Norman Maurer c10ccc5dec
Tighten contract between Channel and EventLoop by require the EventLoop on Channel construction. (#8587)

At the moment it’s possible to have a Channel in Netty that is not registered / assigned to an EventLoop until register(...) is called. This is suboptimal as if the Channel is not registered it is also not possible to do anything useful with a ChannelFuture that belongs to the Channel. We should think about if we should have the EventLoop as a constructor argument of a Channel and have the register / deregister method only have the effect of add a Channel to KQueue/Epoll/... It is also currently possible to deregister a Channel from one EventLoop and register it with another EventLoop. This operation defeats the threading model assumptions that are wide spread in Netty, and requires careful user level coordination to pull off without any concurrency issues. It is not a commonly used feature in practice, may be better handled by other means (e.g. client side load balancing), and therefore we propose removing this feature.


- Change all Channel implementations to require an EventLoop for construction ( + an EventLoopGroup for all ServerChannel implementations)
- Remove all register(...) methods from EventLoopGroup
- Add ChannelOutboundInvoker.register(...) which now basically means we want to register on the EventLoop for IO.
- Change ChannelUnsafe.register(...) to not take an EventLoop as parameter (as the EventLoop is supplied on custruction).
- Change ChannelFactory to take an EventLoop to create new Channels and introduce ServerChannelFactory which takes an EventLoop and one EventLoopGroup to create new ServerChannel instances.
- Add ServerChannel.childEventLoopGroup()
- Ensure all operations on the accepted Channel is done in the EventLoop of the Channel in ServerBootstrap
- Change unit tests for new behaviour


A Channel always has an EventLoop assigned which will never change during its life-time. This ensures we are always be able to call any operation on the Channel once constructed (unit the EventLoop is shutdown). This also simplifies the logic in DefaultChannelPipeline a lot as we can always call handlerAdded / handlerRemoved directly without the need to wait for register() to happen.

Also note that its still possible to deregister a Channel and register it again. It's just not possible anymore to move from one EventLoop to another (which was not really safe anyway).

2019-01-14 20:11:13 +01:00

107 lines
3.7 KiB

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import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLogger;
import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLoggerFactory;
import static;
public final class EpollServerDomainSocketChannel extends AbstractEpollServerChannel
implements ServerDomainSocketChannel {
private static final InternalLogger logger = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(
private final EpollServerChannelConfig config = new EpollServerChannelConfig(this);
private volatile DomainSocketAddress local;
public EpollServerDomainSocketChannel(EventLoop eventLoop, EventLoopGroup childEventLoopGroup) {
super(eventLoop, childEventLoopGroup, newSocketDomain(), false);
public EpollServerDomainSocketChannel(EventLoop eventLoop, EventLoopGroup childEventLoopGroup, int fd) {
super(eventLoop, childEventLoopGroup, fd);
EpollServerDomainSocketChannel(EventLoop eventLoop, EventLoopGroup childEventLoopGroup, LinuxSocket fd) {
super(eventLoop, childEventLoopGroup, fd);
EpollServerDomainSocketChannel(EventLoop eventLoop, EventLoopGroup childEventLoopGroup,
LinuxSocket fd, boolean active) {
super(eventLoop, childEventLoopGroup, fd, active);
protected Channel newChildChannel(int fd, byte[] addr, int offset, int len) throws Exception {
return new EpollDomainSocketChannel(this, childEventLoopGroup().next(), new Socket(fd));
protected DomainSocketAddress localAddress0() {
return local;
protected void doBind(SocketAddress localAddress) throws Exception {
local = (DomainSocketAddress) localAddress;
active = true;
protected void doClose() throws Exception {
try {
} finally {
DomainSocketAddress local = this.local;
if (local != null) {
// Delete the socket file if possible.
File socketFile = new File(local.path());
boolean success = socketFile.delete();
if (!success && logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Failed to delete a domain socket file: {}", local.path());
public EpollServerChannelConfig config() {
return config;
public DomainSocketAddress remoteAddress() {
return (DomainSocketAddress) super.remoteAddress();
public DomainSocketAddress localAddress() {
return (DomainSocketAddress) super.localAddress();