Chris Vest 0cb4cc4e49
Make Promise not extend Future (#11634)
We wish to separate these two into clearer write/read interfaces.
In particular, we don't want to be able to add listeners to promises, because it makes it easy to add them out of order.
We can't prevent it entirely, because any promise can be freely converted to a future where listeners can be added.
We can, however, discourage this in the API.

The Promise interface no longer extends the Future interface.
Numerous changes to make the project compile and its tests run.

Clearer separation of concerns in the code.
2021-09-02 10:46:54 +02:00

256 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright 2021 The Netty Project
* The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package io.netty.util.concurrent;
import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLogger;
import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLoggerFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.function.Function;
import static io.netty.util.internal.PromiseNotificationUtil.tryFailure;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
* Combinator operations on {@linkplain Future futures}.
* <p>
* Used for implementing {@link Future#map(Function)} and {@link Future#flatMap(Function)}
* @implNote The operations themselves are implemented as static inner classes instead of lambdas to aid debugging.
final class Futures {
private static final InternalLogger logger = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(Futures.class);
private static final PassThrough<?> PASS_THROUGH = new PassThrough<>();
private static final PropagateCancel PROPAGATE_CANCEL = new PropagateCancel();
* Creates a new {@link Future} that will complete with the result of the given {@link Future} mapped through the
* given mapper function.
* <p>
* If the given future fails, then the returned future will fail as well, with the same exception. Cancellation of
* either future will cancel the other. If the mapper function throws, the returned future will fail, but the given
* future will be unaffected.
* @param future The future whose result will flow to the returned future, through the mapping function.
* @param mapper The function that will convert the result of the given future into the result of the returned
* future.
* @param <R> The result type of the mapper function, and of the returned future.
* @return A new future instance that will complete with the mapped result of the given future.
public static <V, R> Future<R> map(Future<V> future, Function<V, R> mapper) {
requireNonNull(future, "future");
requireNonNull(mapper, "mapper");
if (future.isFailed()) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Cast is safe because the result type is not used in failed futures.
Future<R> failed = (Future<R>) future;
return failed;
if (future.isSuccess()) {
return future.executor().submit(new CallableMapper<>(future, mapper));
Promise<R> promise = future.executor().newPromise();
future.addListener(new Mapper<>(promise, mapper));
Future<R> mappedFuture = promise.asFuture();
mappedFuture.addListener(future, propagateCancel());
return mappedFuture;
* Creates a new {@link Future} that will complete with the result of the given {@link Future} flat-mapped through
* the given mapper function.
* <p>
* The "flat" in "flat-map" means the given mapper function produces a result that itself is a future-of-R, yet this
* method also returns a future-of-R, rather than a future-of-future-of-R. In other words, if the same mapper
* function was used with the {@link #map(Future, Function)} method, you would get back a {@code Future<Future<R>>}.
* These nested futures are "flattened" into a {@code Future<R>} by this method.
* <p>
* Effectively, this method behaves similar to this serial code, except asynchronously and with proper exception and
* cancellation handling:
* <pre>{@code
* V x = future.sync().getNow();
* Future<R> y = mapper.apply(x);
* R result = y.sync().getNow();
* }</pre>
* <p>
* If the given future fails, then the returned future will fail as well, with the same exception. Cancellation of
* either future will cancel the other. If the mapper function throws, the returned future will fail, but the given
* future will be unaffected.
* @param mapper The function that will convert the result of the given future into the result of the returned
* future.
* @param <R> The result type of the mapper function, and of the returned future.
* @return A new future instance that will complete with the mapped result of the given future.
public static <V, R> Future<R> flatMap(Future<V> future, Function<V, Future<R>> mapper) {
requireNonNull(future, "future");
requireNonNull(mapper, "mapper");
Promise<R> promise = future.executor().newPromise();
future.addListener(new FlatMapper<>(promise, mapper));
Future<R> mappedFuture = promise.asFuture();
if (!future.isSuccess()) {
// Propagate cancellation if future is either incomplete or failed.
// Failed means it could be cancelled, so that needs to be propagated.
mappedFuture.addListener(future, propagateCancel());
return mappedFuture;
static FutureContextListener<Future<?>, Object> propagateCancel() {
return (FutureContextListener<Future<?>, Object>) (FutureContextListener<?, ?>) PROPAGATE_CANCEL;
static <R> FutureContextListener<Promise<R>, Object> passThrough() {
return (FutureContextListener<Promise<R>, Object>) (FutureContextListener<?, ?>) PASS_THROUGH;
static <A, B> void propagateUncommonCompletion(Future<? extends A> completed, Promise<B> recipient) {
if (completed.isCancelled()) {
// Don't check or log if cancellation propagation fails.
// Propagation goes both ways, which means at least one future will already be cancelled here.
} else {
Throwable cause = completed.cause();
private Futures() {
private static final class PropagateCancel implements FutureContextListener<Future<Object>, Object> {
public void operationComplete(Future<Object> context, Future<?> future) throws Exception {
if (future.isCancelled()) {
private static final class PassThrough<R> implements FutureContextListener<Promise<R>, Object> {
public void operationComplete(Promise<R> recipient, Future<?> completed) throws Exception {
if (completed.isSuccess()) {
try {
R result = (R) completed.getNow();
} catch (Throwable e) {
tryFailure(recipient, e, logger);
} else {
propagateUncommonCompletion(completed, recipient);
private static final class CallableMapper<R, T> implements Callable<R> {
private final Future<T> future;
private final Function<T, R> mapper;
CallableMapper(Future<T> future, Function<T, R> mapper) {
this.future = future;
this.mapper = mapper;
public R call() throws Exception {
return mapper.apply(future.getNow());
private static final class Mapper<R, T> implements FutureListener<Object> {
private final Promise<R> recipient;
private final Function<T, R> mapper;
Mapper(Promise<R> recipient, Function<T, R> mapper) {
this.recipient = recipient;
this.mapper = mapper;
public void operationComplete(Future<?> completed) throws Exception {
if (completed.isSuccess()) {
try {
T result = (T) completed.getNow();
R mapped = mapper.apply(result);
} catch (Throwable e) {
tryFailure(recipient, e, logger);
} else {
propagateUncommonCompletion(completed, recipient);
private static final class FlatMapper<R, T> implements FutureListener<Object> {
private final Promise<R> recipient;
private final Function<T, Future<R>> mapper;
FlatMapper(Promise<R> recipient, Function<T, Future<R>> mapper) {
this.recipient = recipient;
this.mapper = mapper;
public void operationComplete(Future<?> completed) throws Exception {
if (completed.isSuccess()) {
try {
T result = (T) completed.getNow();
Future<R> future = mapper.apply(result);
if (future.isSuccess()) {
} else if (future.isFailed()) {
propagateUncommonCompletion(future, recipient);
} else {
future.addListener(recipient, passThrough());
recipient.asFuture().addListener(future, propagateCancel());
} catch (Throwable e) {
tryFailure(recipient, e, logger);
} else {
propagateUncommonCompletion(completed, recipient);
* Link the {@link Future} and {@link Promise} such that if the {@link Future} completes the {@link Promise}
* will be notified. Cancellation is propagated both ways such that if the {@link Future} is cancelled
* the {@link Promise} is cancelled and vice-versa.
* @param future the {@link Future} which will be used to listen to for notifying the {@link Promise}.
* @param promise the {@link Promise} which will be notified
* @param <V> the type of the value.
static <V> void cascade(final Future<V> future, final Promise<? super V> promise) {
requireNonNull(future, "future");
requireNonNull(promise, "promise");
if (!future.isSuccess()) {
// Propagate cancellation if future is either incomplete or failed.
// Failed means it could be cancelled, so that needs to be propagated.
promise.asFuture().addListener(future, propagateCancel());
future.addListener(promise, passThrough());