radai-rosenblatt 4e2530c171 fix 5868 -fix DefaultHostsFileEntriesResolverTest to pass on windows 7

Windows 7 hosts file is empty by default (at least on my machine? see
for details and reasoning.

the test relies on the file containing an entry for localhost.


refactor class code to 1st normalize the input host name and then look it up, change the test to verify
that hostnames are normalized in a case-insensitive way before being looked up (which was the intent
of the original test)


test should pass on vanilla windows 7 (and any other machine with no
localhost in the hosts file). no effect anywhere else or on actual netty

Signed-off-by: radai-rosenblatt <>
2016-11-21 21:52:56 +01:00

34 lines
1.2 KiB

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* under the License.
* show issue
* HostsFileParser tries to resolve hostnames as case-sensitive
package io.netty.resolver;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class DefaultHostsFileEntriesResolverTest {
public void testCaseInsensitivity() throws Exception {
DefaultHostsFileEntriesResolver resolver = new DefaultHostsFileEntriesResolver();
//normalized somehow
Assert.assertEquals(resolver.normalize("localhost"), resolver.normalize("LOCALHOST"));