# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2021 The Netty Project # # The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, # version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- name: Build project on: push: branches: [ "master"] schedule: - cron: '30 1 * * 1' # At 01:30 on Monday, every Monday. # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab workflow_dispatch: env: MAVEN_OPTS: -Dhttp.keepAlive=false -Dmaven.wagon.http.pool=false -Dmaven.wagon.http.retryhandler.count=5 -Dmaven.wagon.httpconnectionManager.ttlSeconds=240 jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: include: - setup: linux-x86_64-java11 docker-compose-build: "-f docker/docker-compose.yaml -f docker/docker-compose.centos-6.111.yaml build" docker-compose-run: "-f docker/docker-compose.yaml -f docker/docker-compose.centos-6.111.yaml run build" name: ${{ matrix.setup }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 # Cache .m2/repository - name: Cache local Maven repository uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/.m2/repository key: ${{ runner.os }}-maven-${{ matrix.setup }}-${{ hashFiles('**/pom.xml') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-maven-${{ matrix.setup }}- ${{ runner.os }}-maven- # Enable caching of Docker layers - uses: satackey/action-docker-layer-caching@v0.0.11 continue-on-error: true with: key: build-docker-cache-${{ matrix.setup }}-{hash} restore-keys: | build-docker-cache-${{ matrix.setup }}- build-docker-cache- - name: Build docker image run: docker-compose ${{ matrix.docker-compose-build }} - name: Build project without leak detection run: docker-compose ${{ matrix.docker-compose-run }} | tee build.output - name: Checking for test failures run: ./.github/scripts/check_build_result.sh build.output - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 if: ${{ failure() }} with: name: target path: | **/target/surefire-reports/ **/hs_err*.log