Peter Dillinger 6ac1d25fd0 Fix+clean up handling of mock sleeps (#7101)
We have a number of tests hanging on MacOS and windows due to
mishandling of code for mock sleeps. In addition, the code was in
terrible shape because the same variable (addon_time_) would sometimes
refer to microseconds and sometimes to seconds. One test even assumed it
was nanoseconds but was written to pass anyway.

This has been cleaned up so that DB tests generally use a SpecialEnv
function to mock sleep, for either some number of microseconds or seconds
depending on the function called. But to call one of these, the test must first
call SetMockSleep (precondition enforced with assertion), which also turns
sleeps in RocksDB into mock sleeps. To also removes accounting for actual
clock time, call SetTimeElapseOnlySleepOnReopen, which implies
SetMockSleep (on DB re-open). This latter setting only works by applying
on DB re-open, otherwise havoc can ensue if Env goes back in time with
DB open.

More specifics:

Removed some unused test classes, and updated comments on the general

Fixed DBSSTTest.GetTotalSstFilesSize using a sync point callback instead
of mock time. For this we have the only modification to production code,
inserting a sync point callback in, which is not a change to
production behavior.

Removed unnecessary resetting of mock times to 0 in many tests. RocksDB
deals in relative time. Any behaviors relying on absolute date/time are likely
a bug. (The above test DBSSTTest.GetTotalSstFilesSize was the only one
clearly injecting a specific absolute time for actual testing convenience.) Just
in case I misunderstood some test, I put this note in each replacement:
// NOTE: Presumed unnecessary and removed: resetting mock time in env

Strengthened some tests like MergeTestTime, MergeCompactionTimeTest, and
FilterCompactionTimeTest in

stats_history_test and blob_db_test are each their own beast, rather deeply
dependent on MockTimeEnv. Each gets its own variant of a work-around for
TimedWait in a mock time environment. (Reduces redundancy and
inconsistency in stats_history_test.)

Intended follow-up:

Remove TimedWait from the public API of InstrumentedCondVar, and only
make that accessible through Env by passing in an InstrumentedCondVar and
a deadline. Then the Env implementations mocking time can fix this problem
without using sync points. (Test infrastructure using sync points interferes
with individual tests' control over sync points.)

With that change, we can simplify/consolidate the scattered work-arounds.

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: make check on Linux and MacOS

Reviewed By: zhichao-cao

Differential Revision: D23032815

Pulled By: pdillinger

fbshipit-source-id: 7f33967ada8b83011fb54e8279365c008bd6610b
2020-08-11 12:41:30 -07:00

234 lines
9.1 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#include "util/rate_limiter.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <limits>
#include "db/db_test_util.h"
#include "rocksdb/env.h"
#include "test_util/sync_point.h"
#include "test_util/testharness.h"
#include "util/random.h"
// TODO(yhchiang): the rate will not be accurate when we run test in parallel.
class RateLimiterTest : public testing::Test {};
TEST_F(RateLimiterTest, OverflowRate) {
GenericRateLimiter limiter(port::kMaxInt64, 1000, 10,
RateLimiter::Mode::kWritesOnly, Env::Default(),
false /* auto_tuned */);
ASSERT_GT(limiter.GetSingleBurstBytes(), 1000000000ll);
TEST_F(RateLimiterTest, StartStop) {
std::unique_ptr<RateLimiter> limiter(NewGenericRateLimiter(100, 100, 10));
TEST_F(RateLimiterTest, Modes) {
for (auto mode : {RateLimiter::Mode::kWritesOnly,
RateLimiter::Mode::kReadsOnly, RateLimiter::Mode::kAllIo}) {
GenericRateLimiter limiter(
2000 /* rate_bytes_per_sec */, 1000 * 1000 /* refill_period_us */,
10 /* fairness */, mode, Env::Default(), false /* auto_tuned */);
limiter.Request(1000 /* bytes */, Env::IO_HIGH, nullptr /* stats */,
if (mode == RateLimiter::Mode::kWritesOnly) {
ASSERT_EQ(0, limiter.GetTotalBytesThrough(Env::IO_HIGH));
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(1000, limiter.GetTotalBytesThrough(Env::IO_HIGH));
limiter.Request(1000 /* bytes */, Env::IO_HIGH, nullptr /* stats */,
if (mode == RateLimiter::Mode::kAllIo) {
ASSERT_EQ(2000, limiter.GetTotalBytesThrough(Env::IO_HIGH));
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(1000, limiter.GetTotalBytesThrough(Env::IO_HIGH));
#if !(defined(TRAVIS) && defined(OS_MACOSX))
TEST_F(RateLimiterTest, Rate) {
auto* env = Env::Default();
struct Arg {
Arg(int32_t _target_rate, int _burst)
: limiter(NewGenericRateLimiter(_target_rate, 100 * 1000, 10)),
request_size(_target_rate / 10),
burst(_burst) {}
std::unique_ptr<RateLimiter> limiter;
int32_t request_size;
int burst;
auto writer = [](void* p) {
auto* thread_env = Env::Default();
auto* arg = static_cast<Arg*>(p);
// Test for 2 seconds
auto until = thread_env->NowMicros() + 2 * 1000000;
Random r((uint32_t)(thread_env->NowNanos() %
while (thread_env->NowMicros() < until) {
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(r.Skewed(arg->burst) + 1); ++i) {
arg->limiter->Request(r.Uniform(arg->request_size - 1) + 1,
Env::IO_HIGH, nullptr /* stats */,
arg->limiter->Request(r.Uniform(arg->request_size - 1) + 1, Env::IO_LOW,
nullptr /* stats */, RateLimiter::OpType::kWrite);
for (int i = 1; i <= 16; i *= 2) {
int32_t target = i * 1024 * 10;
Arg arg(target, i / 4 + 1);
int64_t old_total_bytes_through = 0;
for (int iter = 1; iter <= 2; ++iter) {
// second iteration changes the target dynamically
if (iter == 2) {
target *= 2;
auto start = env->NowMicros();
for (int t = 0; t < i; ++t) {
env->StartThread(writer, &arg);
auto elapsed = env->NowMicros() - start;
double rate =
(arg.limiter->GetTotalBytesThrough() - old_total_bytes_through) *
1000000.0 / elapsed;
old_total_bytes_through = arg.limiter->GetTotalBytesThrough();
"request size [1 - %" PRIi32 "], limit %" PRIi32
" KB/sec, actual rate: %lf KB/sec, elapsed %.2lf seconds\n",
arg.request_size - 1, target / 1024, rate / 1024,
elapsed / 1000000.0);
ASSERT_GE(rate / target, 0.80);
ASSERT_LE(rate / target, 1.25);
TEST_F(RateLimiterTest, LimitChangeTest) {
// starvation test when limit changes to a smaller value
int64_t refill_period = 1000 * 1000;
auto* env = Env::Default();
struct Arg {
Arg(int32_t _request_size, Env::IOPriority _pri,
std::shared_ptr<RateLimiter> _limiter)
: request_size(_request_size), pri(_pri), limiter(_limiter) {}
int32_t request_size;
Env::IOPriority pri;
std::shared_ptr<RateLimiter> limiter;
auto writer = [](void* p) {
auto* arg = static_cast<Arg*>(p);
arg->limiter->Request(arg->request_size, arg->pri, nullptr /* stats */,
for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= 16; i <<= 1) {
int32_t target = i * 1024 * 10;
// refill per second
for (int iter = 0; iter < 2; iter++) {
std::shared_ptr<RateLimiter> limiter =
target, refill_period, 10, RateLimiter::Mode::kWritesOnly,
Env::Default(), false /* auto_tuned */);
Arg arg(target, Env::IO_HIGH, limiter);
// The idea behind is to start a request first, then before it refills,
// update limit to a different value (2X/0.5X). No starvation should
// be guaranteed under any situation
// TODO(lightmark): more test cases are welcome.
env->StartThread(writer, &arg);
int32_t new_limit = (target << 1) >> (iter << 1);
"[COMPLETE] request size %" PRIi32 " KB, new limit %" PRIi32
"KB/sec, refill period %" PRIi64 " ms\n",
target / 1024, new_limit / 1024, refill_period / 1000);
TEST_F(RateLimiterTest, AutoTuneIncreaseWhenFull) {
const std::chrono::seconds kTimePerRefill(1);
const int kRefillsPerTune = 100; // needs to match util/
SpecialEnv special_env(Env::Default(), /*time_elapse_only_sleep*/ true);
auto stats = CreateDBStatistics();
std::unique_ptr<RateLimiter> rate_limiter(new GenericRateLimiter(
1000 /* rate_bytes_per_sec */,
std::chrono::microseconds(kTimePerRefill).count(), 10 /* fairness */,
RateLimiter::Mode::kWritesOnly, &special_env, true /* auto_tuned */));
// Use callback to advance time because we need to advance (1) after Request()
// has determined the bytes are not available; and (2) before Refill()
// computes the next refill time (ensuring refill time in the future allows
// the next request to drain the rate limiter).
"GenericRateLimiter::Refill", [&](void* /*arg*/) {
// verify rate limit increases after a sequence of periods where rate limiter
// is always drained
int64_t orig_bytes_per_sec = rate_limiter->GetSingleBurstBytes();
rate_limiter->Request(orig_bytes_per_sec, Env::IO_HIGH, stats.get(),
while (std::chrono::microseconds(special_env.NowMicros()) <=
kRefillsPerTune * kTimePerRefill) {
rate_limiter->Request(orig_bytes_per_sec, Env::IO_HIGH, stats.get(),
int64_t new_bytes_per_sec = rate_limiter->GetSingleBurstBytes();
ASSERT_GT(new_bytes_per_sec, orig_bytes_per_sec);
// decreases after a sequence of periods where rate limiter is not drained
orig_bytes_per_sec = new_bytes_per_sec;
kRefillsPerTune * std::chrono::microseconds(kTimePerRefill).count()));
// make a request so tuner can be triggered
rate_limiter->Request(1 /* bytes */, Env::IO_HIGH, stats.get(),
new_bytes_per_sec = rate_limiter->GetSingleBurstBytes();
ASSERT_LT(new_bytes_per_sec, orig_bytes_per_sec);
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();