Chris Vest 765f8989ca
Introduce alternative Buffer API (#11347)

In Netty 5 we wish to have a simpler, safe, future proof, and more consistent buffer API.
We developed such an API in the incubating buffer repository, and taking it through multiple rounds of review and adjustments.
This PR/commit bring the results of that work into the Netty 5 branch of the main Netty repository.


* `Buffer` is an interface, and all implementations are hidden behind it.
  There is no longer an inheritance hierarchy of abstract classes and implementations.
* Reference counting is gone.
  After a buffer has been allocated, calling `close` on it will deallocate it.
  It is then up to users and integrators to ensure that the life-times of buffers are managed correctly.
  This is usually not a problem as buffers tend to flow through the pipeline to be released after a terminal IO operation.
* Slice and duplicate methods are replaced with `split`.
  By removing slices, duplicate, and reference counting, there is no longer a possibility that a buffer and/or its memory can be shared and accessible through multiple routes.
  This solves the problem of data being accessed from multiple places in an uncoordinated way, and the problem of buffer memory being closed while being in use by some unsuspecting piece of code.
  Some adjustments will have to be made to other APIs, idioms, and usages, since `split` is not always a replacement for `slice` in some use cases.
* The `split` has been added which allows memory to be shared among multiple buffers, but in non-overlapping regions.
  When the memory regions don't overlap, it will not be possible for the different buffers to interfere with each other.
  An internal, and completely transparent, reference counting system ensures that the backing memory is released once the last buffer view is closed.
* A Send API has been introduced that can be used to enforce (in the type system) the transfer of buffer ownership.
  This is not expected to be used in the pipeline flow itself, but rather for other objects that wrap buffers and wish to avoid becoming "shared views" — the absence of "shared views" of memory is important for avoiding bugs in the absence of reference counting.
* A new BufferAllocator API, where the choice of implementation determines factors like on-/off-heap, pooling or not.
  How access to the different allocators will be exposed to integrators will be decided later.
  Perhaps they'll be directly accessible on the `ChannelHandlerContext`.
* The `PooledBufferAllocator` has been copied and modified to match the new allocator API.
  This includes unifying its implementation that was previously split across on-heap and off-heap.
* The `PooledBufferAllocator` implementation has also been adjusted to allocate 4 MiB chunks by default, and a few changes have been made to the implementation to make a newly created, empty allocator use significantly less heap memory.
* A `Resource` interface has been added, which defines the life-cycle methods and the `send` method.
  The `Buffer` interface extends this.
* Analogues for `ByteBufHolder` has been added in the `BufferHolder` and `BufferRef` classes.
* `ByteCursor` is added as a new way to iterate the data in buffers.
  The byte cursor API is designed to be more JIT friendly than an iterator, or the existing `ByteProcessor` interface.
* `CompositeBuffer` no longer permit the same level of access to its internal components.
  The composite buffer enforces its ownership of its components via the `Send` API, and the components can only be individually accessed with the `forEachReadable` and `forEachWritable` methods.
  This keeps the API and behavioral differences between composite and non-composite buffers to a minimum.
* Two implementations of the `Buffer` interface are provided with the API: One based on `ByteBuffer`, and one based on `sun.misc.Unsafe`.
  The `ByteBuffer` implementation is used by default.
  More implementations can be loaded from the classpath via service loading.
  The `MemorySegment` based implementation is left behind in the incubator repository.
* An extensive and highly parameterised test suite has been added, to ensure that all implementations have consistent and correct behaviour, regardless of their configuration or composition.


We have a new buffer API that is simpler, better tested, more consistent in behaviour, and safer by design, than the existing `ByteBuf` API.

The next legs of this journey will be about integrating this new API into Netty proper, and deprecate (and eventually remove) the `ByteBuf` API.

This fixes #11024, #8601, #8543, #8542, #8534, #3358, and #3306.
2021-06-28 12:06:44 +02:00

479 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright 2021 The Netty Project
* The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package io.netty.buffer.api.pool;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* SizeClasses requires {@code pageShifts} to be defined prior to inclusion,
* and it in turn defines:
* <p>
* LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP: Log of size class count for each size doubling.
* LOG2_MAX_LOOKUP_SIZE: Log of max size class in the lookup table.
* sizeClasses: Complete table of [index, log2Group, log2Delta, nDelta, isMultiPageSize,
* isSubPage, log2DeltaLookup] tuples.
* index: Size class index.
* log2Group: Log of group base size (no deltas added).
* log2Delta: Log of delta to previous size class.
* nDelta: Delta multiplier.
* isMultiPageSize: 'yes' if a multiple of the page size, 'no' otherwise.
* isSubPage: 'yes' if a subpage size class, 'no' otherwise.
* log2DeltaLookup: Same as log2Delta if a lookup table size class, 'no'
* otherwise.
* <p>
* nSubpages: Number of subpages size classes.
* nSizes: Number of size classes.
* nPSizes: Number of size classes that are multiples of pageSize.
* smallMaxSizeIdx: Maximum small size class index.
* lookupMaxclass: Maximum size class included in lookup table.
* log2NormalMinClass: Log of minimum normal size class.
* <p>
* The first size class and spacing are 1 << LOG2_QUANTUM.
* Each group has 1 << LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP of size classes.
* size = 1 << log2Group + nDelta * (1 << log2Delta)
* The first size class has an unusual encoding, because the size has to be
* split between group and delta*nDelta.
* If pageShift = 13, sizeClasses looks like this:
* (index, log2Group, log2Delta, nDelta, isMultiPageSize, isSubPage, log2DeltaLookup)
* <p>
* ( 0, 4, 4, 0, no, yes, 4)
* ( 1, 4, 4, 1, no, yes, 4)
* ( 2, 4, 4, 2, no, yes, 4)
* ( 3, 4, 4, 3, no, yes, 4)
* <p>
* ( 4, 6, 4, 1, no, yes, 4)
* ( 5, 6, 4, 2, no, yes, 4)
* ( 6, 6, 4, 3, no, yes, 4)
* ( 7, 6, 4, 4, no, yes, 4)
* <p>
* ( 8, 7, 5, 1, no, yes, 5)
* ( 9, 7, 5, 2, no, yes, 5)
* ( 10, 7, 5, 3, no, yes, 5)
* ( 11, 7, 5, 4, no, yes, 5)
* ...
* ...
* ( 72, 23, 21, 1, yes, no, no)
* ( 73, 23, 21, 2, yes, no, no)
* ( 74, 23, 21, 3, yes, no, no)
* ( 75, 23, 21, 4, yes, no, no)
* <p>
* ( 76, 24, 22, 1, yes, no, no)
abstract class SizeClasses implements SizeClassesMetric {
private static final ConcurrentHashMap<SizeClassKey, SizeClassValue> CACHE =
new ConcurrentHashMap<SizeClassKey, SizeClassValue>();
static final int LOG2_QUANTUM = 4;
private static final int LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP = 2;
private static final int LOG2_MAX_LOOKUP_SIZE = 12;
private static final int LOG2GROUP_IDX = 1;
private static final int LOG2DELTA_IDX = 2;
private static final int NDELTA_IDX = 3;
private static final int PAGESIZE_IDX = 4;
private static final int SUBPAGE_IDX = 5;
private static final int LOG2_DELTA_LOOKUP_IDX = 6;
private static final byte no = 0, yes = 1;
protected SizeClasses(int pageSize, int pageShifts, int chunkSize, int directMemoryCacheAlignment) {
this.pageSize = pageSize;
this.pageShifts = pageShifts;
this.chunkSize = chunkSize;
this.directMemoryCacheAlignment = directMemoryCacheAlignment;
SizeClassValue value = CACHE.computeIfAbsent(
new SizeClassKey(pageSize, pageShifts, chunkSize, directMemoryCacheAlignment),
nSizes = value.nSizes;
nSubpages = value.nSubpages;
nPSizes = value.nPSizes;
smallMaxSizeIdx = value.smallMaxSizeIdx;
lookupMaxSize = value.lookupMaxSize;
pageIdx2sizeTab = value.pageIdx2sizeTab;
sizeIdx2sizeTab = value.sizeIdx2sizeTab;
size2idxTab = value.size2idxTab;
protected final int pageSize;
protected final int pageShifts;
protected final int chunkSize;
protected final int directMemoryCacheAlignment;
final int nSizes;
final int nSubpages;
final int nPSizes;
final int smallMaxSizeIdx;
private final int lookupMaxSize;
private final int[] pageIdx2sizeTab;
// lookup table for sizeIdx <= smallMaxSizeIdx
private final int[] sizeIdx2sizeTab;
// lookup table used for size <= lookupMaxclass
// spacing is 1 << LOG2_QUANTUM, so the size of array is lookupMaxclass >> LOG2_QUANTUM
private final int[] size2idxTab;
public int sizeIdx2size(int sizeIdx) {
return sizeIdx2sizeTab[sizeIdx];
public int sizeIdx2sizeCompute(int sizeIdx) {
int group = sizeIdx >> LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP;
int mod = sizeIdx & (1 << LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP) - 1;
int groupSize = group == 0? 0 :
1 << LOG2_QUANTUM + LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP - 1 << group;
int shift = group == 0? 1 : group;
int lgDelta = shift + LOG2_QUANTUM - 1;
int modSize = mod + 1 << lgDelta;
return groupSize + modSize;
public long pageIdx2size(int pageIdx) {
return pageIdx2sizeTab[pageIdx];
public long pageIdx2sizeCompute(int pageIdx) {
int group = pageIdx >> LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP;
int mod = pageIdx & (1 << LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP) - 1;
long groupSize = group == 0? 0 :
1L << pageShifts + LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP - 1 << group;
int shift = group == 0? 1 : group;
int log2Delta = shift + pageShifts - 1;
int modSize = mod + 1 << log2Delta;
return groupSize + modSize;
public int size2SizeIdx(int size) {
if (size == 0) {
return 0;
if (size > chunkSize) {
return nSizes;
if (directMemoryCacheAlignment > 0) {
size = alignSize(size);
if (size <= lookupMaxSize) {
//size-1 / MIN_TINY
return size2idxTab[size - 1 >> LOG2_QUANTUM];
int x = PoolThreadCache.log2((size << 1) - 1);
int shift = x < LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP + LOG2_QUANTUM + 1
int group = shift << LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP;
int log2Delta = x < LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP + LOG2_QUANTUM + 1
int deltaInverseMask = -1 << log2Delta;
int mod = (size - 1 & deltaInverseMask) >> log2Delta &
return group + mod;
public int pages2pageIdx(int pages) {
return pages2pageIdxCompute(pages, false);
public int pages2pageIdxFloor(int pages) {
return pages2pageIdxCompute(pages, true);
private int pages2pageIdxCompute(int pages, boolean floor) {
int pageSize = pages << pageShifts;
if (pageSize > chunkSize) {
return nPSizes;
int x = PoolThreadCache.log2((pageSize << 1) - 1);
int shift = x < LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP + pageShifts
? 0 : x - (LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP + pageShifts);
int group = shift << LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP;
int log2Delta = x < LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP + pageShifts + 1?
pageShifts : x - LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP - 1;
int deltaInverseMask = -1 << log2Delta;
int mod = (pageSize - 1 & deltaInverseMask) >> log2Delta &
int pageIdx = group + mod;
if (floor && pageIdx2sizeTab[pageIdx] > pages << pageShifts) {
return pageIdx;
// Round size up to the nearest multiple of alignment.
private int alignSize(int size) {
int delta = size & directMemoryCacheAlignment - 1;
return delta == 0? size : size + directMemoryCacheAlignment - delta;
public int normalizeSize(int size) {
if (size == 0) {
return sizeIdx2sizeTab[0];
if (directMemoryCacheAlignment > 0) {
size = alignSize(size);
if (size <= lookupMaxSize) {
int ret = sizeIdx2sizeTab[size2idxTab[size - 1 >> LOG2_QUANTUM]];
assert ret == normalizeSizeCompute(size);
return ret;
return normalizeSizeCompute(size);
private static int normalizeSizeCompute(int size) {
int x = PoolThreadCache.log2((size << 1) - 1);
int log2Delta = x < LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP + LOG2_QUANTUM + 1
int delta = 1 << log2Delta;
int delta_mask = delta - 1;
return size + delta_mask & ~delta_mask;
private static final class SizeClassKey {
final int pageSize;
final int pageShifts;
final int chunkSize;
final int directMemoryCacheAlignment;
private SizeClassKey(int pageSize, int pageShifts, int chunkSize, int directMemoryCacheAlignment) {
this.pageSize = pageSize;
this.pageShifts = pageShifts;
this.chunkSize = chunkSize;
this.directMemoryCacheAlignment = directMemoryCacheAlignment;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
SizeClassKey that = (SizeClassKey) o;
if (pageSize != that.pageSize) {
return false;
if (pageShifts != that.pageShifts) {
return false;
if (chunkSize != that.chunkSize) {
return false;
return directMemoryCacheAlignment == that.directMemoryCacheAlignment;
public int hashCode() {
int result = pageSize;
result = 31 * result + pageShifts;
result = 31 * result + chunkSize;
result = 31 * result + directMemoryCacheAlignment;
return result;
private static final class SizeClassValue {
final SizeClassKey key;
final int nSizes;
int nSubpages;
int nPSizes;
int smallMaxSizeIdx;
int lookupMaxSize;
final short[][] sizeClasses;
final int[] pageIdx2sizeTab;
final int[] sizeIdx2sizeTab;
final int[] size2idxTab;
SizeClassValue(SizeClassKey key) {
this.key = key;
int group = PoolThreadCache.log2(key.chunkSize) + 1 - LOG2_QUANTUM;
//generate size classes
//[index, log2Group, log2Delta, nDelta, isMultiPageSize, isSubPage, log2DeltaLookup]
sizeClasses = new short[group << LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP][7];
nSizes = sizeClasses();
//generate lookup table
sizeIdx2sizeTab = new int[nSizes];
pageIdx2sizeTab = new int[nPSizes];
idx2SizeTab(sizeIdx2sizeTab, pageIdx2sizeTab);
size2idxTab = new int[lookupMaxSize >> LOG2_QUANTUM];
private int sizeClasses() {
int normalMaxSize = -1;
int index = 0;
int size = 0;
int log2Group = LOG2_QUANTUM;
int log2Delta = LOG2_QUANTUM;
int ndeltaLimit = 1 << LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP;
//First small group, nDelta start at 0.
//first size class is 1 << LOG2_QUANTUM
int nDelta = 0;
while (nDelta < ndeltaLimit) {
size = sizeClass(index++, log2Group, log2Delta, nDelta++);
//All remaining groups, nDelta start at 1.
while (size < key.chunkSize) {
nDelta = 1;
while (nDelta <= ndeltaLimit && size < key.chunkSize) {
size = sizeClass(index++, log2Group, log2Delta, nDelta++);
normalMaxSize = size;
//chunkSize must be normalMaxSize
assert key.chunkSize == normalMaxSize;
//return number of size index
return index;
//calculate size class
private int sizeClass(int index, int log2Group, int log2Delta, int nDelta) {
short isMultiPageSize;
if (log2Delta >= key.pageShifts) {
isMultiPageSize = yes;
} else {
int pageSize = 1 << key.pageShifts;
int size = (1 << log2Group) + (1 << log2Delta) * nDelta;
isMultiPageSize = size == size / pageSize * pageSize? yes : no;
int log2Ndelta = nDelta == 0? 0 : PoolThreadCache.log2(nDelta);
byte remove = 1 << log2Ndelta < nDelta? yes : no;
int log2Size = log2Delta + log2Ndelta == log2Group? log2Group + 1 : log2Group;
if (log2Size == log2Group) {
remove = yes;
short isSubpage = log2Size < key.pageShifts + LOG2_SIZE_CLASS_GROUP? yes : no;
int log2DeltaLookup = log2Size < LOG2_MAX_LOOKUP_SIZE ||
log2Size == LOG2_MAX_LOOKUP_SIZE && remove == no
? log2Delta : no;
short[] sz = {
(short) index, (short) log2Group, (short) log2Delta,
(short) nDelta, isMultiPageSize, isSubpage, (short) log2DeltaLookup
sizeClasses[index] = sz;
int size = (1 << log2Group) + (nDelta << log2Delta);
if (sz[PAGESIZE_IDX] == yes) {
if (sz[SUBPAGE_IDX] == yes) {
smallMaxSizeIdx = index;
if (sz[LOG2_DELTA_LOOKUP_IDX] != no) {
lookupMaxSize = size;
return size;
private void idx2SizeTab(int[] sizeIdx2sizeTab, int[] pageIdx2sizeTab) {
int pageIdx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nSizes; i++) {
short[] sizeClass = sizeClasses[i];
int log2Group = sizeClass[LOG2GROUP_IDX];
int log2Delta = sizeClass[LOG2DELTA_IDX];
int nDelta = sizeClass[NDELTA_IDX];
int size = (1 << log2Group) + (nDelta << log2Delta);
sizeIdx2sizeTab[i] = size;
if (sizeClass[PAGESIZE_IDX] == yes) {
pageIdx2sizeTab[pageIdx++] = size;
private void size2idxTab(int[] size2idxTab) {
int idx = 0;
int size = 0;
for (int i = 0; size <= lookupMaxSize; i++) {
int log2Delta = sizeClasses[i][LOG2DELTA_IDX];
int times = 1 << log2Delta - LOG2_QUANTUM;
while (size <= lookupMaxSize && times-- > 0) {
size2idxTab[idx++] = i;
size = idx + 1 << LOG2_QUANTUM;