Allow users of Netty to plug in their own leak detector for the purpose of instrumentation. Motivation: We are rolling out a large Netty deployment and want to be able to track the amount of leaks we're seeing in production via custom instrumentation. In order to achieve this today, I had to plug in a custom `ByteBufAllocator` into the bootstrap and have it initialize a custom `ResourceLeakDetector`. Due to these classes mostly being marked `final` or having private or static methods, a lot of the code had to be copy-pasted and it's quite ugly. Modifications: * I've added a static loader method for the `ResourceLeakDetector` in `AbstractByteBuf` that tries to instantiate the class passed in via the `-Dio.netty.customResourceLeakDetector`, otherwise falling back to the default one. * I've modified `ResourceLeakDetector` to be non-final and to have the reporting broken out in to methods that can be overridden. Result: You can instrument leaks in your application by just adding something like the following: ```java public class InstrumentedResourceLeakDetector<T> extends ResourceLeakDetector<T> { @Monitor("InstanceLeakCounter") private final AtomicInteger instancesLeakCounter; @Monitor("LeakCounter") private final AtomicInteger leakCounter; public InstrumentedResourceLeakDetector(Class<T> resource) { super(resource); this.instancesLeakCounter = new AtomicInteger(); this.leakCounter = new AtomicInteger(); } @Override protected void reportTracedLeak(String records) { super.reportTracedLeak(records); leakCounter.incrementAndGet(); } @Override protected void reportUntracedLeak() { super.reportUntracedLeak(); leakCounter.incrementAndGet(); } @Override protected void reportInstancesLeak() { super.reportInstancesLeak(); instancesLeakCounter.incrementAndGet(); } } ```