1. special handling of ByteBuf with multi nioBuffer rather than type of CompositeByteBuf (eg. DuplicatedByteBuf with CompositeByteBuf)
2. EpollDatagramUnicastTest and KQueueDatagramUnicastTest passed because CompositeByteBuf is converted to DuplicatedByteBuf before write to channel
3. uninitalized struct msghdr will raise error
1. isBufferCopyNeededForWrite(like isSingleDirectBuffer in NioDatgramChannel) checks wether a new direct buffer is needed
2. special handling of ByteBuf with multi nioBuffer in EpollDatagramChannel, AbstractEpollStreamChannel, KQueueDatagramChannel, AbstractKQueueStreamChannel and IovArray
3. initalize struct msghdr
handle of ByteBuf with multi nioBuffer in EpollDatagramChannel and KQueueDatagramChannel are ok
If you are on Linux, you need additional development packages installed on your system, because you'll build the native transport.
Note that this is build-time requirement. JDK 5 (for 3.x) or 6 (for 4.0+) is enough to run your Netty-based application.
Branches to look
Development of all versions takes place in each branch whose name is identical to <majorVersion>.<minorVersion>. For example, the development of 3.9 and 4.0 resides in the branch '3.9' and the branch '4.0' respectively.