amytai 0a3db28d98 Disallow compactions if there isn't enough free space
This diff handles cases where compaction causes an ENOSPC error.
This does not handle corner cases where another background job is started while compaction is running, and the other background job triggers ENOSPC, although we do allow the user to provision for these background jobs with SstFileManager::SetCompactionBufferSize.
It also does not handle the case where compaction has finished and some other background job independently triggers ENOSPC.

Usage: Functionality is inside SstFileManager. In particular, users should set SstFileManager::SetMaxAllowedSpaceUsage, which is the reference highwatermark for determining whether to cancel compactions.

Differential Revision: D7016941

Pulled By: amytai

fbshipit-source-id: 8965ab8dd8b00972e771637a41b4e6c645450445
2018-03-06 16:27:54 -08:00

624 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#include "rocksdb/env.h"
#include "hdfs/env_hdfs.h"
#ifdef USE_HDFS
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "rocksdb/status.h"
#include "util/string_util.h"
#define HDFS_EXISTS 0
#define HDFS_SUCCESS 0
// This file defines an HDFS environment for rocksdb. It uses the libhdfs
// api to access HDFS. All HDFS files created by one instance of rocksdb
// will reside on the same HDFS cluster.
namespace rocksdb {
namespace {
// Log error message
static Status IOError(const std::string& context, int err_number) {
return (err_number == ENOSPC) ?
Status::NoSpace(context, strerror(err_number)) :
Status::IOError(context, strerror(err_number));
// assume that there is one global logger for now. It is not thread-safe,
// but need not be because the logger is initialized at db-open time.
static Logger* mylog = nullptr;
// Used for reading a file from HDFS. It implements both sequential-read
// access methods as well as random read access methods.
class HdfsReadableFile : virtual public SequentialFile,
virtual public RandomAccessFile {
hdfsFS fileSys_;
std::string filename_;
hdfsFile hfile_;
HdfsReadableFile(hdfsFS fileSys, const std::string& fname)
: fileSys_(fileSys), filename_(fname), hfile_(nullptr) {
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsReadableFile opening file %s\n",
hfile_ = hdfsOpenFile(fileSys_, filename_.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 0, 0, 0);
"[hdfs] HdfsReadableFile opened file %s hfile_=0x%p\n",
filename_.c_str(), hfile_);
virtual ~HdfsReadableFile() {
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsReadableFile closing file %s\n",
hdfsCloseFile(fileSys_, hfile_);
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsReadableFile closed file %s\n",
hfile_ = nullptr;
bool isValid() {
return hfile_ != nullptr;
// sequential access, read data at current offset in file
virtual Status Read(size_t n, Slice* result, char* scratch) {
Status s;
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsReadableFile reading %s %ld\n",
filename_.c_str(), n);
char* buffer = scratch;
size_t total_bytes_read = 0;
tSize bytes_read = 0;
tSize remaining_bytes = (tSize)n;
// Read a total of n bytes repeatedly until we hit error or eof
while (remaining_bytes > 0) {
bytes_read = hdfsRead(fileSys_, hfile_, buffer, remaining_bytes);
if (bytes_read <= 0) {
assert(bytes_read <= remaining_bytes);
total_bytes_read += bytes_read;
remaining_bytes -= bytes_read;
buffer += bytes_read;
assert(total_bytes_read <= n);
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsReadableFile read %s\n",
if (bytes_read < 0) {
s = IOError(filename_, errno);
} else {
*result = Slice(scratch, total_bytes_read);
return s;
// random access, read data from specified offset in file
virtual Status Read(uint64_t offset, size_t n, Slice* result,
char* scratch) const {
Status s;
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsReadableFile preading %s\n",
ssize_t bytes_read = hdfsPread(fileSys_, hfile_, offset,
(void*)scratch, (tSize)n);
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsReadableFile pread %s\n",
*result = Slice(scratch, (bytes_read < 0) ? 0 : bytes_read);
if (bytes_read < 0) {
// An error: return a non-ok status
s = IOError(filename_, errno);
return s;
virtual Status Skip(uint64_t n) {
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsReadableFile skip %s\n",
// get current offset from file
tOffset current = hdfsTell(fileSys_, hfile_);
if (current < 0) {
return IOError(filename_, errno);
// seek to new offset in file
tOffset newoffset = current + n;
int val = hdfsSeek(fileSys_, hfile_, newoffset);
if (val < 0) {
return IOError(filename_, errno);
return Status::OK();
// returns true if we are at the end of file, false otherwise
bool feof() {
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsReadableFile feof %s\n",
if (hdfsTell(fileSys_, hfile_) == fileSize()) {
return true;
return false;
// the current size of the file
tOffset fileSize() {
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsReadableFile fileSize %s\n",
hdfsFileInfo* pFileInfo = hdfsGetPathInfo(fileSys_, filename_.c_str());
tOffset size = 0L;
if (pFileInfo != nullptr) {
size = pFileInfo->mSize;
hdfsFreeFileInfo(pFileInfo, 1);
} else {
throw HdfsFatalException("fileSize on unknown file " + filename_);
return size;
// Appends to an existing file in HDFS.
class HdfsWritableFile: public WritableFile {
hdfsFS fileSys_;
std::string filename_;
hdfsFile hfile_;
HdfsWritableFile(hdfsFS fileSys, const std::string& fname)
: fileSys_(fileSys), filename_(fname) , hfile_(nullptr) {
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsWritableFile opening %s\n",
hfile_ = hdfsOpenFile(fileSys_, filename_.c_str(), O_WRONLY, 0, 0, 0);
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsWritableFile opened %s\n",
assert(hfile_ != nullptr);
virtual ~HdfsWritableFile() {
if (hfile_ != nullptr) {
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsWritableFile closing %s\n",
hdfsCloseFile(fileSys_, hfile_);
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsWritableFile closed %s\n",
hfile_ = nullptr;
// If the file was successfully created, then this returns true.
// Otherwise returns false.
bool isValid() {
return hfile_ != nullptr;
// The name of the file, mostly needed for debug logging.
const std::string& getName() {
return filename_;
virtual Status Append(const Slice& data) {
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsWritableFile Append %s\n",
const char* src =;
size_t left = data.size();
size_t ret = hdfsWrite(fileSys_, hfile_, src, left);
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsWritableFile Appended %s\n",
if (ret != left) {
return IOError(filename_, errno);
return Status::OK();
virtual Status Flush() {
return Status::OK();
virtual Status Sync() {
Status s;
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsWritableFile Sync %s\n",
if (hdfsFlush(fileSys_, hfile_) == -1) {
return IOError(filename_, errno);
if (hdfsHSync(fileSys_, hfile_) == -1) {
return IOError(filename_, errno);
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsWritableFile Synced %s\n",
return Status::OK();
// This is used by HdfsLogger to write data to the debug log file
virtual Status Append(const char* src, size_t size) {
if (hdfsWrite(fileSys_, hfile_, src, size) != (tSize)size) {
return IOError(filename_, errno);
return Status::OK();
virtual Status Close() {
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsWritableFile closing %s\n",
if (hdfsCloseFile(fileSys_, hfile_) != 0) {
return IOError(filename_, errno);
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsWritableFile closed %s\n",
hfile_ = nullptr;
return Status::OK();
// The object that implements the debug logs to reside in HDFS.
class HdfsLogger : public Logger {
HdfsWritableFile* file_;
uint64_t (*gettid_)(); // Return the thread id for the current thread
Status HdfsCloseHelper() {
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsLogger closed %s\n",
Status s = file_->Close();
if (mylog != nullptr && mylog == this) {
mylog = nullptr;
return s;
virtual Status CloseImpl() override { return HdfsCloseHelper(); }
HdfsLogger(HdfsWritableFile* f, uint64_t (*gettid)())
: file_(f), gettid_(gettid) {
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(mylog, "[hdfs] HdfsLogger opened %s\n",
virtual ~HdfsLogger() {
if (!closed_) {
closed_ = true;
virtual void Logv(const char* format, va_list ap) {
const uint64_t thread_id = (*gettid_)();
// We try twice: the first time with a fixed-size stack allocated buffer,
// and the second time with a much larger dynamically allocated buffer.
char buffer[500];
for (int iter = 0; iter < 2; iter++) {
char* base;
int bufsize;
if (iter == 0) {
bufsize = sizeof(buffer);
base = buffer;
} else {
bufsize = 30000;
base = new char[bufsize];
char* p = base;
char* limit = base + bufsize;
struct timeval now_tv;
gettimeofday(&now_tv, nullptr);
const time_t seconds = now_tv.tv_sec;
struct tm t;
localtime_r(&seconds, &t);
p += snprintf(p, limit - p,
"%04d/%02d/%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d %llx ",
t.tm_year + 1900,
t.tm_mon + 1,
static_cast<long long unsigned int>(thread_id));
// Print the message
if (p < limit) {
va_list backup_ap;
va_copy(backup_ap, ap);
p += vsnprintf(p, limit - p, format, backup_ap);
// Truncate to available space if necessary
if (p >= limit) {
if (iter == 0) {
continue; // Try again with larger buffer
} else {
p = limit - 1;
// Add newline if necessary
if (p == base || p[-1] != '\n') {
*p++ = '\n';
assert(p <= limit);
file_->Append(base, p-base);
if (base != buffer) {
delete[] base;
} // namespace
// Finally, the hdfs environment
const std::string HdfsEnv::kProto = "hdfs://";
const std::string HdfsEnv::pathsep = "/";
// open a file for sequential reading
Status HdfsEnv::NewSequentialFile(const std::string& fname,
unique_ptr<SequentialFile>* result,
const EnvOptions& options) {
HdfsReadableFile* f = new HdfsReadableFile(fileSys_, fname);
if (f == nullptr || !f->isValid()) {
delete f;
*result = nullptr;
return IOError(fname, errno);
return Status::OK();
// open a file for random reading
Status HdfsEnv::NewRandomAccessFile(const std::string& fname,
unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile>* result,
const EnvOptions& options) {
HdfsReadableFile* f = new HdfsReadableFile(fileSys_, fname);
if (f == nullptr || !f->isValid()) {
delete f;
*result = nullptr;
return IOError(fname, errno);
return Status::OK();
// create a new file for writing
Status HdfsEnv::NewWritableFile(const std::string& fname,
unique_ptr<WritableFile>* result,
const EnvOptions& options) {
Status s;
HdfsWritableFile* f = new HdfsWritableFile(fileSys_, fname);
if (f == nullptr || !f->isValid()) {
delete f;
*result = nullptr;
return IOError(fname, errno);
return Status::OK();
class HdfsDirectory : public Directory {
explicit HdfsDirectory(int fd) : fd_(fd) {}
~HdfsDirectory() {}
virtual Status Fsync() { return Status::OK(); }
int fd_;
Status HdfsEnv::NewDirectory(const std::string& name,
unique_ptr<Directory>* result) {
int value = hdfsExists(fileSys_, name.c_str());
switch (value) {
result->reset(new HdfsDirectory(0));
return Status::OK();
default: // fail if the directory doesn't exist
ROCKS_LOG_FATAL(mylog, "NewDirectory hdfsExists call failed");
throw HdfsFatalException("hdfsExists call failed with error " +
ToString(value) + " on path " + name +
Status HdfsEnv::FileExists(const std::string& fname) {
int value = hdfsExists(fileSys_, fname.c_str());
switch (value) {
return Status::OK();
return Status::NotFound();
default: // anything else should be an error
ROCKS_LOG_FATAL(mylog, "FileExists hdfsExists call failed");
return Status::IOError("hdfsExists call failed with error " +
ToString(value) + " on path " + fname + ".\n");
Status HdfsEnv::GetChildren(const std::string& path,
std::vector<std::string>* result) {
int value = hdfsExists(fileSys_, path.c_str());
switch (value) {
case HDFS_EXISTS: { // directory exists
int numEntries = 0;
hdfsFileInfo* pHdfsFileInfo = 0;
pHdfsFileInfo = hdfsListDirectory(fileSys_, path.c_str(), &numEntries);
if (numEntries >= 0) {
for(int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
char* pathname = pHdfsFileInfo[i].mName;
char* filename = std::rindex(pathname, '/');
if (filename != nullptr) {
if (pHdfsFileInfo != nullptr) {
hdfsFreeFileInfo(pHdfsFileInfo, numEntries);
} else {
// numEntries < 0 indicates error
ROCKS_LOG_FATAL(mylog, "hdfsListDirectory call failed with error ");
throw HdfsFatalException(
"hdfsListDirectory call failed negative error.\n");
case HDFS_DOESNT_EXIST: // directory does not exist, exit
return Status::NotFound();
default: // anything else should be an error
ROCKS_LOG_FATAL(mylog, "GetChildren hdfsExists call failed");
throw HdfsFatalException("hdfsExists call failed with error " +
ToString(value) + ".\n");
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsEnv::DeleteFile(const std::string& fname) {
if (hdfsDelete(fileSys_, fname.c_str(), 1) == 0) {
return Status::OK();
return IOError(fname, errno);
Status HdfsEnv::CreateDir(const std::string& name) {
if (hdfsCreateDirectory(fileSys_, name.c_str()) == 0) {
return Status::OK();
return IOError(name, errno);
Status HdfsEnv::CreateDirIfMissing(const std::string& name) {
const int value = hdfsExists(fileSys_, name.c_str());
// Not atomic. state might change b/w hdfsExists and CreateDir.
switch (value) {
return Status::OK();
return CreateDir(name);
default: // anything else should be an error
ROCKS_LOG_FATAL(mylog, "CreateDirIfMissing hdfsExists call failed");
throw HdfsFatalException("hdfsExists call failed with error " +
ToString(value) + ".\n");
Status HdfsEnv::DeleteDir(const std::string& name) {
return DeleteFile(name);
Status HdfsEnv::GetFileSize(const std::string& fname, uint64_t* size) {
*size = 0L;
hdfsFileInfo* pFileInfo = hdfsGetPathInfo(fileSys_, fname.c_str());
if (pFileInfo != nullptr) {
*size = pFileInfo->mSize;
hdfsFreeFileInfo(pFileInfo, 1);
return Status::OK();
return IOError(fname, errno);
Status HdfsEnv::GetFileModificationTime(const std::string& fname,
uint64_t* time) {
hdfsFileInfo* pFileInfo = hdfsGetPathInfo(fileSys_, fname.c_str());
if (pFileInfo != nullptr) {
*time = static_cast<uint64_t>(pFileInfo->mLastMod);
hdfsFreeFileInfo(pFileInfo, 1);
return Status::OK();
return IOError(fname, errno);
// The rename is not atomic. HDFS does not allow a renaming if the
// target already exists. So, we delete the target before attempting the
// rename.
Status HdfsEnv::RenameFile(const std::string& src, const std::string& target) {
hdfsDelete(fileSys_, target.c_str(), 1);
if (hdfsRename(fileSys_, src.c_str(), target.c_str()) == 0) {
return Status::OK();
return IOError(src, errno);
Status HdfsEnv::LockFile(const std::string& fname, FileLock** lock) {
// there isn's a very good way to atomically check and create
// a file via libhdfs
*lock = nullptr;
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsEnv::UnlockFile(FileLock* lock) {
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsEnv::NewLogger(const std::string& fname,
shared_ptr<Logger>* result) {
HdfsWritableFile* f = new HdfsWritableFile(fileSys_, fname);
if (f == nullptr || !f->isValid()) {
delete f;
*result = nullptr;
return IOError(fname, errno);
HdfsLogger* h = new HdfsLogger(f, &HdfsEnv::gettid);
if (mylog == nullptr) {
// mylog = h; // uncomment this for detailed logging
return Status::OK();
// The factory method for creating an HDFS Env
Status NewHdfsEnv(Env** hdfs_env, const std::string& fsname) {
*hdfs_env = new HdfsEnv(fsname);
return Status::OK();
} // namespace rocksdb
#else // USE_HDFS
// dummy placeholders used when HDFS is not available
namespace rocksdb {
Status HdfsEnv::NewSequentialFile(const std::string& /*fname*/,
unique_ptr<SequentialFile>* /*result*/,
const EnvOptions& /*options*/) {
return Status::NotSupported("Not compiled with hdfs support");
Status NewHdfsEnv(Env** /*hdfs_env*/, const std::string& /*fsname*/) {
return Status::NotSupported("Not compiled with hdfs support");