/* * Copyright 2016 The Netty Project * * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package io.netty.handler.codec.redis; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.channel.ChannelHandlerContext; import io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder; import io.netty.util.ByteProcessor; import io.netty.util.CharsetUtil; import io.netty.util.internal.UnstableApi; /** * Decodes the Redis protocol into {@link RedisMessage} objects following * RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol). * * {@link RedisMessage} parts can be aggregated to {@link RedisMessage} using * {@link RedisArrayAggregator} or processed directly. */ @UnstableApi public final class RedisDecoder extends ByteToMessageDecoder { private final ToPositiveLongProcessor toPositiveLongProcessor = new ToPositiveLongProcessor(); private final boolean decodeInlineCommands; private final int maxInlineMessageLength; private final RedisMessagePool messagePool; // current decoding states private State state = State.DECODE_TYPE; private RedisMessageType type; private int remainingBulkLength; private enum State { DECODE_TYPE, DECODE_INLINE, // SIMPLE_STRING, ERROR, INTEGER DECODE_LENGTH, // BULK_STRING, ARRAY_HEADER DECODE_BULK_STRING_EOL, DECODE_BULK_STRING_CONTENT, } /** * Creates a new instance with default {@code maxInlineMessageLength} and {@code messagePool} * and inline command decoding disabled. */ public RedisDecoder() { this(false); } /** * Creates a new instance with default {@code maxInlineMessageLength} and {@code messagePool}. * @param decodeInlineCommands if {@code true}, inline commands will be decoded. */ public RedisDecoder(boolean decodeInlineCommands) { this(RedisConstants.REDIS_INLINE_MESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH, FixedRedisMessagePool.INSTANCE, decodeInlineCommands); } /** * Creates a new instance with inline command decoding disabled. * @param maxInlineMessageLength the maximum length of inline message. * @param messagePool the predefined message pool. */ public RedisDecoder(int maxInlineMessageLength, RedisMessagePool messagePool) { this(maxInlineMessageLength, messagePool, false); } /** * Creates a new instance. * @param maxInlineMessageLength the maximum length of inline message. * @param messagePool the predefined message pool. * @param decodeInlineCommands if {@code true}, inline commands will be decoded. */ public RedisDecoder(int maxInlineMessageLength, RedisMessagePool messagePool, boolean decodeInlineCommands) { if (maxInlineMessageLength <= 0 || maxInlineMessageLength > RedisConstants.REDIS_MESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH) { throw new RedisCodecException("maxInlineMessageLength: " + maxInlineMessageLength + " (expected: <= " + RedisConstants.REDIS_MESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH + ")"); } this.maxInlineMessageLength = maxInlineMessageLength; this.messagePool = messagePool; this.decodeInlineCommands = decodeInlineCommands; } @Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in) throws Exception { try { for (;;) { switch (state) { case DECODE_TYPE: if (!decodeType(in)) { return; } break; case DECODE_INLINE: if (!decodeInline(ctx, in)) { return; } break; case DECODE_LENGTH: if (!decodeLength(ctx, in)) { return; } break; case DECODE_BULK_STRING_EOL: if (!decodeBulkStringEndOfLine(ctx, in)) { return; } break; case DECODE_BULK_STRING_CONTENT: if (!decodeBulkStringContent(ctx, in)) { return; } break; default: throw new RedisCodecException("Unknown state: " + state); } } } catch (RedisCodecException e) { resetDecoder(); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { resetDecoder(); throw new RedisCodecException(e); } } private void resetDecoder() { state = State.DECODE_TYPE; remainingBulkLength = 0; } private boolean decodeType(ByteBuf in) throws Exception { if (!in.isReadable()) { return false; } type = RedisMessageType.readFrom(in, decodeInlineCommands); state = type.isInline() ? State.DECODE_INLINE : State.DECODE_LENGTH; return true; } private boolean decodeInline(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in) throws Exception { ByteBuf lineBytes = readLine(in); if (lineBytes == null) { if (in.readableBytes() > maxInlineMessageLength) { throw new RedisCodecException("length: " + in.readableBytes() + " (expected: <= " + maxInlineMessageLength + ")"); } return false; } ctx.fireChannelRead(newInlineRedisMessage(type, lineBytes)); resetDecoder(); return true; } private boolean decodeLength(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in) throws Exception { ByteBuf lineByteBuf = readLine(in); if (lineByteBuf == null) { return false; } final long length = parseRedisNumber(lineByteBuf); if (length < RedisConstants.NULL_VALUE) { throw new RedisCodecException("length: " + length + " (expected: >= " + RedisConstants.NULL_VALUE + ")"); } switch (type) { case ARRAY_HEADER: ctx.fireChannelRead(new ArrayHeaderRedisMessage(length)); resetDecoder(); return true; case BULK_STRING: if (length > RedisConstants.REDIS_MESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH) { throw new RedisCodecException("length: " + length + " (expected: <= " + RedisConstants.REDIS_MESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH + ")"); } remainingBulkLength = (int) length; // range(int) is already checked. return decodeBulkString(ctx, in); default: throw new RedisCodecException("bad type: " + type); } } private boolean decodeBulkString(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in) throws Exception { switch (remainingBulkLength) { case RedisConstants.NULL_VALUE: // $-1\r\n ctx.fireChannelRead(FullBulkStringRedisMessage.NULL_INSTANCE); resetDecoder(); return true; case 0: state = State.DECODE_BULK_STRING_EOL; return decodeBulkStringEndOfLine(ctx, in); default: // expectedBulkLength is always positive. ctx.fireChannelRead(new BulkStringHeaderRedisMessage(remainingBulkLength)); state = State.DECODE_BULK_STRING_CONTENT; return decodeBulkStringContent(ctx, in); } } // $0\r\n \r\n private boolean decodeBulkStringEndOfLine(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in) throws Exception { if (in.readableBytes() < RedisConstants.EOL_LENGTH) { return false; } readEndOfLine(in); ctx.fireChannelRead(FullBulkStringRedisMessage.EMPTY_INSTANCE); resetDecoder(); return true; } // ${expectedBulkLength}\r\n {data...}\r\n private boolean decodeBulkStringContent(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in) throws Exception { final int readableBytes = in.readableBytes(); if (readableBytes == 0 || remainingBulkLength == 0 && readableBytes < RedisConstants.EOL_LENGTH) { return false; } // if this is last frame. if (readableBytes >= remainingBulkLength + RedisConstants.EOL_LENGTH) { ByteBuf content = in.readSlice(remainingBulkLength); readEndOfLine(in); // Only call retain after readEndOfLine(...) as the method may throw an exception. ctx.fireChannelRead(new DefaultLastBulkStringRedisContent(content.retain())); resetDecoder(); return true; } // chunked write. int toRead = Math.min(remainingBulkLength, readableBytes); remainingBulkLength -= toRead; ctx.fireChannelRead(new DefaultBulkStringRedisContent(in.readSlice(toRead).retain())); return true; } private static void readEndOfLine(final ByteBuf in) { final short delim = in.readShort(); if (RedisConstants.EOL_SHORT == delim) { return; } final byte[] bytes = RedisCodecUtil.shortToBytes(delim); throw new RedisCodecException("delimiter: [" + bytes[0] + "," + bytes[1] + "] (expected: \\r\\n)"); } private RedisMessage newInlineRedisMessage(RedisMessageType messageType, ByteBuf content) { switch (messageType) { case INLINE_COMMAND: return new InlineCommandRedisMessage(content.toString(CharsetUtil.UTF_8)); case SIMPLE_STRING: { SimpleStringRedisMessage cached = messagePool.getSimpleString(content); return cached != null ? cached : new SimpleStringRedisMessage(content.toString(CharsetUtil.UTF_8)); } case ERROR: { ErrorRedisMessage cached = messagePool.getError(content); return cached != null ? cached : new ErrorRedisMessage(content.toString(CharsetUtil.UTF_8)); } case INTEGER: { IntegerRedisMessage cached = messagePool.getInteger(content); return cached != null ? cached : new IntegerRedisMessage(parseRedisNumber(content)); } default: throw new RedisCodecException("bad type: " + messageType); } } private static ByteBuf readLine(ByteBuf in) { if (!in.isReadable(RedisConstants.EOL_LENGTH)) { return null; } final int lfIndex = in.forEachByte(ByteProcessor.FIND_LF); if (lfIndex < 0) { return null; } ByteBuf data = in.readSlice(lfIndex - in.readerIndex() - 1); // `-1` is for CR readEndOfLine(in); // validate CR LF return data; } private long parseRedisNumber(ByteBuf byteBuf) { final int readableBytes = byteBuf.readableBytes(); final boolean negative = readableBytes > 0 && byteBuf.getByte(byteBuf.readerIndex()) == '-'; final int extraOneByteForNegative = negative ? 1 : 0; if (readableBytes <= extraOneByteForNegative) { throw new RedisCodecException("no number to parse: " + byteBuf.toString(CharsetUtil.US_ASCII)); } if (readableBytes > RedisConstants.POSITIVE_LONG_MAX_LENGTH + extraOneByteForNegative) { throw new RedisCodecException("too many characters to be a valid RESP Integer: " + byteBuf.toString(CharsetUtil.US_ASCII)); } if (negative) { return -parsePositiveNumber(byteBuf.skipBytes(extraOneByteForNegative)); } return parsePositiveNumber(byteBuf); } private long parsePositiveNumber(ByteBuf byteBuf) { toPositiveLongProcessor.reset(); byteBuf.forEachByte(toPositiveLongProcessor); return toPositiveLongProcessor.content(); } private static final class ToPositiveLongProcessor implements ByteProcessor { private long result; @Override public boolean process(byte value) throws Exception { if (value < '0' || value > '9') { throw new RedisCodecException("bad byte in number: " + value); } result = result * 10 + (value - '0'); return true; } public long content() { return result; } public void reset() { result = 0; } } }