# This is a RocksDB option file. # # A typical RocksDB options file has three sections, which are # Version, DBOptions, and more than one CFOptions. The RocksDB # options file in general follows the basic INI file format # with the following extensions / modifications: # # * Escaped characters # We escaped the following characters: # - \n -- line feed - new line # - \r -- carriage return # - \\ -- backslash \ # - \: -- colon symbol : # - \# -- hash tag # # * Comments # We support # style comments. Comments can appear at the ending # part of a line. # * Statements # A statement is of the form option_name = value. # Each statement contains a '=', where extra white-spaces # are supported. However, we don't support multi-lined statement. # Furthermore, each line can only contain at most one statement. # * Section # Sections are of the form [SecitonTitle "SectionArgument"], # where section argument is optional. # * List # We use colon-separated string to represent a list. # For instance, n1:n2:n3:n4 is a list containing four values. # # Below is an example of a RocksDB options file: [Version] # The Version section stores the version information about rocksdb # and option file. This is used for handling potential format # change in the future. rocksdb_version=4.0.0 # We support "#" style comment. options_file_version=1.0 [DBOptions] # Followed by the Version section is the DBOptions section. # The value of an options can be assigned using a statement. # Note that for those options that is not set in the options file, # we will use the default value. max_open_files=12345 max_background_flushes=301 [CFOptions "default"] # ColumnFamilyOptions section must follow the format of # [CFOptions "cf name"]. If a rocksdb instance # has multiple column families, then its CFOptions must be # specified in the same order as column family creation order. [CFOptions "the second column family"] # Each column family must have one section in the RocksDB option # file even all the options of this column family are set to # default value. [CFOptions "the third column family"]