Robin Gong 40228411d7 feat(example-mqtt): new MQTT heartBeat broker and client examples (#9336)

Recently I'm going to build MQTT broker and client based on Netty. I had MQTT encoder and decoder founded, while no basic examples. So I'm going to share my simple heartBeat MQTT broker and client as an example.


New MQTT heartBeat example under io.netty.example/mqtt/heartBeat/.


Client would send CONNECT and PINGREQ(heartBeat message).
  - CONNECT: once channel active
  - PINGREQ: once IdleStateEvent triggered, which is 20 seconds in this example
Client would discard all messages it received.
MQTT broker could handle CONNECT, PINGREQ and DISCONNECT messages.
  - CONNECT: send CONNACK back
  - PINGREQ: send PINGRESP back
  - DISCONNECT: close the channel
Broker would close the channel if 2 heartBeat lost, which set to 45 seconds in this example.
2019-07-10 12:20:12 +02:00

182 lines
5.7 KiB

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