, 0, false); // Get the streams before the write, because they may be be closed. Http2Stream streamA = stream(STREAM_A); Http2Stream streamB = stream(STREAM_B); Http2Stream streamC = stream(STREAM_C); Http2Stream streamD = stream(STREAM_D); reset(writer); doAnswer(writeAnswer(true)).when(writer).write(any(Http2Stream.class), anyInt()); assertFalse(write(400 + 600 + 700)); assertEquals(400, captureWrites(streamA)); verifyNeverWrite(streamB); assertEquals(600, captureWrites(streamC)); assertEquals(700, captureWrites(streamD)); } @Test public void bytesUnassignedAfterProcessing() throws Http2Exception { initState(STREAM_A, 1, true); initState(STREAM_B, 2, true); initState(STREAM_C, 3, true); initState(STREAM_D, 4, true); assertFalse(write(10)); verifyWrite(STREAM_A, 1); verifyWrite(STREAM_B, 2); verifyWrite(STREAM_C, 3); verifyWrite(STREAM_D, 4); assertFalse(write(10)); verifyAnyWrite(STREAM_A, 1); verifyAnyWrite(STREAM_B, 1); verifyAnyWrite(STREAM_C, 1); verifyAnyWrite(STREAM_D, 1); } @Test public void connectionErrorForWriterException() throws Http2Exception { initState(STREAM_A, 1, true); initState(STREAM_B, 2, true); initState(STREAM_C, 3, true); initState(STREAM_D, 4, true); Exception fakeException = new RuntimeException("Fake exception"); doThrow(fakeException).when(writer).write(same(stream(STREAM_C)), eq(3)); try { write(10); fail("Expected an exception"); } catch (Http2Exception e) { assertFalse(Http2Exception.isStreamError(e)); assertEquals(Http2Error.INTERNAL_ERROR, e.error()); assertSame(fakeException, e.getCause()); } verifyWrite(atMost(1), STREAM_A, 1); verifyWrite(atMost(1), STREAM_B, 2); verifyWrite(STREAM_C, 3); verifyWrite(atMost(1), STREAM_D, 4); doAnswer(writeAnswer(false)).when(writer).write(same(stream(STREAM_C)), eq(3)); assertFalse(write(10)); verifyWrite(STREAM_A, 1); verifyWrite(STREAM_B, 2); verifyWrite(times(2), STREAM_C, 3); verifyWrite(STREAM_D, 4); } /** * In this test, we verify that each stream is allocated a minimum chunk size. When bytes * run out, the remaining streams will be next in line for the next iteration. */ @Test public void minChunkShouldBeAllocatedPerStream() throws Http2Exception { // Re-assign weights. setPriority(STREAM_A, 0, (short) 50, false); setPriority(STREAM_B, 0, (short) 200, false); setPriority(STREAM_C, STREAM_A, (short) 100, false); setPriority(STREAM_D, STREAM_A, (short) 100, false); // Update the streams. initState(STREAM_A, ALLOCATION_QUANTUM, true); initState(STREAM_B, ALLOCATION_QUANTUM, true); initState(STREAM_C, ALLOCATION_QUANTUM, true); initState(STREAM_D, ALLOCATION_QUANTUM, true); // Only write 3 * chunkSize, so that we'll only write to the first 3 streams. int written = 3 * ALLOCATION_QUANTUM; assertTrue(write(written)); assertEquals(ALLOCATION_QUANTUM, captureWrites(STREAM_A)); assertEquals(ALLOCATION_QUANTUM, captureWrites(STREAM_B)); assertEquals(ALLOCATION_QUANTUM, captureWrites(STREAM_C)); verifyWrite(atMost(1), STREAM_D, 0); // Now write again and verify that the last stream is written to. assertFalse(write(ALLOCATION_QUANTUM)); assertEquals(ALLOCATION_QUANTUM, captureWrites(STREAM_A)); assertEquals(ALLOCATION_QUANTUM, captureWrites(STREAM_B)); assertEquals(ALLOCATION_QUANTUM, captureWrites(STREAM_C)); assertEquals(ALLOCATION_QUANTUM, captureWrites(STREAM_D)); } /** * In this test, we verify that the highest priority frame which has 0 bytes to send, but an empty frame is able * to send that empty frame. * *
     *         0
     *        / \
     *       A   B
     *      / \
     *     C   D
* * After the tree shift: * *
     *         0
     *         |
     *         A
     *         |
     *         B
     *        / \
     *       C   D
*/ @Test public void emptyFrameAtHeadIsWritten() throws Http2Exception { initState(STREAM_A, 0, true); initState(STREAM_B, 0, true); initState(STREAM_C, 0, true); initState(STREAM_D, 10, true); setPriority(STREAM_B, STREAM_A, DEFAULT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT, true); assertFalse(write(10)); verifyWrite(STREAM_A, 0); verifyWrite(STREAM_B, 0); verifyWrite(STREAM_C, 0); verifyWrite(STREAM_D, 10); } /** * In this test, we block A which allows bytes to be written by C and D. Here's a view of the tree (stream A is * blocked). * *
     *         0
     *        / \
     *      [A]  B
     *      / \
     *     C   D
*/ @Test public void blockedStreamNoDataShouldSpreadDataToChildren() throws Http2Exception { blockedStreamShouldSpreadDataToChildren(false); } /** * In this test, we block A and also give it an empty data frame to send. * All bytes should be delegated to by C and D. Here's a view of the tree (stream A is blocked). * *
     *           0
     *         /   \
     *      [A](0)  B
     *      / \
     *     C   D
*/ @Test public void blockedStreamWithDataAndNotAllowedToSendShouldSpreadDataToChildren() throws Http2Exception { // A cannot stream. initState(STREAM_A, 0, true, false); blockedStreamShouldSpreadDataToChildren(false); } /** * In this test, we allow A to send, but expect the flow controller will only write to the stream 1 time. * This is because we give the stream a chance to write its empty frame 1 time, and the stream will not * be written to again until a update stream is called. * *
     *         0
     *        / \
     *       A   B
     *      / \
     *     C   D
*/ @Test public void streamWithZeroFlowControlWindowAndDataShouldWriteOnlyOnce() throws Http2Exception { initState(STREAM_A, 0, true, true); blockedStreamShouldSpreadDataToChildren(true); // Make sure if we call update stream again, A should write 1 more time. initState(STREAM_A, 0, true, true); assertFalse(write(1)); verifyWrite(times(2), STREAM_A, 0); // Try to write again, but since no initState A should not write again assertFalse(write(1)); verifyWrite(times(2), STREAM_A, 0); } private void blockedStreamShouldSpreadDataToChildren(boolean streamAShouldWriteZero) throws Http2Exception { initState(STREAM_B, 10, true); initState(STREAM_C, 10, true); initState(STREAM_D, 10, true); // Write up to 10 bytes. assertTrue(write(10)); if (streamAShouldWriteZero) { verifyWrite(STREAM_A, 0); } else { verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_A); } verifyWrite(atMost(1), STREAM_C, 0); verifyWrite(atMost(1), STREAM_D, 0); // B is entirely written verifyWrite(STREAM_B, 10); // Now test that writes get delegated from A (which is blocked) to its children assertTrue(write(5)); if (streamAShouldWriteZero) { verifyWrite(times(1), STREAM_A, 0); } else { verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_A); } verifyWrite(STREAM_D, 5); verifyWrite(atMost(1), STREAM_C, 0); assertTrue(write(5)); if (streamAShouldWriteZero) { verifyWrite(times(1), STREAM_A, 0); } else { verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_A); } assertEquals(10, captureWrites(STREAM_C) + captureWrites(STREAM_D)); assertTrue(write(5)); assertFalse(write(5)); if (streamAShouldWriteZero) { verifyWrite(times(1), STREAM_A, 0); } else { verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_A); } verifyWrite(times(2), STREAM_C, 5); verifyWrite(times(2), STREAM_D, 5); } /** * In this test, we block B which allows all bytes to be written by A. A should not share the data with its children * since it's not blocked. * *
     *         0
     *        / \
     *       A  [B]
     *      / \
     *     C   D
*/ @Test public void childrenShouldNotSendDataUntilParentBlocked() throws Http2Exception { // B cannot stream. initState(STREAM_A, 10, true); initState(STREAM_C, 10, true); initState(STREAM_D, 10, true); // Write up to 10 bytes. assertTrue(write(10)); // A is assigned all of the bytes. verifyWrite(STREAM_A, 10); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_B); verifyWrite(atMost(1), STREAM_C, 0); verifyWrite(atMost(1), STREAM_D, 0); } /** * In this test, we block B which allows all bytes to be written by A. Once A is complete, it will spill over the * remaining of its portion to its children. * *
     *         0
     *        / \
     *       A  [B]
     *      / \
     *     C   D
*/ @Test public void parentShouldWaterFallDataToChildren() throws Http2Exception { // B cannot stream. initState(STREAM_A, 5, true); initState(STREAM_C, 10, true); initState(STREAM_D, 10, true); // Write up to 10 bytes. assertTrue(write(10)); verifyWrite(STREAM_A, 5); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_B); verifyWrite(STREAM_C, 5); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_D); assertFalse(write(15)); verifyAnyWrite(STREAM_A, 1); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_B); verifyWrite(times(2), STREAM_C, 5); verifyWrite(STREAM_D, 10); } /** * In this test, we verify re-prioritizing a stream. We start out with B blocked: * *
     *         0
     *        / \
     *       A  [B]
     *      / \
     *     C   D
* * We then re-prioritize D so that it's directly off of the connection and verify that A and D split the written * bytes between them. * *
     *           0
     *          /|\
     *        /  |  \
     *       A  [B]  D
     *      /
     *     C
*/ @Test public void reprioritizeShouldAdjustOutboundFlow() throws Http2Exception { // B cannot stream. initState(STREAM_A, 10, true); initState(STREAM_C, 10, true); initState(STREAM_D, 10, true); // Re-prioritize D as a direct child of the connection. setPriority(STREAM_D, 0, DEFAULT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT, false); assertTrue(write(10)); verifyWrite(STREAM_A, 10); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_B); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_C); verifyWrite(atMost(1), STREAM_D, 0); assertFalse(write(20)); verifyAnyWrite(STREAM_A, 1); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_B); verifyWrite(STREAM_C, 10); verifyWrite(STREAM_D, 10); } /** * Test that the maximum allowed amount the flow controller allows to be sent is always fully allocated if * the streams have at least this much data to send. See https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/4266. *
     *            0
     *          / | \
     *        /   |   \
     *      A(0) B(0) C(0)
     *     /
     *    D(> allowed to send in 1 allocation attempt)
*/ @Test public void unstreamableParentsShouldFeedHungryChildren() throws Http2Exception { // Setup the priority tree. setPriority(STREAM_A, 0, (short) 32, false); setPriority(STREAM_B, 0, (short) 16, false); setPriority(STREAM_C, 0, (short) 16, false); setPriority(STREAM_D, STREAM_A, (short) 16, false); final int writableBytes = 100; // Send enough so it can not be completely written out final int expectedUnsentAmount = 1; initState(STREAM_D, writableBytes + expectedUnsentAmount, true); assertTrue(write(writableBytes)); verifyWrite(STREAM_D, writableBytes); assertFalse(write(expectedUnsentAmount)); verifyWrite(STREAM_D, expectedUnsentAmount); } /** * In this test, we root all streams at the connection, and then verify that data is split appropriately based on * weight (all available data is the same). * *
     *           0
     *        / / \ \
     *       A B   C D
*/ @Test public void writeShouldPreferHighestWeight() throws Http2Exception { // Root the streams at the connection and assign weights. setPriority(STREAM_A, 0, (short) 50, false); setPriority(STREAM_B, 0, (short) 200, false); setPriority(STREAM_C, 0, (short) 100, false); setPriority(STREAM_D, 0, (short) 100, false); initState(STREAM_A, 1000, true); initState(STREAM_B, 1000, true); initState(STREAM_C, 1000, true); initState(STREAM_D, 1000, true); // Set allocation quantum to 1 so it is easier to see the ratio of total bytes written between each stream. distributor.allocationQuantum(1); assertTrue(write(1000)); assertEquals(100, captureWrites(STREAM_A)); assertEquals(450, captureWrites(STREAM_B)); assertEquals(225, captureWrites(STREAM_C)); assertEquals(225, captureWrites(STREAM_D)); } /** * In this test, we root all streams at the connection, block streams C and D, and then verify that data is * prioritized toward stream B which has a higher weight than stream A. *

* We also verify that the amount that is written is not uniform, and not always the allocation quantum. * *

     *            0
     *        / /  \  \
     *       A B   [C] [D]
*/ @Test public void writeShouldFavorPriority() throws Http2Exception { // Root the streams at the connection and assign weights. setPriority(STREAM_A, 0, (short) 50, false); setPriority(STREAM_B, 0, (short) 200, false); setPriority(STREAM_C, 0, (short) 100, false); setPriority(STREAM_D, 0, (short) 100, false); initState(STREAM_A, 1000, true); initState(STREAM_B, 1000, true); initState(STREAM_C, 1000, false); initState(STREAM_D, 1000, false); // Set allocation quantum to 1 so it is easier to see the ratio of total bytes written between each stream. distributor.allocationQuantum(1); assertTrue(write(100)); assertEquals(20, captureWrites(STREAM_A)); verifyWrite(times(20), STREAM_A, 1); assertEquals(80, captureWrites(STREAM_B)); verifyWrite(times(0), STREAM_B, 1); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_C); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_D); assertTrue(write(100)); assertEquals(40, captureWrites(STREAM_A)); verifyWrite(times(40), STREAM_A, 1); assertEquals(160, captureWrites(STREAM_B)); verifyWrite(atMost(1), STREAM_B, 1); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_C); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_D); assertTrue(write(1050)); assertEquals(250, captureWrites(STREAM_A)); verifyWrite(times(250), STREAM_A, 1); assertEquals(1000, captureWrites(STREAM_B)); verifyWrite(atMost(2), STREAM_B, 1); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_C); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_D); assertFalse(write(750)); assertEquals(1000, captureWrites(STREAM_A)); verifyWrite(times(1), STREAM_A, 750); assertEquals(1000, captureWrites(STREAM_B)); verifyWrite(times(0), STREAM_B, 0); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_C); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_D); } /** * In this test, we root all streams at the connection, and then verify that data is split equally among the stream, * since they all have the same weight. * *
     *           0
     *        / / \ \
     *       A B   C D
*/ @Test public void samePriorityShouldDistributeBasedOnData() throws Http2Exception { // Root the streams at the connection with the same weights. setPriority(STREAM_A, 0, DEFAULT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT, false); setPriority(STREAM_B, 0, DEFAULT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT, false); setPriority(STREAM_C, 0, DEFAULT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT, false); setPriority(STREAM_D, 0, DEFAULT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT, false); initState(STREAM_A, 400, true); initState(STREAM_B, 500, true); initState(STREAM_C, 0, true); initState(STREAM_D, 700, true); // Set allocation quantum to 1 so it is easier to see the ratio of total bytes written between each stream. distributor.allocationQuantum(1); assertTrue(write(999)); assertEquals(333, captureWrites(STREAM_A)); assertEquals(333, captureWrites(STREAM_B)); verifyWrite(times(1), STREAM_C, 0); assertEquals(333, captureWrites(STREAM_D)); } /** * In this test, we call distribute with 0 bytes and verify that all streams with 0 bytes are written. * *
     *         0
     *        / \
     *       A   B
     *      / \
     *     C   D
* * After the tree shift: * *
     *         0
     *         |
     *        [A]
     *         |
     *         B
     *        / \
     *       C   D
*/ @Test public void zeroDistributeShouldWriteAllZeroFrames() throws Http2Exception { initState(STREAM_A, 400, false); initState(STREAM_B, 0, true); initState(STREAM_C, 0, true); initState(STREAM_D, 0, true); setPriority(STREAM_B, STREAM_A, DEFAULT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT, true); assertFalse(write(0)); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_A); verifyWrite(STREAM_B, 0); verifyAnyWrite(STREAM_B, 1); verifyWrite(STREAM_C, 0); verifyAnyWrite(STREAM_C, 1); verifyWrite(STREAM_D, 0); verifyAnyWrite(STREAM_D, 1); } /** * In this test, we call distribute with 100 bytes which is the total amount eligible to be written, and also have * streams with 0 bytes to write. All of these streams should be written with a single call to distribute. * *
     *         0
     *        / \
     *       A   B
     *      / \
     *     C   D
* * After the tree shift: * *
     *         0
     *         |
     *        [A]
     *         |
     *         B
     *        / \
     *       C   D
*/ @Test public void nonZeroDistributeShouldWriteAllZeroFramesIfAllEligibleDataIsWritten() throws Http2Exception { initState(STREAM_A, 400, false); initState(STREAM_B, 100, true); initState(STREAM_C, 0, true); initState(STREAM_D, 0, true); setPriority(STREAM_B, STREAM_A, DEFAULT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT, true); assertFalse(write(100)); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_A); verifyWrite(STREAM_B, 100); verifyAnyWrite(STREAM_B, 1); verifyWrite(STREAM_C, 0); verifyAnyWrite(STREAM_C, 1); verifyWrite(STREAM_D, 0); verifyAnyWrite(STREAM_D, 1); } /** * In this test, we shift the priority tree and verify priority bytes for each subtree are correct * *
     *         0
     *        / \
     *       A   B
     *      / \
     *     C   D
* * After the tree shift: * *
     *         0
     *         |
     *         A
     *         |
     *         B
     *        / \
     *       C   D
*/ @Test public void bytesDistributedWithRestructureShouldBeCorrect() throws Http2Exception { initState(STREAM_A, 400, true); initState(STREAM_B, 500, true); initState(STREAM_C, 600, true); initState(STREAM_D, 700, true); setPriority(STREAM_B, STREAM_A, DEFAULT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT, true); assertTrue(write(500)); assertEquals(400, captureWrites(STREAM_A)); verifyWrite(STREAM_B, 100); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_C); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_D); assertTrue(write(400)); assertEquals(400, captureWrites(STREAM_A)); assertEquals(500, captureWrites(STREAM_B)); verifyWrite(atMost(1), STREAM_C, 0); verifyWrite(atMost(1), STREAM_D, 0); assertFalse(write(1300)); assertEquals(400, captureWrites(STREAM_A)); assertEquals(500, captureWrites(STREAM_B)); assertEquals(600, captureWrites(STREAM_C)); assertEquals(700, captureWrites(STREAM_D)); } /** * In this test, we add a node to the priority tree and verify * *
     *         0
     *        / \
     *       A   B
     *      / \
     *     C   D
* * After the tree shift: * *
     *         0
     *        / \
     *       A   B
     *       |
     *       E
     *      / \
     *     C   D
*/ @Test public void bytesDistributedWithAdditionShouldBeCorrect() throws Http2Exception { Http2Stream streamE = connection.local().createStream(STREAM_E, false); setPriority(streamE.id(), STREAM_A, DEFAULT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT, true); // Send a bunch of data on each stream. initState(STREAM_A, 400, true); initState(STREAM_B, 500, true); initState(STREAM_C, 600, true); initState(STREAM_D, 700, true); initState(STREAM_E, 900, true); assertTrue(write(900)); assertEquals(400, captureWrites(STREAM_A)); assertEquals(500, captureWrites(STREAM_B)); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_C); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_D); verifyWrite(atMost(1), STREAM_E, 0); assertTrue(write(900)); assertEquals(400, captureWrites(STREAM_A)); assertEquals(500, captureWrites(STREAM_B)); verifyWrite(atMost(1), STREAM_C, 0); verifyWrite(atMost(1), STREAM_D, 0); assertEquals(900, captureWrites(STREAM_E)); assertFalse(write(1301)); assertEquals(400, captureWrites(STREAM_A)); assertEquals(500, captureWrites(STREAM_B)); assertEquals(600, captureWrites(STREAM_C)); assertEquals(700, captureWrites(STREAM_D)); assertEquals(900, captureWrites(STREAM_E)); } /** * In this test, we close an internal stream in the priority tree. * *
     *         0
     *        / \
     *       A   B
     *      / \
     *     C   D
* * After the close: *
     *          0
     *        / | \
     *       C  D  B
*/ @Test public void bytesDistributedShouldBeCorrectWithInternalStreamClose() throws Http2Exception { initState(STREAM_A, 400, true); initState(STREAM_B, 500, true); initState(STREAM_C, 600, true); initState(STREAM_D, 700, true); stream(STREAM_A).close(); assertTrue(write(500)); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_A); assertEquals(500, captureWrites(STREAM_B) + captureWrites(STREAM_C) + captureWrites(STREAM_D)); assertFalse(write(1300)); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_A); assertEquals(500, captureWrites(STREAM_B)); assertEquals(600, captureWrites(STREAM_C)); assertEquals(700, captureWrites(STREAM_D)); } /** * In this test, we close a leaf stream in the priority tree and verify distribution. * *
     *         0
     *        / \
     *       A   B
     *      / \
     *     C   D
* * After the close: *
     *         0
     *        / \
     *       A   B
     *       |
     *       D
*/ @Test public void bytesDistributedShouldBeCorrectWithLeafStreamClose() throws Http2Exception { initState(STREAM_A, 400, true); initState(STREAM_B, 500, true); initState(STREAM_C, 600, true); initState(STREAM_D, 700, true); stream(STREAM_C).close(); assertTrue(write(900)); assertEquals(400, captureWrites(STREAM_A)); assertEquals(500, captureWrites(STREAM_B)); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_C); verifyWrite(atMost(1), STREAM_D, 0); assertFalse(write(700)); assertEquals(400, captureWrites(STREAM_A)); assertEquals(500, captureWrites(STREAM_B)); verifyNeverWrite(STREAM_C); assertEquals(700, captureWrites(STREAM_D)); } @Test public void activeStreamDependentOnNewNonActiveStreamGetsQuantum() throws Http2Exception { setup(0); initState(STREAM_D, 700, true); setPriority(STREAM_D, STREAM_E, DEFAULT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT, true); assertFalse(write(700)); assertEquals(700, captureWrites(STREAM_D)); } @Test public void streamWindowLargerThanIntDoesNotInfiniteLoop() throws Http2Exception { initState(STREAM_A, Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1L, true, true); assertTrue(write(Integer.MAX_VALUE)); verifyWrite(STREAM_A, Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertFalse(write(1)); verifyWrite(STREAM_A, 1); } private boolean write(int numBytes) throws Http2Exception { return distributor.distribute(numBytes, writer); } private void verifyWrite(int streamId, int numBytes) { verify(writer).write(same(stream(streamId)), eq(numBytes)); } private void verifyWrite(VerificationMode mode, int streamId, int numBytes) { verify(writer, mode).write(same(stream(streamId)), eq(numBytes)); } private void verifyAnyWrite(int streamId, int times) { verify(writer, times(times)).write(same(stream(streamId)), anyInt()); } private void verifyNeverWrite(int streamId) { verifyNeverWrite(stream(streamId)); } private void verifyNeverWrite(Http2Stream stream) { verify(writer, never()).write(same(stream), anyInt()); } private int captureWrites(int streamId) { return captureWrites(stream(streamId)); } private int captureWrites(Http2Stream stream) { ArgumentCaptor captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Integer.class); verify(writer, atLeastOnce()).write(same(stream), captor.capture()); int total = 0; for (Integer x : captor.getAllValues()) { total += x; } return total; } }