/* * Copyright 2014 The Netty Project * * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package io.netty.resolver.dns; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufHolder; import io.netty.channel.AddressedEnvelope; import io.netty.channel.ChannelPromise; import io.netty.channel.EventLoop; import io.netty.handler.codec.CorruptedFrameException; import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DefaultDnsQuestion; import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DefaultDnsRecordDecoder; import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DnsQuestion; import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DnsRawRecord; import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DnsRecord; import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DnsRecordType; import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DnsResponse; import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DnsResponseCode; import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DnsSection; import io.netty.util.NetUtil; import io.netty.util.ReferenceCountUtil; import io.netty.util.concurrent.Future; import io.netty.util.concurrent.FutureListener; import io.netty.util.concurrent.Promise; import io.netty.util.internal.ObjectUtil; import io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent; import io.netty.util.internal.StringUtil; import io.netty.util.internal.ThrowableUtil; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.AbstractList; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import static io.netty.resolver.dns.DnsAddressDecoder.decodeAddress; import static java.lang.Math.min; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; abstract class DnsResolveContext { private static final FutureListener> RELEASE_RESPONSE = future -> { if (future.isSuccess()) { future.getNow().release(); } }; private static final RuntimeException NXDOMAIN_QUERY_FAILED_EXCEPTION = ThrowableUtil.unknownStackTrace( new RuntimeException("No answer found and NXDOMAIN response code returned"), DnsResolveContext.class, "onResponse(..)"); private static final RuntimeException CNAME_NOT_FOUND_QUERY_FAILED_EXCEPTION = ThrowableUtil.unknownStackTrace( new RuntimeException("No matching CNAME record found"), DnsResolveContext.class, "onResponseCNAME(..)"); private static final RuntimeException NO_MATCHING_RECORD_QUERY_FAILED_EXCEPTION = ThrowableUtil.unknownStackTrace( new RuntimeException("No matching record type found"), DnsResolveContext.class, "onResponseAorAAAA(..)"); private static final RuntimeException UNRECOGNIZED_TYPE_QUERY_FAILED_EXCEPTION = ThrowableUtil.unknownStackTrace( new RuntimeException("Response type was unrecognized"), DnsResolveContext.class, "onResponse(..)"); private static final RuntimeException NAME_SERVERS_EXHAUSTED_EXCEPTION = ThrowableUtil.unknownStackTrace( new RuntimeException("No name servers returned an answer"), DnsResolveContext.class, "tryToFinishResolve(..)"); final DnsNameResolver parent; private final DnsServerAddressStream nameServerAddrs; private final String hostname; private final int dnsClass; private final DnsRecordType[] expectedTypes; private final int maxAllowedQueries; final DnsRecord[] additionals; private final Set>> queriesInProgress = Collections.newSetFromMap( new IdentityHashMap<>()); private List finalResult; private int allowedQueries; private boolean triedCNAME; DnsResolveContext(DnsNameResolver parent, String hostname, int dnsClass, DnsRecordType[] expectedTypes, DnsRecord[] additionals, DnsServerAddressStream nameServerAddrs) { assert expectedTypes.length > 0; this.parent = parent; this.hostname = hostname; this.dnsClass = dnsClass; this.expectedTypes = expectedTypes; this.additionals = additionals; this.nameServerAddrs = requireNonNull(nameServerAddrs, "nameServerAddrs"); maxAllowedQueries = parent.maxQueriesPerResolve(); allowedQueries = maxAllowedQueries; } /** * The {@link DnsCache} to use while resolving. */ DnsCache resolveCache() { return parent.resolveCache(); } /** * The {@link DnsCnameCache} that is used for resolving. */ DnsCnameCache cnameCache() { return parent.cnameCache(); } /** * The {@link AuthoritativeDnsServerCache} to use while resolving. */ AuthoritativeDnsServerCache authoritativeDnsServerCache() { return parent.authoritativeDnsServerCache(); } /** * Creates a new context with the given parameters. */ abstract DnsResolveContext newResolverContext(DnsNameResolver parent, String hostname, int dnsClass, DnsRecordType[] expectedTypes, DnsRecord[] additionals, DnsServerAddressStream nameServerAddrs); /** * Converts the given {@link DnsRecord} into {@code T}. */ abstract T convertRecord(DnsRecord record, String hostname, DnsRecord[] additionals, EventLoop eventLoop); /** * Returns a filtered list of results which should be the final result of DNS resolution. This must take into * account JDK semantics such as {@link NetUtil#isIpV6AddressesPreferred()}. */ abstract List filterResults(List unfiltered); /** * Caches a successful resolution. */ abstract void cache(String hostname, DnsRecord[] additionals, DnsRecord result, T convertedResult); /** * Caches a failed resolution. */ abstract void cache(String hostname, DnsRecord[] additionals, UnknownHostException cause); void resolve(final Promise> promise) { final String[] searchDomains = parent.searchDomains(); if (searchDomains.length == 0 || parent.ndots() == 0 || StringUtil.endsWith(hostname, '.')) { internalResolve(hostname, promise); } else { final boolean startWithoutSearchDomain = hasNDots(); final String initialHostname = startWithoutSearchDomain ? hostname : hostname + '.' + searchDomains[0]; final int initialSearchDomainIdx = startWithoutSearchDomain ? 0 : 1; final Promise> searchDomainPromise = parent.executor().newPromise(); searchDomainPromise.addListener(new FutureListener>() { private int searchDomainIdx = initialSearchDomainIdx; @Override public void operationComplete(Future> future) { Throwable cause = future.cause(); if (cause == null) { promise.trySuccess(future.getNow()); } else { if (DnsNameResolver.isTransportOrTimeoutError(cause)) { promise.tryFailure(new SearchDomainUnknownHostException(cause, hostname)); } else if (searchDomainIdx < searchDomains.length) { Promise> newPromise = parent.executor().newPromise(); newPromise.addListener(this); doSearchDomainQuery(hostname + '.' + searchDomains[searchDomainIdx++], newPromise); } else if (!startWithoutSearchDomain) { internalResolve(hostname, promise); } else { promise.tryFailure(new SearchDomainUnknownHostException(cause, hostname)); } } } }); doSearchDomainQuery(initialHostname, searchDomainPromise); } } private boolean hasNDots() { for (int idx = hostname.length() - 1, dots = 0; idx >= 0; idx--) { if (hostname.charAt(idx) == '.' && ++dots >= parent.ndots()) { return true; } } return false; } private static final class SearchDomainUnknownHostException extends UnknownHostException { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8573510133644997085L; SearchDomainUnknownHostException(Throwable cause, String originalHostname) { super("Search domain query failed. Original hostname: '" + originalHostname + "' " + cause.getMessage()); setStackTrace(cause.getStackTrace()); // Preserve the cause initCause(cause.getCause()); } @Override public Throwable fillInStackTrace() { return this; } } void doSearchDomainQuery(String hostname, Promise> nextPromise) { DnsResolveContext nextContext = newResolverContext(parent, hostname, dnsClass, expectedTypes, additionals, nameServerAddrs); nextContext.internalResolve(hostname, nextPromise); } private static String hostnameWithDot(String name) { if (StringUtil.endsWith(name, '.')) { return name; } return name + '.'; } private void internalResolve(String name, Promise> promise) { for (;;) { // Resolve from cnameCache() until there is no more cname entry cached. String mapping = cnameCache().get(hostnameWithDot(name)); if (mapping == null) { break; } name = mapping; } try { DnsServerAddressStream nameServerAddressStream = getNameServers(name); final int end = expectedTypes.length - 1; for (int i = 0; i < end; ++i) { if (!query(name, expectedTypes[i], nameServerAddressStream.duplicate(), false, promise)) { return; } } query(name, expectedTypes[end], nameServerAddressStream, false, promise); } finally { // Now flush everything we submitted before. parent.flushQueries(); } } /** * Returns the {@link DnsServerAddressStream} that was cached for the given hostname or {@code null} if non * could be found. */ private DnsServerAddressStream getNameServersFromCache(String hostname) { int len = hostname.length(); if (len == 0) { // We never cache for root servers. return null; } // We always store in the cache with a trailing '.'. if (hostname.charAt(len - 1) != '.') { hostname += "."; } int idx = hostname.indexOf('.'); if (idx == hostname.length() - 1) { // We are not interested in handling '.' as we should never serve the root servers from cache. return null; } // We start from the closed match and then move down. for (;;) { // Skip '.' as well. hostname = hostname.substring(idx + 1); int idx2 = hostname.indexOf('.'); if (idx2 <= 0 || idx2 == hostname.length() - 1) { // We are not interested in handling '.TLD.' as we should never serve the root servers from cache. return null; } idx = idx2; DnsServerAddressStream entries = authoritativeDnsServerCache().get(hostname); if (entries != null) { // The returned List may contain unresolved InetSocketAddress instances that will be // resolved on the fly in query(....). return entries; } } } private void query(final DnsServerAddressStream nameServerAddrStream, final int nameServerAddrStreamIndex, final DnsQuestion question, final DnsQueryLifecycleObserver queryLifecycleObserver, final boolean flush, final Promise> promise, final Throwable cause) { if (nameServerAddrStreamIndex >= nameServerAddrStream.size() || allowedQueries == 0 || promise.isCancelled()) { tryToFinishResolve(nameServerAddrStream, nameServerAddrStreamIndex, question, queryLifecycleObserver, promise, cause); return; } --allowedQueries; final InetSocketAddress nameServerAddr = nameServerAddrStream.next(); if (nameServerAddr.isUnresolved()) { queryUnresolvedNameserver(nameServerAddr, nameServerAddrStream, nameServerAddrStreamIndex, question, queryLifecycleObserver, promise, cause); return; } final ChannelPromise writePromise = parent.ch.newPromise(); final Promise> queryPromise = parent.ch.eventLoop().newPromise(); final Future> f = parent.query0(nameServerAddr, question, additionals, flush, writePromise, queryPromise); queriesInProgress.add(f); queryLifecycleObserver.queryWritten(nameServerAddr, writePromise); f.addListener((FutureListener>) future -> { queriesInProgress.remove(future); if (promise.isDone() || future.isCancelled()) { queryLifecycleObserver.queryCancelled(allowedQueries); // Check if we need to release the envelope itself. If the query was cancelled the getNow() will // return null as well as the Future will be failed with a CancellationException. AddressedEnvelope result = future.getNow(); if (result != null) { result.release(); } return; } final Throwable queryCause = future.cause(); try { if (queryCause == null) { onResponse(nameServerAddrStream, nameServerAddrStreamIndex, question, future.getNow(), queryLifecycleObserver, promise); } else { // Server did not respond or I/O error occurred; try again. queryLifecycleObserver.queryFailed(queryCause); query(nameServerAddrStream, nameServerAddrStreamIndex + 1, question, newDnsQueryLifecycleObserver(question), true, promise, queryCause); } } finally { tryToFinishResolve(nameServerAddrStream, nameServerAddrStreamIndex, question, // queryLifecycleObserver has already been terminated at this point so we must // not allow it to be terminated again by tryToFinishResolve. NoopDnsQueryLifecycleObserver.INSTANCE, promise, queryCause); } }); } private void queryUnresolvedNameserver(final InetSocketAddress nameServerAddr, final DnsServerAddressStream nameServerAddrStream, final int nameServerAddrStreamIndex, final DnsQuestion question, final DnsQueryLifecycleObserver queryLifecycleObserver, final Promise> promise, final Throwable cause) { final String nameServerName = nameServerAddr.getHostString(); assert nameServerName != null; // Placeholder so we will not try to finish the original query yet. final Future> resolveFuture = parent.executor() .newSucceededFuture(null); queriesInProgress.add(resolveFuture); Promise> resolverPromise = parent.executor().newPromise(); resolverPromise.addListener((FutureListener>) future -> { // Remove placeholder. queriesInProgress.remove(resolveFuture); if (future.isSuccess()) { List resolvedAddresses = future.getNow(); DnsServerAddressStream addressStream = new CombinedDnsServerAddressStream( nameServerAddr, resolvedAddresses, nameServerAddrStream); query(addressStream, nameServerAddrStreamIndex, question, queryLifecycleObserver, true, promise, cause); } else { // Ignore the server and try the next one... query(nameServerAddrStream, nameServerAddrStreamIndex + 1, question, queryLifecycleObserver, true, promise, cause); } }); if (!DnsNameResolver.doResolveAllCached(nameServerName, additionals, resolverPromise, resolveCache(), parent.resolvedInternetProtocolFamiliesUnsafe())) { final AuthoritativeDnsServerCache authoritativeDnsServerCache = authoritativeDnsServerCache(); new DnsAddressResolveContext(parent, nameServerName, additionals, parent.newNameServerAddressStream(nameServerName), resolveCache(), new AuthoritativeDnsServerCache() { @Override public DnsServerAddressStream get(String hostname) { // To not risk falling into any loop, we will not use the cache while following redirects but only // on the initial query. return null; } @Override public void cache(String hostname, InetSocketAddress address, long originalTtl, EventLoop loop) { authoritativeDnsServerCache.cache(hostname, address, originalTtl, loop); } @Override public void clear() { authoritativeDnsServerCache.clear(); } @Override public boolean clear(String hostname) { return authoritativeDnsServerCache.clear(hostname); } }).resolve(resolverPromise); } } private void onResponse(final DnsServerAddressStream nameServerAddrStream, final int nameServerAddrStreamIndex, final DnsQuestion question, AddressedEnvelope envelope, final DnsQueryLifecycleObserver queryLifecycleObserver, Promise> promise) { try { final DnsResponse res = envelope.content(); final DnsResponseCode code = res.code(); if (code == DnsResponseCode.NOERROR) { if (handleRedirect(question, envelope, queryLifecycleObserver, promise)) { // Was a redirect so return here as everything else is handled in handleRedirect(...) return; } final DnsRecordType type = question.type(); if (type == DnsRecordType.CNAME) { onResponseCNAME(question, buildAliasMap(envelope.content(), cnameCache(), parent.executor()), queryLifecycleObserver, promise); return; } for (DnsRecordType expectedType : expectedTypes) { if (type == expectedType) { onExpectedResponse(question, envelope, queryLifecycleObserver, promise); return; } } queryLifecycleObserver.queryFailed(UNRECOGNIZED_TYPE_QUERY_FAILED_EXCEPTION); return; } // Retry with the next server if the server did not tell us that the domain does not exist. if (code != DnsResponseCode.NXDOMAIN) { query(nameServerAddrStream, nameServerAddrStreamIndex + 1, question, queryLifecycleObserver.queryNoAnswer(code), true, promise, null); } else { queryLifecycleObserver.queryFailed(NXDOMAIN_QUERY_FAILED_EXCEPTION); // Try with the next server if is not authoritative for the domain. // // From https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1035 : // // RCODE Response code - this 4 bit field is set as part of // responses. The values have the following // interpretation: // // .... // .... // // 3 Name Error - Meaningful only for // responses from an authoritative name // server, this code signifies that the // domain name referenced in the query does // not exist. // .... // .... if (!res.isAuthoritativeAnswer()) { query(nameServerAddrStream, nameServerAddrStreamIndex + 1, question, newDnsQueryLifecycleObserver(question), true, promise, null); } } } finally { ReferenceCountUtil.safeRelease(envelope); } } /** * Handles a redirect answer if needed and returns {@code true} if a redirect query has been made. */ private boolean handleRedirect( DnsQuestion question, AddressedEnvelope envelope, final DnsQueryLifecycleObserver queryLifecycleObserver, Promise> promise) { final DnsResponse res = envelope.content(); // Check if we have answers, if not this may be an non authority NS and so redirects must be handled. if (res.count(DnsSection.ANSWER) == 0) { AuthoritativeNameServerList serverNames = extractAuthoritativeNameServers(question.name(), res); if (serverNames != null) { int additionalCount = res.count(DnsSection.ADDITIONAL); AuthoritativeDnsServerCache authoritativeDnsServerCache = authoritativeDnsServerCache(); for (int i = 0; i < additionalCount; i++) { final DnsRecord r = res.recordAt(DnsSection.ADDITIONAL, i); if (r.type() == DnsRecordType.A && !parent.supportsARecords() || r.type() == DnsRecordType.AAAA && !parent.supportsAAAARecords()) { continue; } // We may have multiple ADDITIONAL entries for the same nameserver name. For example one AAAA and // one A record. serverNames.handleWithAdditional(parent, r, authoritativeDnsServerCache); } // Process all unresolved nameservers as well. serverNames.handleWithoutAdditionals(parent, resolveCache(), authoritativeDnsServerCache); List addresses = serverNames.addressList(); // Give the user the chance to sort or filter the used servers for the query. DnsServerAddressStream serverStream = parent.newRedirectDnsServerStream( question.name(), addresses); if (serverStream != null) { query(serverStream, 0, question, queryLifecycleObserver.queryRedirected(new DnsAddressStreamList(serverStream)), true, promise, null); return true; } } } return false; } private static final class DnsAddressStreamList extends AbstractList { private final DnsServerAddressStream duplicate; private List addresses; DnsAddressStreamList(DnsServerAddressStream stream) { duplicate = stream.duplicate(); } @Override public InetSocketAddress get(int index) { if (addresses == null) { DnsServerAddressStream stream = duplicate.duplicate(); addresses = new ArrayList<>(size()); for (int i = 0; i < stream.size(); i++) { addresses.add(stream.next()); } } return addresses.get(index); } @Override public int size() { return duplicate.size(); } @Override public Iterator iterator() { return new Iterator() { private final DnsServerAddressStream stream = duplicate.duplicate(); private int i; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return i < stream.size(); } @Override public InetSocketAddress next() { if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } i++; return stream.next(); } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } } /** * Returns the {@code {@link AuthoritativeNameServerList} which were included in {@link DnsSection#AUTHORITY} * or {@code null} if non are found. */ private static AuthoritativeNameServerList extractAuthoritativeNameServers(String questionName, DnsResponse res) { int authorityCount = res.count(DnsSection.AUTHORITY); if (authorityCount == 0) { return null; } AuthoritativeNameServerList serverNames = new AuthoritativeNameServerList(questionName); for (int i = 0; i < authorityCount; i++) { serverNames.add(res.recordAt(DnsSection.AUTHORITY, i)); } return serverNames.isEmpty() ? null : serverNames; } private void onExpectedResponse( DnsQuestion question, AddressedEnvelope envelope, final DnsQueryLifecycleObserver queryLifecycleObserver, Promise> promise) { // We often get a bunch of CNAMES as well when we asked for A/AAAA. final DnsResponse response = envelope.content(); final Map cnames = buildAliasMap(response, cnameCache(), parent.executor()); final int answerCount = response.count(DnsSection.ANSWER); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < answerCount; i ++) { final DnsRecord r = response.recordAt(DnsSection.ANSWER, i); final DnsRecordType type = r.type(); boolean matches = false; for (DnsRecordType expectedType : expectedTypes) { if (type == expectedType) { matches = true; break; } } if (!matches) { continue; } final String questionName = question.name().toLowerCase(Locale.US); final String recordName = r.name().toLowerCase(Locale.US); // Make sure the record is for the questioned domain. if (!recordName.equals(questionName)) { Map cnamesCopy = new HashMap<>(cnames); // Even if the record's name is not exactly same, it might be an alias defined in the CNAME records. String resolved = questionName; do { resolved = cnamesCopy.remove(resolved); if (recordName.equals(resolved)) { break; } } while (resolved != null); if (resolved == null) { continue; } } final T converted = convertRecord(r, hostname, additionals, parent.executor()); if (converted == null) { continue; } // We want to ensure we do not have duplicates in finalResult as this may be unexpected. // // While using a LinkedHashSet or HashSet may sound like the perfect fit for this we will use an // ArrayList here as duplicates should be found quite unfrequently in the wild and we dont want to pay // for the extra memory copy and allocations in this cases later on. if (finalResult == null) { finalResult = new ArrayList<>(8); finalResult.add(converted); } else if (!finalResult.contains(converted)) { finalResult.add(converted); } cache(hostname, additionals, r, converted); found = true; // Note that we do not break from the loop here, so we decode/cache all A/AAAA records. } if (cnames.isEmpty()) { if (found) { queryLifecycleObserver.querySucceed(); return; } queryLifecycleObserver.queryFailed(NO_MATCHING_RECORD_QUERY_FAILED_EXCEPTION); } else { queryLifecycleObserver.querySucceed(); // We also got a CNAME so we need to ensure we also query it. onResponseCNAME(question, cnames, newDnsQueryLifecycleObserver(question), promise); } } private void onResponseCNAME( DnsQuestion question, Map cnames, final DnsQueryLifecycleObserver queryLifecycleObserver, Promise> promise) { // Resolve the host name in the question into the real host name. String resolved = question.name().toLowerCase(Locale.US); boolean found = false; while (!cnames.isEmpty()) { // Do not attempt to call Map.remove() when the Map is empty // because it can be Collections.emptyMap() // whose remove() throws a UnsupportedOperationException. final String next = cnames.remove(resolved); if (next != null) { found = true; resolved = next; } else { break; } } if (found) { followCname(question, resolved, queryLifecycleObserver, promise); } else { queryLifecycleObserver.queryFailed(CNAME_NOT_FOUND_QUERY_FAILED_EXCEPTION); } } private static Map buildAliasMap(DnsResponse response, DnsCnameCache cache, EventLoop loop) { final int answerCount = response.count(DnsSection.ANSWER); Map cnames = null; for (int i = 0; i < answerCount; i ++) { final DnsRecord r = response.recordAt(DnsSection.ANSWER, i); final DnsRecordType type = r.type(); if (type != DnsRecordType.CNAME) { continue; } if (!(r instanceof DnsRawRecord)) { continue; } final ByteBuf recordContent = ((ByteBufHolder) r).content(); final String domainName = decodeDomainName(recordContent); if (domainName == null) { continue; } if (cnames == null) { cnames = new HashMap<>(min(8, answerCount)); } String name = r.name().toLowerCase(Locale.US); String mapping = domainName.toLowerCase(Locale.US); // Cache the CNAME as well. String nameWithDot = hostnameWithDot(name); String mappingWithDot = hostnameWithDot(mapping); if (!nameWithDot.equalsIgnoreCase(mappingWithDot)) { cache.cache(nameWithDot, mappingWithDot, r.timeToLive(), loop); cnames.put(name, mapping); } } return cnames != null? cnames : Collections.emptyMap(); } private void tryToFinishResolve(final DnsServerAddressStream nameServerAddrStream, final int nameServerAddrStreamIndex, final DnsQuestion question, final DnsQueryLifecycleObserver queryLifecycleObserver, final Promise> promise, final Throwable cause) { // There are no queries left to try. if (!queriesInProgress.isEmpty()) { queryLifecycleObserver.queryCancelled(allowedQueries); // There are still some queries in process, we will try to notify once the next one finishes until // all are finished. return; } // There are no queries left to try. if (finalResult == null) { if (nameServerAddrStreamIndex < nameServerAddrStream.size()) { if (queryLifecycleObserver == NoopDnsQueryLifecycleObserver.INSTANCE) { // If the queryLifecycleObserver has already been terminated we should create a new one for this // fresh query. query(nameServerAddrStream, nameServerAddrStreamIndex + 1, question, newDnsQueryLifecycleObserver(question), true, promise, cause); } else { query(nameServerAddrStream, nameServerAddrStreamIndex + 1, question, queryLifecycleObserver, true, promise, cause); } return; } queryLifecycleObserver.queryFailed(NAME_SERVERS_EXHAUSTED_EXCEPTION); // .. and we could not find any expected records. // If cause != null we know this was caused by a timeout / cancel / transport exception. In this case we // won't try to resolve the CNAME as we only should do this if we could not get the expected records // because they do not exist and the DNS server did probably signal it. if (cause == null && !triedCNAME) { // As the last resort, try to query CNAME, just in case the name server has it. triedCNAME = true; query(hostname, DnsRecordType.CNAME, getNameServers(hostname), true, promise); return; } } else { queryLifecycleObserver.queryCancelled(allowedQueries); } // We have at least one resolved record or tried CNAME as the last resort.. finishResolve(promise, cause); } private void finishResolve(Promise> promise, Throwable cause) { if (!queriesInProgress.isEmpty()) { // If there are queries in progress, we should cancel it because we already finished the resolution. for (Iterator>> i = queriesInProgress.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Future> f = i.next(); i.remove(); if (!f.cancel(false)) { f.addListener(RELEASE_RESPONSE); } } } if (finalResult != null) { // Found at least one resolved record. DnsNameResolver.trySuccess(promise, filterResults(finalResult)); return; } // No resolved address found. final int tries = maxAllowedQueries - allowedQueries; final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(64); buf.append("failed to resolve '").append(hostname).append('\''); if (tries > 1) { if (tries < maxAllowedQueries) { buf.append(" after ") .append(tries) .append(" queries "); } else { buf.append(". Exceeded max queries per resolve ") .append(maxAllowedQueries) .append(' '); } } final UnknownHostException unknownHostException = new UnknownHostException(buf.toString()); if (cause == null) { // Only cache if the failure was not because of an IO error / timeout that was caused by the query // itself. cache(hostname, additionals, unknownHostException); } else { unknownHostException.initCause(cause); } promise.tryFailure(unknownHostException); } static String decodeDomainName(ByteBuf in) { int readerIndex = in.readerIndex(); try { return DefaultDnsRecordDecoder.decodeName(in); } catch (CorruptedFrameException e) { // In this case we just return null. return null; } finally { in.readerIndex(readerIndex); } } private DnsServerAddressStream getNameServers(String hostname) { DnsServerAddressStream stream = getNameServersFromCache(hostname); return stream == null ? nameServerAddrs.duplicate() : stream; } private void followCname(DnsQuestion question, String cname, DnsQueryLifecycleObserver queryLifecycleObserver, Promise> promise) { Set cnames = null; for (;;) { // Resolve from cnameCache() until there is no more cname entry cached. String mapping = cnameCache().get(hostnameWithDot(cname)); if (mapping == null) { break; } if (cnames == null) { // Detect loops. cnames = new HashSet<>(2); } if (!cnames.add(cname)) { // Follow CNAME from cache would loop. Lets break here. break; } cname = mapping; } DnsServerAddressStream stream = getNameServers(cname); final DnsQuestion cnameQuestion; try { cnameQuestion = new DefaultDnsQuestion(cname, question.type(), dnsClass); } catch (Throwable cause) { queryLifecycleObserver.queryFailed(cause); PlatformDependent.throwException(cause); return; } query(stream, 0, cnameQuestion, queryLifecycleObserver.queryCNAMEd(cnameQuestion), true, promise, null); } private boolean query(String hostname, DnsRecordType type, DnsServerAddressStream dnsServerAddressStream, boolean flush, Promise> promise) { final DnsQuestion question; try { question = new DefaultDnsQuestion(hostname, type, dnsClass); } catch (Throwable cause) { // Assume a single failure means that queries will succeed. If the hostname is invalid for one type // there is no case where it is known to be valid for another type. promise.tryFailure(new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to create DNS Question for: [" + hostname + ", " + type + ']', cause)); return false; } query(dnsServerAddressStream, 0, question, newDnsQueryLifecycleObserver(question), flush, promise, null); return true; } private DnsQueryLifecycleObserver newDnsQueryLifecycleObserver(DnsQuestion question) { return parent.dnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory().newDnsQueryLifecycleObserver(question); } private final class CombinedDnsServerAddressStream implements DnsServerAddressStream { private final InetSocketAddress replaced; private final DnsServerAddressStream originalStream; private final List resolvedAddresses; private Iterator resolved; CombinedDnsServerAddressStream(InetSocketAddress replaced, List resolvedAddresses, DnsServerAddressStream originalStream) { this.replaced = replaced; this.resolvedAddresses = resolvedAddresses; this.originalStream = originalStream; resolved = resolvedAddresses.iterator(); } @Override public InetSocketAddress next() { if (resolved.hasNext()) { return nextResolved0(); } InetSocketAddress address = originalStream.next(); if (address.equals(replaced)) { resolved = resolvedAddresses.iterator(); return nextResolved0(); } return address; } private InetSocketAddress nextResolved0() { return parent.newRedirectServerAddress(resolved.next()); } @Override public int size() { return originalStream.size() + resolvedAddresses.size() - 1; } @Override public DnsServerAddressStream duplicate() { return new CombinedDnsServerAddressStream(replaced, resolvedAddresses, originalStream.duplicate()); } } /** * Holds the closed DNS Servers for a domain. */ private static final class AuthoritativeNameServerList { private final String questionName; // We not expect the linked-list to be very long so a double-linked-list is overkill. private AuthoritativeNameServer head; private int nameServerCount; AuthoritativeNameServerList(String questionName) { this.questionName = questionName.toLowerCase(Locale.US); } void add(DnsRecord r) { if (r.type() != DnsRecordType.NS || !(r instanceof DnsRawRecord)) { return; } // Only include servers that serve the correct domain. if (questionName.length() < r.name().length()) { return; } String recordName = r.name().toLowerCase(Locale.US); int dots = 0; for (int a = recordName.length() - 1, b = questionName.length() - 1; a >= 0; a--, b--) { char c = recordName.charAt(a); if (questionName.charAt(b) != c) { return; } if (c == '.') { dots++; } } if (head != null && head.dots > dots) { // We already have a closer match so ignore this one, no need to parse the domainName etc. return; } final ByteBuf recordContent = ((ByteBufHolder) r).content(); final String domainName = decodeDomainName(recordContent); if (domainName == null) { // Could not be parsed, ignore. return; } // We are only interested in preserving the nameservers which are the closest to our qName, so ensure // we drop servers that have a smaller dots count. if (head == null || head.dots < dots) { nameServerCount = 1; head = new AuthoritativeNameServer(dots, r.timeToLive(), recordName, domainName); } else if (head.dots == dots) { AuthoritativeNameServer serverName = head; while (serverName.next != null) { serverName = serverName.next; } serverName.next = new AuthoritativeNameServer(dots, r.timeToLive(), recordName, domainName); nameServerCount++; } } void handleWithAdditional( DnsNameResolver parent, DnsRecord r, AuthoritativeDnsServerCache authoritativeCache) { // Just walk the linked-list and mark the entry as handled when matched. AuthoritativeNameServer serverName = head; String nsName = r.name(); InetAddress resolved = decodeAddress(r, nsName, parent.isDecodeIdn()); if (resolved == null) { // Could not parse the address, just ignore. return; } while (serverName != null) { if (serverName.nsName.equalsIgnoreCase(nsName)) { if (serverName.address != null) { // We received multiple ADDITIONAL records for the same name. // Search for the last we insert before and then append a new one. while (serverName.next != null && serverName.next.isCopy) { serverName = serverName.next; } AuthoritativeNameServer server = new AuthoritativeNameServer(serverName); server.next = serverName.next; serverName.next = server; serverName = server; nameServerCount++; } // We should replace the TTL if needed with the one of the ADDITIONAL record so we use // the smallest for caching. serverName.update(parent.newRedirectServerAddress(resolved), r.timeToLive()); // Cache the server now. cache(serverName, authoritativeCache, parent.executor()); return; } serverName = serverName.next; } } // Now handle all AuthoritativeNameServer for which we had no ADDITIONAL record void handleWithoutAdditionals( DnsNameResolver parent, DnsCache cache, AuthoritativeDnsServerCache authoritativeCache) { AuthoritativeNameServer serverName = head; while (serverName != null) { if (serverName.address == null) { // These will be resolved on the fly if needed. cacheUnresolved(serverName, authoritativeCache, parent.executor()); // Try to resolve via cache as we had no ADDITIONAL entry for the server. List entries = cache.get(serverName.nsName, null); if (entries != null && !entries.isEmpty()) { InetAddress address = entries.get(0).address(); // If address is null we have a resolution failure cached so just use an unresolved address. if (address != null) { serverName.update(parent.newRedirectServerAddress(address)); for (int i = 1; i < entries.size(); i++) { address = entries.get(i).address(); assert address != null : "Cache returned a cached failure, should never return anything else"; AuthoritativeNameServer server = new AuthoritativeNameServer(serverName); server.next = serverName.next; serverName.next = server; serverName = server; serverName.update(parent.newRedirectServerAddress(address)); nameServerCount++; } } } } serverName = serverName.next; } } private static void cacheUnresolved( AuthoritativeNameServer server, AuthoritativeDnsServerCache authoritativeCache, EventLoop loop) { // We still want to cached the unresolved address server.address = InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved( server.nsName, DefaultDnsServerAddressStreamProvider.DNS_PORT); // Cache the server now. cache(server, authoritativeCache, loop); } private static void cache(AuthoritativeNameServer server, AuthoritativeDnsServerCache cache, EventLoop loop) { // Cache NS record if not for a root server as we should never cache for root servers. if (!server.isRootServer()) { cache.cache(server.domainName, server.address, server.ttl, loop); } } /** * Returns {@code true} if empty, {@code false} otherwise. */ boolean isEmpty() { return nameServerCount == 0; } /** * Creates a new {@link List} which holds the {@link InetSocketAddress}es. */ List addressList() { List addressList = new ArrayList<>(nameServerCount); AuthoritativeNameServer server = head; while (server != null) { if (server.address != null) { addressList.add(server.address); } server = server.next; } return addressList; } } private static final class AuthoritativeNameServer { private final int dots; private final String domainName; final boolean isCopy; final String nsName; private long ttl; private InetSocketAddress address; AuthoritativeNameServer next; AuthoritativeNameServer(int dots, long ttl, String domainName, String nsName) { this.dots = dots; this.ttl = ttl; this.nsName = nsName; this.domainName = domainName; isCopy = false; } AuthoritativeNameServer(AuthoritativeNameServer server) { dots = server.dots; ttl = server.ttl; nsName = server.nsName; domainName = server.domainName; isCopy = true; } /** * Returns {@code true} if its a root server. */ boolean isRootServer() { return dots == 1; } /** * Update the server with the given address and TTL if needed. */ void update(InetSocketAddress address, long ttl) { assert this.address == null || this.address.isUnresolved(); this.address = address; this.ttl = min(ttl, ttl); } void update(InetSocketAddress address) { update(address, Long.MAX_VALUE); } } }