/* * Copyright 2012 The Netty Project * * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package io.netty.channel.epoll; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator; import io.netty.channel.ChannelException; import io.netty.channel.ChannelOption; import io.netty.channel.FixedRecvByteBufAllocator; import io.netty.channel.MessageSizeEstimator; import io.netty.channel.RecvByteBufAllocator; import io.netty.channel.WriteBufferWaterMark; import io.netty.channel.socket.DatagramChannelConfig; import io.netty.util.internal.ObjectUtil; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.NetworkInterface; import java.util.Map; public final class EpollDatagramChannelConfig extends EpollChannelConfig implements DatagramChannelConfig { private static final RecvByteBufAllocator DEFAULT_RCVBUF_ALLOCATOR = new FixedRecvByteBufAllocator(2048); private boolean activeOnOpen; private volatile int maxDatagramSize; EpollDatagramChannelConfig(EpollDatagramChannel channel) { super(channel); setRecvByteBufAllocator(DEFAULT_RCVBUF_ALLOCATOR); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public Map, Object> getOptions() { return getOptions( super.getOptions(), ChannelOption.SO_BROADCAST, ChannelOption.SO_RCVBUF, ChannelOption.SO_SNDBUF, ChannelOption.SO_REUSEADDR, ChannelOption.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP_DISABLED, ChannelOption.IP_MULTICAST_ADDR, ChannelOption.IP_MULTICAST_IF, ChannelOption.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, ChannelOption.IP_TOS, ChannelOption.DATAGRAM_CHANNEL_ACTIVE_ON_REGISTRATION, EpollChannelOption.SO_REUSEPORT, EpollChannelOption.IP_FREEBIND, EpollChannelOption.IP_TRANSPARENT, EpollChannelOption.IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR, EpollChannelOption.MAX_DATAGRAM_PAYLOAD_SIZE); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "deprecation" }) @Override public T getOption(ChannelOption option) { if (option == ChannelOption.SO_BROADCAST) { return (T) Boolean.valueOf(isBroadcast()); } if (option == ChannelOption.SO_RCVBUF) { return (T) Integer.valueOf(getReceiveBufferSize()); } if (option == ChannelOption.SO_SNDBUF) { return (T) Integer.valueOf(getSendBufferSize()); } if (option == ChannelOption.SO_REUSEADDR) { return (T) Boolean.valueOf(isReuseAddress()); } if (option == ChannelOption.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP_DISABLED) { return (T) Boolean.valueOf(isLoopbackModeDisabled()); } if (option == ChannelOption.IP_MULTICAST_ADDR) { return (T) getInterface(); } if (option == ChannelOption.IP_MULTICAST_IF) { return (T) getNetworkInterface(); } if (option == ChannelOption.IP_MULTICAST_TTL) { return (T) Integer.valueOf(getTimeToLive()); } if (option == ChannelOption.IP_TOS) { return (T) Integer.valueOf(getTrafficClass()); } if (option == ChannelOption.DATAGRAM_CHANNEL_ACTIVE_ON_REGISTRATION) { return (T) Boolean.valueOf(activeOnOpen); } if (option == EpollChannelOption.SO_REUSEPORT) { return (T) Boolean.valueOf(isReusePort()); } if (option == EpollChannelOption.IP_TRANSPARENT) { return (T) Boolean.valueOf(isIpTransparent()); } if (option == EpollChannelOption.IP_FREEBIND) { return (T) Boolean.valueOf(isFreeBind()); } if (option == EpollChannelOption.IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR) { return (T) Boolean.valueOf(isIpRecvOrigDestAddr()); } if (option == EpollChannelOption.MAX_DATAGRAM_PAYLOAD_SIZE) { return (T) Integer.valueOf(getMaxDatagramPayloadSize()); } return super.getOption(option); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public boolean setOption(ChannelOption option, T value) { validate(option, value); if (option == ChannelOption.SO_BROADCAST) { setBroadcast((Boolean) value); } else if (option == ChannelOption.SO_RCVBUF) { setReceiveBufferSize((Integer) value); } else if (option == ChannelOption.SO_SNDBUF) { setSendBufferSize((Integer) value); } else if (option == ChannelOption.SO_REUSEADDR) { setReuseAddress((Boolean) value); } else if (option == ChannelOption.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP_DISABLED) { setLoopbackModeDisabled((Boolean) value); } else if (option == ChannelOption.IP_MULTICAST_ADDR) { setInterface((InetAddress) value); } else if (option == ChannelOption.IP_MULTICAST_IF) { setNetworkInterface((NetworkInterface) value); } else if (option == ChannelOption.IP_MULTICAST_TTL) { setTimeToLive((Integer) value); } else if (option == ChannelOption.IP_TOS) { setTrafficClass((Integer) value); } else if (option == ChannelOption.DATAGRAM_CHANNEL_ACTIVE_ON_REGISTRATION) { setActiveOnOpen((Boolean) value); } else if (option == EpollChannelOption.SO_REUSEPORT) { setReusePort((Boolean) value); } else if (option == EpollChannelOption.IP_FREEBIND) { setFreeBind((Boolean) value); } else if (option == EpollChannelOption.IP_TRANSPARENT) { setIpTransparent((Boolean) value); } else if (option == EpollChannelOption.IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR) { setIpRecvOrigDestAddr((Boolean) value); } else if (option == EpollChannelOption.MAX_DATAGRAM_PAYLOAD_SIZE) { setMaxDatagramPayloadSize((Integer) value); } else { return super.setOption(option, value); } return true; } private void setActiveOnOpen(boolean activeOnOpen) { if (channel.isRegistered()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can only changed before channel was registered"); } this.activeOnOpen = activeOnOpen; } boolean getActiveOnOpen() { return activeOnOpen; } @Override public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setMessageSizeEstimator(MessageSizeEstimator estimator) { super.setMessageSizeEstimator(estimator); return this; } @Override @Deprecated public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setWriteBufferLowWaterMark(int writeBufferLowWaterMark) { super.setWriteBufferLowWaterMark(writeBufferLowWaterMark); return this; } @Override @Deprecated public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setWriteBufferHighWaterMark(int writeBufferHighWaterMark) { super.setWriteBufferHighWaterMark(writeBufferHighWaterMark); return this; } @Override public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setWriteBufferWaterMark(WriteBufferWaterMark writeBufferWaterMark) { super.setWriteBufferWaterMark(writeBufferWaterMark); return this; } @Override public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setAutoClose(boolean autoClose) { super.setAutoClose(autoClose); return this; } @Override public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setAutoRead(boolean autoRead) { super.setAutoRead(autoRead); return this; } @Override public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setRecvByteBufAllocator(RecvByteBufAllocator allocator) { super.setRecvByteBufAllocator(allocator); return this; } @Override public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setWriteSpinCount(int writeSpinCount) { super.setWriteSpinCount(writeSpinCount); return this; } @Override public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setAllocator(ByteBufAllocator allocator) { super.setAllocator(allocator); return this; } @Override public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setConnectTimeoutMillis(int connectTimeoutMillis) { super.setConnectTimeoutMillis(connectTimeoutMillis); return this; } @Override @Deprecated public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setMaxMessagesPerRead(int maxMessagesPerRead) { super.setMaxMessagesPerRead(maxMessagesPerRead); return this; } @Override public int getSendBufferSize() { try { return ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.getSendBufferSize(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } @Override public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setSendBufferSize(int sendBufferSize) { try { ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.setSendBufferSize(sendBufferSize); return this; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } @Override public int getReceiveBufferSize() { try { return ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.getReceiveBufferSize(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } @Override public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setReceiveBufferSize(int receiveBufferSize) { try { ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.setReceiveBufferSize(receiveBufferSize); return this; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } @Override public int getTrafficClass() { try { return ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.getTrafficClass(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } @Override public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setTrafficClass(int trafficClass) { try { ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.setTrafficClass(trafficClass); return this; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } @Override public boolean isReuseAddress() { try { return ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.isReuseAddress(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } @Override public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setReuseAddress(boolean reuseAddress) { try { ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.setReuseAddress(reuseAddress); return this; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } @Override public boolean isBroadcast() { try { return ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.isBroadcast(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } @Override public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setBroadcast(boolean broadcast) { try { ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.setBroadcast(broadcast); return this; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } @Override public boolean isLoopbackModeDisabled() { try { return ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.isLoopbackModeDisabled(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } @Override public DatagramChannelConfig setLoopbackModeDisabled(boolean loopbackModeDisabled) { try { ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.setLoopbackModeDisabled(loopbackModeDisabled); return this; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } @Override public int getTimeToLive() { try { return ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.getTimeToLive(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } @Override public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setTimeToLive(int ttl) { try { ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.setTimeToLive(ttl); return this; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } @Override public InetAddress getInterface() { try { return ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.getInterface(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } @Override public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setInterface(InetAddress interfaceAddress) { try { ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.setInterface(interfaceAddress); return this; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } @Override public NetworkInterface getNetworkInterface() { try { return ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.getNetworkInterface(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } @Override public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setNetworkInterface(NetworkInterface networkInterface) { try { EpollDatagramChannel datagramChannel = (EpollDatagramChannel) channel; datagramChannel.socket.setNetworkInterface(networkInterface); return this; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } /** * Returns {@code true} if the SO_REUSEPORT option is set. */ public boolean isReusePort() { try { return ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.isReusePort(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } /** * Set the SO_REUSEPORT option on the underlying Channel. This will allow to bind multiple * {@link EpollSocketChannel}s to the same port and so accept connections with multiple threads. * * Be aware this method needs be called before {@link EpollDatagramChannel#bind(java.net.SocketAddress)} to have * any affect. */ public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setReusePort(boolean reusePort) { try { ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.setReusePort(reusePort); return this; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } /** * Returns {@code true} if IP_TRANSPARENT is enabled, * {@code false} otherwise. */ public boolean isIpTransparent() { try { return ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.isIpTransparent(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } /** * If {@code true} is used IP_TRANSPARENT is enabled, * {@code false} for disable it. Default is disabled. */ public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setIpTransparent(boolean ipTransparent) { try { ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.setIpTransparent(ipTransparent); return this; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } /** * Returns {@code true} if IP_FREEBIND is enabled, * {@code false} otherwise. */ public boolean isFreeBind() { try { return ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.isIpFreeBind(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } /** * If {@code true} is used IP_FREEBIND is enabled, * {@code false} for disable it. Default is disabled. */ public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setFreeBind(boolean freeBind) { try { ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.setIpFreeBind(freeBind); return this; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } /** * Returns {@code true} if IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR is * enabled, {@code false} otherwise. */ public boolean isIpRecvOrigDestAddr() { try { return ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.isIpRecvOrigDestAddr(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } /** * If {@code true} is used IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR is * enabled, {@code false} for disable it. Default is disabled. */ public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setIpRecvOrigDestAddr(boolean ipTransparent) { try { ((EpollDatagramChannel) channel).socket.setIpRecvOrigDestAddr(ipTransparent); return this; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException(e); } } /** * Set the maximum {@link io.netty.channel.socket.DatagramPacket} size. This will be used to determine if * {@code recvmmsg} should be used when reading from the underlying socket. When {@code recvmmsg} is used * we may be able to read multiple {@link io.netty.channel.socket.DatagramPacket}s with one syscall and so * greatly improve the performance. This number will be used to slice {@link ByteBuf}s returned by the used * {@link RecvByteBufAllocator}. You can use {@code 0} to disable the usage of recvmmsg, any other bigger value * will enable it. */ public EpollDatagramChannelConfig setMaxDatagramPayloadSize(int maxDatagramSize) { this.maxDatagramSize = ObjectUtil.checkPositiveOrZero(maxDatagramSize, "maxDatagramSize"); return this; } /** * Get the maximum {@link io.netty.channel.socket.DatagramPacket} size. */ public int getMaxDatagramPayloadSize() { return maxDatagramSize; } }