// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the // LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant // of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. // #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE #include "utilities/geodb/geodb_impl.h" #ifndef __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #endif #include #include #include #include #include "db/filename.h" #include "util/coding.h" // // There are two types of keys. The first type of key-values // maps a geo location to the set of object ids and their values. // Table 1 // key : p + : + $quadkey + : + $id + // : + $latitude + : + $longitude // value : value of the object // This table can be used to find all objects that reside near // a specified geolocation. // // Table 2 // key : 'k' + : + $id // value: $quadkey namespace rocksdb { GeoDBImpl::GeoDBImpl(DB* db, const GeoDBOptions& options) : GeoDB(db, options), db_(db), options_(options) { } GeoDBImpl::~GeoDBImpl() { } Status GeoDBImpl::Insert(const GeoObject& obj) { WriteBatch batch; // It is possible that this id is already associated with // with a different position. We first have to remove that // association before we can insert the new one. // remove existing object, if it exists GeoObject old; Status status = GetById(obj.id, &old); if (status.ok()) { assert(obj.id.compare(old.id) == 0); std::string quadkey = PositionToQuad(old.position, Detail); std::string key1 = MakeKey1(old.position, old.id, quadkey); std::string key2 = MakeKey2(old.id); batch.Delete(Slice(key1)); batch.Delete(Slice(key2)); } else if (status.IsNotFound()) { // What if another thread is trying to insert the same ID concurrently? } else { return status; } // insert new object std::string quadkey = PositionToQuad(obj.position, Detail); std::string key1 = MakeKey1(obj.position, obj.id, quadkey); std::string key2 = MakeKey2(obj.id); batch.Put(Slice(key1), Slice(obj.value)); batch.Put(Slice(key2), Slice(quadkey)); return db_->Write(woptions_, &batch); } Status GeoDBImpl::GetByPosition(const GeoPosition& pos, const Slice& id, std::string* value) { std::string quadkey = PositionToQuad(pos, Detail); std::string key1 = MakeKey1(pos, id, quadkey); return db_->Get(roptions_, Slice(key1), value); } Status GeoDBImpl::GetById(const Slice& id, GeoObject* object) { Status status; Slice quadkey; // create an iterator so that we can get a consistent picture // of the database. Iterator* iter = db_->NewIterator(roptions_); // create key for table2 std::string kt = MakeKey2(id); Slice key2(kt); iter->Seek(key2); if (iter->Valid() && iter->status().ok()) { if (iter->key().compare(key2) == 0) { quadkey = iter->value(); } } if (quadkey.size() == 0) { delete iter; return Status::NotFound(key2); } // // Seek to the quadkey + id prefix // std::string prefix = MakeKey1Prefix(quadkey.ToString(), id); iter->Seek(Slice(prefix)); assert(iter->Valid()); if (!iter->Valid() || !iter->status().ok()) { delete iter; return Status::NotFound(); } // split the key into p + quadkey + id + lat + lon std::vector parts; Slice key = iter->key(); StringSplit(&parts, key.ToString(), ':'); assert(parts.size() == 5); assert(parts[0] == "p"); assert(parts[1] == quadkey); assert(parts[2] == id); // fill up output parameters object->position.latitude = atof(parts[3].c_str()); object->position.longitude = atof(parts[4].c_str()); object->id = id.ToString(); // this is redundant object->value = iter->value().ToString(); delete iter; return Status::OK(); } Status GeoDBImpl::Remove(const Slice& id) { // Read the object from the database GeoObject obj; Status status = GetById(id, &obj); if (!status.ok()) { return status; } // remove the object by atomically deleting it from both tables std::string quadkey = PositionToQuad(obj.position, Detail); std::string key1 = MakeKey1(obj.position, obj.id, quadkey); std::string key2 = MakeKey2(obj.id); WriteBatch batch; batch.Delete(Slice(key1)); batch.Delete(Slice(key2)); return db_->Write(woptions_, &batch); } Status GeoDBImpl::SearchRadial(const GeoPosition& pos, double radius, std::vector* values, int number_of_values) { // Gather all bounding quadkeys std::vector qids; Status s = searchQuadIds(pos, radius, &qids); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } // create an iterator Iterator* iter = db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions()); // Process each prospective quadkey for (std::string qid : qids) { // The user is interested in only these many objects. if (number_of_values == 0) { break; } // convert quadkey to db key prefix std::string dbkey = MakeQuadKeyPrefix(qid); for (iter->Seek(dbkey); number_of_values > 0 && iter->Valid() && iter->status().ok(); iter->Next()) { // split the key into p + quadkey + id + lat + lon std::vector parts; Slice key = iter->key(); StringSplit(&parts, key.ToString(), ':'); assert(parts.size() == 5); assert(parts[0] == "p"); std::string* quadkey = &parts[1]; // If the key we are looking for is a prefix of the key // we found from the database, then this is one of the keys // we are looking for. auto res = std::mismatch(qid.begin(), qid.end(), quadkey->begin()); if (res.first == qid.end()) { GeoPosition obj_pos(atof(parts[3].c_str()), atof(parts[4].c_str())); GeoObject obj(obj_pos, parts[4], iter->value().ToString()); values->push_back(obj); number_of_values--; } else { break; } } } delete iter; return Status::OK(); } std::string GeoDBImpl::MakeKey1(const GeoPosition& pos, Slice id, std::string quadkey) { std::string lat = std::to_string(pos.latitude); std::string lon = std::to_string(pos.longitude); std::string key = "p:"; key.reserve(5 + quadkey.size() + id.size() + lat.size() + lon.size()); key.append(quadkey); key.append(":"); key.append(id.ToString()); key.append(":"); key.append(lat); key.append(":"); key.append(lon); return key; } std::string GeoDBImpl::MakeKey2(Slice id) { std::string key = "k:"; key.append(id.ToString()); return key; } std::string GeoDBImpl::MakeKey1Prefix(std::string quadkey, Slice id) { std::string key = "p:"; key.reserve(3 + quadkey.size() + id.size()); key.append(quadkey); key.append(":"); key.append(id.ToString()); return key; } std::string GeoDBImpl::MakeQuadKeyPrefix(std::string quadkey) { std::string key = "p:"; key.append(quadkey); return key; } void GeoDBImpl::StringSplit(std::vector* tokens, const std::string &text, char sep) { std::size_t start = 0, end = 0; while ((end = text.find(sep, start)) != std::string::npos) { tokens->push_back(text.substr(start, end - start)); start = end + 1; } tokens->push_back(text.substr(start)); } // convert degrees to radians double GeoDBImpl::radians(double x) { return (x * PI) / 180; } // convert radians to degrees double GeoDBImpl::degrees(double x) { return (x * 180) / PI; } // convert a gps location to quad coordinate std::string GeoDBImpl::PositionToQuad(const GeoPosition& pos, int levelOfDetail) { Pixel p = PositionToPixel(pos, levelOfDetail); Tile tile = PixelToTile(p); return TileToQuadKey(tile, levelOfDetail); } GeoPosition GeoDBImpl::displaceLatLon(double lat, double lon, double deltay, double deltax) { double dLat = deltay / EarthRadius; double dLon = deltax / (EarthRadius * cos(radians(lat))); return GeoPosition(lat + degrees(dLat), lon + degrees(dLon)); } // // Return the distance between two positions on the earth // double GeoDBImpl::distance(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2) { double lon = radians(lon2 - lon1); double lat = radians(lat2 - lat1); double a = (sin(lat / 2) * sin(lat / 2)) + cos(radians(lat1)) * cos(radians(lat2)) * (sin(lon / 2) * sin(lon / 2)); double angle = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a)); return angle * EarthRadius; } // // Returns all the quadkeys inside the search range // Status GeoDBImpl::searchQuadIds(const GeoPosition& position, double radius, std::vector* quadKeys) { // get the outline of the search square GeoPosition topLeftPos = boundingTopLeft(position, radius); GeoPosition bottomRightPos = boundingBottomRight(position, radius); Pixel topLeft = PositionToPixel(topLeftPos, Detail); Pixel bottomRight = PositionToPixel(bottomRightPos, Detail); // how many level of details to look for int numberOfTilesAtMaxDepth = floor((bottomRight.x - topLeft.x) / 256); int zoomLevelsToRise = floor(::log(numberOfTilesAtMaxDepth) / ::log(2)); zoomLevelsToRise++; int levels = std::max(0, Detail - zoomLevelsToRise); quadKeys->push_back(PositionToQuad(GeoPosition(topLeftPos.latitude, topLeftPos.longitude), levels)); quadKeys->push_back(PositionToQuad(GeoPosition(topLeftPos.latitude, bottomRightPos.longitude), levels)); quadKeys->push_back(PositionToQuad(GeoPosition(bottomRightPos.latitude, topLeftPos.longitude), levels)); quadKeys->push_back(PositionToQuad(GeoPosition(bottomRightPos.latitude, bottomRightPos.longitude), levels)); return Status::OK(); } // Determines the ground resolution (in meters per pixel) at a specified // latitude and level of detail. // Latitude (in degrees) at which to measure the ground resolution. // Level of detail, from 1 (lowest detail) to 23 (highest detail). // Returns the ground resolution, in meters per pixel. double GeoDBImpl::GroundResolution(double latitude, int levelOfDetail) { latitude = clip(latitude, MinLatitude, MaxLatitude); return cos(latitude * PI / 180) * 2 * PI * EarthRadius / MapSize(levelOfDetail); } // Converts a point from latitude/longitude WGS-84 coordinates (in degrees) // into pixel XY coordinates at a specified level of detail. GeoDBImpl::Pixel GeoDBImpl::PositionToPixel(const GeoPosition& pos, int levelOfDetail) { double latitude = clip(pos.latitude, MinLatitude, MaxLatitude); double x = (pos.longitude + 180) / 360; double sinLatitude = sin(latitude * PI / 180); double y = 0.5 - ::log((1 + sinLatitude) / (1 - sinLatitude)) / (4 * PI); double mapSize = MapSize(levelOfDetail); double X = floor(clip(x * mapSize + 0.5, 0, mapSize - 1)); double Y = floor(clip(y * mapSize + 0.5, 0, mapSize - 1)); return Pixel((unsigned int)X, (unsigned int)Y); } GeoPosition GeoDBImpl::PixelToPosition(const Pixel& pixel, int levelOfDetail) { double mapSize = MapSize(levelOfDetail); double x = (clip(pixel.x, 0, mapSize - 1) / mapSize) - 0.5; double y = 0.5 - (clip(pixel.y, 0, mapSize - 1) / mapSize); double latitude = 90 - 360 * atan(exp(-y * 2 * PI)) / PI; double longitude = 360 * x; return GeoPosition(latitude, longitude); } // Converts a Pixel to a Tile GeoDBImpl::Tile GeoDBImpl::PixelToTile(const Pixel& pixel) { unsigned int tileX = floor(pixel.x / 256); unsigned int tileY = floor(pixel.y / 256); return Tile(tileX, tileY); } GeoDBImpl::Pixel GeoDBImpl::TileToPixel(const Tile& tile) { unsigned int pixelX = tile.x * 256; unsigned int pixelY = tile.y * 256; return Pixel(pixelX, pixelY); } // Convert a Tile to a quadkey std::string GeoDBImpl::TileToQuadKey(const Tile& tile, int levelOfDetail) { std::stringstream quadKey; for (int i = levelOfDetail; i > 0; i--) { char digit = '0'; int mask = 1 << (i - 1); if ((tile.x & mask) != 0) { digit++; } if ((tile.y & mask) != 0) { digit++; digit++; } quadKey << digit; } return quadKey.str(); } // // Convert a quadkey to a tile and its level of detail // void GeoDBImpl::QuadKeyToTile(std::string quadkey, Tile* tile, int *levelOfDetail) { tile->x = tile->y = 0; *levelOfDetail = quadkey.size(); const char* key = reinterpret_cast(quadkey.c_str()); for (int i = *levelOfDetail; i > 0; i--) { int mask = 1 << (i - 1); switch (key[*levelOfDetail - i]) { case '0': break; case '1': tile->x |= mask; break; case '2': tile->y |= mask; break; case '3': tile->x |= mask; tile->y |= mask; break; default: std::stringstream msg; msg << quadkey; msg << " Invalid QuadKey."; throw std::runtime_error(msg.str()); } } } } // namespace rocksdb #endif // ROCKSDB_LITE