Islam AbdelRahman 3ce3bb3da2 Allowing L0 -> L1 trivial move on sorted data
This diff updates the logic of how we do trivial move, now trivial move can run on any number of files in input level as long as they are not overlapping

The conditions for trivial move have been updated

Introduced conditions:
  - Trivial move cannot happen if we have a compaction filter (except if the compaction is not manual)
  - Input level files cannot be overlapping

Removed conditions:
  - Trivial move only run when the compaction is not manual
  - Input level should can contain only 1 file

More context on what tests failed because of Trivial move
This test is expecting compaction on a file in L0 to generate multiple files in L1, this test will fail with trivial move because we end up with one file in L1

This test expect compaction to fail when we force environment to report running out of space, of course this is not valid in trivial move situation
because trivial move does not need any extra space, and did not check for that

Similar to DBTest.NoSpaceCompactRange

This test expect that a file in L2 is deleted after it's moved to L3, this is not valid with trivial move because although the file was moved it is now used by L3

Same as DBTest.CompactionsGenerateMultipleFiles

This diff is based on a work by @sdong

Test Plan: make -j64 check

Reviewers: rven, sdong, igor

Reviewed By: igor

Subscribers: yhchiang, ott, march, dhruba, sdong

Differential Revision:
2015-06-04 16:51:25 -07:00

306 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#include <string>
#include "db/version_edit.h"
#include "db/version_set.h"
#include "util/logging.h"
#include "util/string_util.h"
#include "util/testharness.h"
#include "util/testutil.h"
namespace rocksdb {
class VersionBuilderTest : public testing::Test {
const Comparator* ucmp_;
InternalKeyComparator icmp_;
Options options_;
ImmutableCFOptions ioptions_;
MutableCFOptions mutable_cf_options_;
VersionStorageInfo vstorage_;
uint32_t file_num_;
CompactionOptionsFIFO fifo_options_;
std::vector<uint64_t> size_being_compacted_;
: ucmp_(BytewiseComparator()),
mutable_cf_options_(options_, ioptions_),
vstorage_(&icmp_, ucmp_, options_.num_levels, kCompactionStyleLevel,
file_num_(1) {
~VersionBuilderTest() {
for (int i = 0; i < vstorage_.num_levels(); i++) {
for (auto* f : vstorage_.LevelFiles(i)) {
if (--f->refs == 0) {
delete f;
InternalKey GetInternalKey(const char* ukey,
SequenceNumber smallest_seq = 100) {
return InternalKey(ukey, smallest_seq, kTypeValue);
void Add(int level, uint32_t file_number, const char* smallest,
const char* largest, uint64_t file_size = 0, uint32_t path_id = 0,
SequenceNumber smallest_seq = 100, SequenceNumber largest_seq = 100,
uint64_t num_entries = 0, uint64_t num_deletions = 0,
bool sampled = false, SequenceNumber smallest_seqno = 0,
SequenceNumber largest_seqno = 0) {
assert(level < vstorage_.num_levels());
FileMetaData* f = new FileMetaData;
f->fd = FileDescriptor(file_number, path_id, file_size);
f->smallest = GetInternalKey(smallest, smallest_seq);
f->largest = GetInternalKey(largest, largest_seq);
f->smallest_seqno = smallest_seqno;
f->largest_seqno = largest_seqno;
f->compensated_file_size = file_size;
f->refs = 0;
f->num_entries = num_entries;
f->num_deletions = num_deletions;
vstorage_.AddFile(level, f);
if (sampled) {
f->init_stats_from_file = true;
void UpdateVersionStorageInfo() {
vstorage_.CalculateBaseBytes(ioptions_, mutable_cf_options_);
void UnrefFilesInVersion(VersionStorageInfo* new_vstorage) {
for (int i = 0; i < new_vstorage->num_levels(); i++) {
for (auto* f : new_vstorage->LevelFiles(i)) {
if (--f->refs == 0) {
delete f;
TEST_F(VersionBuilderTest, ApplyAndSaveTo) {
Add(0, 1U, "150", "200", 100U);
Add(1, 66U, "150", "200", 100U);
Add(1, 88U, "201", "300", 100U);
Add(2, 6U, "150", "179", 100U);
Add(2, 7U, "180", "220", 100U);
Add(2, 8U, "221", "300", 100U);
Add(3, 26U, "150", "170", 100U);
Add(3, 27U, "171", "179", 100U);
Add(3, 28U, "191", "220", 100U);
Add(3, 29U, "221", "300", 100U);
VersionEdit version_edit;
version_edit.AddFile(2, 666, 0, 100U, GetInternalKey("301"),
GetInternalKey("350"), 200, 200);
version_edit.DeleteFile(3, 27U);
EnvOptions env_options;
VersionBuilder version_builder(env_options, nullptr, &vstorage_);
VersionStorageInfo new_vstorage(&icmp_, ucmp_, options_.num_levels,
kCompactionStyleLevel, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(400U, new_vstorage.NumLevelBytes(2));
ASSERT_EQ(300U, new_vstorage.NumLevelBytes(3));
TEST_F(VersionBuilderTest, ApplyAndSaveToDynamic) {
ioptions_.level_compaction_dynamic_level_bytes = true;
Add(0, 1U, "150", "200", 100U, 0, 200U, 200U, 0, 0, false, 200U, 200U);
Add(0, 88U, "201", "300", 100U, 0, 100U, 100U, 0, 0, false, 100U, 100U);
Add(4, 6U, "150", "179", 100U);
Add(4, 7U, "180", "220", 100U);
Add(4, 8U, "221", "300", 100U);
Add(5, 26U, "150", "170", 100U);
Add(5, 27U, "171", "179", 100U);
VersionEdit version_edit;
version_edit.AddFile(3, 666, 0, 100U, GetInternalKey("301"),
GetInternalKey("350"), 200, 200);
version_edit.DeleteFile(0, 1U);
version_edit.DeleteFile(0, 88U);
EnvOptions env_options;
VersionBuilder version_builder(env_options, nullptr, &vstorage_);
VersionStorageInfo new_vstorage(&icmp_, ucmp_, options_.num_levels,
kCompactionStyleLevel, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(0U, new_vstorage.NumLevelBytes(0));
ASSERT_EQ(100U, new_vstorage.NumLevelBytes(3));
ASSERT_EQ(300U, new_vstorage.NumLevelBytes(4));
ASSERT_EQ(200U, new_vstorage.NumLevelBytes(5));
TEST_F(VersionBuilderTest, ApplyAndSaveToDynamic2) {
ioptions_.level_compaction_dynamic_level_bytes = true;
Add(0, 1U, "150", "200", 100U, 0, 200U, 200U, 0, 0, false, 200U, 200U);
Add(0, 88U, "201", "300", 100U, 0, 100U, 100U, 0, 0, false, 100U, 100U);
Add(4, 6U, "150", "179", 100U);
Add(4, 7U, "180", "220", 100U);
Add(4, 8U, "221", "300", 100U);
Add(5, 26U, "150", "170", 100U);
Add(5, 27U, "171", "179", 100U);
VersionEdit version_edit;
version_edit.AddFile(4, 666, 0, 100U, GetInternalKey("301"),
GetInternalKey("350"), 200, 200);
version_edit.DeleteFile(0, 1U);
version_edit.DeleteFile(0, 88U);
version_edit.DeleteFile(4, 6U);
version_edit.DeleteFile(4, 7U);
version_edit.DeleteFile(4, 8U);
EnvOptions env_options;
VersionBuilder version_builder(env_options, nullptr, &vstorage_);
VersionStorageInfo new_vstorage(&icmp_, ucmp_, options_.num_levels,
kCompactionStyleLevel, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(0U, new_vstorage.NumLevelBytes(0));
ASSERT_EQ(100U, new_vstorage.NumLevelBytes(4));
ASSERT_EQ(200U, new_vstorage.NumLevelBytes(5));
TEST_F(VersionBuilderTest, ApplyMultipleAndSaveTo) {
VersionEdit version_edit;
version_edit.AddFile(2, 666, 0, 100U, GetInternalKey("301"),
GetInternalKey("350"), 200, 200);
version_edit.AddFile(2, 676, 0, 100U, GetInternalKey("401"),
GetInternalKey("450"), 200, 200);
version_edit.AddFile(2, 636, 0, 100U, GetInternalKey("601"),
GetInternalKey("650"), 200, 200);
version_edit.AddFile(2, 616, 0, 100U, GetInternalKey("501"),
GetInternalKey("550"), 200, 200);
version_edit.AddFile(2, 606, 0, 100U, GetInternalKey("701"),
GetInternalKey("750"), 200, 200);
EnvOptions env_options;
VersionBuilder version_builder(env_options, nullptr, &vstorage_);
VersionStorageInfo new_vstorage(&icmp_, ucmp_, options_.num_levels,
kCompactionStyleLevel, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(500U, new_vstorage.NumLevelBytes(2));
TEST_F(VersionBuilderTest, ApplyDeleteAndSaveTo) {
EnvOptions env_options;
VersionBuilder version_builder(env_options, nullptr, &vstorage_);
VersionStorageInfo new_vstorage(&icmp_, ucmp_, options_.num_levels,
kCompactionStyleLevel, nullptr);
VersionEdit version_edit;
version_edit.AddFile(2, 666, 0, 100U, GetInternalKey("301"),
GetInternalKey("350"), 200, 200);
version_edit.AddFile(2, 676, 0, 100U, GetInternalKey("401"),
GetInternalKey("450"), 200, 200);
version_edit.AddFile(2, 636, 0, 100U, GetInternalKey("601"),
GetInternalKey("650"), 200, 200);
version_edit.AddFile(2, 616, 0, 100U, GetInternalKey("501"),
GetInternalKey("550"), 200, 200);
version_edit.AddFile(2, 606, 0, 100U, GetInternalKey("701"),
GetInternalKey("750"), 200, 200);
VersionEdit version_edit2;
version_edit.AddFile(2, 808, 0, 100U, GetInternalKey("901"),
GetInternalKey("950"), 200, 200);
version_edit2.DeleteFile(2, 616);
version_edit2.DeleteFile(2, 636);
version_edit.AddFile(2, 806, 0, 100U, GetInternalKey("801"),
GetInternalKey("850"), 200, 200);
ASSERT_EQ(300U, new_vstorage.NumLevelBytes(2));
TEST_F(VersionBuilderTest, EstimatedActiveKeys) {
const uint32_t kTotalSamples = 20;
const uint32_t kNumLevels = 5;
const uint32_t kFilesPerLevel = 8;
const uint32_t kNumFiles = kNumLevels * kFilesPerLevel;
const uint32_t kEntriesPerFile = 1000;
const uint32_t kDeletionsPerFile = 100;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumFiles; ++i) {
Add(static_cast<int>(i / kFilesPerLevel), i + 1,
ToString((i + 100) * 1000).c_str(),
ToString((i + 100) * 1000 + 999).c_str(),
100U, 0, 100, 100,
kEntriesPerFile, kDeletionsPerFile,
(i < kTotalSamples));
// minus 2X for the number of deletion entries because:
// 1x for deletion entry does not count as a data entry.
// 1x for each deletion entry will actually remove one data entry.
(kEntriesPerFile - 2 * kDeletionsPerFile) * kNumFiles);
} // namespace rocksdb
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();