PooledByteBufAllocator uses a PoolThreadCache per Thread that allocates / deallocates to minimize the performance overhead. This PoolThreadCache is trimmed after X allocations to free up buffers that are not allocated for a long time. This works out quite well when the app continues to allocate but fails if the app stops to allocate frequently (for whatever reason) and so a lot of memory is wasted and not given back to the arena / freed.
- Add a ThreadExecutorMap that offers multiple methods that wrap Runnable / ThreadFactory / Executor and allow to call ThreadExecutorMap.currentEventExecutor() to get the current executing EventExecutor for the calling Thread.
- Use these methods in the constructors of our EventExecutor implementations (which also covers the EventLoop implementations)
- Add io.netty.allocator.cacheTrimIntervalMillis system property which can be used to specify a fixed rate / interval on which we should try to trim the PoolThreadCache for a EventExecutor that allocates.
- Add PooledByteBufAllocator.trimCurrentThreadCache() to allow the user to trim the cache of the calling thread manually.
- Add testcases
- Introduce FastThreadLocal.getIfExists()
Allow to better / more frequently trim PoolThreadCache and so give back memory to the area / system.