Andres Noetzli 014fd55adc Support for SingleDelete()
This patch fixes #7460559. It introduces SingleDelete as a new database
operation. This operation can be used to delete keys that were never
overwritten (no put following another put of the same key). If an overwritten
key is single deleted the behavior is undefined. Single deletion of a
non-existent key has no effect but multiple consecutive single deletions are
not allowed (see limitations).

In contrast to the conventional Delete() operation, the deletion entry is
removed along with the value when the two are lined up in a compaction. Note:
The semantics are similar to @igor's prototype that allowed to have this
behavior on the granularity of a column family ( ). This new patch, however, is more
aggressive when it comes to removing tombstones: It removes the SingleDelete
together with the value whenever there is no snapshot between them while the
older patch only did this when the sequence number of the deletion was older
than the earliest snapshot.

Most of the complex additions are in the Compaction Iterator, all other changes
should be relatively straightforward. The patch also includes basic support for
single deletions in db_stress and db_bench.

- Not compatible with cuckoo hash tables
- Single deletions cannot be used in combination with merges and normal
  deletions on the same key (other keys are not affected by this)
- Consecutive single deletions are currently not allowed (and older version of
  this patch supported this so it could be resurrected if needed)

Test Plan: make all check

Reviewers: yhchiang, sdong, rven, anthony, yoshinorim, igor

Reviewed By: igor

Subscribers: maykov, dhruba, leveldb

Differential Revision:
2015-09-17 11:42:56 -07:00

251 lines
9.7 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#include "db/merge_helper.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include "db/dbformat.h"
#include "rocksdb/comparator.h"
#include "rocksdb/db.h"
#include "rocksdb/merge_operator.h"
#include "util/perf_context_imp.h"
#include "util/statistics.h"
#include "util/stop_watch.h"
namespace rocksdb {
// TODO(agiardullo): Clean up merge callsites to use this func
Status MergeHelper::TimedFullMerge(const Slice& key, const Slice* value,
const std::deque<std::string>& operands,
const MergeOperator* merge_operator,
Statistics* statistics, Env* env,
Logger* logger, std::string* result) {
if (operands.size() == 0) {
result->assign(value->data(), value->size());
return Status::OK();
if (merge_operator == nullptr) {
return Status::NotSupported("Provide a merge_operator when opening DB");
// Setup to time the merge
StopWatchNano timer(env, statistics != nullptr);
// Do the merge
bool success =
merge_operator->FullMerge(key, value, operands, result, logger);
RecordTick(statistics, MERGE_OPERATION_TOTAL_TIME,
env != nullptr ? timer.ElapsedNanos() : 0);
if (!success) {
RecordTick(statistics, NUMBER_MERGE_FAILURES);
return Status::Corruption("Error: Could not perform merge.");
return Status::OK();
// PRE: iter points to the first merge type entry
// POST: iter points to the first entry beyond the merge process (or the end)
// keys_, operands_ are updated to reflect the merge result.
// keys_ stores the list of keys encountered while merging.
// operands_ stores the list of merge operands encountered while merging.
// keys_[i] corresponds to operands_[i] for each i.
Status MergeHelper::MergeUntil(Iterator* iter, const SequenceNumber stop_before,
const bool at_bottom, Statistics* stats,
Env* env_) {
// Get a copy of the internal key, before it's invalidated by iter->Next()
// Also maintain the list of merge operands seen.
// We need to parse the internal key again as the parsed key is
// backed by the internal key!
// Assume no internal key corruption as it has been successfully parsed
// by the caller.
// Invariant: keys_.back() will not change. Hence, orig_ikey is always valid.
ParsedInternalKey orig_ikey;
ParseInternalKey(keys_.back(), &orig_ikey);
Status s;
bool hit_the_next_user_key = false;
for (iter->Next(); iter->Valid(); iter->Next()) {
ParsedInternalKey ikey;
assert(operands_.size() >= 1); // Should be invariants!
assert(keys_.size() == operands_.size());
if (!ParseInternalKey(iter->key(), &ikey)) {
// stop at corrupted key
if (assert_valid_internal_key_) {
assert(!"Corrupted internal key not expected.");
return Status::Corruption("Corrupted internal key not expected.");
} else if (!user_comparator_->Equal(ikey.user_key, orig_ikey.user_key)) {
// hit a different user key, stop right here
hit_the_next_user_key = true;
} else if (stop_before && ikey.sequence <= stop_before) {
// hit an entry that's visible by the previous snapshot, can't touch that
// At this point we are guaranteed that we need to process this key.
if (ikey.type != kTypeMerge) {
// Merges operands can only be used with puts and deletions, single
// deletions are not supported.
assert(ikey.type == kTypeValue || ikey.type == kTypeDeletion);
// hit a put/delete
// => merge the put value or a nullptr with operands_
// => store result in operands_.back() (and update keys_.back())
// => change the entry type to kTypeValue for keys_.back()
// We are done! Success!
// TODO(noetzli) If the merge operator returns false, we are currently
// (almost) silently dropping the put/delete. That's probably not what we
// want.
const Slice val = iter->value();
const Slice* val_ptr = (kTypeValue == ikey.type) ? &val : nullptr;
std::string merge_result;
s = TimedFullMerge(ikey.user_key, val_ptr, operands_,
user_merge_operator_, stats, env_, logger_,
// We store the result in keys_.back() and operands_.back()
// if nothing went wrong (i.e.: no operand corruption on disk)
if (s.ok()) {
// The original key encountered
std::string original_key = std::move(keys_.back());
orig_ikey.type = kTypeValue;
UpdateInternalKey(&original_key, orig_ikey.sequence, orig_ikey.type);
// move iter to the next entry
return s;
} else {
// hit a merge
// => merge the operand into the front of the operands_ list
// => use the user's associative merge function to determine how.
// => then continue because we haven't yet seen a Put/Delete.
assert(!operands_.empty()); // Should have at least one element in it
// keep queuing keys and operands until we either meet a put / delete
// request or later did a partial merge.
// We are sure we have seen this key's entire history if we are at the
// last level and exhausted all internal keys of this user key.
// NOTE: !iter->Valid() does not necessarily mean we hit the
// beginning of a user key, as versions of a user key might be
// split into multiple files (even files on the same level)
// and some files might not be included in the compaction/merge.
// There are also cases where we have seen the root of history of this
// key without being sure of it. Then, we simply miss the opportunity
// to combine the keys. Since VersionSet::SetupOtherInputs() always makes
// sure that all merge-operands on the same level get compacted together,
// this will simply lead to these merge operands moving to the next level.
// So, we only perform the following logic (to merge all operands together
// without a Put/Delete) if we are certain that we have seen the end of key.
bool surely_seen_the_beginning = hit_the_next_user_key && at_bottom;
if (surely_seen_the_beginning) {
// do a final merge with nullptr as the existing value and say
// bye to the merge type (it's now converted to a Put)
assert(kTypeMerge == orig_ikey.type);
assert(operands_.size() >= 1);
assert(operands_.size() == keys_.size());
std::string merge_result;
s = TimedFullMerge(orig_ikey.user_key, nullptr, operands_,
user_merge_operator_, stats, env_, logger_,
if (s.ok()) {
// The original key encountered
std::string original_key = std::move(keys_.back());
orig_ikey.type = kTypeValue;
UpdateInternalKey(&original_key, orig_ikey.sequence, orig_ikey.type);
} else {
// We haven't seen the beginning of the key nor a Put/Delete.
// Attempt to use the user's associative merge function to
// merge the stacked merge operands into a single operand.
// TODO(noetzli) The docblock of MergeUntil suggests that a successful
// partial merge returns Status::OK(). Should we change the status code
// after a successful partial merge?
s = Status::MergeInProgress();
if (operands_.size() >= 2 &&
operands_.size() >= min_partial_merge_operands_) {
bool merge_success = false;
std::string merge_result;
StopWatchNano timer(env_, stats != nullptr);
merge_success = user_merge_operator_->PartialMergeMulti(
std::deque<Slice>(operands_.begin(), operands_.end()),
&merge_result, logger_);
env_ != nullptr ? timer.ElapsedNanos() : 0);
if (merge_success) {
// Merging of operands (associative merge) was successful.
// Replace operands with the merge result
keys_.erase(keys_.begin(), keys_.end() - 1);
return s;
MergeOutputIterator::MergeOutputIterator(const MergeHelper* merge_helper)
: merge_helper_(merge_helper) {
it_keys_ = merge_helper_->keys().rend();
it_values_ = merge_helper_->values().rend();
void MergeOutputIterator::SeekToFirst() {
const auto& keys = merge_helper_->keys();
const auto& values = merge_helper_->values();
assert(keys.size() > 0);
assert(keys.size() == values.size());
it_keys_ = keys.rbegin();
it_values_ = values.rbegin();
void MergeOutputIterator::Next() {
} // namespace rocksdb