matthewvon e6e8b9e871 Correct pragma once problem with Bazel on Windows (#6321)
This is a simple edit to have two #include file paths be consistent within range_del_aggregator.{h,cc} with everywhere else.

The impact of this inconsistency is that it actual breaks a Bazel based build on the Windows platform. The same pragma once failure occurs with both Windows Visual C++ 2019 and clang for Windows 9.0. Bazel's "sandboxing" of the builds causes both compilers to not properly recognize "rocksdb/types.h" and "include/rocksdb/types.h" to be the same file (also comparator.h). My guess is that the backslash versus forward slash mixing within path names is the underlying issue.

But, everything builds fine once the include paths in these two source files are consistent with the rest of the repository.
Pull Request resolved:

Differential Revision: D19506585

Pulled By: ltamasi

fbshipit-source-id: 294c346607edc433ab99eaabc9c880ee7426817a
2020-01-21 16:12:43 -08:00

442 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "db/compaction/compaction_iteration_stats.h"
#include "db/dbformat.h"
#include "db/pinned_iterators_manager.h"
#include "db/range_del_aggregator.h"
#include "db/range_tombstone_fragmenter.h"
#include "db/version_edit.h"
#include "rocksdb/comparator.h"
#include "rocksdb/types.h"
#include "table/internal_iterator.h"
#include "table/scoped_arena_iterator.h"
#include "table/table_builder.h"
#include "util/heap.h"
#include "util/kv_map.h"
namespace rocksdb {
class TruncatedRangeDelIterator {
std::unique_ptr<FragmentedRangeTombstoneIterator> iter,
const InternalKeyComparator* icmp, const InternalKey* smallest,
const InternalKey* largest);
bool Valid() const;
void Next();
void Prev();
void InternalNext();
// Seeks to the tombstone with the highest viisble sequence number that covers
// target (a user key). If no such tombstone exists, the position will be at
// the earliest tombstone that ends after target.
void Seek(const Slice& target);
// Seeks to the tombstone with the highest viisble sequence number that covers
// target (a user key). If no such tombstone exists, the position will be at
// the latest tombstone that starts before target.
void SeekForPrev(const Slice& target);
void SeekToFirst();
void SeekToLast();
ParsedInternalKey start_key() const {
return (smallest_ == nullptr ||
icmp_->Compare(*smallest_, iter_->parsed_start_key()) <= 0)
? iter_->parsed_start_key()
: *smallest_;
ParsedInternalKey end_key() const {
return (largest_ == nullptr ||
icmp_->Compare(iter_->parsed_end_key(), *largest_) <= 0)
? iter_->parsed_end_key()
: *largest_;
SequenceNumber seq() const { return iter_->seq(); }
std::map<SequenceNumber, std::unique_ptr<TruncatedRangeDelIterator>>
SplitBySnapshot(const std::vector<SequenceNumber>& snapshots);
SequenceNumber upper_bound() const { return iter_->upper_bound(); }
SequenceNumber lower_bound() const { return iter_->lower_bound(); }
std::unique_ptr<FragmentedRangeTombstoneIterator> iter_;
const InternalKeyComparator* icmp_;
const ParsedInternalKey* smallest_ = nullptr;
const ParsedInternalKey* largest_ = nullptr;
std::list<ParsedInternalKey> pinned_bounds_;
const InternalKey* smallest_ikey_;
const InternalKey* largest_ikey_;
struct SeqMaxComparator {
bool operator()(const TruncatedRangeDelIterator* a,
const TruncatedRangeDelIterator* b) const {
return a->seq() > b->seq();
struct StartKeyMinComparator {
explicit StartKeyMinComparator(const InternalKeyComparator* c) : icmp(c) {}
bool operator()(const TruncatedRangeDelIterator* a,
const TruncatedRangeDelIterator* b) const {
return icmp->Compare(a->start_key(), b->start_key()) > 0;
const InternalKeyComparator* icmp;
class ForwardRangeDelIterator {
explicit ForwardRangeDelIterator(const InternalKeyComparator* icmp);
bool ShouldDelete(const ParsedInternalKey& parsed);
void Invalidate();
void AddNewIter(TruncatedRangeDelIterator* iter,
const ParsedInternalKey& parsed) {
PushIter(iter, parsed);
assert(active_iters_.size() == active_seqnums_.size());
size_t UnusedIdx() const { return unused_idx_; }
void IncUnusedIdx() { unused_idx_++; }
using ActiveSeqSet =
std::multiset<TruncatedRangeDelIterator*, SeqMaxComparator>;
struct EndKeyMinComparator {
explicit EndKeyMinComparator(const InternalKeyComparator* c) : icmp(c) {}
bool operator()(const ActiveSeqSet::const_iterator& a,
const ActiveSeqSet::const_iterator& b) const {
return icmp->Compare((*a)->end_key(), (*b)->end_key()) > 0;
const InternalKeyComparator* icmp;
void PushIter(TruncatedRangeDelIterator* iter,
const ParsedInternalKey& parsed) {
if (!iter->Valid()) {
// The iterator has been fully consumed, so we don't need to add it to
// either of the heaps.
int cmp = icmp_->Compare(parsed, iter->start_key());
if (cmp < 0) {
} else {
void PushActiveIter(TruncatedRangeDelIterator* iter) {
auto seq_pos = active_seqnums_.insert(iter);
TruncatedRangeDelIterator* PopActiveIter() {
auto active_top =;
auto iter = *active_top;
return iter;
void PushInactiveIter(TruncatedRangeDelIterator* iter) {
TruncatedRangeDelIterator* PopInactiveIter() {
auto* iter =;
return iter;
const InternalKeyComparator* icmp_;
size_t unused_idx_;
ActiveSeqSet active_seqnums_;
BinaryHeap<ActiveSeqSet::const_iterator, EndKeyMinComparator> active_iters_;
BinaryHeap<TruncatedRangeDelIterator*, StartKeyMinComparator> inactive_iters_;
class ReverseRangeDelIterator {
explicit ReverseRangeDelIterator(const InternalKeyComparator* icmp);
bool ShouldDelete(const ParsedInternalKey& parsed);
void Invalidate();
void AddNewIter(TruncatedRangeDelIterator* iter,
const ParsedInternalKey& parsed) {
PushIter(iter, parsed);
assert(active_iters_.size() == active_seqnums_.size());
size_t UnusedIdx() const { return unused_idx_; }
void IncUnusedIdx() { unused_idx_++; }
using ActiveSeqSet =
std::multiset<TruncatedRangeDelIterator*, SeqMaxComparator>;
struct EndKeyMaxComparator {
explicit EndKeyMaxComparator(const InternalKeyComparator* c) : icmp(c) {}
bool operator()(const TruncatedRangeDelIterator* a,
const TruncatedRangeDelIterator* b) const {
return icmp->Compare(a->end_key(), b->end_key()) < 0;
const InternalKeyComparator* icmp;
struct StartKeyMaxComparator {
explicit StartKeyMaxComparator(const InternalKeyComparator* c) : icmp(c) {}
bool operator()(const ActiveSeqSet::const_iterator& a,
const ActiveSeqSet::const_iterator& b) const {
return icmp->Compare((*a)->start_key(), (*b)->start_key()) < 0;
const InternalKeyComparator* icmp;
void PushIter(TruncatedRangeDelIterator* iter,
const ParsedInternalKey& parsed) {
if (!iter->Valid()) {
// The iterator has been fully consumed, so we don't need to add it to
// either of the heaps.
} else if (icmp_->Compare(iter->end_key(), parsed) <= 0) {
} else {
void PushActiveIter(TruncatedRangeDelIterator* iter) {
auto seq_pos = active_seqnums_.insert(iter);
TruncatedRangeDelIterator* PopActiveIter() {
auto active_top =;
auto iter = *active_top;
return iter;
void PushInactiveIter(TruncatedRangeDelIterator* iter) {
TruncatedRangeDelIterator* PopInactiveIter() {
auto* iter =;
return iter;
const InternalKeyComparator* icmp_;
size_t unused_idx_;
ActiveSeqSet active_seqnums_;
BinaryHeap<ActiveSeqSet::const_iterator, StartKeyMaxComparator> active_iters_;
BinaryHeap<TruncatedRangeDelIterator*, EndKeyMaxComparator> inactive_iters_;
enum class RangeDelPositioningMode { kForwardTraversal, kBackwardTraversal };
class RangeDelAggregator {
explicit RangeDelAggregator(const InternalKeyComparator* icmp)
: icmp_(icmp) {}
virtual ~RangeDelAggregator() {}
virtual void AddTombstones(
std::unique_ptr<FragmentedRangeTombstoneIterator> input_iter,
const InternalKey* smallest = nullptr,
const InternalKey* largest = nullptr) = 0;
bool ShouldDelete(const Slice& key, RangeDelPositioningMode mode) {
ParsedInternalKey parsed;
if (!ParseInternalKey(key, &parsed)) {
return false;
return ShouldDelete(parsed, mode);
virtual bool ShouldDelete(const ParsedInternalKey& parsed,
RangeDelPositioningMode mode) = 0;
virtual void InvalidateRangeDelMapPositions() = 0;
virtual bool IsEmpty() const = 0;
bool AddFile(uint64_t file_number) {
return files_seen_.insert(file_number).second;
class StripeRep {
StripeRep(const InternalKeyComparator* icmp, SequenceNumber upper_bound,
SequenceNumber lower_bound)
: icmp_(icmp),
lower_bound_(lower_bound) {}
void AddTombstones(std::unique_ptr<TruncatedRangeDelIterator> input_iter) {
bool IsEmpty() const { return iters_.empty(); }
bool ShouldDelete(const ParsedInternalKey& parsed,
RangeDelPositioningMode mode);
void Invalidate() {
if (!IsEmpty()) {
bool IsRangeOverlapped(const Slice& start, const Slice& end);
bool InStripe(SequenceNumber seq) const {
return lower_bound_ <= seq && seq <= upper_bound_;
void InvalidateForwardIter() { forward_iter_.Invalidate(); }
void InvalidateReverseIter() { reverse_iter_.Invalidate(); }
const InternalKeyComparator* icmp_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TruncatedRangeDelIterator>> iters_;
ForwardRangeDelIterator forward_iter_;
ReverseRangeDelIterator reverse_iter_;
SequenceNumber upper_bound_;
SequenceNumber lower_bound_;
const InternalKeyComparator* icmp_;
std::set<uint64_t> files_seen_;
class ReadRangeDelAggregator final : public RangeDelAggregator {
ReadRangeDelAggregator(const InternalKeyComparator* icmp,
SequenceNumber upper_bound)
: RangeDelAggregator(icmp),
rep_(icmp, upper_bound, 0 /* lower_bound */) {}
~ReadRangeDelAggregator() override {}
using RangeDelAggregator::ShouldDelete;
void AddTombstones(
std::unique_ptr<FragmentedRangeTombstoneIterator> input_iter,
const InternalKey* smallest = nullptr,
const InternalKey* largest = nullptr) override;
bool ShouldDelete(const ParsedInternalKey& parsed,
RangeDelPositioningMode mode) final override {
if (rep_.IsEmpty()) {
return false;
return ShouldDeleteImpl(parsed, mode);
bool IsRangeOverlapped(const Slice& start, const Slice& end);
void InvalidateRangeDelMapPositions() override { rep_.Invalidate(); }
bool IsEmpty() const override { return rep_.IsEmpty(); }
StripeRep rep_;
bool ShouldDeleteImpl(const ParsedInternalKey& parsed,
RangeDelPositioningMode mode);
class CompactionRangeDelAggregator : public RangeDelAggregator {
CompactionRangeDelAggregator(const InternalKeyComparator* icmp,
const std::vector<SequenceNumber>& snapshots)
: RangeDelAggregator(icmp), snapshots_(&snapshots) {}
~CompactionRangeDelAggregator() override {}
void AddTombstones(
std::unique_ptr<FragmentedRangeTombstoneIterator> input_iter,
const InternalKey* smallest = nullptr,
const InternalKey* largest = nullptr) override;
using RangeDelAggregator::ShouldDelete;
bool ShouldDelete(const ParsedInternalKey& parsed,
RangeDelPositioningMode mode) override;
bool IsRangeOverlapped(const Slice& start, const Slice& end);
void InvalidateRangeDelMapPositions() override {
for (auto& rep : reps_) {
bool IsEmpty() const override {
for (const auto& rep : reps_) {
if (!rep.second.IsEmpty()) {
return false;
return true;
// Creates an iterator over all the range tombstones in the aggregator, for
// use in compaction. Nullptr arguments indicate that the iterator range is
// unbounded.
// NOTE: the boundaries are used for optimization purposes to reduce the
// number of tombstones that are passed to the fragmenter; they do not
// guarantee that the resulting iterator only contains range tombstones that
// cover keys in the provided range. If required, these bounds must be
// enforced during iteration.
std::unique_ptr<FragmentedRangeTombstoneIterator> NewIterator(
const Slice* lower_bound = nullptr, const Slice* upper_bound = nullptr,
bool upper_bound_inclusive = false);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TruncatedRangeDelIterator>> parent_iters_;
std::map<SequenceNumber, StripeRep> reps_;
const std::vector<SequenceNumber>* snapshots_;
} // namespace rocksdb