Andrew Kryczka 78ee8564ad Integrity protection for live updates to WriteBatch (#7748)
This PR adds the foundation classes for key-value integrity protection and the first use case: protecting live updates from the source buffers added to `WriteBatch` through the destination buffer in `MemTable`. The width of the protection info is not yet configurable -- only eight bytes per key is supported. This PR allows users to enable protection by constructing `WriteBatch` with `protection_bytes_per_key == 8`. It does not yet expose a way for users to get integrity protection via other write APIs (e.g., `Put()`, `Merge()`, `Delete()`, etc.).

The foundation classes (`ProtectionInfo.*`) embed the coverage info in their type, and provide `Protect.*()` and `Strip.*()` functions to navigate between types with different coverage. For making bytes per key configurable (for powers of two up to eight) in the future, these classes are templated on the unsigned integer type used to store the protection info. That integer contains the XOR'd result of hashes with independent seeds for all covered fields. For integer fields, the hash is computed on the raw unadjusted bytes, so the result is endian-dependent. The most significant bytes are truncated when the hash value (8 bytes) is wider than the protection integer.

When `WriteBatch` is constructed with `protection_bytes_per_key == 8`, we hold a `ProtectionInfoKVOTC` (i.e., one that covers key, value, optype aka `ValueType`, timestamp, and CF ID) for each entry added to the batch. The protection info is generated from the original buffers passed by the user, as well as the original metadata generated internally. When writing to memtable, each entry is transformed to a `ProtectionInfoKVOTS` (i.e., dropping coverage of CF ID and adding coverage of sequence number), since at that point we know the sequence number, and have already selected a memtable corresponding to a particular CF. This protection info is verified once the entry is encoded in the `MemTable` buffer.

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan:
- an integration test to verify a wide variety of single-byte changes to the encoded `MemTable` buffer are caught
- add to stress/crash test to verify it works in variety of configs/operations without intentional corruption
- [deferred] unit tests for `ProtectionInfo.*` classes for edge cases like KV swap, `SliceParts` and `Slice` APIs are interchangeable, etc.

Reviewed By: pdillinger

Differential Revision: D25754492

Pulled By: ajkr

fbshipit-source-id: e481bac6c03c2ab268be41359730f1ceb9964866
2021-01-29 12:18:58 -08:00

789 lines
28 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#pragma once
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "db/lookup_key.h"
#include "db/merge_context.h"
#include "logging/logging.h"
#include "monitoring/perf_context_imp.h"
#include "rocksdb/comparator.h"
#include "rocksdb/db.h"
#include "rocksdb/filter_policy.h"
#include "rocksdb/slice.h"
#include "rocksdb/slice_transform.h"
#include "rocksdb/table.h"
#include "rocksdb/types.h"
#include "util/coding.h"
#include "util/user_comparator_wrapper.h"
// The file declares data structures and functions that deal with internal
// keys.
// Each internal key contains a user key, a sequence number (SequenceNumber)
// and a type (ValueType), and they are usually encoded together.
// There are some related helper classes here.
class InternalKey;
// Value types encoded as the last component of internal keys.
// DO NOT CHANGE THESE ENUM VALUES: they are embedded in the on-disk
// data structures.
// The highest bit of the value type needs to be reserved to SST tables
// for them to do more flexible encoding.
enum ValueType : unsigned char {
kTypeDeletion = 0x0,
kTypeValue = 0x1,
kTypeMerge = 0x2,
kTypeLogData = 0x3, // WAL only.
kTypeColumnFamilyDeletion = 0x4, // WAL only.
kTypeColumnFamilyValue = 0x5, // WAL only.
kTypeColumnFamilyMerge = 0x6, // WAL only.
kTypeSingleDeletion = 0x7,
kTypeColumnFamilySingleDeletion = 0x8, // WAL only.
kTypeBeginPrepareXID = 0x9, // WAL only.
kTypeEndPrepareXID = 0xA, // WAL only.
kTypeCommitXID = 0xB, // WAL only.
kTypeRollbackXID = 0xC, // WAL only.
kTypeNoop = 0xD, // WAL only.
kTypeColumnFamilyRangeDeletion = 0xE, // WAL only.
kTypeRangeDeletion = 0xF, // meta block
kTypeColumnFamilyBlobIndex = 0x10, // Blob DB only
kTypeBlobIndex = 0x11, // Blob DB only
// When the prepared record is also persisted in db, we use a different
// record. This is to ensure that the WAL that is generated by a WritePolicy
// is not mistakenly read by another, which would result into data
// inconsistency.
kTypeBeginPersistedPrepareXID = 0x12, // WAL only.
// Similar to kTypeBeginPersistedPrepareXID, this is to ensure that WAL
// generated by WriteUnprepared write policy is not mistakenly read by
// another.
kTypeBeginUnprepareXID = 0x13, // WAL only.
kTypeDeletionWithTimestamp = 0x14,
kMaxValue = 0x7F // Not used for storing records.
// Defined in
extern const ValueType kValueTypeForSeek;
extern const ValueType kValueTypeForSeekForPrev;
// Checks whether a type is an inline value type
// (i.e. a type used in memtable skiplist and sst file datablock).
inline bool IsValueType(ValueType t) {
return t <= kTypeMerge || t == kTypeSingleDeletion || t == kTypeBlobIndex ||
kTypeDeletionWithTimestamp == t;
// Checks whether a type is from user operation
// kTypeRangeDeletion is in meta block so this API is separated from above
inline bool IsExtendedValueType(ValueType t) {
return IsValueType(t) || t == kTypeRangeDeletion;
// We leave eight bits empty at the bottom so a type and sequence#
// can be packed together into 64-bits.
static const SequenceNumber kMaxSequenceNumber = ((0x1ull << 56) - 1);
static const SequenceNumber kDisableGlobalSequenceNumber = port::kMaxUint64;
constexpr uint64_t kNumInternalBytes = 8;
// The data structure that represents an internal key in the way that user_key,
// sequence number and type are stored in separated forms.
struct ParsedInternalKey {
Slice user_key;
SequenceNumber sequence;
ValueType type;
: sequence(kMaxSequenceNumber),
type(kTypeDeletion) // Make code analyzer happy
{} // Intentionally left uninitialized (for speed)
// u contains timestamp if user timestamp feature is enabled.
ParsedInternalKey(const Slice& u, const SequenceNumber& seq, ValueType t)
: user_key(u), sequence(seq), type(t) {}
std::string DebugString(bool log_err_key, bool hex) const;
void clear() {
sequence = 0;
type = kTypeDeletion;
void SetTimestamp(const Slice& ts) {
assert(ts.size() <= user_key.size());
const char* addr = - ts.size();
memcpy(const_cast<char*>(addr),, ts.size());
// Return the length of the encoding of "key".
inline size_t InternalKeyEncodingLength(const ParsedInternalKey& key) {
return key.user_key.size() + kNumInternalBytes;
// Pack a sequence number and a ValueType into a uint64_t
inline uint64_t PackSequenceAndType(uint64_t seq, ValueType t) {
assert(seq <= kMaxSequenceNumber);
return (seq << 8) | t;
// Given the result of PackSequenceAndType, store the sequence number in *seq
// and the ValueType in *t.
inline void UnPackSequenceAndType(uint64_t packed, uint64_t* seq,
ValueType* t) {
*seq = packed >> 8;
*t = static_cast<ValueType>(packed & 0xff);
// Commented the following two assertions in order to test key-value checksum
// on corrupted keys without crashing ("DbKvChecksumTest").
// assert(*seq <= kMaxSequenceNumber);
// assert(IsExtendedValueType(*t));
EntryType GetEntryType(ValueType value_type);
// Append the serialization of "key" to *result.
extern void AppendInternalKey(std::string* result,
const ParsedInternalKey& key);
// Append the serialization of "key" to *result, replacing the original
// timestamp with argument ts.
extern void AppendInternalKeyWithDifferentTimestamp(
std::string* result, const ParsedInternalKey& key, const Slice& ts);
// Serialized internal key consists of user key followed by footer.
// This function appends the footer to *result, assuming that *result already
// contains the user key at the end.
extern void AppendInternalKeyFooter(std::string* result, SequenceNumber s,
ValueType t);
// Append the key and a minimal timestamp to *result
extern void AppendKeyWithMinTimestamp(std::string* result, const Slice& key,
size_t ts_sz);
// Append the key and a maximal timestamp to *result
extern void AppendKeyWithMaxTimestamp(std::string* result, const Slice& key,
size_t ts_sz);
// Attempt to parse an internal key from "internal_key". On success,
// stores the parsed data in "*result", and returns true.
// On error, returns false, leaves "*result" in an undefined state.
extern Status ParseInternalKey(const Slice& internal_key,
ParsedInternalKey* result, bool log_err_key);
// Returns the user key portion of an internal key.
inline Slice ExtractUserKey(const Slice& internal_key) {
assert(internal_key.size() >= kNumInternalBytes);
return Slice(, internal_key.size() - kNumInternalBytes);
inline Slice ExtractUserKeyAndStripTimestamp(const Slice& internal_key,
size_t ts_sz) {
assert(internal_key.size() >= kNumInternalBytes + ts_sz);
return Slice(,
internal_key.size() - kNumInternalBytes - ts_sz);
inline Slice StripTimestampFromUserKey(const Slice& user_key, size_t ts_sz) {
assert(user_key.size() >= ts_sz);
return Slice(, user_key.size() - ts_sz);
inline Slice ExtractTimestampFromUserKey(const Slice& user_key, size_t ts_sz) {
assert(user_key.size() >= ts_sz);
return Slice( + user_key.size() - ts_sz, ts_sz);
inline uint64_t ExtractInternalKeyFooter(const Slice& internal_key) {
assert(internal_key.size() >= kNumInternalBytes);
const size_t n = internal_key.size();
return DecodeFixed64( + n - kNumInternalBytes);
inline ValueType ExtractValueType(const Slice& internal_key) {
uint64_t num = ExtractInternalKeyFooter(internal_key);
unsigned char c = num & 0xff;
return static_cast<ValueType>(c);
// A comparator for internal keys that uses a specified comparator for
// the user key portion and breaks ties by decreasing sequence number.
class InternalKeyComparator
#ifdef NDEBUG
: public Comparator {
UserComparatorWrapper user_comparator_;
std::string name_;
// `InternalKeyComparator`s constructed with the default constructor are not
// usable and will segfault on any attempt to use them for comparisons.
InternalKeyComparator() = default;
// @param named If true, assign a name to this comparator based on the
// underlying comparator's name. This involves an allocation and copy in
// this constructor to precompute the result of `Name()`. To avoid this
// overhead, set `named` to false. In that case, `Name()` will return a
// generic name that is non-specific to the underlying comparator.
explicit InternalKeyComparator(const Comparator* c, bool named = true)
: Comparator(c->timestamp_size()), user_comparator_(c) {
if (named) {
name_ = "rocksdb.InternalKeyComparator:" +
virtual ~InternalKeyComparator() {}
virtual const char* Name() const override;
virtual int Compare(const Slice& a, const Slice& b) const override;
// Same as Compare except that it excludes the value type from comparison
virtual int CompareKeySeq(const Slice& a, const Slice& b) const;
virtual void FindShortestSeparator(std::string* start,
const Slice& limit) const override;
virtual void FindShortSuccessor(std::string* key) const override;
const Comparator* user_comparator() const {
return user_comparator_.user_comparator();
int Compare(const InternalKey& a, const InternalKey& b) const;
int Compare(const ParsedInternalKey& a, const ParsedInternalKey& b) const;
// In this `Compare()` overload, the sequence numbers provided in
// `a_global_seqno` and `b_global_seqno` override the sequence numbers in `a`
// and `b`, respectively. To disable sequence number override(s), provide the
// value `kDisableGlobalSequenceNumber`.
int Compare(const Slice& a, SequenceNumber a_global_seqno, const Slice& b,
SequenceNumber b_global_seqno) const;
virtual const Comparator* GetRootComparator() const override {
return user_comparator_.GetRootComparator();
// The class represent the internal key in encoded form.
class InternalKey {
std::string rep_;
InternalKey() {} // Leave rep_ as empty to indicate it is invalid
InternalKey(const Slice& _user_key, SequenceNumber s, ValueType t) {
AppendInternalKey(&rep_, ParsedInternalKey(_user_key, s, t));
// sets the internal key to be bigger or equal to all internal keys with this
// user key
void SetMaxPossibleForUserKey(const Slice& _user_key) {
&rep_, ParsedInternalKey(_user_key, 0, static_cast<ValueType>(0)));
// sets the internal key to be smaller or equal to all internal keys with this
// user key
void SetMinPossibleForUserKey(const Slice& _user_key) {
AppendInternalKey(&rep_, ParsedInternalKey(_user_key, kMaxSequenceNumber,
bool Valid() const {
ParsedInternalKey parsed;
return (ParseInternalKey(Slice(rep_), &parsed, false /* log_err_key */)
.ok()); // TODO
void DecodeFrom(const Slice& s) { rep_.assign(, s.size()); }
Slice Encode() const {
return rep_;
Slice user_key() const { return ExtractUserKey(rep_); }
size_t size() { return rep_.size(); }
void Set(const Slice& _user_key, SequenceNumber s, ValueType t) {
SetFrom(ParsedInternalKey(_user_key, s, t));
void SetFrom(const ParsedInternalKey& p) {
AppendInternalKey(&rep_, p);
void Clear() { rep_.clear(); }
// The underlying representation.
// Intended only to be used together with ConvertFromUserKey().
std::string* rep() { return &rep_; }
// Assuming that *rep() contains a user key, this method makes internal key
// out of it in-place. This saves a memcpy compared to Set()/SetFrom().
void ConvertFromUserKey(SequenceNumber s, ValueType t) {
AppendInternalKeyFooter(&rep_, s, t);
std::string DebugString(bool hex) const;
inline int InternalKeyComparator::Compare(const InternalKey& a,
const InternalKey& b) const {
return Compare(a.Encode(), b.Encode());
inline Status ParseInternalKey(const Slice& internal_key,
ParsedInternalKey* result, bool log_err_key) {
const size_t n = internal_key.size();
if (n < kNumInternalBytes) {
return Status::Corruption("Corrupted Key: Internal Key too small. Size=" +
std::to_string(n) + ". ");
uint64_t num = DecodeFixed64( + n - kNumInternalBytes);
unsigned char c = num & 0xff;
result->sequence = num >> 8;
result->type = static_cast<ValueType>(c);
assert(result->type <= ValueType::kMaxValue);
result->user_key = Slice(, n - kNumInternalBytes);
if (IsExtendedValueType(result->type)) {
return Status::OK();
} else {
return Status::Corruption("Corrupted Key",
result->DebugString(log_err_key, true));
// Update the sequence number in the internal key.
// Guarantees not to invalidate
inline void UpdateInternalKey(std::string* ikey, uint64_t seq, ValueType t) {
size_t ikey_sz = ikey->size();
assert(ikey_sz >= kNumInternalBytes);
uint64_t newval = (seq << 8) | t;
// Note: Since C++11, strings are guaranteed to be stored contiguously and
// string::operator[]() is guaranteed not to change
EncodeFixed64(&(*ikey)[ikey_sz - kNumInternalBytes], newval);
// Get the sequence number from the internal key
inline uint64_t GetInternalKeySeqno(const Slice& internal_key) {
const size_t n = internal_key.size();
assert(n >= kNumInternalBytes);
uint64_t num = DecodeFixed64( + n - kNumInternalBytes);
return num >> 8;
// The class to store keys in an efficient way. It allows:
// 1. Users can either copy the key into it, or have it point to an unowned
// address.
// 2. For copied key, a short inline buffer is kept to reduce memory
// allocation for smaller keys.
// 3. It tracks user key or internal key, and allow conversion between them.
class IterKey {
: buf_(space_),
is_user_key_(true) {}
// No copying allowed
IterKey(const IterKey&) = delete;
void operator=(const IterKey&) = delete;
~IterKey() { ResetBuffer(); }
// The bool will be picked up by the next calls to SetKey
void SetIsUserKey(bool is_user_key) { is_user_key_ = is_user_key; }
// Returns the key in whichever format that was provided to KeyIter
Slice GetKey() const { return Slice(key_, key_size_); }
Slice GetInternalKey() const {
return Slice(key_, key_size_);
Slice GetUserKey() const {
if (IsUserKey()) {
return Slice(key_, key_size_);
} else {
assert(key_size_ >= kNumInternalBytes);
return Slice(key_, key_size_ - kNumInternalBytes);
size_t Size() const { return key_size_; }
void Clear() { key_size_ = 0; }
// Append "non_shared_data" to its back, from "shared_len"
// This function is used in Block::Iter::ParseNextKey
// shared_len: bytes in [0, shard_len-1] would be remained
// non_shared_data: data to be append, its length must be >= non_shared_len
void TrimAppend(const size_t shared_len, const char* non_shared_data,
const size_t non_shared_len) {
assert(shared_len <= key_size_);
size_t total_size = shared_len + non_shared_len;
if (IsKeyPinned() /* key is not in buf_ */) {
// Copy the key from external memory to buf_ (copy shared_len bytes)
memcpy(buf_, key_, shared_len);
} else if (total_size > buf_size_) {
// Need to allocate space, delete previous space
char* p = new char[total_size];
memcpy(p, key_, shared_len);
if (buf_ != space_) {
delete[] buf_;
buf_ = p;
buf_size_ = total_size;
memcpy(buf_ + shared_len, non_shared_data, non_shared_len);
key_ = buf_;
key_size_ = total_size;
Slice SetKey(const Slice& key, bool copy = true) {
// is_user_key_ expected to be set already via SetIsUserKey
return SetKeyImpl(key, copy);
Slice SetUserKey(const Slice& key, bool copy = true) {
is_user_key_ = true;
return SetKeyImpl(key, copy);
Slice SetInternalKey(const Slice& key, bool copy = true) {
is_user_key_ = false;
return SetKeyImpl(key, copy);
// Copies the content of key, updates the reference to the user key in ikey
// and returns a Slice referencing the new copy.
Slice SetInternalKey(const Slice& key, ParsedInternalKey* ikey) {
size_t key_n = key.size();
assert(key_n >= kNumInternalBytes);
ikey->user_key = Slice(key_, key_n - kNumInternalBytes);
return Slice(key_, key_n);
// Copy the key into IterKey own buf_
void OwnKey() {
assert(IsKeyPinned() == true);
memcpy(buf_, key_, key_size_);
key_ = buf_;
// Update the sequence number in the internal key. Guarantees not to
// invalidate slices to the key (and the user key).
void UpdateInternalKey(uint64_t seq, ValueType t, const Slice* ts = nullptr) {
assert(key_size_ >= kNumInternalBytes);
if (ts) {
assert(key_size_ >= kNumInternalBytes + ts->size());
memcpy(&buf_[key_size_ - kNumInternalBytes - ts->size()], ts->data(),
uint64_t newval = (seq << 8) | t;
EncodeFixed64(&buf_[key_size_ - kNumInternalBytes], newval);
bool IsKeyPinned() const { return (key_ != buf_); }
void SetInternalKey(const Slice& key_prefix, const Slice& user_key,
SequenceNumber s,
ValueType value_type = kValueTypeForSeek,
const Slice* ts = nullptr) {
size_t psize = key_prefix.size();
size_t usize = user_key.size();
size_t ts_sz = (ts != nullptr ? ts->size() : 0);
EnlargeBufferIfNeeded(psize + usize + sizeof(uint64_t) + ts_sz);
if (psize > 0) {
memcpy(buf_,, psize);
memcpy(buf_ + psize,, usize);
if (ts) {
memcpy(buf_ + psize + usize, ts->data(), ts_sz);
EncodeFixed64(buf_ + usize + psize + ts_sz,
PackSequenceAndType(s, value_type));
key_ = buf_;
key_size_ = psize + usize + sizeof(uint64_t) + ts_sz;
is_user_key_ = false;
void SetInternalKey(const Slice& user_key, SequenceNumber s,
ValueType value_type = kValueTypeForSeek,
const Slice* ts = nullptr) {
SetInternalKey(Slice(), user_key, s, value_type, ts);
void Reserve(size_t size) {
key_size_ = size;
void SetInternalKey(const ParsedInternalKey& parsed_key) {
SetInternalKey(Slice(), parsed_key);
void SetInternalKey(const Slice& key_prefix,
const ParsedInternalKey& parsed_key_suffix) {
SetInternalKey(key_prefix, parsed_key_suffix.user_key,
parsed_key_suffix.sequence, parsed_key_suffix.type);
void EncodeLengthPrefixedKey(const Slice& key) {
auto size = key.size();
EnlargeBufferIfNeeded(size + static_cast<size_t>(VarintLength(size)));
char* ptr = EncodeVarint32(buf_, static_cast<uint32_t>(size));
memcpy(ptr,, size);
key_ = buf_;
is_user_key_ = true;
bool IsUserKey() const { return is_user_key_; }
char* buf_;
const char* key_;
size_t key_size_;
size_t buf_size_;
char space_[32]; // Avoid allocation for short keys
bool is_user_key_;
Slice SetKeyImpl(const Slice& key, bool copy) {
size_t size = key.size();
if (copy) {
// Copy key to buf_
memcpy(buf_,, size);
key_ = buf_;
} else {
// Update key_ to point to external memory
key_ =;
key_size_ = size;
return Slice(key_, key_size_);
void ResetBuffer() {
if (buf_ != space_) {
delete[] buf_;
buf_ = space_;
buf_size_ = sizeof(space_);
key_size_ = 0;
// Enlarge the buffer size if needed based on key_size.
// By default, static allocated buffer is used. Once there is a key
// larger than the static allocated buffer, another buffer is dynamically
// allocated, until a larger key buffer is requested. In that case, we
// reallocate buffer and delete the old one.
void EnlargeBufferIfNeeded(size_t key_size) {
// If size is smaller than buffer size, continue using current buffer,
// or the static allocated one, as default
if (key_size > buf_size_) {
void EnlargeBuffer(size_t key_size);
// Convert from a SliceTranform of user keys, to a SliceTransform of
// user keys.
class InternalKeySliceTransform : public SliceTransform {
explicit InternalKeySliceTransform(const SliceTransform* transform)
: transform_(transform) {}
virtual const char* Name() const override { return transform_->Name(); }
virtual Slice Transform(const Slice& src) const override {
auto user_key = ExtractUserKey(src);
return transform_->Transform(user_key);
virtual bool InDomain(const Slice& src) const override {
auto user_key = ExtractUserKey(src);
return transform_->InDomain(user_key);
virtual bool InRange(const Slice& dst) const override {
auto user_key = ExtractUserKey(dst);
return transform_->InRange(user_key);
const SliceTransform* user_prefix_extractor() const { return transform_; }
// Like comparator, InternalKeySliceTransform will not take care of the
// deletion of transform_
const SliceTransform* const transform_;
// Read the key of a record from a write batch.
// if this record represent the default column family then cf_record
// must be passed as false, otherwise it must be passed as true.
extern bool ReadKeyFromWriteBatchEntry(Slice* input, Slice* key,
bool cf_record);
// Read record from a write batch piece from input.
// tag, column_family, key, value and blob are return values. Callers own the
// Slice they point to.
// Tag is defined as ValueType.
// input will be advanced to after the record.
extern Status ReadRecordFromWriteBatch(Slice* input, char* tag,
uint32_t* column_family, Slice* key,
Slice* value, Slice* blob, Slice* xid);
// When user call DeleteRange() to delete a range of keys,
// we will store a serialized RangeTombstone in MemTable and SST.
// the struct here is a easy-understood form
// start/end_key_ is the start/end user key of the range to be deleted
struct RangeTombstone {
Slice start_key_;
Slice end_key_;
SequenceNumber seq_;
RangeTombstone() = default;
RangeTombstone(Slice sk, Slice ek, SequenceNumber sn)
: start_key_(sk), end_key_(ek), seq_(sn) {}
RangeTombstone(ParsedInternalKey parsed_key, Slice value) {
start_key_ = parsed_key.user_key;
seq_ = parsed_key.sequence;
end_key_ = value;
// be careful to use Serialize(), allocates new memory
std::pair<InternalKey, Slice> Serialize() const {
auto key = InternalKey(start_key_, seq_, kTypeRangeDeletion);
Slice value = end_key_;
return std::make_pair(std::move(key), std::move(value));
// be careful to use SerializeKey(), allocates new memory
InternalKey SerializeKey() const {
return InternalKey(start_key_, seq_, kTypeRangeDeletion);
// The tombstone end-key is exclusive, so we generate an internal-key here
// which has a similar property. Using kMaxSequenceNumber guarantees that
// the returned internal-key will compare less than any other internal-key
// with the same user-key. This in turn guarantees that the serialized
// end-key for a tombstone such as [a-b] will compare less than the key "b".
// be careful to use SerializeEndKey(), allocates new memory
InternalKey SerializeEndKey() const {
return InternalKey(end_key_, kMaxSequenceNumber, kTypeRangeDeletion);
inline int InternalKeyComparator::Compare(const Slice& akey,
const Slice& bkey) const {
// Order by:
// increasing user key (according to user-supplied comparator)
// decreasing sequence number
// decreasing type (though sequence# should be enough to disambiguate)
int r = user_comparator_.Compare(ExtractUserKey(akey), ExtractUserKey(bkey));
if (r == 0) {
const uint64_t anum =
DecodeFixed64( + akey.size() - kNumInternalBytes);
const uint64_t bnum =
DecodeFixed64( + bkey.size() - kNumInternalBytes);
if (anum > bnum) {
r = -1;
} else if (anum < bnum) {
r = +1;
return r;
inline int InternalKeyComparator::CompareKeySeq(const Slice& akey,
const Slice& bkey) const {
// Order by:
// increasing user key (according to user-supplied comparator)
// decreasing sequence number
int r = user_comparator_.Compare(ExtractUserKey(akey), ExtractUserKey(bkey));
if (r == 0) {
// Shift the number to exclude the last byte which contains the value type
const uint64_t anum =
DecodeFixed64( + akey.size() - kNumInternalBytes) >> 8;
const uint64_t bnum =
DecodeFixed64( + bkey.size() - kNumInternalBytes) >> 8;
if (anum > bnum) {
r = -1;
} else if (anum < bnum) {
r = +1;
return r;
inline int InternalKeyComparator::Compare(const Slice& a,
SequenceNumber a_global_seqno,
const Slice& b,
SequenceNumber b_global_seqno) const {
int r = user_comparator_.Compare(ExtractUserKey(a), ExtractUserKey(b));
if (r == 0) {
uint64_t a_footer, b_footer;
if (a_global_seqno == kDisableGlobalSequenceNumber) {
a_footer = ExtractInternalKeyFooter(a);
} else {
a_footer = PackSequenceAndType(a_global_seqno, ExtractValueType(a));
if (b_global_seqno == kDisableGlobalSequenceNumber) {
b_footer = ExtractInternalKeyFooter(b);
} else {
b_footer = PackSequenceAndType(b_global_seqno, ExtractValueType(b));
if (a_footer > b_footer) {
r = -1;
} else if (a_footer < b_footer) {
r = +1;
return r;
// Wrap InternalKeyComparator as a comparator class for ParsedInternalKey.
struct ParsedInternalKeyComparator {
explicit ParsedInternalKeyComparator(const InternalKeyComparator* c)
: cmp(c) {}
bool operator()(const ParsedInternalKey& a,
const ParsedInternalKey& b) const {
return cmp->Compare(a, b) < 0;
const InternalKeyComparator* cmp;
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE