/** * Thrift server for leveldb * @author Dhruba Borthakur (dhruba@gmail.com) * Copyright 2012 Facebook */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "openhandles.h" #include "server_options.h" #include "leveldb/db.h" #include "leveldb/write_batch.h" using namespace apache::thrift; using namespace apache::thrift::util; using namespace apache::thrift::protocol; using namespace apache::thrift::transport; using namespace apache::thrift::server; using namespace apache::thrift::async; using namespace Tleveldb; using boost::shared_ptr; extern "C" void startServer(int argc, char** argv); extern "C" void stopServer(int port); static boost::shared_ptr tServer; // The global object that stores the default configuration of the server ServerOptions server_options; class DBHandler : virtual public DBIf { public: DBHandler() { openHandles = new OpenHandles(); } void Open(DBHandle& _return, const Text& dbname, const DBOptions& dboptions) { printf("Open %s\n", dbname.c_str()); if (!server_options.isValidName(dbname)) { LeveldbException e; e.errorCode = Code::kInvalidArgument; e.message = "Bad DB name"; fprintf(stderr, "Bad DB name %s\n", dbname.c_str()); throw e; } std::string dbdir = server_options.getDataDirectory(dbname); leveldb::Options options; // fill up per-server options options.block_cache = server_options.getCache(); // fill up per-DB options options.create_if_missing = dboptions.create_if_missing; options.error_if_exists = dboptions.error_if_exists; options.write_buffer_size = dboptions.write_buffer_size; options.max_open_files = dboptions.max_open_files; options.block_size = dboptions.block_size; options.block_restart_interval = dboptions.block_restart_interval; if (dboptions.compression == kNoCompression) { options.compression = leveldb::kNoCompression; } else if (dboptions.compression == kSnappyCompression) { options.compression = leveldb::kSnappyCompression; } int64_t session = openHandles->add(options, dbname, dbdir); _return.dbname = dbname; _return.handleid = session; } Code Close(const DBHandle& dbhandle, const Text& dbname) { /** * We do not close any handles for now, otherwise we have to do * some locking that will degrade performance in the normal case. if (openHandles->remove(dbname, dbhandle.handleid) == false) { return Code::kIOError; } */ return Code::kNotSupported; } Code Put(const DBHandle& dbhandle, const kv& kv, const WriteOptions& options) { leveldb::WriteOptions woptions; woptions.sync = options.sync; leveldb::Slice key, value; key.data_ = kv.key.data.data(); key.size_ = kv.key.size; value.data_ = kv.value.data.data(); value.size_ = kv.value.size; leveldb::DB* db = openHandles->get(dbhandle.dbname, dbhandle.handleid, NULL); if (db == NULL) { return Code::kNotFound; } leveldb::Status status = db->Put(woptions, key, value); if (status.ok()) { return Code::kOk; } return Code::kIOError; } Code Delete(const DBHandle& dbhandle, const Slice& kv, const WriteOptions& options) { leveldb::WriteOptions woptions; woptions.sync = options.sync; leveldb::Slice key; key.data_ = kv.data.data(); key.size_ = kv.size; leveldb::DB* db = openHandles->get(dbhandle.dbname, dbhandle.handleid, NULL); if (db == NULL) { return Code::kNotFound; } leveldb::Status status = db->Delete(woptions, key); if (status.ok()) { return Code::kOk; } return Code::kIOError; } Code Write(const DBHandle& dbhandle, const std::vector & batch, const WriteOptions& options) { leveldb::WriteOptions woptions; leveldb::WriteBatch lbatch; woptions.sync = options.sync; leveldb::Slice key, value; for (int i = 0; i < batch.size(); i++) { kv one = batch[i]; key.data_ = one.key.data.data(); key.size_ = one.key.size; value.data_ = one.value.data.data(); value.size_ = one.value.size; lbatch.Put(key, value); } leveldb::DB* db = openHandles->get(dbhandle.dbname, dbhandle.handleid, NULL); if (db == NULL) { return Code::kNotFound; } leveldb::Status status = db->Write(woptions, &lbatch); if (status.ok()) { return Code::kOk; } return Code::kIOError; } void Get(ResultItem& _return, const DBHandle& dbhandle, const Slice& inputkey, const ReadOptions& options) { struct onehandle* thishandle; _return.status = Code::kNotFound; std::string ret; leveldb::Slice ikey; ikey.data_ = inputkey.data.data(); ikey.size_ = inputkey.size; leveldb::DB* db = openHandles->get(dbhandle.dbname, dbhandle.handleid, &thishandle); if (db == NULL) { return; } assert(thishandle != NULL); const leveldb::Snapshot* s = NULL; if (options.snapshot.snapshotid > 0) { s = thishandle->lookupSnapshot(options.snapshot.snapshotid); assert(s != NULL); if (s == NULL) { return; } } leveldb::ReadOptions roptions; roptions.verify_checksums = options.verify_checksums; roptions.fill_cache = options.fill_cache; roptions.snapshot = s; leveldb::Status status = db->Get(roptions, ikey, &ret); if (status.ok()) { _return.value.data = ret.data(); _return.value.size = ret.size(); _return.status = Code::kOk; } } void NewIterator(ResultIterator& _return, const DBHandle& dbhandle, const ReadOptions& options, IteratorType iteratorType, const Slice& target) { struct onehandle* thishandle; _return.status = Code::kNotFound; leveldb::DB* db = openHandles->get(dbhandle.dbname, dbhandle.handleid, &thishandle); if (db == NULL) { return; } assert(thishandle != NULL); // check to see if snapshot is specified const leveldb::Snapshot* s = NULL; if (options.snapshot.snapshotid > 0) { s = thishandle->lookupSnapshot(options.snapshot.snapshotid); assert(s != NULL); if (s == NULL) { return; } } // create leveldb iterator leveldb::ReadOptions roptions; roptions.verify_checksums = options.verify_checksums; roptions.fill_cache = options.fill_cache; roptions.snapshot = s; leveldb::Iterator* iter = db->NewIterator(roptions); if (iter == NULL) { return; } // position iterator at right place if (iteratorType == IteratorType::seekToFirst) { iter->SeekToFirst(); } else if (iteratorType == IteratorType::seekToLast) { iter->SeekToLast(); } else if (iteratorType == IteratorType::seekToKey) { leveldb::Slice key; key.data_ = target.data.data(); key.size_ = target.size; iter->Seek(key); } else { delete iter; _return.status = Code::kInvalidArgument; return; } // insert iterator into openhandle list, get unique id int64_t id = thishandle->addIterator(iter); _return.iterator.iteratorid = id; _return.status = kOk; } // Delete existing iterator Code DeleteIterator(const DBHandle& dbhandle, const Iterator& iterator) { // find the db struct onehandle* thishandle; leveldb::DB* db = openHandles->get(dbhandle.dbname, dbhandle.handleid, &thishandle); if (db == NULL) { return kNotFound; } assert(thishandle != NULL); // find the leveldb iterator for this db leveldb::Iterator* it = thishandle->lookupIterator(iterator.iteratorid); if (it == NULL) { // this must have been cleaned up by the last call to GetNext return kOk; } thishandle->removeIterator(iterator.iteratorid); delete it; // cleanup return kOk; } // read the next value from the iterator void GetAnother(ResultPair& _return, const DBHandle& dbhandle, const Iterator& iterator, const bool doNext) { // find the db struct onehandle* thishandle; _return.status = Code::kNotFound; leveldb::DB* db = openHandles->get(dbhandle.dbname, dbhandle.handleid, &thishandle); if (db == NULL) { return; } assert(thishandle != NULL); // find the leveldb iterator for this db leveldb::Iterator* it = thishandle->lookupIterator(iterator.iteratorid); assert(it != NULL); if (it == NULL) { return; } // If the iterator has reached the endm close it rightaway. // There is no need for the application to make another thrift // call to cleanup the iterator. if (!it->Valid()) { thishandle->removeIterator(iterator.iteratorid); delete it; // cleanup _return.status = Code::kEnd; // no more elements return; } // if iterator has encountered any corruption if (!it->status().ok()) { thishandle->removeIterator(iterator.iteratorid); delete it; // cleanup _return.status = Code::kIOError; // error in data return; } // find current key-value leveldb::Slice key = it->key(); leveldb::Slice value = it->value(); // move to next or previous value if (doNext) { it->Next(); } else { it->Prev(); } // pack results back to client _return.keyvalue.key.data = key.data_; _return.keyvalue.key.size = key.size_; _return.keyvalue.value.data = value.data_; _return.keyvalue.value.size = value.size_; _return.status = Code::kOk; // success } // read the next value from the iterator void GetNext(ResultPair& _return, const DBHandle& dbhandle, const Iterator& iterator) { GetAnother(_return, dbhandle, iterator, 1); } // read the prev value from the iterator void GetPrev(ResultPair& _return, const DBHandle& dbhandle, const Iterator& iterator) { GetAnother(_return, dbhandle, iterator, 0); } void GetSnapshot(ResultSnapshot& _return, const DBHandle& dbhandle) { _return.status = kIOError; struct onehandle* thishandle; leveldb::DB* db = openHandles->get(dbhandle.dbname, dbhandle.handleid, &thishandle); if (db == NULL) { return; } // create leveldb snapshot const leveldb::Snapshot* s = db->GetSnapshot(); // store snapshot in dbhandle, get unique id. int64_t id = thishandle->addSnapshot(s); _return.snapshot.snapshotid = id; _return.status = kOk; } Code ReleaseSnapshot(const DBHandle& dbhandle, const Snapshot& snapshot) { struct onehandle* thishandle; leveldb::DB* db = openHandles->get(dbhandle.dbname, dbhandle.handleid, &thishandle); if (db == NULL) { return kNotFound; } const leveldb::Snapshot* s = thishandle->removeSnapshot(snapshot.snapshotid); if (s == NULL) { return Code::kNotFound; } db->ReleaseSnapshot(s); // release leveldb snapshot return Code::kOk; } Code CompactRange(const DBHandle& dbhandle, const Slice& begin, const Slice& end) { leveldb::DB* db = openHandles->get(dbhandle.dbname, dbhandle.handleid, NULL); if (db == NULL) { return Code::kNotFound; } leveldb::Slice k1, *start = &k1; k1.data_ = begin.data.data(); k1.size_ = begin.size; leveldb::Slice k2, *stop = &k2; k2.data_ = begin.data.data(); k2.size_ = begin.size; // check special ranges. if (start->size_ == 0) { start == NULL; } if (stop->size_ == 0) { stop == NULL; } db->CompactRange(start, stop); return Code::kOk; } private: OpenHandles* openHandles; }; // Starts a very simple thrift server void startServer(int argc, char** argv) { // process command line options if (!server_options.parseOptions(argc, argv)) { exit(1); } // create directories for server if (!server_options.createDirectories()) { exit(1); } // create the server's block cache server_options.createCache(); int port = server_options.getPort(); shared_ptr handler(new DBHandler()); shared_ptr processor(new DBProcessor(handler)); shared_ptr serverTransport(new TServerSocket(port)); shared_ptr transportFactory(new TBufferedTransportFactory()); shared_ptr protocolFactory(new TBinaryProtocolFactory()); TSimpleServer tServer(processor, serverTransport, transportFactory, protocolFactory); fprintf(stderr, "Server started on port %d\n", port); tServer.serve(); } /** void startEventServer(int port) { shared_ptr handler(new DBHandler()); shared_ptr processor(new DBProcessor(handler)); shared_ptr asyncProcessor(new TSyncToAsyncProcessor(processor)); TEventServerCreator creator(asyncProcessor, (uint16_t)port, 2); tServer = creator.createServer(); tServer.serve(); } **/ // Stops the thrift server void stopServer(int port) { tServer->stop(); }