Igor Canadi 6296330417 SpatialDB
This diff is adding spatial index support to RocksDB.

When creating the DB user specifies a list of spatial indexes. Spatial indexes can cover different areas and have different resolution (i.e. number of tiles). This is useful for supporting different zoom levels.

Each element inserted into SpatialDB has:
* a bounding box, which determines how will the element be indexed
* string blob, which will usually be WKB representation of the polygon (
* feature set, which is a map of key-value pairs, where value can be int, double, bool, null or a string. FeatureSet will be a set of tags associated with geo elements (for example, 'road': 'highway' and similar)
* a list of indexes to insert the element in. For example, small river element will be inserted in index for high zoom level, while country border will be inserted in all indexes (including the index for low zoom level).

Each query is executed on single spatial index. Query guarantees that it will return all elements intersecting the specified bounding box, but it might also return some extra non-intersecting elements.

Test Plan: Added bunch of unit tests in spatial_db_test

Reviewers: dhruba, yinwang

Reviewed By: yinwang

Subscribers: leveldb

Differential Revision:
2014-07-23 14:22:58 -04:00

266 lines
8.8 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include "rocksdb/utilities/spatial_db.h"
#include "util/testharness.h"
#include "util/testutil.h"
#include "util/random.h"
namespace rocksdb {
namespace spatial {
class SpatialDBTest {
SpatialDBTest() {
dbname_ = test::TmpDir() + "/spatial_db_test";
DestroyDB(dbname_, Options());
void AssertCursorResults(BoundingBox<double> bbox, const std::string& index,
const std::vector<std::string>& blobs) {
Cursor* c = db_->Query(ReadOptions(), bbox, index);
std::multiset<std::string> b;
for (auto x : blobs) {
while (c->Valid()) {
auto itr = b.find(c->blob().ToString());
ASSERT_TRUE(itr != b.end());
ASSERT_EQ(b.size(), 0U);
delete c;
std::string dbname_;
SpatialDB* db_;
TEST(SpatialDBTest, FeatureSetSerializeTest) {
FeatureSet fs;
fs.Set("a", std::string("b"));
fs.Set("x", static_cast<uint64_t>(3));
fs.Set("y", false);
fs.Set("n", Variant()); // null
fs.Set("m", 3.25);
ASSERT_TRUE(fs.Find("w") == fs.end());
ASSERT_TRUE(fs.Find("x") != fs.end());
ASSERT_TRUE((*fs.Find("x")).second == Variant(static_cast<uint64_t>(3)));
ASSERT_TRUE((*fs.Find("y")).second != Variant(true));
std::set<std::string> keys({"a", "x", "y", "n", "m"});
for (const auto& x : fs) {
ASSERT_TRUE(keys.find(x.first) != keys.end());
ASSERT_EQ(keys.size(), 0U);
std::string serialized;
FeatureSet deserialized;
ASSERT_EQ(deserialized.Get("a").type(), Variant::kString);
ASSERT_EQ(deserialized.Get("a").get_string(), "b");
ASSERT_EQ(deserialized.Get("x").type(), Variant::kInt);
ASSERT_EQ(deserialized.Get("x").get_int(), static_cast<uint64_t>(3));
ASSERT_EQ(deserialized.Get("y").type(), Variant::kBool);
ASSERT_EQ(deserialized.Get("y").get_bool(), false);
ASSERT_EQ(deserialized.Get("n").type(), Variant::kNull);
ASSERT_EQ(deserialized.Get("m").type(), Variant::kDouble);
ASSERT_EQ(deserialized.Get("m").get_double(), 3.25);
// corrupted serialization
serialized = serialized.substr(0, serialized.size() - 3);
TEST(SpatialDBTest, TestNextID) {
SpatialDBOptions(), dbname_,
{SpatialIndexOptions("simple", BoundingBox<double>(0, 0, 100, 100), 2)},
ASSERT_OK(db_->Insert(WriteOptions(), BoundingBox<double>(5, 5, 10, 10),
"one", FeatureSet(), {"simple"}));
ASSERT_OK(db_->Insert(WriteOptions(), BoundingBox<double>(10, 10, 15, 15),
"two", FeatureSet(), {"simple"}));
delete db_;
SpatialDBOptions(), dbname_,
{SpatialIndexOptions("simple", BoundingBox<double>(0, 0, 100, 100), 2)},
ASSERT_OK(db_->Insert(WriteOptions(), BoundingBox<double>(55, 55, 65, 65),
"three", FeatureSet(), {"simple"}));
delete db_;
SpatialDBOptions(), dbname_,
{SpatialIndexOptions("simple", BoundingBox<double>(0, 0, 100, 100), 2)},
AssertCursorResults(BoundingBox<double>(0, 0, 100, 100), "simple",
{"one", "two", "three"});
delete db_;
TEST(SpatialDBTest, FeatureSetTest) {
SpatialDBOptions(), dbname_,
{SpatialIndexOptions("simple", BoundingBox<double>(0, 0, 100, 100), 2)},
FeatureSet fs;
fs.Set("a", std::string("b"));
fs.Set("c", std::string("d"));
ASSERT_OK(db_->Insert(WriteOptions(), BoundingBox<double>(5, 5, 10, 10),
"one", fs, {"simple"}));
Cursor* c =
db_->Query(ReadOptions(), BoundingBox<double>(5, 5, 10, 10), "simple");
ASSERT_EQ(c->blob().compare("one"), 0);
FeatureSet returned = c->feature_set();
ASSERT_EQ(returned.Get("a").type(), Variant::kString);
ASSERT_EQ(returned.Get("a").get_string(), "b");
ASSERT_EQ(returned.Get("c").type(), Variant::kString);
ASSERT_EQ(returned.Get("c").get_string(), "d");
delete c;
delete db_;
TEST(SpatialDBTest, SimpleTest) {
SpatialDBOptions(), dbname_,
{SpatialIndexOptions("index", BoundingBox<double>(0, 0, 128, 128), 3)},
ASSERT_OK(db_->Insert(WriteOptions(), BoundingBox<double>(33, 17, 63, 79),
"one", FeatureSet(), {"index"}));
ASSERT_OK(db_->Insert(WriteOptions(), BoundingBox<double>(65, 65, 111, 111),
"two", FeatureSet(), {"index"}));
ASSERT_OK(db_->Insert(WriteOptions(), BoundingBox<double>(1, 49, 127, 63),
"three", FeatureSet(), {"index"}));
ASSERT_OK(db_->Insert(WriteOptions(), BoundingBox<double>(20, 100, 21, 101),
"four", FeatureSet(), {"index"}));
ASSERT_OK(db_->Insert(WriteOptions(), BoundingBox<double>(81, 33, 127, 63),
"five", FeatureSet(), {"index"}));
ASSERT_OK(db_->Insert(WriteOptions(), BoundingBox<double>(1, 65, 47, 95),
"six", FeatureSet(), {"index"}));
AssertCursorResults(BoundingBox<double>(33, 17, 47, 31), "index", {"one"});
AssertCursorResults(BoundingBox<double>(17, 33, 79, 63), "index",
{"one", "three"});
AssertCursorResults(BoundingBox<double>(17, 81, 63, 111), "index",
{"four", "six"});
AssertCursorResults(BoundingBox<double>(85, 86, 85, 86), "index", {"two"});
AssertCursorResults(BoundingBox<double>(33, 1, 127, 111), "index",
{"one", "two", "three", "five", "six"});
// even though the bounding box doesn't intersect, we got "four" back because
// it's in the same tile
AssertCursorResults(BoundingBox<double>(18, 98, 19, 99), "index", {"four"});
AssertCursorResults(BoundingBox<double>(130, 130, 131, 131), "index", {});
AssertCursorResults(BoundingBox<double>(81, 17, 127, 31), "index", {});
AssertCursorResults(BoundingBox<double>(90, 50, 91, 51), "index",
{"three", "five"});
delete db_;
namespace {
std::string RandomStr(Random* rnd) {
std::string r;
for (int k = 0; k < 10; ++k) {
r.push_back(rnd->Uniform(26) + 'a');
return r;
BoundingBox<int> RandomBoundingBox(int limit, Random* rnd, int max_size) {
BoundingBox<int> r;
r.min_x = rnd->Uniform(limit - 1);
r.min_y = rnd->Uniform(limit - 1);
r.max_x = r.min_x + rnd->Uniform(std::min(limit - 1 - r.min_x, max_size)) + 1;
r.max_y = r.min_y + rnd->Uniform(std::min(limit - 1 - r.min_y, max_size)) + 1;
return r;
BoundingBox<double> ScaleBB(BoundingBox<int> b, double step) {
return BoundingBox<double>(b.min_x * step + 1, b.min_y * step + 1,
(b.max_x + 1) * step - 1,
(b.max_y + 1) * step - 1);
} // namespace
TEST(SpatialDBTest, RandomizedTest) {
Random rnd(301);
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, BoundingBox<int>>> elements;
BoundingBox<double> spatial_index_bounds(0, 0, (1LL << 32), (1LL << 32));
SpatialDBOptions(), dbname_,
{SpatialIndexOptions("index", spatial_index_bounds, 7)}, &db_));
double step = (1LL << 32) / (1 << 7);
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
std::string blob = RandomStr(&rnd);
BoundingBox<int> bbox = RandomBoundingBox(128, &rnd, 10);
ASSERT_OK(db_->Insert(WriteOptions(), ScaleBB(bbox, step), blob,
FeatureSet(), {"index"}));
elements.push_back(make_pair(blob, bbox));
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
BoundingBox<int> int_bbox = RandomBoundingBox(128, &rnd, 10);
BoundingBox<double> double_bbox = ScaleBB(int_bbox, step);
std::vector<std::string> blobs;
for (auto e : elements) {
if (e.second.Intersects(int_bbox)) {
AssertCursorResults(double_bbox, "index", blobs);
delete db_;
} // namespace spatial
} // namespace rocksdb
int main(int argc, char** argv) { return rocksdb::test::RunAllTests(); }