Zhongyi Xie 44653c7b7a Revert "Avoid adding tombstones of the same file to RangeDelAggregato…
…r multiple times"

This reverts commit e80709a33a.

lingbin PR is causing some performance regression for seekrandom workloads
I'm reverting the commit for now but feel free to submit new patches 😃

To reproduce the regression, you can run the following db_bench command
> ./db_bench --benchmarks=fillrandom,seekrandomwhilewriting --threads=1 --num=1000000 --reads=150000 --key_size=66 --value_size=1262 --statistics=0 --compression_ratio=0.5 --histogram=1 --seek_nexts=1 --stats_per_interval=1 --stats_interval_seconds=600 --max_background_flushes=4 --num_multi_db=1 --max_background_compactions=16 --seed=1522388277 -write_buffer_size=1048576 --level0_file_num_compaction_trigger=10000 --compression_type=none

write stats printed by db_bench:

Table | | | | | | | | | | |
 --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
revert commit | Percentiles: | P50: | 80.77  | P75: |102.94  |P99: | 1786.44 | P99.9: | 1892.39 |P99.99: 2645.10 |
keep commit | Percentiles: | P50: | 221.72 | P75: | 686.62 | P99: | 1842.57 | P99.9: | 1899.70|  P99.99: 2814.29|

Differential Revision: D7463315

Pulled By: miasantreble

fbshipit-source-id: 8e779c87591127f2c3694b91a56d9b459011959d
2018-04-02 19:58:04 -07:00

186 lines
8.5 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "db/compaction_iteration_stats.h"
#include "db/dbformat.h"
#include "db/pinned_iterators_manager.h"
#include "db/version_edit.h"
#include "include/rocksdb/comparator.h"
#include "include/rocksdb/types.h"
#include "table/internal_iterator.h"
#include "table/scoped_arena_iterator.h"
#include "table/table_builder.h"
#include "util/kv_map.h"
namespace rocksdb {
// A RangeDelAggregator aggregates range deletion tombstones as they are
// encountered in memtables/SST files. It provides methods that check whether a
// key is covered by range tombstones or write the relevant tombstones to a new
// SST file.
class RangeDelAggregator {
// @param snapshots These are used to organize the tombstones into snapshot
// stripes, which is the seqnum range between consecutive snapshots,
// including the higher snapshot and excluding the lower one. Currently,
// this is used by ShouldDelete() to prevent deletion of keys that are
// covered by range tombstones in other snapshot stripes. This constructor
// is used for writes (flush/compaction). All DB snapshots are provided
// such that no keys are removed that are uncovered according to any DB
// snapshot.
// Note this overload does not lazily initialize Rep.
RangeDelAggregator(const InternalKeyComparator& icmp,
const std::vector<SequenceNumber>& snapshots,
bool collapse_deletions = true);
// @param upper_bound Similar to snapshots above, except with a single
// snapshot, which allows us to store the snapshot on the stack and defer
// initialization of heap-allocating members (in Rep) until the first range
// deletion is encountered. This constructor is used in case of reads (get/
// iterator), for which only the user snapshot (upper_bound) is provided
// such that the seqnum space is divided into two stripes. Only the older
// stripe will be used by ShouldDelete().
RangeDelAggregator(const InternalKeyComparator& icmp,
SequenceNumber upper_bound,
bool collapse_deletions = false);
// We maintain position in the tombstone map across calls to ShouldDelete. The
// caller may wish to specify a mode to optimize positioning the iterator
// during the next call to ShouldDelete. The non-kFullScan modes are only
// available when deletion collapsing is enabled.
// For example, if we invoke Next() on an iterator, kForwardTraversal should
// be specified to advance one-by-one through deletions until one is found
// with its interval containing the key. This will typically be faster than
// doing a full binary search (kBinarySearch).
enum RangePositioningMode {
kFullScan, // used iff collapse_deletions_ == false
// Returns whether the key should be deleted, which is the case when it is
// covered by a range tombstone residing in the same snapshot stripe.
// @param mode If collapse_deletions_ is true, this dictates how we will find
// the deletion whose interval contains this key. Otherwise, its
// value must be kFullScan indicating linear scan from beginning..
bool ShouldDelete(const ParsedInternalKey& parsed,
RangePositioningMode mode = kFullScan) {
if (rep_ == nullptr) {
return false;
return ShouldDeleteImpl(parsed, mode);
bool ShouldDelete(const Slice& internal_key,
RangePositioningMode mode = kFullScan) {
if (rep_ == nullptr) {
return false;
return ShouldDeleteImpl(internal_key, mode);
bool ShouldDeleteImpl(const ParsedInternalKey& parsed,
RangePositioningMode mode = kFullScan);
bool ShouldDeleteImpl(const Slice& internal_key,
RangePositioningMode mode = kFullScan);
// Checks whether range deletions cover any keys between `start` and `end`,
// inclusive.
// @param start User key representing beginning of range to check for overlap.
// @param end User key representing end of range to check for overlap. This
// argument is inclusive, so the existence of a range deletion covering
// `end` causes this to return true.
bool IsRangeOverlapped(const Slice& start, const Slice& end);
bool ShouldAddTombstones(bool bottommost_level = false);
// Adds tombstones to the tombstone aggregation structure maintained by this
// object.
// @return non-OK status if any of the tombstone keys are corrupted.
Status AddTombstones(std::unique_ptr<InternalIterator> input);
// Resets iterators maintained across calls to ShouldDelete(). This may be
// called when the tombstones change, or the owner may call explicitly, e.g.,
// if it's an iterator that just seeked to an arbitrary position. The effect
// of invalidation is that the following call to ShouldDelete() will binary
// search for its tombstone.
void InvalidateTombstoneMapPositions();
// Writes tombstones covering a range to a table builder.
// @param extend_before_min_key If true, the range of tombstones to be added
// to the TableBuilder starts from the beginning of the key-range;
// otherwise, it starts from meta->smallest.
// @param lower_bound/upper_bound Any range deletion with [start_key, end_key)
// that overlaps the target range [*lower_bound, *upper_bound) is added to
// the builder. If lower_bound is nullptr, the target range extends
// infinitely to the left. If upper_bound is nullptr, the target range
// extends infinitely to the right. If both are nullptr, the target range
// extends infinitely in both directions, i.e., all range deletions are
// added to the builder.
// @param meta The file's metadata. We modify the begin and end keys according
// to the range tombstones added to this file such that the read path does
// not miss range tombstones that cover gaps before/after/between files in
// a level. lower_bound/upper_bound above constrain how far file boundaries
// can be extended.
// @param bottommost_level If true, we will filter out any tombstones
// belonging to the oldest snapshot stripe, because all keys potentially
// covered by this tombstone are guaranteed to have been deleted by
// compaction.
void AddToBuilder(TableBuilder* builder, const Slice* lower_bound,
const Slice* upper_bound, FileMetaData* meta,
CompactionIterationStats* range_del_out_stats = nullptr,
bool bottommost_level = false);
bool IsEmpty();
// Maps tombstone user start key -> tombstone object
typedef std::multimap<Slice, RangeTombstone, stl_wrappers::LessOfComparator>
// Also maintains position in TombstoneMap last seen by ShouldDelete(). The
// end iterator indicates invalidation (e.g., if AddTombstones() changes the
// underlying map). End iterator cannot be invalidated.
struct PositionalTombstoneMap {
explicit PositionalTombstoneMap(TombstoneMap _raw_map)
: raw_map(std::move(_raw_map)), iter(raw_map.end()) {}
PositionalTombstoneMap(const PositionalTombstoneMap&) = delete;
PositionalTombstoneMap(PositionalTombstoneMap&& other)
: raw_map(std::move(other.raw_map)), iter(raw_map.end()) {}
TombstoneMap raw_map;
TombstoneMap::const_iterator iter;
// Maps snapshot seqnum -> map of tombstones that fall in that stripe, i.e.,
// their seqnums are greater than the next smaller snapshot's seqnum.
typedef std::map<SequenceNumber, PositionalTombstoneMap> StripeMap;
struct Rep {
StripeMap stripe_map_;
PinnedIteratorsManager pinned_iters_mgr_;
// Initializes rep_ lazily. This aggregator object is constructed for every
// read, so expensive members should only be created when necessary, i.e.,
// once the first range deletion is encountered.
void InitRep(const std::vector<SequenceNumber>& snapshots);
PositionalTombstoneMap& GetPositionalTombstoneMap(SequenceNumber seq);
Status AddTombstone(RangeTombstone tombstone);
SequenceNumber upper_bound_;
std::unique_ptr<Rep> rep_;
const InternalKeyComparator& icmp_;
// collapse range deletions so they're binary searchable
const bool collapse_deletions_;
} // namespace rocksdb