- Underlying buffer usages might be erroneous when releasing them internaly
in HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoder.
2 bugs occurs:
1) Final File upload seems not to be of the right size.
2) Memory, even in Disk mode, is increasing continuously, while it shouldn't.
- Method `getByte(position)` is too often called within the current implementation
of the HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoder.
This implies too much activities which is visible when PARANOID mode is active.
This is also true in standard mode.
Apply the same fix on buffer from HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoder to HttpPostStandardRequestDecoder
made previously.
Finally in order to ensure we do not rewrite already decoded HttpData when decoding
next ones within multipart, we must ensure the buffers are copied and not a retained slice.
- Add some tests to check consistency for HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoder.
Add a package protected method for testing purpose only.
- Use the `bytesBefore(...)` method instead of `getByte(pos)` in order to limit the external
access to the underlying buffer by retrieving iteratively the beginning of a correct start
It is used to find both LF/CRLF and delimiter.
2 methods in HttpPostBodyUtil were created for that.
The undecodedChunk is copied when adding a chunk to a DataMultipart is loaded.
The same buffer is also rewritten in order to release the copied memory part.
Just for note, for both Memory or Disk or Mixed mode factories, the release has to be done as:
for (InterfaceHttpData httpData: decoder.getBodyHttpDatas()) {
factory.removeHttpDataFromClean(request, httpData);
The memory used is minimal in Disk or Mixed mode. In Memory mode, a big file is still
in memory but not more in the undecodedChunk but its own buffer (copied).
In terms of benchmarking, the results are:
Original code Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoderBenchmark.multipartRequestDecoderBigAdvancedLevel thrpt 6 0,152 ± 0,100 ops/ms
HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoderBenchmark.multipartRequestDecoderBigDisabledLevel thrpt 6 0,543 ± 0,218 ops/ms
HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoderBenchmark.multipartRequestDecoderBigParanoidLevel thrpt 6 0,001 ± 0,001 ops/ms
HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoderBenchmark.multipartRequestDecoderBigSimpleLevel thrpt 6 0,615 ± 0,070 ops/ms
HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoderBenchmark.multipartRequestDecoderHighAdvancedLevel thrpt 6 0,114 ± 0,063 ops/ms
HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoderBenchmark.multipartRequestDecoderHighDisabledLevel thrpt 6 0,664 ± 0,034 ops/ms
HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoderBenchmark.multipartRequestDecoderHighParanoidLevel thrpt 6 0,001 ± 0,001 ops/ms
HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoderBenchmark.multipartRequestDecoderHighSimpleLevel thrpt 6 0,620 ± 0,140 ops/ms
New code Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoderBenchmark.multipartRequestDecoderBigAdvancedLevel thrpt 6 4,037 ± 0,358 ops/ms
HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoderBenchmark.multipartRequestDecoderBigDisabledLevel thrpt 6 4,226 ± 0,471 ops/ms
HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoderBenchmark.multipartRequestDecoderBigParanoidLevel thrpt 6 0,875 ± 0,029 ops/ms
HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoderBenchmark.multipartRequestDecoderBigSimpleLevel thrpt 6 4,346 ± 0,275 ops/ms
HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoderBenchmark.multipartRequestDecoderHighAdvancedLevel thrpt 6 2,044 ± 0,020 ops/ms
HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoderBenchmark.multipartRequestDecoderHighDisabledLevel thrpt 6 2,278 ± 0,159 ops/ms
HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoderBenchmark.multipartRequestDecoderHighParanoidLevel thrpt 6 0,174 ± 0,004 ops/ms
HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoderBenchmark.multipartRequestDecoderHighSimpleLevel thrpt 6 2,370 ± 0,065 ops/ms
In short, using big file transfers, this is about 7 times faster with new code, while
using high number of HttpData, this is about 4 times faster with new code when using Simple Level.
When using Paranoid Level, using big file transfers, this is about 800 times faster with new code, while
using high number of HttpData, this is about 170 times faster with new code.