Rip out the MIME, Circle, Grafana
None of it needed now we are pushing straight to OpenSearch.
This commit is contained in:
@ -187,12 +187,9 @@ commands:
- store_artifacts: # store the benchmark output
path: /tmp/benchmark-results
destination: test_logs
- run:
name: Output logs as MIME
command: ./build_tools/ --logdirectory /tmp/benchmark-results
- run:
name: Send benchmark report to visualisation
command: ./build_tools/ --action tsv --tsvfile /tmp/benchmark-results/report.tsv
command: ./build_tools/ --tsvfile /tmp/benchmark-results/report.tsv --esdocument
@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
# COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
# (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
'''Take benchmark logs and output them as a Multipart MIME:
- Designed to bypass failed uploads to artifacts
- Might just do what we need anyway
import mimetypes
import os
import sys
import argparse
from email.message import EmailMessage
class BenchmarkLogger(object):
def __init__(self, args):
self.logdirectory = args.logdirectory
def build_message(self):
message = EmailMessage()
for entry in os.scandir(self.logdirectory):
if entry.is_file():
# Guess the content type based on the file's extension. Encoding
# will be ignored, although we should check for simple things like
# gzip'd or compressed files.
ctype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(entry)
if ctype is None or encoding is not None:
# No guess could be made, or the file is encoded (compressed), so
# use a generic bag-of-bits type.
ctype = 'application/octet-stream'
maintype, subtype = ctype.split('/', 1)
with open(entry, 'rb') as fp:
text =
text, maintype=maintype, subtype=subtype,
self.message = message
def as_string(self):
return self.message.as_string()
# Main
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Output files in a directory as a MIME message.')
# --log <logfile>
parser.add_argument('--logdirectory', default='/tmp/log',
help='Log directory. Default is /tmp/log')
args = parser.parse_args()
logger = BenchmarkLogger(args)
message = logger.as_string()
if not message:
print("Error mime-ing log directory %s"
% logger.logdirectory)
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -5,192 +5,26 @@
# (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
'''Access the results of benchmark runs
And send these results on to Grafana graphing service
Send these results on to OpenSearch graphing service
import argparse
from ast import Dict
from collections import namedtuple
import datetime
import email
import itertools
import os
import pickle
from keyword import iskeyword
import random
import re
import socket
import struct
import sys
from typing import Callable, List, Mapping
import circleci.api
from typing import Mapping
import requests
from dateutil import parser
import logging
class Configuration:
graphite_server = ''
graphite_pickle_port = 2004
circle_vcs = 'github'
circle_username = 'facebook'
circle_project = 'rocksdb'
circle_ci_api = ''
graphite_name_prefix = 'rocksdb.benchmark'
circle_user_id = os.environ['CIRCLE_USER_ID']
opensearch_doc = ''
opensearch_user = os.environ['ES_USER']
opensearch_pass = os.environ['ES_PASS']
class TupleObject:
def mapper(input_mapping):
Convert mappings to namedtuples recursively.
if isinstance(input_mapping, Mapping):
mapping = {}
for key, value in list(input_mapping.items()):
if not iskeyword(key):
mapping[key] = TupleObject.mapper(value)
return namedtuple(TupleObject.__name__, mapping.keys())(*mapping.values())
elif isinstance(input_mapping, list):
return [TupleObject.mapper(item) for item in input_mapping]
return input_mapping
class CircleAPIV2:
workflow_call_range = 20
pipeline_call_range = 20
job_call_range = 5
def __init__(self, user_id: str, vcs: str, username: str, project: str) -> None:
'''Configure with a CircleCI user id, and a slug (roughly, the project, e.g. github/facebook/rocksdb)
self.auth = (user_id, '')
self.slug = f"{vcs}/{username}/{project}"
self.service = Configuration.circle_ci_api
def get_jobs(self) -> List[int]:
def get_workflow_items(self, pipeline_id: str, filter: Callable) -> List[str]:
'''All the workflow items
TODO AP filter to where == "benchmark-linux"
params = {}
result = []
for i in range(CircleAPIV2.workflow_call_range):
workflows_call = requests.get(
f"{self.service}/pipeline/{pipeline_id}/workflow", auth=self.auth, params=params)
workflows = TupleObject.mapper(workflows_call.json())
result = result + [
for item in workflows.items if filter(item)]
if workflows.next_page_token == None:
params = {'page-token': workflows.next_page_token}
return result
def get_pipeline_ids(self, filter: Callable) -> List[str]:
params = {}
result = []
for i in range(CircleAPIV2.pipeline_call_range):
pipelines_call = requests.get(
f"{self.service}/project/{self.slug}/pipeline", auth=self.auth, params=params)
pipelines = TupleObject.mapper(pipelines_call.json())
result = result + [
for item in pipelines.items if filter(item)]
if pipelines.next_page_token == None:
params = {'page-token': pipelines.next_page_token}
return result
def get_jobs(self, workflow_id: str) -> List[int]:
params = {}
result = []
for i in range(CircleAPIV2.job_call_range):
jobs_call = requests.get(
f"{self.service}/workflow/{workflow_id}/job", auth=self.auth, params=params)
jobs = TupleObject.mapper(jobs_call.json())
result = result + [item.job_number
for item in jobs.items]
if jobs.next_page_token == None:
params = {'page-token': jobs.next_page_token}
return result
def get_job_info(self, job_id: int) -> object:
job_info_call = requests.get(
f"{self.service}/project/{self.slug}/job/{job_id}", auth=self.auth)
return TupleObject.mapper(job_info_call.json())
class Predicates:
def is_my_pull_request(pipeline):
return pipeline.vcs.branch == "pull/9723"
except AttributeError:
return False
def is_benchmark_linux(step):
return == "benchmark-linux" or == "benchmark-linux-dev"
except AttributeError:
return False
def always_true(x):
return True
def flatten(ll):
return [item for l in ll for item in l]
class CircleAPIV1:
Class to do some things tht still onlly appear possible through the legacy V1 CircleCI API
def __init__(self, user_id: str, vcs: str, username: str, project: str) -> None:
'''Configure with a CircleCI user id, and the vcs, username, project, e.g. github, facebook, rocksdb
self.api = circleci.api.Api(user_id)
self.vcs = vcs
self.username = username
self.project = project
def get_log_action_output_url(self, job_number: int, action_name: str) -> str:
'''Get the URL of the output of an action.
dict = self.api.get_build_info(username=self.username,
project=self.project, build_num=job_number)
info = TupleObject.mapper(dict)
for step in info.steps:
for action in step.actions:
if action.has_output and == action_name:
# found the special action whose content we want
return action.output_url
return None
def get_log_mime_url(self, job_number: int) -> str:
'''Use the old CircleCI v1.1 API to get the report URL. The report is the output files, MIME encoded.
Track it down because we know its name.
return self.get_log_action_output_url(job_number, "Output logs as MIME")
class BenchmarkResultException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, content):
super().__init__(self, message)
@ -225,57 +59,12 @@ class BenchmarkUtils:
return False
return True
def enhance(row):
(dt, _) = parser.parse(row['test_date'], fuzzy_with_tokens=True)
row['timestamp'] = int(dt.timestamp())
return row
def conform_opensearch(row):
(dt, _) = parser.parse(row['test_date'], fuzzy_with_tokens=True)
row['test_date'] = dt.isoformat()
return dict((key.replace('.', '_'), value)
for (key, value) in row.items())
def graphite(row, metric_path=Configuration.graphite_name_prefix):
'''Convert a row (dictionary of values)
into the form of object that graphite likes to receive
( <path>, (<timestamp>, <value>) )
result = []
for metric_key in BenchmarkUtils.expected_keys:
metric_id = metric_path + '.' + row['test_name'] + '.' + metric_key
metric_value = 0.0
metric_value = float(row[metric_key])
except (ValueError, TypeError):
# metric doesn't have a float value
metric = (metric_id, (row['timestamp'], metric_value))
return result
def test_graphite(rows, metric_prefix='test.', repeat=10, step_secs=900):
'''Modify the output of graphite
Stick a test. in front of the name
Change times to shift range of samples up to just before now()
max_ts = None
for row in rows:
(_, (timestamp, _)) = row
if max_ts == None or timestamp > max_ts:
max_ts = timestamp
delta = int( - max_ts)
rows2 = []
for row in rows:
(metric_id, (timestamp, metric_value)) = row
for i in range(repeat):
shoogled_value = int(random.randrange(
int(metric_value/2), int(3*metric_value/2+1)))
rows2.append((metric_prefix + metric_id,
(timestamp + delta + (i + 1 - repeat)*step_secs, shoogled_value)))
return rows2
class ResultParser:
def __init__(self, field="(\w|[+-:.])+", intrafield="(\s)+", separator="\t"):
@ -324,150 +113,7 @@ class ResultParser:
return records
class BenchmarkResult:
'''The result of a benchmark run
which is made up a known set of files
stored as a multipart MIME message
at a known URL.
Processing the result involves fetching the url, parsing the MIME, parsing the known file(s)
and generating the internal table(s) we want from those files (e.g. .tsv files)
report_file = 'report.tsv'
def __init__(self, job_info: TupleObject, output_url: str):
self.job_info = job_info
self.output_url = output_url
def time_sort_key(self):
'''Look at the job info retrieved from CircleCI to establish sort order'''
dt = parser.isoparse(self.job_info.started_at)
ticks = dt.timestamp()
return ticks
def fetch(self):
Go and get the output URL
Interpret it as a multipart MIME message with some attachments
Build a table (self.files) of these attachments -
- decoded and indexed by the filename
self.files = {}
message_call = requests.get(f"{self.output_url}")
messages = message_call.json()
if not isinstance(messages, list):
self.exception = BenchmarkResultException(
'Output of benchmark is not a list of messages', message_call.text)
return self
for item in messages:
message_str = item['message']
if message_str is None:
self.exception = BenchmarkResultException(
'Item in benchmark output does not have messgae key', item)
return self
message = email.message_from_string(message_str)
if (message.is_multipart()):
# parse a multipart message
for part in message.walk():
if part.get_content_disposition() == 'attachment':
bytes = part.get_payload(decode=True)
charset = part.get_content_charset('iso-8859-1')
decoded = bytes.decode(charset, 'replace')
self.files[part.get_filename()] = (
part._headers, decoded)
self.exception = BenchmarkResultException(
'Message in output of benchmark is not a multipart message', message_str)
return self
def parse_report(self):
for (filename, (headers, decoded)) in self.files.items():
if filename == BenchmarkResult.report_file:
parser = ResultParser()
report = parser.parse(decoded.split('\n'))
|||| = report
return self
def log_result(self):
for file in self.files.keys():
(headers, content) = self.files[file]
class CircleLogReader:
'''User level methods for telling us about particular logs'''
def __init__(self, config_dict: Dict) -> List:
config = TupleObject.mapper(config_dict)
self.config = config
self.api_v1 = CircleAPIV1(
config.user_id, config.vcs, config.username, config.project)
self.api_v2 = CircleAPIV2(
config.user_id, config.vcs, config.username, config.project)
def get_log_urls(self) -> List[BenchmarkResult]:
pipeline_ids = self.api_v2.get_pipeline_ids(
logging.debug(f"Fetched from CircleCI pipeline_ids: {pipeline_ids}")
workflows = flatten([self.api_v2.get_workflow_items(
pipeline_id, filter=Predicates.is_benchmark_linux) for pipeline_id in pipeline_ids])
logging.debug(f"Fetched from CircleCI workflows: {workflows}")
jobs = flatten([self.api_v2.get_jobs(workflow_id)
for workflow_id in workflows])
logging.debug(f"Fetched from CircleCI jobs: {jobs}")
urls = [self.api_v1.get_log_mime_url(
job_number=job_id) for job_id in jobs]
job_infos = [self.api_v2.get_job_info(
job_id=job_id) for job_id in jobs]
results = [BenchmarkResult(job_info, output_url) for(
job_info, output_url) in zip(job_infos, urls)]
results = sorted(results, key=BenchmarkResult.time_sort_key)
return results
def fetch_results_from_circle():
'''Track down the job number
Drill into the contents to find benchmark logs
Interpret the results
reader = CircleLogReader(
{'user_id': Configuration.circle_user_id,
'username': Configuration.circle_username,
'project': Configuration.circle_project,
'vcs': Configuration.circle_vcs})
urls = reader.get_log_urls()
results = [result.fetch().parse_report() for result in urls]
# Each object with a successful parse will have a .report field
for result in results:
reports = [ for result in results if hasattr(
result, 'report')]
logging.debug(f"Fetched from CircleCI reports: {reports}")
return reports
def save_reports_to_local(reports, filename: str):
file = open(filename, 'wb')
pickle.dump(reports, file)
def load_reports_from_local(filename: str):
file = open(filename, 'rb')
reports = pickle.load(file)
logging.debug(f"Loaded local pickled reports: {reports}")
return reports
def load_reports_from_tsv(filename: str):
def load_report_from_tsv(filename: str):
file = open(filename, 'r')
contents = file.readlines()
@ -477,119 +123,42 @@ def load_reports_from_tsv(filename: str):
return report
def push_report_to_opensearch(reports):
sanitized = [[BenchmarkUtils.conform_opensearch(row)
for row in rows if BenchmarkUtils.sanity_check(row)] for rows in reports]
for report in sanitized:
logging.debug(f"upload {len(report)} benchmarks to opensearch")
for single_benchmark in report:
logging.debug(f"upload benchmark: {single_benchmark}")
response =
json=single_benchmark, auth=(os.environ['ES_USER'], os.environ['ES_PASS']))
f"Sent to OpenSearch, status: {response.status_code}, result: {response.text}")
def push_pickle_to_graphite(reports, test_values: bool):
sanitized = [[BenchmarkUtils.enhance(row)
for row in rows if BenchmarkUtils.sanity_check(row)] for rows in reports]
graphite = []
for rows in sanitized:
for row in rows:
for point in BenchmarkUtils.graphite(row, Configuration.graphite_name_prefix):
# Do this if we are asked to create a recent record of test. data points
if test_values:
graphite = BenchmarkUtils.test_graphite(graphite)
logging.debug(f"upload {len(graphite)} to graphite: {graphite}")
# Careful not to use too modern a protocol for Graphite (it is Python2)
payload = pickle.dumps(graphite, protocol=1)
header = struct.pack("!L", len(payload))
graphite_message = header + payload
# Now send to Graphite's pickle port (2004 by default)
sock = socket.socket()
except socket.error:
raise SystemExit("Couldn't connect to %(server)s on port %(port)d, is Graphite running?" %
{'server': Configuration.graphite_server, 'port': Configuration.graphite_pickle_port})
ok = sock.sendall(graphite_message)
except socket.error:
raise SystemExit("Failed sending data to %(server)s on port %(port)d, is Graphite running?" %
{'server': Configuration.graphite_server, 'port': Configuration.graphite_pickle_port})
def push_report_to_opensearch(report, esdocument):
sanitized = [BenchmarkUtils.conform_opensearch(row)
for row in report if BenchmarkUtils.sanity_check(row)]
logging.debug(f"upload {len(sanitized)} benchmarks to opensearch")
for single_benchmark in sanitized:
logging.debug(f"upload benchmark: {single_benchmark}")
response =
json=single_benchmark, auth=(os.environ['ES_USER'], os.environ['ES_PASS']))
f"Sent to OpenSearch, status: {response.status_code}, result: {response.text}")
def main():
'''Tool for fetching, parsing and uploading benchmark results to Grafana
This tool can perform a variety of operations depending on how it is invoked
'''Tool for fetching, parsing and uploading benchmark results to OpenSearch / ElasticSearch
This tool will
Any combination (on input) of
(1) Open a local tsv file
(2) Fetch a set of results via the CircleCI API interface
(3) Load a local pickle file (pickle is a Python serialization format)
And on output of
(1) Save to a pickle file
(2) Upload to Graphite port, in pickle format (Graphite accepts pickle data)
The default operation is to load a local tsv file and upload it to Graphite
The other options allow for ad-hoc debugging and anaylsis of the process.
(1) Open a local tsv benchmark report file
(2) Upload to OpenSearch document, via https/JSON
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='CircleCI benchmark scraper.')
# --fetch from the CircleCI API into --picklefile <PICKLE-FILE>
# this takes time because we plough through the CircleCI API
# --tsvfile is the name of the file to read results from
# --esdocument is the ElasticSearch document to push these results into
# --push contents of --picklefile <PICKLE-FILE> to grafana/graphite
# this is to avoid the cost of --fetch while debugging
# --all fetch and push, missing out the intermediate picke file
# demonstrate end-to-end function
# --tsv
# push results presented as a TSV file (slightly different proposed format)
# this is how the script is invoked on the CircleCI test machine when running benchmarks
parser.add_argument('--action', choices=['fetch', 'graphite', 'opensearch', 'all', 'tsv'], default='tsv',
help='Which action to perform')
parser.add_argument('--picklefile', default='reports.pickle',
help='File in which to save pickled report')
parser.add_argument('--tsvfile', default='build_tools/circle_api_scraper_input.txt',
help='File from which to read tsv report')
parser.add_argument('--testvalues', default=False,
help='Use as test values; apply a timeshift and prepend "test." to the keys')
parser.add_argument('--esdocument', help='ElasticSearch/OpenSearch document URL to upload report into')
args = parser.parse_args()
logging.debug(f"Arguments: {args}")
if args.action == 'all':
reports = fetch_results_from_circle()
elif args.action == 'fetch':
reports = fetch_results_from_circle()
save_reports_to_local(reports, args.picklefile)
elif args.action == 'graphite':
reports = load_reports_from_local(args.picklefile)
push_pickle_to_graphite(reports, args.testvalues)
elif args.action == 'opensearch':
reports = load_reports_from_local(args.picklefile)
elif args.action == 'tsv':
reports = [load_reports_from_tsv(args.tsvfile)]
reports = load_report_from_tsv(args.tsvfile)
push_report_to_opensearch(reports, args.esdocument)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Reference in New Issue
Block a user