mrambacher 12f1137355 Add a SystemClock class to capture the time functions of an Env (#7858)
Introduces and uses a SystemClock class to RocksDB.  This class contains the time-related functions of an Env and these functions can be redirected from the Env to the SystemClock.

Many of the places that used an Env (Timer, PerfStepTimer, RepeatableThread, RateLimiter, WriteController) for time-related functions have been changed to use SystemClock instead.  There are likely more places that can be changed, but this is a start to show what can/should be done.  Over time it would be nice to migrate most (if not all) of the uses of the time functions from the Env to the SystemClock.

There are several Env classes that implement these functions.  Most of these have not been converted yet to SystemClock implementations; that will come in a subsequent PR.  It would be good to unify many of the Mock Timer implementations, so that they behave similarly and be tested similarly (some override Sleep, some use a MockSleep, etc).

Additionally, this change will allow new methods to be introduced to the SystemClock (like WaitFor) in a consistent manner across a smaller number of classes.

Pull Request resolved:

Reviewed By: pdillinger

Differential Revision: D26006406

Pulled By: mrambacher

fbshipit-source-id: ed10a8abbdab7ff2e23d69d85bd25b3e7e899e90
2021-01-25 22:09:11 -08:00

211 lines
7.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <deque>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "db/column_family.h"
#include "db/compaction/compaction_iterator.h"
#include "db/dbformat.h"
#include "db/flush_scheduler.h"
#include "db/internal_stats.h"
#include "db/job_context.h"
#include "db/log_writer.h"
#include "db/memtable_list.h"
#include "db/range_del_aggregator.h"
#include "db/version_edit.h"
#include "db/write_controller.h"
#include "db/write_thread.h"
#include "logging/event_logger.h"
#include "options/cf_options.h"
#include "options/db_options.h"
#include "port/port.h"
#include "rocksdb/compaction_filter.h"
#include "rocksdb/compaction_job_stats.h"
#include "rocksdb/db.h"
#include "rocksdb/env.h"
#include "rocksdb/memtablerep.h"
#include "rocksdb/transaction_log.h"
#include "table/scoped_arena_iterator.h"
#include "util/autovector.h"
#include "util/stop_watch.h"
#include "util/thread_local.h"
class Arena;
class ErrorHandler;
class MemTable;
class SnapshotChecker;
class SystemClock;
class TableCache;
class Version;
class VersionEdit;
class VersionSet;
// CompactionJob is responsible for executing the compaction. Each (manual or
// automated) compaction corresponds to a CompactionJob object, and usually
// goes through the stages of `Prepare()`->`Run()`->`Install()`. CompactionJob
// will divide the compaction into subcompactions and execute them in parallel
// if needed.
class CompactionJob {
int job_id, Compaction* compaction, const ImmutableDBOptions& db_options,
const FileOptions& file_options, VersionSet* versions,
const std::atomic<bool>* shutting_down,
const SequenceNumber preserve_deletes_seqnum, LogBuffer* log_buffer,
FSDirectory* db_directory, FSDirectory* output_directory,
FSDirectory* blob_output_directory, Statistics* stats,
InstrumentedMutex* db_mutex, ErrorHandler* db_error_handler,
std::vector<SequenceNumber> existing_snapshots,
SequenceNumber earliest_write_conflict_snapshot,
const SnapshotChecker* snapshot_checker,
std::shared_ptr<Cache> table_cache, EventLogger* event_logger,
bool paranoid_file_checks, bool measure_io_stats,
const std::string& dbname, CompactionJobStats* compaction_job_stats,
Env::Priority thread_pri, const std::shared_ptr<IOTracer>& io_tracer,
const std::atomic<int>* manual_compaction_paused = nullptr,
const std::string& db_id = "", const std::string& db_session_id = "",
std::string full_history_ts_low = "");
// no copy/move
CompactionJob(CompactionJob&& job) = delete;
CompactionJob(const CompactionJob& job) = delete;
CompactionJob& operator=(const CompactionJob& job) = delete;
// REQUIRED: mutex held
// Prepare for the compaction by setting up boundaries for each subcompaction
void Prepare();
// REQUIRED mutex not held
// Launch threads for each subcompaction and wait for them to finish. After
// that, verify table is usable and finally do bookkeeping to unify
// subcompaction results
Status Run();
// REQUIRED: mutex held
// Add compaction input/output to the current version
Status Install(const MutableCFOptions& mutable_cf_options);
// Return the IO status
IOStatus io_status() const { return io_status_; }
struct SubcompactionState;
void AggregateStatistics();
// Generates a histogram representing potential divisions of key ranges from
// the input. It adds the starting and/or ending keys of certain input files
// to the working set and then finds the approximate size of data in between
// each consecutive pair of slices. Then it divides these ranges into
// consecutive groups such that each group has a similar size.
void GenSubcompactionBoundaries();
// update the thread status for starting a compaction.
void ReportStartedCompaction(Compaction* compaction);
void AllocateCompactionOutputFileNumbers();
// Call compaction filter. Then iterate through input and compact the
// kv-pairs
void ProcessKeyValueCompaction(SubcompactionState* sub_compact);
Status FinishCompactionOutputFile(
const Status& input_status, SubcompactionState* sub_compact,
CompactionRangeDelAggregator* range_del_agg,
CompactionIterationStats* range_del_out_stats,
const Slice* next_table_min_key = nullptr);
Status InstallCompactionResults(const MutableCFOptions& mutable_cf_options);
void RecordCompactionIOStats();
Status OpenCompactionOutputFile(SubcompactionState* sub_compact);
void CleanupCompaction();
void UpdateCompactionJobStats(
const InternalStats::CompactionStats& stats) const;
void RecordDroppedKeys(const CompactionIterationStats& c_iter_stats,
CompactionJobStats* compaction_job_stats = nullptr);
void UpdateCompactionStats();
void UpdateCompactionInputStatsHelper(
int* num_files, uint64_t* bytes_read, int input_level);
void LogCompaction();
int job_id_;
// CompactionJob state
struct CompactionState;
CompactionState* compact_;
CompactionJobStats* compaction_job_stats_;
InternalStats::CompactionStats compaction_stats_;
// DBImpl state
const std::string& dbname_;
const std::string db_id_;
const std::string db_session_id_;
const ImmutableDBOptions& db_options_;
const FileOptions file_options_;
Env* env_;
std::shared_ptr<SystemClock> clock_;
std::shared_ptr<IOTracer> io_tracer_;
FileSystemPtr fs_;
// env_option optimized for compaction table reads
FileOptions file_options_for_read_;
VersionSet* versions_;
const std::atomic<bool>* shutting_down_;
const std::atomic<int>* manual_compaction_paused_;
const SequenceNumber preserve_deletes_seqnum_;
LogBuffer* log_buffer_;
FSDirectory* db_directory_;
FSDirectory* output_directory_;
FSDirectory* blob_output_directory_;
Statistics* stats_;
InstrumentedMutex* db_mutex_;
ErrorHandler* db_error_handler_;
// If there were two snapshots with seq numbers s1 and
// s2 and s1 < s2, and if we find two instances of a key k1 then lies
// entirely within s1 and s2, then the earlier version of k1 can be safely
// deleted because that version is not visible in any snapshot.
std::vector<SequenceNumber> existing_snapshots_;
// This is the earliest snapshot that could be used for write-conflict
// checking by a transaction. For any user-key newer than this snapshot, we
// should make sure not to remove evidence that a write occurred.
SequenceNumber earliest_write_conflict_snapshot_;
const SnapshotChecker* const snapshot_checker_;
std::shared_ptr<Cache> table_cache_;
EventLogger* event_logger_;
// Is this compaction creating a file in the bottom most level?
bool bottommost_level_;
bool paranoid_file_checks_;
bool measure_io_stats_;
// Stores the Slices that designate the boundaries for each subcompaction
std::vector<Slice> boundaries_;
// Stores the approx size of keys covered in the range of each subcompaction
std::vector<uint64_t> sizes_;
Env::WriteLifeTimeHint write_hint_;
Env::Priority thread_pri_;
IOStatus io_status_;
std::string full_history_ts_low_;
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE