Right now HttpRequestEncoder does insertion of slash for url like http://localhost?pararm=1 before the question mark. It is done not effectively.
new StringBuilder(len + 1)
.append(uri, 0, index)
.append(uri, index, len)
Replaced with:
new StringBuilder(uri)
.insert(index, SLASH)
Faster HttpRequestEncoder. Additional small test. Attached benchmark in PR.
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
HttpRequestEncoderInsertBenchmark.newEncoder thrpt 40 3704843.303 ± 98950.919 ops/s
HttpRequestEncoderInsertBenchmark.oldEncoder thrpt 40 3284236.960 ± 134433.217 ops/s
If you are on Linux, you need additional development packages installed on your system, because you'll build the native transport.
Note that this is build-time requirement. JDK 5 (for 3.x) or 6 (for 4.0+) is enough to run your Netty-based application.
Branches to look
Development of all versions takes place in each branch whose name is identical to <majorVersion>.<minorVersion>. For example, the development of 3.9 and 4.0 resides in the branch '3.9' and the branch '4.0' respectively.