Baptiste Lemaire e817bc9628 Added memtable garbage statistics (#8411)
2 new statistics counters are added to RocksDB: `MEMTABLE_PAYLOAD_BYTES_AT_FLUSH` and `MEMTABLE_GARBAGE_BYTES_AT_FLUSH`. The former tracks how many raw bytes of useful data are present on the memtable at flush time, whereas the latter is tracks how many of these raw bytes are considered garbage, meaning that they ended up not being imported on the SSTables resulting from the flush operations.

**Unit test**: run `make db_flush_test -j$(nproc); ./db_flush_test` to run the unit test.
This executable includes 3 tests, that test support and correct stat calculations for workloads with inserts, deletes, and DeleteRanges. The parameters are set such that the workloads are performed on a single memtable, and a single SSTable is created as a result of the flush operation. The flush operation is manually called in the test file. The tests verify that the values of these 2 statistics counters introduced in this PR  can be exactly predicted, showing that we have a full understanding of the underlying operations.

**Performance testing**:
`./db_bench -statistics -benchmarks=fillrandom -num=10000000` repeated 10 times.
Timing done using "date" function in a bash script.
Original Rocksdb fork: mean 66.6 sec, std 1.18 sec.
This feature branch: mean 67.4 sec, std 1.35 sec.

Pull Request resolved:

Reviewed By: akankshamahajan15

Differential Revision: D29150629

Pulled By: bjlemaire

fbshipit-source-id: 7b3c2e86d50c6aa34fa50fd134282eacb543a5b1
2021-06-18 04:57:27 -07:00

274 lines
9.8 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#pragma once
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "db/dbformat.h"
#include "db/pinned_iterators_manager.h"
#include "rocksdb/status.h"
#include "table/internal_iterator.h"
struct FragmentedRangeTombstoneList {
// A compact representation of a "stack" of range tombstone fragments, which
// start and end at the same user keys but have different sequence numbers.
// The members seq_start_idx and seq_end_idx are intended to be parameters to
// seq_iter().
struct RangeTombstoneStack {
RangeTombstoneStack(const Slice& start, const Slice& end, size_t start_idx,
size_t end_idx)
: start_key(start),
seq_end_idx(end_idx) {}
Slice start_key;
Slice end_key;
size_t seq_start_idx;
size_t seq_end_idx;
std::unique_ptr<InternalIterator> unfragmented_tombstones,
const InternalKeyComparator& icmp, bool for_compaction = false,
const std::vector<SequenceNumber>& snapshots = {});
std::vector<RangeTombstoneStack>::const_iterator begin() const {
return tombstones_.begin();
std::vector<RangeTombstoneStack>::const_iterator end() const {
return tombstones_.end();
std::vector<SequenceNumber>::const_iterator seq_iter(size_t idx) const {
return std::next(tombstone_seqs_.begin(), idx);
std::vector<SequenceNumber>::const_iterator seq_begin() const {
return tombstone_seqs_.begin();
std::vector<SequenceNumber>::const_iterator seq_end() const {
return tombstone_seqs_.end();
bool empty() const { return tombstones_.empty(); }
// Returns true if the stored tombstones contain with one with a sequence
// number in [lower, upper].
bool ContainsRange(SequenceNumber lower, SequenceNumber upper) const;
uint64_t num_unfragmented_tombstones() const {
return num_unfragmented_tombstones_;
uint64_t total_tombstone_payload_bytes() const {
return total_tombstone_payload_bytes_;
// Given an ordered range tombstone iterator unfragmented_tombstones,
// "fragment" the tombstones into non-overlapping pieces, and store them in
// tombstones_ and tombstone_seqs_.
void FragmentTombstones(
std::unique_ptr<InternalIterator> unfragmented_tombstones,
const InternalKeyComparator& icmp, bool for_compaction,
const std::vector<SequenceNumber>& snapshots);
std::vector<RangeTombstoneStack> tombstones_;
std::vector<SequenceNumber> tombstone_seqs_;
std::set<SequenceNumber> seq_set_;
std::list<std::string> pinned_slices_;
PinnedIteratorsManager pinned_iters_mgr_;
uint64_t num_unfragmented_tombstones_;
uint64_t total_tombstone_payload_bytes_;
// FragmentedRangeTombstoneIterator converts an InternalIterator of a range-del
// meta block into an iterator over non-overlapping tombstone fragments. The
// tombstone fragmentation process should be more efficient than the range
// tombstone collapsing algorithm in RangeDelAggregator because this leverages
// the internal key ordering already provided by the input iterator, if
// applicable (when the iterator is unsorted, a new sorted iterator is created
// before proceeding). If there are few overlaps, creating a
// FragmentedRangeTombstoneIterator should be O(n), while the RangeDelAggregator
// tombstone collapsing is always O(n log n).
class FragmentedRangeTombstoneIterator : public InternalIterator {
const FragmentedRangeTombstoneList* tombstones,
const InternalKeyComparator& icmp, SequenceNumber upper_bound,
SequenceNumber lower_bound = 0);
const std::shared_ptr<const FragmentedRangeTombstoneList>& tombstones,
const InternalKeyComparator& icmp, SequenceNumber upper_bound,
SequenceNumber lower_bound = 0);
void SeekToFirst() override;
void SeekToLast() override;
void SeekToTopFirst();
void SeekToTopLast();
// NOTE: Seek and SeekForPrev do not behave in the way InternalIterator
// seeking should behave. This is OK because they are not currently used, but
// eventually FragmentedRangeTombstoneIterator should no longer implement
// InternalIterator.
// Seeks to the range tombstone that covers target at a seqnum in the
// snapshot. If no such tombstone exists, seek to the earliest tombstone in
// the snapshot that ends after target.
void Seek(const Slice& target) override;
// Seeks to the range tombstone that covers target at a seqnum in the
// snapshot. If no such tombstone exists, seek to the latest tombstone in the
// snapshot that starts before target.
void SeekForPrev(const Slice& target) override;
void Next() override;
void Prev() override;
void TopNext();
void TopPrev();
bool Valid() const override;
Slice key() const override {
return current_start_key_.Encode();
Slice value() const override { return pos_->end_key; }
bool IsKeyPinned() const override { return false; }
bool IsValuePinned() const override { return true; }
Status status() const override { return Status::OK(); }
bool empty() const { return tombstones_->empty(); }
void Invalidate() {
pos_ = tombstones_->end();
seq_pos_ = tombstones_->seq_end();
pinned_pos_ = tombstones_->end();
pinned_seq_pos_ = tombstones_->seq_end();
RangeTombstone Tombstone() const {
return RangeTombstone(start_key(), end_key(), seq());
Slice start_key() const { return pos_->start_key; }
Slice end_key() const { return pos_->end_key; }
SequenceNumber seq() const { return *seq_pos_; }
ParsedInternalKey parsed_start_key() const {
return ParsedInternalKey(pos_->start_key, kMaxSequenceNumber,
ParsedInternalKey parsed_end_key() const {
return ParsedInternalKey(pos_->end_key, kMaxSequenceNumber,
SequenceNumber MaxCoveringTombstoneSeqnum(const Slice& user_key);
// Splits the iterator into n+1 iterators (where n is the number of
// snapshots), each providing a view over a "stripe" of sequence numbers. The
// iterators are keyed by the upper bound of their ranges (the provided
// snapshots + kMaxSequenceNumber).
// NOTE: the iterators in the returned map are no longer valid if their
// parent iterator is deleted, since they do not modify the refcount of the
// underlying tombstone list. Therefore, this map should be deleted before
// the parent iterator.
std::map<SequenceNumber, std::unique_ptr<FragmentedRangeTombstoneIterator>>
SplitBySnapshot(const std::vector<SequenceNumber>& snapshots);
SequenceNumber upper_bound() const { return upper_bound_; }
SequenceNumber lower_bound() const { return lower_bound_; }
uint64_t num_unfragmented_tombstones() const {
return tombstones_->num_unfragmented_tombstones();
uint64_t total_tombstone_payload_bytes() const {
return tombstones_->total_tombstone_payload_bytes();
using RangeTombstoneStack = FragmentedRangeTombstoneList::RangeTombstoneStack;
struct RangeTombstoneStackStartComparator {
explicit RangeTombstoneStackStartComparator(const Comparator* c) : cmp(c) {}
bool operator()(const RangeTombstoneStack& a,
const RangeTombstoneStack& b) const {
return cmp->Compare(a.start_key, b.start_key) < 0;
bool operator()(const RangeTombstoneStack& a, const Slice& b) const {
return cmp->Compare(a.start_key, b) < 0;
bool operator()(const Slice& a, const RangeTombstoneStack& b) const {
return cmp->Compare(a, b.start_key) < 0;
const Comparator* cmp;
struct RangeTombstoneStackEndComparator {
explicit RangeTombstoneStackEndComparator(const Comparator* c) : cmp(c) {}
bool operator()(const RangeTombstoneStack& a,
const RangeTombstoneStack& b) const {
return cmp->Compare(a.end_key, b.end_key) < 0;
bool operator()(const RangeTombstoneStack& a, const Slice& b) const {
return cmp->Compare(a.end_key, b) < 0;
bool operator()(const Slice& a, const RangeTombstoneStack& b) const {
return cmp->Compare(a, b.end_key) < 0;
const Comparator* cmp;
void MaybePinKey() const {
if (pos_ != tombstones_->end() && seq_pos_ != tombstones_->seq_end() &&
(pinned_pos_ != pos_ || pinned_seq_pos_ != seq_pos_)) {
current_start_key_.Set(pos_->start_key, *seq_pos_, kTypeRangeDeletion);
pinned_pos_ = pos_;
pinned_seq_pos_ = seq_pos_;
void SeekToCoveringTombstone(const Slice& key);
void SeekForPrevToCoveringTombstone(const Slice& key);
void ScanForwardToVisibleTombstone();
void ScanBackwardToVisibleTombstone();
bool ValidPos() const {
return Valid() && seq_pos_ != tombstones_->seq_iter(pos_->seq_end_idx);
const RangeTombstoneStackStartComparator tombstone_start_cmp_;
const RangeTombstoneStackEndComparator tombstone_end_cmp_;
const InternalKeyComparator* icmp_;
const Comparator* ucmp_;
std::shared_ptr<const FragmentedRangeTombstoneList> tombstones_ref_;
const FragmentedRangeTombstoneList* tombstones_;
SequenceNumber upper_bound_;
SequenceNumber lower_bound_;
std::vector<RangeTombstoneStack>::const_iterator pos_;
std::vector<SequenceNumber>::const_iterator seq_pos_;
mutable std::vector<RangeTombstoneStack>::const_iterator pinned_pos_;
mutable std::vector<SequenceNumber>::const_iterator pinned_seq_pos_;
mutable InternalKey current_start_key_;
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE