/* * Copyright 2014 The Netty Project * * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package io.netty.handler.codec.http; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; public final class HttpHeaderUtil { /** * Returns {@code true} if and only if the connection can remain open and * thus 'kept alive'. This methods respects the value of the * {@code "Connection"} header first and then the return value of * {@link HttpVersion#isKeepAliveDefault()}. */ public static boolean isKeepAlive(HttpMessage message) { CharSequence connection = message.headers().get(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION); if (connection != null && HttpHeaderValues.CLOSE.equalsIgnoreCase(connection)) { return false; } if (message.protocolVersion().isKeepAliveDefault()) { return !HttpHeaderValues.CLOSE.equalsIgnoreCase(connection); } else { return HttpHeaderValues.KEEP_ALIVE.equalsIgnoreCase(connection); } } /** * Sets the value of the {@code "Connection"} header depending on the * protocol version of the specified message. This getMethod sets or removes * the {@code "Connection"} header depending on what the default keep alive * mode of the message's protocol version is, as specified by * {@link HttpVersion#isKeepAliveDefault()}. * */ public static void setKeepAlive(HttpMessage message, boolean keepAlive) { HttpHeaders h = message.headers(); if (message.protocolVersion().isKeepAliveDefault()) { if (keepAlive) { h.remove(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION); } else { h.set(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.CLOSE); } } else { if (keepAlive) { h.set(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.KEEP_ALIVE); } else { h.remove(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION); } } } /** * Returns the length of the content. Please note that this value is * not retrieved from {@link HttpContent#content()} but from the * {@code "Content-Length"} header, and thus they are independent from each * other. * * @return the content length * * @throws NumberFormatException * if the message does not have the {@code "Content-Length"} header * or its value is not a number */ public static long getContentLength(HttpMessage message) { String value = message.headers().get(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH); if (value != null) { return Long.parseLong(value); } // We know the content length if it's a Web Socket message even if // Content-Length header is missing. long webSocketContentLength = getWebSocketContentLength(message); if (webSocketContentLength >= 0) { return webSocketContentLength; } // Otherwise we don't. throw new NumberFormatException("header not found: " + HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH); } /** * Returns the length of the content. Please note that this value is * not retrieved from {@link HttpContent#content()} but from the * {@code "Content-Length"} header, and thus they are independent from each * other. * * @return the content length or {@code defaultValue} if this message does * not have the {@code "Content-Length"} header or its value is not * a number */ public static long getContentLength(HttpMessage message, long defaultValue) { String value = message.headers().get(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH); if (value != null) { return Long.parseLong(value); } // We know the content length if it's a Web Socket message even if // Content-Length header is missing. long webSocketContentLength = getWebSocketContentLength(message); if (webSocketContentLength >= 0) { return webSocketContentLength; } // Otherwise we don't. return defaultValue; } /** * Returns the content length of the specified web socket message. If the * specified message is not a web socket message, {@code -1} is returned. */ private static int getWebSocketContentLength(HttpMessage message) { // WebSockset messages have constant content-lengths. HttpHeaders h = message.headers(); if (message instanceof HttpRequest) { HttpRequest req = (HttpRequest) message; if (HttpMethod.GET.equals(req.method()) && h.contains(HttpHeaderNames.SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY1) && h.contains(HttpHeaderNames.SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY2)) { return 8; } } else if (message instanceof HttpResponse) { HttpResponse res = (HttpResponse) message; if (res.status().code() == 101 && h.contains(HttpHeaderNames.SEC_WEBSOCKET_ORIGIN) && h.contains(HttpHeaderNames.SEC_WEBSOCKET_LOCATION)) { return 16; } } // Not a web socket message return -1; } /** * Sets the {@code "Content-Length"} header. */ public static void setContentLength(HttpMessage message, long length) { message.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH, length); } public static boolean isContentLengthSet(HttpMessage m) { return m.headers().contains(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH); } /** * Returns {@code true} if and only if the specified message contains the * {@code "Expect: 100-continue"} header. */ public static boolean is100ContinueExpected(HttpMessage message) { // Expect: 100-continue is for requests only. if (!(message instanceof HttpRequest)) { return false; } // It works only on HTTP/1.1 or later. if (message.protocolVersion().compareTo(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1) < 0) { return false; } // In most cases, there will be one or zero 'Expect' header. CharSequence value = message.headers().get(HttpHeaderNames.EXPECT); if (value == null) { return false; } if (HttpHeaderValues.CONTINUE.equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { return true; } // Multiple 'Expect' headers. Search through them. return message.headers().contains(HttpHeaderNames.EXPECT, HttpHeaderValues.CONTINUE, true); } /** * Sets or removes the {@code "Expect: 100-continue"} header to / from the * specified message. If the specified {@code value} is {@code true}, * the {@code "Expect: 100-continue"} header is set and all other previous * {@code "Expect"} headers are removed. Otherwise, all {@code "Expect"} * headers are removed completely. */ public static void set100ContinueExpected(HttpMessage message, boolean expected) { if (expected) { message.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.EXPECT, HttpHeaderValues.CONTINUE); } else { message.headers().remove(HttpHeaderNames.EXPECT); } } /** * Checks to see if the transfer encoding in a specified {@link HttpMessage} is chunked * * @param message The message to check * @return True if transfer encoding is chunked, otherwise false */ public static boolean isTransferEncodingChunked(HttpMessage message) { return message.headers().contains(HttpHeaderNames.TRANSFER_ENCODING, HttpHeaderValues.CHUNKED, true); } public static void setTransferEncodingChunked(HttpMessage m, boolean chunked) { if (chunked) { m.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.TRANSFER_ENCODING, HttpHeaderValues.CHUNKED); m.headers().remove(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH); } else { // Make a copy to be able to modify values while iterating List encodings = m.headers().getAll(HttpHeaderNames.TRANSFER_ENCODING); if (encodings.isEmpty()) { return; } List values = new ArrayList(encodings); Iterator valuesIt = values.iterator(); while (valuesIt.hasNext()) { CharSequence value = valuesIt.next(); if (HttpHeaderValues.CHUNKED.equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { valuesIt.remove(); } } if (values.isEmpty()) { m.headers().remove(HttpHeaderNames.TRANSFER_ENCODING); } else { m.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.TRANSFER_ENCODING, values); } } } static void encodeAscii0(CharSequence seq, ByteBuf buf) { int length = seq.length(); for (int i = 0 ; i < length; i++) { buf.writeByte(c2b(seq.charAt(i))); } } private static byte c2b(char c) { if (c > 255) { return '?'; } return (byte) c; } private HttpHeaderUtil() { } }