Zhichao Cao d1c510baec Handoff checksum Implementation (#7523)
in PR , we introduce the new Append and PositionedAppend APIs to WritableFile at File System, which enable RocksDB to pass the data verification information (e.g., checksum of the data) to the lower layer. In this PR, we use the new API in WritableFileWriter, such that the file created via WritableFileWrite can pass the checksum to the storage layer. To control which types file should apply the checksum handoff, we add checksum_handoff_file_types to DBOptions. User can use this option to control which file types (Currently supported file tyes: kLogFile, kTableFile, kDescriptorFile.) should use the new Append and PositionedAppend APIs to handoff the verification information.

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: add new unit test, pass make check/ make asan_check

Reviewed By: pdillinger

Differential Revision: D24313271

Pulled By: zhichao-cao

fbshipit-source-id: aafd69091ae85c3318e3e17cbb96fe7338da11d0
2021-02-10 22:20:32 -08:00

572 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#include "file/writable_file_writer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <mutex>
#include "db/version_edit.h"
#include "monitoring/histogram.h"
#include "monitoring/iostats_context_imp.h"
#include "port/port.h"
#include "rocksdb/system_clock.h"
#include "test_util/sync_point.h"
#include "util/crc32c.h"
#include "util/random.h"
#include "util/rate_limiter.h"
Status WritableFileWriter::Create(const std::shared_ptr<FileSystem>& fs,
const std::string& fname,
const FileOptions& file_opts,
std::unique_ptr<WritableFileWriter>* writer,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
std::unique_ptr<FSWritableFile> file;
Status s = fs->NewWritableFile(fname, file_opts, &file, dbg);
if (s.ok()) {
writer->reset(new WritableFileWriter(std::move(file), fname, file_opts));
return s;
IOStatus WritableFileWriter::Append(const Slice& data) {
const char* src =;
size_t left = data.size();
IOStatus s;
pending_sync_ = true;
rocksdb_kill_odds * REDUCE_ODDS2);
// Calculate the checksum of appended data
writable_file_->PrepareWrite(static_cast<size_t>(GetFileSize()), left,
IOOptions(), nullptr);
// See whether we need to enlarge the buffer to avoid the flush
if (buf_.Capacity() - buf_.CurrentSize() < left) {
for (size_t cap = buf_.Capacity();
cap < max_buffer_size_; // There is still room to increase
cap *= 2) {
// See whether the next available size is large enough.
// Buffer will never be increased to more than max_buffer_size_.
size_t desired_capacity = std::min(cap * 2, max_buffer_size_);
if (desired_capacity - buf_.CurrentSize() >= left ||
(use_direct_io() && desired_capacity == max_buffer_size_)) {
buf_.AllocateNewBuffer(desired_capacity, true);
// Flush only when buffered I/O
if (!use_direct_io() && (buf_.Capacity() - buf_.CurrentSize()) < left) {
if (buf_.CurrentSize() > 0) {
s = Flush();
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
assert(buf_.CurrentSize() == 0);
// We never write directly to disk with direct I/O on.
// or we simply use it for its original purpose to accumulate many small
// chunks
if (use_direct_io() || (buf_.Capacity() >= left)) {
while (left > 0) {
size_t appended = buf_.Append(src, left);
left -= appended;
src += appended;
if (left > 0) {
s = Flush();
if (!s.ok()) {
} else {
// Writing directly to file bypassing the buffer
assert(buf_.CurrentSize() == 0);
s = WriteBuffered(src, left);
TEST_KILL_RANDOM("WritableFileWriter::Append:1", rocksdb_kill_odds);
if (s.ok()) {
filesize_ += data.size();
return s;
IOStatus WritableFileWriter::Pad(const size_t pad_bytes) {
assert(pad_bytes < kDefaultPageSize);
size_t left = pad_bytes;
size_t cap = buf_.Capacity() - buf_.CurrentSize();
// Assume pad_bytes is small compared to buf_ capacity. So we always
// use buf_ rather than write directly to file in certain cases like
// Append() does.
while (left) {
size_t append_bytes = std::min(cap, left);
buf_.PadWith(append_bytes, 0);
left -= append_bytes;
if (left > 0) {
IOStatus s = Flush();
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
cap = buf_.Capacity() - buf_.CurrentSize();
pending_sync_ = true;
filesize_ += pad_bytes;
return IOStatus::OK();
IOStatus WritableFileWriter::Close() {
// Do not quit immediately on failure the file MUST be closed
IOStatus s;
// Possible to close it twice now as we MUST close
// in __dtor, simply flushing is not enough
// Windows when pre-allocating does not fill with zeros
// also with unbuffered access we also set the end of data.
if (writable_file_.get() == nullptr) {
return s;
s = Flush(); // flush cache to OS
IOStatus interim;
// In direct I/O mode we write whole pages so
// we need to let the file know where data ends.
if (use_direct_io()) {
FileOperationInfo::StartTimePoint start_ts;
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
start_ts = FileOperationInfo::StartNow();
interim = writable_file_->Truncate(filesize_, IOOptions(), nullptr);
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
auto finish_ts = FileOperationInfo::FinishNow();
NotifyOnFileTruncateFinish(start_ts, finish_ts, s);
if (interim.ok()) {
FileOperationInfo::StartTimePoint start_ts;
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
start_ts = FileOperationInfo::StartNow();
interim = writable_file_->Fsync(IOOptions(), nullptr);
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
auto finish_ts = FileOperationInfo::FinishNow();
NotifyOnFileSyncFinish(start_ts, finish_ts, s,
if (!interim.ok() && s.ok()) {
s = interim;
TEST_KILL_RANDOM("WritableFileWriter::Close:0", rocksdb_kill_odds);
FileOperationInfo::StartTimePoint start_ts;
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
start_ts = FileOperationInfo::StartNow();
interim = writable_file_->Close(IOOptions(), nullptr);
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
auto finish_ts = FileOperationInfo::FinishNow();
NotifyOnFileCloseFinish(start_ts, finish_ts, s);
if (!interim.ok() && s.ok()) {
s = interim;
TEST_KILL_RANDOM("WritableFileWriter::Close:1", rocksdb_kill_odds);
if (s.ok() && checksum_generator_ != nullptr && !checksum_finalized_) {
checksum_finalized_ = true;
return s;
// write out the cached data to the OS cache or storage if direct I/O
// enabled
IOStatus WritableFileWriter::Flush() {
IOStatus s;
rocksdb_kill_odds * REDUCE_ODDS2);
if (buf_.CurrentSize() > 0) {
if (use_direct_io()) {
if (pending_sync_) {
s = WriteDirect();
#endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE
} else {
s = WriteBuffered(buf_.BufferStart(), buf_.CurrentSize());
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
FileOperationInfo::StartTimePoint start_ts;
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
start_ts = FileOperationInfo::StartNow();
s = writable_file_->Flush(IOOptions(), nullptr);
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
auto finish_ts = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
NotifyOnFileFlushFinish(start_ts, finish_ts, s);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
// sync OS cache to disk for every bytes_per_sync_
// TODO: give log file and sst file different options (log
// files could be potentially cached in OS for their whole
// life time, thus we might not want to flush at all).
// We try to avoid sync to the last 1MB of data. For two reasons:
// (1) avoid rewrite the same page that is modified later.
// (2) for older version of OS, write can block while writing out
// the page.
// Xfs does neighbor page flushing outside of the specified ranges. We
// need to make sure sync range is far from the write offset.
if (!use_direct_io() && bytes_per_sync_) {
const uint64_t kBytesNotSyncRange =
1024 * 1024; // recent 1MB is not synced.
const uint64_t kBytesAlignWhenSync = 4 * 1024; // Align 4KB.
if (filesize_ > kBytesNotSyncRange) {
uint64_t offset_sync_to = filesize_ - kBytesNotSyncRange;
offset_sync_to -= offset_sync_to % kBytesAlignWhenSync;
assert(offset_sync_to >= last_sync_size_);
if (offset_sync_to > 0 &&
offset_sync_to - last_sync_size_ >= bytes_per_sync_) {
s = RangeSync(last_sync_size_, offset_sync_to - last_sync_size_);
last_sync_size_ = offset_sync_to;
return s;
std::string WritableFileWriter::GetFileChecksum() {
if (checksum_generator_ != nullptr) {
return checksum_generator_->GetChecksum();
} else {
return kUnknownFileChecksum;
const char* WritableFileWriter::GetFileChecksumFuncName() const {
if (checksum_generator_ != nullptr) {
return checksum_generator_->Name();
} else {
return kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName;
IOStatus WritableFileWriter::Sync(bool use_fsync) {
IOStatus s = Flush();
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
TEST_KILL_RANDOM("WritableFileWriter::Sync:0", rocksdb_kill_odds);
if (!use_direct_io() && pending_sync_) {
s = SyncInternal(use_fsync);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
TEST_KILL_RANDOM("WritableFileWriter::Sync:1", rocksdb_kill_odds);
pending_sync_ = false;
return IOStatus::OK();
IOStatus WritableFileWriter::SyncWithoutFlush(bool use_fsync) {
if (!writable_file_->IsSyncThreadSafe()) {
return IOStatus::NotSupported(
"Can't WritableFileWriter::SyncWithoutFlush() because "
"WritableFile::IsSyncThreadSafe() is false");
IOStatus s = SyncInternal(use_fsync);
return s;
IOStatus WritableFileWriter::SyncInternal(bool use_fsync) {
IOStatus s;
auto prev_perf_level = GetPerfLevel();
IOSTATS_CPU_TIMER_GUARD(cpu_write_nanos, clock_);
FileOperationInfo::StartTimePoint start_ts;
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
start_ts = FileOperationInfo::StartNow();
if (use_fsync) {
s = writable_file_->Fsync(IOOptions(), nullptr);
} else {
s = writable_file_->Sync(IOOptions(), nullptr);
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
auto finish_ts = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
start_ts, finish_ts, s,
use_fsync ? FileOperationType::kFsync : FileOperationType::kSync);
return s;
IOStatus WritableFileWriter::RangeSync(uint64_t offset, uint64_t nbytes) {
FileOperationInfo::StartTimePoint start_ts;
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
start_ts = FileOperationInfo::StartNow();
IOStatus s = writable_file_->RangeSync(offset, nbytes, IOOptions(), nullptr);
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
auto finish_ts = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
NotifyOnFileRangeSyncFinish(offset, nbytes, start_ts, finish_ts, s);
return s;
// This method writes to disk the specified data and makes use of the rate
// limiter if available
IOStatus WritableFileWriter::WriteBuffered(const char* data, size_t size) {
IOStatus s;
const char* src = data;
size_t left = size;
DataVerificationInfo v_info;
char checksum_buf[sizeof(uint32_t)];
while (left > 0) {
size_t allowed;
if (rate_limiter_ != nullptr) {
allowed = rate_limiter_->RequestToken(
left, 0 /* alignment */, writable_file_->GetIOPriority(), stats_,
} else {
allowed = left;
FileOperationInfo::StartTimePoint start_ts;
uint64_t old_size = writable_file_->GetFileSize(IOOptions(), nullptr);
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
start_ts = FileOperationInfo::StartNow();
old_size = next_write_offset_;
auto prev_perf_level = GetPerfLevel();
IOSTATS_CPU_TIMER_GUARD(cpu_write_nanos, clock_);
if (perform_data_verification_) {
Crc32cHandoffChecksumCalculation(src, allowed, checksum_buf);
v_info.checksum = Slice(checksum_buf, sizeof(uint32_t));
s = writable_file_->Append(Slice(src, allowed), IOOptions(), v_info,
} else {
s = writable_file_->Append(Slice(src, allowed), IOOptions(), nullptr);
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
auto finish_ts = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
NotifyOnFileWriteFinish(old_size, allowed, start_ts, finish_ts, s);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
IOSTATS_ADD(bytes_written, allowed);
TEST_KILL_RANDOM("WritableFileWriter::WriteBuffered:0", rocksdb_kill_odds);
left -= allowed;
src += allowed;
return s;
void WritableFileWriter::UpdateFileChecksum(const Slice& data) {
if (checksum_generator_ != nullptr) {
checksum_generator_->Update(, data.size());
// Currently, crc32c checksum is used to calculate the checksum value of the
// content in the input buffer for handoff. In the future, the checksum might be
// calculated from the existing crc32c checksums of the in WAl and Manifest
// records, or even SST file blocks.
// TODO: effectively use the existing checksum of the data being writing to
// generate the crc32c checksum instead of a raw calculation.
void WritableFileWriter::Crc32cHandoffChecksumCalculation(const char* data,
size_t size,
char* buf) {
uint32_t v_crc32c = crc32c::Extend(0, data, size);
EncodeFixed32(buf, v_crc32c);
// This flushes the accumulated data in the buffer. We pad data with zeros if
// necessary to the whole page.
// However, during automatic flushes padding would not be necessary.
// We always use RateLimiter if available. We move (Refit) any buffer bytes
// that are left over the
// whole number of pages to be written again on the next flush because we can
// only write on aligned
// offsets.
IOStatus WritableFileWriter::WriteDirect() {
IOStatus s;
const size_t alignment = buf_.Alignment();
assert((next_write_offset_ % alignment) == 0);
// Calculate whole page final file advance if all writes succeed
size_t file_advance = TruncateToPageBoundary(alignment, buf_.CurrentSize());
// Calculate the leftover tail, we write it here padded with zeros BUT we
// will write
// it again in the future either on Close() OR when the current whole page
// fills out
size_t leftover_tail = buf_.CurrentSize() - file_advance;
// Round up and pad
const char* src = buf_.BufferStart();
uint64_t write_offset = next_write_offset_;
size_t left = buf_.CurrentSize();
DataVerificationInfo v_info;
char checksum_buf[sizeof(uint32_t)];
while (left > 0) {
// Check how much is allowed
size_t size;
if (rate_limiter_ != nullptr) {
size = rate_limiter_->RequestToken(left, buf_.Alignment(),
stats_, RateLimiter::OpType::kWrite);
} else {
size = left;
FileOperationInfo::StartTimePoint start_ts;
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
start_ts = FileOperationInfo::StartNow();
// direct writes must be positional
if (perform_data_verification_) {
Crc32cHandoffChecksumCalculation(src, size, checksum_buf);
v_info.checksum = Slice(checksum_buf, sizeof(uint32_t));
s = writable_file_->PositionedAppend(Slice(src, size), write_offset,
IOOptions(), v_info, nullptr);
} else {
s = writable_file_->PositionedAppend(Slice(src, size), write_offset,
IOOptions(), nullptr);
if (ShouldNotifyListeners()) {
auto finish_ts = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
NotifyOnFileWriteFinish(write_offset, size, start_ts, finish_ts, s);
if (!s.ok()) {
buf_.Size(file_advance + leftover_tail);
return s;
IOSTATS_ADD(bytes_written, size);
left -= size;
src += size;
write_offset += size;
assert((next_write_offset_ % alignment) == 0);
if (s.ok()) {
// Move the tail to the beginning of the buffer
// This never happens during normal Append but rather during
// explicit call to Flush()/Sync() or Close()
buf_.RefitTail(file_advance, leftover_tail);
// This is where we start writing next time which may or not be
// the actual file size on disk. They match if the buffer size
// is a multiple of whole pages otherwise filesize_ is leftover_tail
// behind
next_write_offset_ += file_advance;
return s;
#endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE