__author__ = 'Andrea Cavalli' __version__ = '0.2' import asyncio import pathlib import time import urllib import warnings from enum import Enum from itertools import chain from string import digits from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Dict, Optional from pyrogram import raw, utils from pyrogram.storage import Storage from thriftpy2.contrib.aio.socket import TAsyncSocket from thriftpy2.contrib.aio.transport import TAsyncFramedTransportFactory, TAsyncBufferedTransportFactory from thriftpy2.contrib.aio.protocol import TAsyncBinaryProtocolFactory from lru import LRU import thriftpy2 import bson from thriftpy2.contrib.aio.client import TAsyncClient from pyrogram_rockserver_storage.TParallelAsyncClient import TParallelAsyncClient SESSION_KEY = [bytes([0])] DIGITS = set(digits) TRANSPORT_FACTORY = TAsyncFramedTransportFactory() PROTOCOL_FACTORY = TAsyncBinaryProtocolFactory() rocksdb_thrift = thriftpy2.load(str((pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / pathlib.Path("rocksdb.thrift")).resolve(strict=False)), module_name="rocksdb_thrift") class PeerType(Enum): """ Pyrogram peer types """ USER = 'user' BOT = 'bot' GROUP = 'group' CHANNEL = 'channel' SUPERGROUP = 'supergroup' def encode_peer_info(access_hash: int, peer_type: str, phone_number: str, last_update_on: int): return {"access_hash": access_hash, "peer_type": peer_type, "phone_number": phone_number, "last_update_on": last_update_on} def decode_peer_info(peer_id: int, value): return {"id": peer_id, "access_hash": value["access_hash"], "peer_type": value["peer_type"], "phone_number": ["phone_number"], "last_update_on": value["last_update_on"]} if value is not None else None def get_input_peer(peer): """ This function is almost blindly copied from pyrogram sqlite storage""" peer_id, peer_type, access_hash = peer['id'], peer['peer_type'], peer['access_hash'] if peer_type in {PeerType.USER.value, PeerType.BOT.value}: return raw.types.InputPeerUser(user_id=peer_id, access_hash=access_hash) if peer_type == PeerType.GROUP.value: return raw.types.InputPeerChat(chat_id=-peer_id) if peer_type in {PeerType.CHANNEL.value, PeerType.SUPERGROUP.value}: return raw.types.InputPeerChannel( channel_id=utils.get_channel_id(peer_id), access_hash=access_hash ) raise ValueError(f"Invalid peer type: {peer['type']}") async def fetchone(client: TAsyncClient, column: int, keys: Any) -> Optional[Dict]: """ Small helper - fetches a single row from provided query """ value = (await client.get(0, column, keys)).value value = bson.loads(value) if value else None return dict(value) if value else None class RockServerStorage(Storage): """ Implementation of RockServer storage. Example usage: >>> from pyrogram import Client >>> >>> session = RockServerStorage(hostname=..., port=5332, user_id=..., session_unique_name=..., save_user_peers=...) >>> pyrogram = Client(session_name=session) >>> await pyrogram.connect() >>> ... """ USERNAME_TTL = 8 * 60 * 60 # pyrogram constant def __init__(self, hostname: str, port: int, session_unique_name: str, save_user_peers: bool): """ :param hostname: rocksdb hostname :param port: rocksdb port :param session_unique_name: telegram session phone """ self._session_col = None self._peer_col = None self._session_id = f'{session_unique_name}' self._session_data = {"dc_id": 2, "api_id": None, "test_mode": None, "auth_key": None, "date": 0, "user_id": None, "is_bot": None, "phone": None} self._client = None self._hostname = hostname self._port = port self._save_user_peers = save_user_peers self._username_to_id = LRU(100_000) self._update_to_state = LRU(100_000) self._phone_to_id = LRU(100_000) super().__init__(name=self._session_id) async def make_parallel_aio_client(self, service, host='localhost', port=9090, unix_socket=None, proto_factory=TAsyncBinaryProtocolFactory(), trans_factory=TAsyncBufferedTransportFactory(), timeout=3000, connect_timeout=None, cafile=None, ssl_context=None, certfile=None, keyfile=None, validate=True, url='', socket_timeout=None): if socket_timeout is not None: warnings.warn( "The 'socket_timeout' argument is deprecated. " "Please use 'timeout' instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) timeout = socket_timeout if url: parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) host = parsed_url.hostname or host port = parsed_url.port or port if unix_socket: socket = TAsyncSocket(unix_socket=unix_socket, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, socket_timeout=timeout) if certfile: warnings.warn("SSL only works with host:port, not unix_socket.") elif host and port: socket = TAsyncSocket( host, port, socket_timeout=timeout, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, cafile=cafile, ssl_context=ssl_context, certfile=certfile, keyfile=keyfile, validate=validate) else: raise ValueError("Either host/port or unix_socket" " or url must be provided.") transport = trans_factory.get_transport(socket) protocol = proto_factory.get_protocol(transport) await transport.open() return TParallelAsyncClient(service, protocol) async def open(self): """ Initialize pyrogram session""" self._client = await self.make_parallel_aio_client(rocksdb_thrift.RocksDB, host=self._hostname, port=self._port, trans_factory=TRANSPORT_FACTORY, proto_factory=PROTOCOL_FACTORY, connect_timeout=8000) # Column('dc_id', BIGINT, primary_key=True), # Column('api_id', BIGINT), # Column('test_mode', Boolean), # Column('auth_key', BYTEA), # Column('date', BIGINT, nullable=False), # Column('user_id', BIGINT), # Column('is_bot', Boolean), # Column('phone', String(length=50) self._session_col = await self._client.createColumn(name=f'pyrogram_session_{self._session_id}', schema=rocksdb_thrift.ColumnSchema(fixedKeys=[1], variableTailKeys=[], hasValue=True)) # Column('id', BIGINT), # Column('access_hash', BIGINT), # Column('type', String, nullable=False), # Column('username', String), # Column('phone_number', String), # Column('last_update_on', BIGINT), self._peer_col = await self._client.createColumn(name=f'peers_{self._session_id}', schema=rocksdb_thrift.ColumnSchema(fixedKeys=[8], variableTailKeys=[], hasValue=True)) fetched_session_data = await fetchone(self._client, self._session_col, SESSION_KEY) self._session_data = fetched_session_data if fetched_session_data is not None else self._session_data async def save(self): """ On save we update the date """ await self.date(int(time.time())) async def close(self): """ Close transport """ if self._client is not None: close_future = self._client.close() if close_future is not None: await close_future async def delete(self): """ Delete all the tables and indexes """ await self._client.deleteColumn(self._session_id) await self._client.deleteColumn(self._peer_col) # peer_id, access_hash, peer_type, phone_number async def update_peers(self, peers: List[Tuple[int, int, str, str]]): """ Copied and adopted from pyro sqlite storage""" if not peers: return now = int(time.time()) deduplicated_peers = [] seen_ids = set() # deduplicate peers to avoid possible `CardinalityViolation` error for peer in peers: if not self._save_user_peers and peer[2] == "user": continue peer_id, *_ = peer if peer_id in seen_ids: continue seen_ids.add(peer_id) # enrich peer with timestamp and append deduplicated_peers.append(tuple(chain(peer, (now,)))) # construct insert query if deduplicated_peers: keys_multi = [] value_multi = [] for deduplicated_peer in deduplicated_peers: peer_id = deduplicated_peer[0] phone_number = deduplicated_peer[3] keys = [peer_id.to_bytes(8, byteorder='big', signed=True)] value_tuple = encode_peer_info(deduplicated_peer[1], deduplicated_peer[2], phone_number, deduplicated_peer[4]) value = bson.dumps(value_tuple) keys_multi.append(keys) value_multi.append(value) if phone_number is not None: self._phone_to_id[phone_number] = peer_id await self._client.putMulti(0, self._peer_col, keys_multi, value_multi) async def update_usernames(self, usernames: List[Tuple[int, List[str]]]): for t in usernames: peer_id = t[0] id_usernames = t[1] for username in id_usernames: self._username_to_id[username] = peer_id async def update_state(self, value: Tuple[int, int, int, int, int] = object): if value == object: return sorted(self._update_to_state.values(), key=lambda x: x[3], reverse=False) else: if isinstance(value, int): self._update_to_state.pop(value) else: self._update_to_state[value[0]] = value async def get_peer_by_id(self, peer_id: int): if isinstance(peer_id, str) or (not self._save_user_peers and peer_id > 0): raise KeyError(f"ID not found: {peer_id}") keys = [peer_id.to_bytes(8, byteorder='big', signed=True)] encoded_value = await fetchone(self._client, self._peer_col, keys) value_tuple = decode_peer_info(peer_id, encoded_value) if value_tuple is None: raise KeyError(f"ID not found: {peer_id}") return get_input_peer(value_tuple) async def get_peer_by_username(self, username: str): peer_id = self._username_to_id.get(username) if peer_id is None: raise KeyError(f"Username not found: {username}") keys = [peer_id.to_bytes(8, byteorder='big', signed=True)] encoded_value = await fetchone(self._client, self._peer_col, keys) value_tuple = decode_peer_info(peer_id, encoded_value) if value_tuple is None: raise KeyError(f"Username not found: {username}") if int(time.time() - value_tuple['last_update_on']) > self.USERNAME_TTL: raise KeyError(f"Username expired: {username}") return get_input_peer(value_tuple) async def get_peer_by_phone_number(self, phone_number: str): peer_id = self._phone_to_id.get(phone_number) if peer_id is None: raise KeyError(f"Phone number not found: {phone_number}") keys = [peer_id.to_bytes(8, byteorder='big', signed=True)] encoded_value = await fetchone(self._client, self._peer_col, keys) value_tuple = decode_peer_info(peer_id, encoded_value) return get_input_peer(value_tuple) async def _set(self, column, value: Any): update_begin = await self._client.getForUpdate(0, self._session_col, SESSION_KEY) try: decoded_bson_session_data = bson.loads(update_begin.previous) if update_begin.previous is not None else None session_data = decoded_bson_session_data if decoded_bson_session_data is not None else self._session_data session_data[column] = value encoded_session_data = bson.dumps(session_data) await self._client.put(update_begin.updateId, self._session_col, SESSION_KEY, encoded_session_data) except: print("Failed to update session in rocksdb, cancelling the update transaction...") try: await self._client.closeFailedUpdate(update_begin.updateId) except: pass self._session_data[column] = value # update local copy async def _accessor(self, column, value: Any = object): return self._session_data[column] if value == object else await self._set(column, value) async def dc_id(self, value: int = object): return await self._accessor('dc_id', value) async def api_id(self, value: int = object): return await self._accessor('api_id', value) async def test_mode(self, value: bool = object): return await self._accessor('test_mode', value) async def auth_key(self, value: bytes = object): return await self._accessor('auth_key', value) async def date(self, value: int = object): return await self._accessor('date', value) async def user_id(self, value: int = object): return await self._accessor('user_id', value) async def is_bot(self, value: bool = object): return await self._accessor('is_bot', value)