Motivation: Recently I'm going to build MQTT broker and client based on Netty. I had MQTT encoder and decoder founded, while no basic examples. So I'm going to share my simple heartBeat MQTT broker and client as an example. Modification: New MQTT heartBeat example under io.netty.example/mqtt/heartBeat/. Result: Client would send CONNECT and PINGREQ(heartBeat message). - CONNECT: once channel active - PINGREQ: once IdleStateEvent triggered, which is 20 seconds in this example Client would discard all messages it received. MQTT broker could handle CONNECT, PINGREQ and DISCONNECT messages. - CONNECT: send CONNACK back - PINGREQ: send PINGRESP back - DISCONNECT: close the channel Broker would close the channel if 2 heartBeat lost, which set to 45 seconds in this example.