/* * Copyright 2014 The Netty Project * * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package io.netty.handler.codec.haproxy; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.channel.ChannelHandlerContext; import io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder; import io.netty.handler.codec.ProtocolDetectionResult; import io.netty.util.CharsetUtil; /** * Decodes an HAProxy proxy protocol header * * @see Proxy Protocol Specification */ public class HAProxyMessageDecoder extends ByteToMessageDecoder { /** * Maximum possible length of a v1 proxy protocol header per spec */ private static final int V1_MAX_LENGTH = 108; /** * Maximum possible length of a v2 proxy protocol header (fixed 16 bytes + max unsigned short) */ private static final int V2_MAX_LENGTH = 16 + 65535; /** * Minimum possible length of a fully functioning v2 proxy protocol header (fixed 16 bytes + v2 address info space) */ private static final int V2_MIN_LENGTH = 16 + 216; /** * Maximum possible length for v2 additional TLV data (max unsigned short - max v2 address info space) */ private static final int V2_MAX_TLV = 65535 - 216; /** * Binary header prefix */ private static final byte[] BINARY_PREFIX = { (byte) 0x0D, (byte) 0x0A, (byte) 0x0D, (byte) 0x0A, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x0D, (byte) 0x0A, (byte) 0x51, (byte) 0x55, (byte) 0x49, (byte) 0x54, (byte) 0x0A }; private static final byte[] TEXT_PREFIX = { (byte) 'P', (byte) 'R', (byte) 'O', (byte) 'X', (byte) 'Y', }; /** * Binary header prefix length */ private static final int BINARY_PREFIX_LENGTH = BINARY_PREFIX.length; /** * {@link ProtocolDetectionResult} for {@link HAProxyProtocolVersion#V1}. */ private static final ProtocolDetectionResult DETECTION_RESULT_V1 = ProtocolDetectionResult.detected(HAProxyProtocolVersion.V1); /** * {@link ProtocolDetectionResult} for {@link HAProxyProtocolVersion#V2}. */ private static final ProtocolDetectionResult DETECTION_RESULT_V2 = ProtocolDetectionResult.detected(HAProxyProtocolVersion.V2); /** * Used to extract a header frame out of the {@link ByteBuf} and return it. */ private HeaderExtractor headerExtractor; /** * {@code true} if we're discarding input because we're already over maxLength */ private boolean discarding; /** * Number of discarded bytes */ private int discardedBytes; /** * Whether or not to throw an exception as soon as we exceed maxLength. */ private final boolean failFast; /** * {@code true} if we're finished decoding the proxy protocol header */ private boolean finished; /** * Protocol specification version */ private int version = -1; /** * The latest v2 spec (2014/05/18) allows for additional data to be sent in the proxy protocol header beyond the * address information block so now we need a configurable max header size */ private final int v2MaxHeaderSize; /** * Creates a new decoder with no additional data (TLV) restrictions, and should throw an exception as soon as * we exceed maxLength. */ public HAProxyMessageDecoder() { this(true); } /** * Creates a new decoder with no additional data (TLV) restrictions, whether or not to throw an exception as soon * as we exceed maxLength. * * @param failFast Whether or not to throw an exception as soon as we exceed maxLength */ public HAProxyMessageDecoder(boolean failFast) { v2MaxHeaderSize = V2_MAX_LENGTH; this.failFast = failFast; } /** * Creates a new decoder with restricted additional data (TLV) size, and should throw an exception as soon as * we exceed maxLength. *

* Note: limiting TLV size only affects processing of v2, binary headers. Also, as allowed by the 1.5 spec * TLV data is currently ignored. For maximum performance it would be best to configure your upstream proxy host to * NOT send TLV data and instantiate with a max TLV size of {@code 0}. *

* * @param maxTlvSize maximum number of bytes allowed for additional data (Type-Length-Value vectors) in a v2 header */ public HAProxyMessageDecoder(int maxTlvSize) { this(maxTlvSize, true); } /** * Creates a new decoder with restricted additional data (TLV) size, whether or not to throw an exception as soon * as we exceed maxLength. * * @param maxTlvSize maximum number of bytes allowed for additional data (Type-Length-Value vectors) in a v2 header * @param failFast Whether or not to throw an exception as soon as we exceed maxLength */ public HAProxyMessageDecoder(int maxTlvSize, boolean failFast) { if (maxTlvSize < 1) { v2MaxHeaderSize = V2_MIN_LENGTH; } else if (maxTlvSize > V2_MAX_TLV) { v2MaxHeaderSize = V2_MAX_LENGTH; } else { int calcMax = maxTlvSize + V2_MIN_LENGTH; if (calcMax > V2_MAX_LENGTH) { v2MaxHeaderSize = V2_MAX_LENGTH; } else { v2MaxHeaderSize = calcMax; } } this.failFast = failFast; } /** * Returns the proxy protocol specification version in the buffer if the version is found. * Returns -1 if no version was found in the buffer. */ private static int findVersion(final ByteBuf buffer) { final int n = buffer.readableBytes(); // per spec, the version number is found in the 13th byte if (n < 13) { return -1; } int idx = buffer.readerIndex(); return match(BINARY_PREFIX, buffer, idx) ? buffer.getByte(idx + BINARY_PREFIX_LENGTH) : 1; } /** * Returns the index in the buffer of the end of header if found. * Returns -1 if no end of header was found in the buffer. */ private static int findEndOfHeader(final ByteBuf buffer) { final int n = buffer.readableBytes(); // per spec, the 15th and 16th bytes contain the address length in bytes if (n < 16) { return -1; } int offset = buffer.readerIndex() + 14; // the total header length will be a fixed 16 byte sequence + the dynamic address information block int totalHeaderBytes = 16 + buffer.getUnsignedShort(offset); // ensure we actually have the full header available if (n >= totalHeaderBytes) { return totalHeaderBytes; } else { return -1; } } /** * Returns the index in the buffer of the end of line found. * Returns -1 if no end of line was found in the buffer. */ private static int findEndOfLine(final ByteBuf buffer) { final int n = buffer.writerIndex(); for (int i = buffer.readerIndex(); i < n; i++) { final byte b = buffer.getByte(i); if (b == '\r' && i < n - 1 && buffer.getByte(i + 1) == '\n') { return i; // \r\n } } return -1; // Not found. } @Override public boolean isSingleDecode() { // ByteToMessageDecoder uses this method to optionally break out of the decoding loop after each unit of work. // Since we only ever want to decode a single header we always return true to save a bit of work here. return true; } @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception { super.channelRead(ctx, msg); if (finished) { ctx.pipeline().remove(this); } } @Override protected final void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in) throws Exception { // determine the specification version if (version == -1) { if ((version = findVersion(in)) == -1) { return; } } ByteBuf decoded; if (version == 1) { decoded = decodeLine(ctx, in); } else { decoded = decodeStruct(ctx, in); } if (decoded != null) { finished = true; try { if (version == 1) { ctx.fireChannelRead(HAProxyMessage.decodeHeader(decoded.toString(CharsetUtil.US_ASCII))); } else { ctx.fireChannelRead(HAProxyMessage.decodeHeader(decoded)); } } catch (HAProxyProtocolException e) { fail(ctx, null, e); } } } /** * Create a frame out of the {@link ByteBuf} and return it. * * @param ctx the {@link ChannelHandlerContext} which this {@link HAProxyMessageDecoder} belongs to * @param buffer the {@link ByteBuf} from which to read data * @return frame the {@link ByteBuf} which represent the frame or {@code null} if no frame could * be created */ private ByteBuf decodeStruct(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf buffer) throws Exception { if (headerExtractor == null) { headerExtractor = new StructHeaderExtractor(v2MaxHeaderSize); } return headerExtractor.extract(ctx, buffer); } /** * Create a frame out of the {@link ByteBuf} and return it. * * @param ctx the {@link ChannelHandlerContext} which this {@link HAProxyMessageDecoder} belongs to * @param buffer the {@link ByteBuf} from which to read data * @return frame the {@link ByteBuf} which represent the frame or {@code null} if no frame could * be created */ private ByteBuf decodeLine(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf buffer) throws Exception { if (headerExtractor == null) { headerExtractor = new LineHeaderExtractor(V1_MAX_LENGTH); } return headerExtractor.extract(ctx, buffer); } private void failOverLimit(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int length) { failOverLimit(ctx, String.valueOf(length)); } private void failOverLimit(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, String length) { int maxLength = version == 1 ? V1_MAX_LENGTH : v2MaxHeaderSize; fail(ctx, "header length (" + length + ") exceeds the allowed maximum (" + maxLength + ')', null); } private void fail(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, String errMsg, Exception e) { finished = true; ctx.close(); // drop connection immediately per spec HAProxyProtocolException ppex; if (errMsg != null && e != null) { ppex = new HAProxyProtocolException(errMsg, e); } else if (errMsg != null) { ppex = new HAProxyProtocolException(errMsg); } else if (e != null) { ppex = new HAProxyProtocolException(e); } else { ppex = new HAProxyProtocolException(); } throw ppex; } /** * Returns the {@link ProtocolDetectionResult} for the given {@link ByteBuf}. */ public static ProtocolDetectionResult detectProtocol(ByteBuf buffer) { if (buffer.readableBytes() < 12) { return ProtocolDetectionResult.needsMoreData(); } int idx = buffer.readerIndex(); if (match(BINARY_PREFIX, buffer, idx)) { return DETECTION_RESULT_V2; } if (match(TEXT_PREFIX, buffer, idx)) { return DETECTION_RESULT_V1; } return ProtocolDetectionResult.invalid(); } private static boolean match(byte[] prefix, ByteBuf buffer, int idx) { for (int i = 0; i < prefix.length; i++) { final byte b = buffer.getByte(idx + i); if (b != prefix[i]) { return false; } } return true; } /** * HeaderExtractor create a header frame out of the {@link ByteBuf}. */ private abstract class HeaderExtractor { /** Header max size */ private final int maxHeaderSize; protected HeaderExtractor(int maxHeaderSize) { this.maxHeaderSize = maxHeaderSize; } /** * Create a frame out of the {@link ByteBuf} and return it. * * @param ctx the {@link ChannelHandlerContext} which this {@link HAProxyMessageDecoder} belongs to * @param buffer the {@link ByteBuf} from which to read data * @return frame the {@link ByteBuf} which represent the frame or {@code null} if no frame could * be created * @throws Exception if exceed maxLength */ public ByteBuf extract(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf buffer) throws Exception { final int eoh = findEndOfHeader(buffer); if (!discarding) { if (eoh >= 0) { final int length = eoh - buffer.readerIndex(); if (length > maxHeaderSize) { buffer.readerIndex(eoh + delimiterLength(buffer, eoh)); failOverLimit(ctx, length); return null; } ByteBuf frame = buffer.readSlice(length); buffer.skipBytes(delimiterLength(buffer, eoh)); return frame; } else { final int length = buffer.readableBytes(); if (length > maxHeaderSize) { discardedBytes = length; buffer.skipBytes(length); discarding = true; if (failFast) { failOverLimit(ctx, "over " + discardedBytes); } } return null; } } else { if (eoh >= 0) { final int length = discardedBytes + eoh - buffer.readerIndex(); buffer.readerIndex(eoh + delimiterLength(buffer, eoh)); discardedBytes = 0; discarding = false; if (!failFast) { failOverLimit(ctx, "over " + length); } } else { discardedBytes += buffer.readableBytes(); buffer.skipBytes(buffer.readableBytes()); } return null; } } /** * Find the end of the header from the given {@link ByteBuf},the end may be a CRLF, or the length given by the * header. * * @param buffer the buffer to be searched * @return {@code -1} if can not find the end, otherwise return the buffer index of end */ protected abstract int findEndOfHeader(ByteBuf buffer); /** * Get the length of the header delimiter. * * @param buffer the buffer where delimiter is located * @param eoh index of delimiter * @return length of the delimiter */ protected abstract int delimiterLength(ByteBuf buffer, int eoh); } private final class LineHeaderExtractor extends HeaderExtractor { LineHeaderExtractor(int maxHeaderSize) { super(maxHeaderSize); } @Override protected int findEndOfHeader(ByteBuf buffer) { return findEndOfLine(buffer); } @Override protected int delimiterLength(ByteBuf buffer, int eoh) { return buffer.getByte(eoh) == '\r' ? 2 : 1; } } private final class StructHeaderExtractor extends HeaderExtractor { StructHeaderExtractor(int maxHeaderSize) { super(maxHeaderSize); } @Override protected int findEndOfHeader(ByteBuf buffer) { return HAProxyMessageDecoder.findEndOfHeader(buffer); } @Override protected int delimiterLength(ByteBuf buffer, int eoh) { return 0; } } }