# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals rocksdb_target_header = """# This file \100generated by `python buckifier/buckify_rocksdb.py` # --> DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY <-- # This file is a Facebook-specific integration for buck builds, so can # only be validated by Facebook employees. # load("@fbcode_macros//build_defs:auto_headers.bzl", "AutoHeaders") load("@fbcode_macros//build_defs:cpp_library.bzl", "cpp_library") load(":defs.bzl", "test_binary") REPO_PATH = package_name() + "/" ROCKSDB_COMPILER_FLAGS = [ "-fno-builtin-memcmp", # Needed to compile in fbcode "-Wno-expansion-to-defined", # Added missing flags from output of build_detect_platform "-Wnarrowing", "-DROCKSDB_NO_DYNAMIC_EXTENSION", ] ROCKSDB_EXTERNAL_DEPS = [ ("bzip2", None, "bz2"), ("snappy", None, "snappy"), ("zlib", None, "z"), ("gflags", None, "gflags"), ("lz4", None, "lz4"), ("zstd", None), ("tbb", None), ("googletest", None, "gtest"), ] ROCKSDB_OS_DEPS = [ ( "linux", ["third-party//numa:numa"], ), ] ROCKSDB_OS_PREPROCESSOR_FLAGS = [ ( "linux", [ "-DOS_LINUX", "-DROCKSDB_FALLOCATE_PRESENT", "-DROCKSDB_MALLOC_USABLE_SIZE", "-DROCKSDB_PTHREAD_ADAPTIVE_MUTEX", "-DROCKSDB_RANGESYNC_PRESENT", "-DROCKSDB_SCHED_GETCPU_PRESENT", "-DHAVE_SSE42", "-DNUMA", ], ), ( "macos", ["-DOS_MACOSX"], ), ] ROCKSDB_PREPROCESSOR_FLAGS = [ "-DROCKSDB_PLATFORM_POSIX", "-DROCKSDB_LIB_IO_POSIX", "-DROCKSDB_SUPPORT_THREAD_LOCAL", # Flags to enable libs we include "-DSNAPPY", "-DZLIB", "-DBZIP2", "-DLZ4", "-DZSTD", "-DZSTD_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY", "-DGFLAGS=gflags", "-DTBB", # Added missing flags from output of build_detect_platform "-DROCKSDB_BACKTRACE", # Directories with files for #include "-I" + REPO_PATH + "include/", "-I" + REPO_PATH, "-I" + REPO_PATH + "third-party/folly/", ] ROCKSDB_ARCH_PREPROCESSOR_FLAGS = { "x86_64": [ "-DHAVE_PCLMUL", ], } build_mode = read_config("fbcode", "build_mode") is_opt_mode = build_mode.startswith("opt") # -DNDEBUG is added by default in opt mode in fbcode. But adding it twice # doesn't harm and avoid forgetting to add it. ROCKSDB_COMPILER_FLAGS += (["-DNDEBUG"] if is_opt_mode else []) sanitizer = read_config("fbcode", "sanitizer") # Do not enable jemalloc if sanitizer presents. RocksDB will further detect # whether the binary is linked with jemalloc at runtime. ROCKSDB_OS_PREPROCESSOR_FLAGS += ([( "linux", ["-DROCKSDB_JEMALLOC"], )] if sanitizer == "" else []) ROCKSDB_OS_DEPS += ([( "linux", ["third-party//jemalloc:headers"], )] if sanitizer == "" else []) """ library_template = """ cpp_library( name = "{name}", srcs = [{srcs}], {headers_attr_prefix}headers = {headers}, arch_preprocessor_flags = ROCKSDB_ARCH_PREPROCESSOR_FLAGS, compiler_flags = ROCKSDB_COMPILER_FLAGS, os_deps = ROCKSDB_OS_DEPS, os_preprocessor_flags = ROCKSDB_OS_PREPROCESSOR_FLAGS, preprocessor_flags = ROCKSDB_PREPROCESSOR_FLAGS, deps = [{deps}], external_deps = ROCKSDB_EXTERNAL_DEPS, ) """ binary_template = """ cpp_binary( name = "%s", srcs = [%s], arch_preprocessor_flags = ROCKSDB_ARCH_PREPROCESSOR_FLAGS, compiler_flags = ROCKSDB_COMPILER_FLAGS, preprocessor_flags = ROCKSDB_PREPROCESSOR_FLAGS, deps = [%s], external_deps = ROCKSDB_EXTERNAL_DEPS, ) """ test_cfg_template = """ [ "%s", "%s", "%s", %s, %s, ], """ unittests_template = """ # [test_name, test_src, test_type, extra_deps, extra_compiler_flags] ROCKS_TESTS = [ %s] # Generate a test rule for each entry in ROCKS_TESTS # Do not build the tests in opt mode, since SyncPoint and other test code # will not be included. [ test_binary( extra_compiler_flags = extra_compiler_flags, extra_deps = extra_deps, parallelism = parallelism, rocksdb_arch_preprocessor_flags = ROCKSDB_ARCH_PREPROCESSOR_FLAGS, rocksdb_compiler_flags = ROCKSDB_COMPILER_FLAGS, rocksdb_external_deps = ROCKSDB_EXTERNAL_DEPS, rocksdb_os_deps = ROCKSDB_OS_DEPS, rocksdb_os_preprocessor_flags = ROCKSDB_OS_PREPROCESSOR_FLAGS, rocksdb_preprocessor_flags = ROCKSDB_PREPROCESSOR_FLAGS, test_cc = test_cc, test_name = test_name, ) for test_name, test_cc, parallelism, extra_deps, extra_compiler_flags in ROCKS_TESTS if not is_opt_mode ] """