version: "3" services: runtime-setup: image: netty:default build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile.centos common: &common image: netty:default depends_on: [runtime-setup] volumes: - ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:delegated - ~/.gnupg:/root/.gnupg:delegated - ..:/code:delegated working_dir: /code test-leak: <<: *common command: /bin/bash -cl "./mvnw -Pleak clean install" test: <<: *common command: /bin/bash -cl "./mvnw clean install" test-boringssl-static: <<: *common command: /bin/bash -cl "./mvnw -P boringssl clean install -Dxml.skip=true" shell: <<: *common environment: - SANOTYPE_USER - SANOTYPE_PASSWORD volumes: - ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:delegated - ~/.gnupg:/root/.gnupg:delegated - ..:/code:delegated - ~/.m2:/root/.m2:delegated entrypoint: /bin/bash cross-compile-aarch64-runtime-setup: image: netty:cross_compile_aarch64 build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile.cross_compile_aarch64 args: gcc_version : "4.9-2016.02" cross-compile-aarch64: image: netty:cross_compile_aarch64 depends_on: [cross-compile-aarch64-runtime-setup] volumes: - ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:delegated - ~/.gnupg:/root/.gnupg:delegated - ..:/code:delegated - ~/.m2:/root/.m2:delegated # Since we are cross compiling netty-transport-native-epoll as aarch64 which cannot be loaded on x86_64, we add `skipTests` here to skip the test. command: /bin/bash -cl "pushd ./transport-native-unix-common && ../mvnw clean install -Plinux-aarch64 && popd && pushd ./transport-native-epoll && ../mvnw clean install -Plinux-aarch64 -DskipTests && popd" working_dir: /code