#!/usr/bin/env bash # Script to report lite build binary size for latest RocksDB commits. # Usage: # ./report_lite_binary_size [num_recent_commits] num_recent_commits=${1:-10} echo "Computing RocksDB lite build binary size for the most recent $num_recent_commits commits." for ((i=0; i < num_recent_commits; i++)) do git checkout master~$i commit_hash=$(git show -s --format=%H) commit_time=$(git show -s --format=%ct) # It would be nice to check if scuba already have a record for the commit, # but sandcastle don't seems to have scuba CLI installed. make clean make OPT=-DROCKSDB_LITE static_lib if make OPT=-DROCKSDB_LITE static_lib then build_succeeded='true' strip librocksdb.a binary_size=$(stat -c %s librocksdb.a) else build_succeeded='false' binary_size=0 fi current_time="\"time\": $(date +%s)" commit_hash="\"hash\": \"$commit_hash\"" commit_time="\"commit_time\": $commit_time" build_succeeded="\"build_succeeded\": \"$build_succeeded\"" binary_size="\"binary_size\": $binary_size" scribe_log="{\"int\":{$current_time, $commit_time, $binary_size}, \"normal\":{$commit_hash, $build_succeeded}}" echo "Logging to scribe: $scribe_log" scribe_cat perfpipe_rocksdb_lite_build "$scribe_log" done