The examples have not been updated since long time ago, showing various
issues fixed in this commit.
- Overall simplification to reduce LoC
- Use system properties to get options instead of parsing args.
- Minimize option validation
- Just use System.out/err instead of Logger
- Do not pass config as parameters - just access it directly
- Move the main logic to main(String[]) instead of creating a new
instance meaninglessly
- Update netty-build-21 to make checkstyle not complain
- Remove 'throws Exception' clause if possible
- Line wrap at 120 (previously at 80)
- Add an option to enable SSL for most examples
- Use ChannelFuture.sync() instead of await()
- Use System.out for the actual result. Use System.err otherwise.
- Delete examples that are not very useful:
- applet
- websocket/html5
- websocketx/sslserver
- localecho/multithreaded
- Add which simplifies launching an example from command
- Rewrite FileServer example
Shorter and simpler examples. A user can focus more on what it actually
does than miscellaneous stuff. A user can launch an example very