Trustin Lee a566164b98 Enforce the release is performed only from RHEL 6.5 or equivalent

Netty must be released from RHEL 6.5 x86_64 or compatible so that:

1) we ship x86_64 version of epoll transport officially, and
2) we ensure the ABI compatibility with older GLIBC versions.
   The shared library built on a distribution with newer GLIBC will not
   run on older distributions.


- When 'release' profile is active, perform an additional check using
  maven-enforcer-plugin so that 'mvn release:*' fails when running on
  non-RHEL6.5.  This rule is active only when releasing, so a user
  should not be affected.
- Simplify maven-release-plugin configuration by removing redundant
  profiles such as 'linux'.  'linux' is automatically activated when
  releasing because we now enforce the release occurs on linux-x86_64.
- Remove the no-osgi profile, which is unused
- Remove the reference to 'sonatype-oss-release' profile in all/pom.xml,
  because we always specify 'release' profile when releasing
- Rename the profile 'linux-native' to 'linux' for brevity
- Upgrade oss-parent and maven-enforcer-plugin


No one can make a mistake to release Netty on an environment that can
produce incompatible or missing native library.
2014-05-02 21:20:34 +09:00

527 lines
17 KiB

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~ Copyright 2012 The Netty Project
~ The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
~ version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
~ with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
~ WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
~ License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
~ under the License.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- All release modules -->
<!-- All release modules -->
<!-- Add optional dependencies explicitly to avoid Javadoc warnings and errors. -->
<!-- Populate the properties whose key is groupId:artifactId:type
and whose value is the path to the artifact -->
<!-- Unpack all source files -->
<!-- Unpack all class files -->
<!-- Instead of generating a new version property file, merge others' version property files into one. -->
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<!-- Include the directory where the source files were unpacked -->
<!-- Disable OSGi bundle manifest generation -->
<!-- Override the default JAR configuration -->
<!-- Disable animal sniffer -->
<!-- Disable checkstyle -->
<!-- Disable all plugin executions configured by jar packaging -->
<!-- Generate Xref -->
<docTitle>Netty Source Xref (${project.version})</docTitle>
<windowTitle>Netty Source Xref (${project.version})</windowTitle>
<!-- Generate Javadoc -->
<doctitle>Netty API Reference (${project.version})</doctitle>
<windowtitle>Netty API Reference (${project.version})</windowtitle>
-group "Low-level data representation" io.netty.buffer*
-group "Central interface for all I/O operations"*
-group "Client &amp; Server bootstrapping utilities" io.netty.bootstrap*
-group "Reusable I/O event interceptors" io.netty.handler*
-group "Miscellaneous" io.netty.util*