Andrew Kryczka 78ee8564ad Integrity protection for live updates to WriteBatch (#7748)
This PR adds the foundation classes for key-value integrity protection and the first use case: protecting live updates from the source buffers added to `WriteBatch` through the destination buffer in `MemTable`. The width of the protection info is not yet configurable -- only eight bytes per key is supported. This PR allows users to enable protection by constructing `WriteBatch` with `protection_bytes_per_key == 8`. It does not yet expose a way for users to get integrity protection via other write APIs (e.g., `Put()`, `Merge()`, `Delete()`, etc.).

The foundation classes (`ProtectionInfo.*`) embed the coverage info in their type, and provide `Protect.*()` and `Strip.*()` functions to navigate between types with different coverage. For making bytes per key configurable (for powers of two up to eight) in the future, these classes are templated on the unsigned integer type used to store the protection info. That integer contains the XOR'd result of hashes with independent seeds for all covered fields. For integer fields, the hash is computed on the raw unadjusted bytes, so the result is endian-dependent. The most significant bytes are truncated when the hash value (8 bytes) is wider than the protection integer.

When `WriteBatch` is constructed with `protection_bytes_per_key == 8`, we hold a `ProtectionInfoKVOTC` (i.e., one that covers key, value, optype aka `ValueType`, timestamp, and CF ID) for each entry added to the batch. The protection info is generated from the original buffers passed by the user, as well as the original metadata generated internally. When writing to memtable, each entry is transformed to a `ProtectionInfoKVOTS` (i.e., dropping coverage of CF ID and adding coverage of sequence number), since at that point we know the sequence number, and have already selected a memtable corresponding to a particular CF. This protection info is verified once the entry is encoded in the `MemTable` buffer.

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan:
- an integration test to verify a wide variety of single-byte changes to the encoded `MemTable` buffer are caught
- add to stress/crash test to verify it works in variety of configs/operations without intentional corruption
- [deferred] unit tests for `ProtectionInfo.*` classes for edge cases like KV swap, `SliceParts` and `Slice` APIs are interchangeable, etc.

Reviewed By: pdillinger

Differential Revision: D25754492

Pulled By: ajkr

fbshipit-source-id: e481bac6c03c2ab268be41359730f1ceb9964866
2021-01-29 12:18:58 -08:00

802 lines
29 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#include "db/write_thread.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include "db/column_family.h"
#include "monitoring/perf_context_imp.h"
#include "port/port.h"
#include "test_util/sync_point.h"
#include "util/random.h"
WriteThread::WriteThread(const ImmutableDBOptions& db_options)
: max_yield_usec_(db_options.enable_write_thread_adaptive_yield
? db_options.write_thread_max_yield_usec
: 0),
stall_cv_(&stall_mu_) {}
uint8_t WriteThread::BlockingAwaitState(Writer* w, uint8_t goal_mask) {
// We're going to block. Lazily create the mutex. We guarantee
// propagation of this construction to the waker via the
// STATE_LOCKED_WAITING state. The waker won't try to touch the mutex
// or the condvar unless they CAS away the STATE_LOCKED_WAITING that
// we install below.
auto state = w->state.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
assert(state != STATE_LOCKED_WAITING);
if ((state & goal_mask) == 0 &&
w->state.compare_exchange_strong(state, STATE_LOCKED_WAITING)) {
// we have permission (and an obligation) to use StateMutex
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> guard(w->StateMutex());
w->StateCV().wait(guard, [w] {
return w->state.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) != STATE_LOCKED_WAITING;
state = w->state.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
// else tricky. Goal is met or CAS failed. In the latter case the waker
// must have changed the state, and compare_exchange_strong has updated
// our local variable with the new one. At the moment WriteThread never
// waits for a transition across intermediate states, so we know that
// since a state change has occurred the goal must have been met.
assert((state & goal_mask) != 0);
return state;
uint8_t WriteThread::AwaitState(Writer* w, uint8_t goal_mask,
AdaptationContext* ctx) {
uint8_t state = 0;
// 1. Busy loop using "pause" for 1 micro sec
// 2. Else SOMETIMES busy loop using "yield" for 100 micro sec (default)
// 3. Else blocking wait
// On a modern Xeon each loop takes about 7 nanoseconds (most of which
// is the effect of the pause instruction), so 200 iterations is a bit
// more than a microsecond. This is long enough that waits longer than
// this can amortize the cost of accessing the clock and yielding.
for (uint32_t tries = 0; tries < 200; ++tries) {
state = w->state.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if ((state & goal_mask) != 0) {
return state;
// This is below the fast path, so that the stat is zero when all writes are
// from the same thread.
// If we're only going to end up waiting a short period of time,
// it can be a lot more efficient to call std::this_thread::yield()
// in a loop than to block in StateMutex(). For reference, on my 4.0
// SELinux test server with support for syscall auditing enabled, the
// minimum latency between FUTEX_WAKE to returning from FUTEX_WAIT is
// 2.7 usec, and the average is more like 10 usec. That can be a big
// drag on RockDB's single-writer design. Of course, spinning is a
// bad idea if other threads are waiting to run or if we're going to
// wait for a long time. How do we decide?
// We break waiting into 3 categories: short-uncontended,
// short-contended, and long. If we had an oracle, then we would always
// spin for short-uncontended, always block for long, and our choice for
// short-contended might depend on whether we were trying to optimize
// RocksDB throughput or avoid being greedy with system resources.
// Bucketing into short or long is easy by measuring elapsed time.
// Differentiating short-uncontended from short-contended is a bit
// trickier, but not too bad. We could look for involuntary context
// switches using getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, ..), but it's less work
// (portability code and CPU) to just look for yield calls that take
// longer than we expect. sched_yield() doesn't actually result in any
// context switch overhead if there are no other runnable processes
// on the current core, in which case it usually takes less than
// a microsecond.
// There are two primary tunables here: the threshold between "short"
// and "long" waits, and the threshold at which we suspect that a yield
// is slow enough to indicate we should probably block. If these
// thresholds are chosen well then CPU-bound workloads that don't
// have more threads than cores will experience few context switches
// (voluntary or involuntary), and the total number of context switches
// (voluntary and involuntary) will not be dramatically larger (maybe
// 2x) than the number of voluntary context switches that occur when
// --max_yield_wait_micros=0.
// There's another constant, which is the number of slow yields we will
// tolerate before reversing our previous decision. Solitary slow
// yields are pretty common (low-priority small jobs ready to run),
// so this should be at least 2. We set this conservatively to 3 so
// that we can also immediately schedule a ctx adaptation, rather than
// waiting for the next update_ctx.
const size_t kMaxSlowYieldsWhileSpinning = 3;
// Whether the yield approach has any credit in this context. The credit is
// added by yield being succesfull before timing out, and decreased otherwise.
auto& yield_credit = ctx->value;
// Update the yield_credit based on sample runs or right after a hard failure
bool update_ctx = false;
// Should we reinforce the yield credit
bool would_spin_again = false;
// The samling base for updating the yeild credit. The sampling rate would be
// 1/sampling_base.
const int sampling_base = 256;
if (max_yield_usec_ > 0) {
update_ctx = Random::GetTLSInstance()->OneIn(sampling_base);
if (update_ctx || yield_credit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) >= 0) {
// we're updating the adaptation statistics, or spinning has >
// 50% chance of being shorter than max_yield_usec_ and causing no
// involuntary context switches
auto spin_begin = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
// this variable doesn't include the final yield (if any) that
// causes the goal to be met
size_t slow_yield_count = 0;
auto iter_begin = spin_begin;
while ((iter_begin - spin_begin) <=
std::chrono::microseconds(max_yield_usec_)) {
state = w->state.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if ((state & goal_mask) != 0) {
// success
would_spin_again = true;
auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
if (now == iter_begin ||
now - iter_begin >= std::chrono::microseconds(slow_yield_usec_)) {
// conservatively count it as a slow yield if our clock isn't
// accurate enough to measure the yield duration
if (slow_yield_count >= kMaxSlowYieldsWhileSpinning) {
// Not just one ivcsw, but several. Immediately update yield_credit
// and fall back to blocking
update_ctx = true;
iter_begin = now;
if ((state & goal_mask) == 0) {
TEST_SYNC_POINT_CALLBACK("WriteThread::AwaitState:BlockingWaiting", w);
state = BlockingAwaitState(w, goal_mask);
if (update_ctx) {
// Since our update is sample based, it is ok if a thread overwrites the
// updates by other threads. Thus the update does not have to be atomic.
auto v = yield_credit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
// fixed point exponential decay with decay constant 1/1024, with +1
// and -1 scaled to avoid overflow for int32_t
// On each update the positive credit is decayed by a facor of 1/1024 (i.e.,
// 0.1%). If the sampled yield was successful, the credit is also increased
// by X. Setting X=2^17 ensures that the credit never exceeds
// 2^17*2^10=2^27, which is lower than 2^31 the upperbound of int32_t. Same
// logic applies to negative credits.
v = v - (v / 1024) + (would_spin_again ? 1 : -1) * 131072;, std::memory_order_relaxed);
assert((state & goal_mask) != 0);
return state;
void WriteThread::SetState(Writer* w, uint8_t new_state) {
auto state = w->state.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (state == STATE_LOCKED_WAITING ||
!w->state.compare_exchange_strong(state, new_state)) {
assert(state == STATE_LOCKED_WAITING);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(w->StateMutex());
assert(w->state.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) != new_state);
w->, std::memory_order_relaxed);
bool WriteThread::LinkOne(Writer* w, std::atomic<Writer*>* newest_writer) {
assert(newest_writer != nullptr);
assert(w->state == STATE_INIT);
Writer* writers = newest_writer->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
while (true) {
// If write stall in effect, and w->no_slowdown is not true,
// block here until stall is cleared. If its true, then return
// immediately
if (writers == &write_stall_dummy_) {
if (w->no_slowdown) {
w->status = Status::Incomplete("Write stall");
return false;
// Since no_slowdown is false, wait here to be notified of the write
// stall clearing
MutexLock lock(&stall_mu_);
writers = newest_writer->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (writers == &write_stall_dummy_) {
// Load newest_writers_ again since it may have changed
writers = newest_writer->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
w->link_older = writers;
if (newest_writer->compare_exchange_weak(writers, w)) {
return (writers == nullptr);
bool WriteThread::LinkGroup(WriteGroup& write_group,
std::atomic<Writer*>* newest_writer) {
assert(newest_writer != nullptr);
Writer* leader = write_group.leader;
Writer* last_writer = write_group.last_writer;
Writer* w = last_writer;
while (true) {
// Unset link_newer pointers to make sure when we call
// CreateMissingNewerLinks later it create all missing links.
w->link_newer = nullptr;
w->write_group = nullptr;
if (w == leader) {
w = w->link_older;
Writer* newest = newest_writer->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
while (true) {
leader->link_older = newest;
if (newest_writer->compare_exchange_weak(newest, last_writer)) {
return (newest == nullptr);
void WriteThread::CreateMissingNewerLinks(Writer* head) {
while (true) {
Writer* next = head->link_older;
if (next == nullptr || next->link_newer != nullptr) {
assert(next == nullptr || next->link_newer == head);
next->link_newer = head;
head = next;
WriteThread::Writer* WriteThread::FindNextLeader(Writer* from,
Writer* boundary) {
assert(from != nullptr && from != boundary);
Writer* current = from;
while (current->link_older != boundary) {
current = current->link_older;
assert(current != nullptr);
return current;
void WriteThread::CompleteLeader(WriteGroup& write_group) {
assert(write_group.size > 0);
Writer* leader = write_group.leader;
if (write_group.size == 1) {
write_group.leader = nullptr;
write_group.last_writer = nullptr;
} else {
assert(leader->link_newer != nullptr);
leader->link_newer->link_older = nullptr;
write_group.leader = leader->link_newer;
write_group.size -= 1;
SetState(leader, STATE_COMPLETED);
void WriteThread::CompleteFollower(Writer* w, WriteGroup& write_group) {
assert(write_group.size > 1);
assert(w != write_group.leader);
if (w == write_group.last_writer) {
w->link_older->link_newer = nullptr;
write_group.last_writer = w->link_older;
} else {
w->link_older->link_newer = w->link_newer;
w->link_newer->link_older = w->link_older;
write_group.size -= 1;
void WriteThread::BeginWriteStall() {
LinkOne(&write_stall_dummy_, &newest_writer_);
// Walk writer list until w->write_group != nullptr. The current write group
// will not have a mix of slowdown/no_slowdown, so its ok to stop at that
// point
Writer* w = write_stall_dummy_.link_older;
Writer* prev = &write_stall_dummy_;
while (w != nullptr && w->write_group == nullptr) {
if (w->no_slowdown) {
prev->link_older = w->link_older;
w->status = Status::Incomplete("Write stall");
// Only update `link_newer` if it's already set.
// `CreateMissingNewerLinks()` will update the nullptr `link_newer` later,
// which assumes the the first non-nullptr `link_newer` is the last
// nullptr link in the writer list.
// If `link_newer` is set here, `CreateMissingNewerLinks()` may stop
// updating the whole list when it sees the first non nullptr link.
if (prev->link_older && prev->link_older->link_newer) {
prev->link_older->link_newer = prev;
w = prev->link_older;
} else {
prev = w;
w = w->link_older;
void WriteThread::EndWriteStall() {
MutexLock lock(&stall_mu_);
// Unlink write_stall_dummy_ from the write queue. This will unblock
// pending write threads to enqueue themselves
assert(newest_writer_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == &write_stall_dummy_);
assert(write_stall_dummy_.link_older != nullptr);
write_stall_dummy_.link_older->link_newer = write_stall_dummy_.link_newer;;
// Wake up writers
static WriteThread::AdaptationContext jbg_ctx("JoinBatchGroup");
void WriteThread::JoinBatchGroup(Writer* w) {
TEST_SYNC_POINT_CALLBACK("WriteThread::JoinBatchGroup:Start", w);
assert(w->batch != nullptr);
bool linked_as_leader = LinkOne(w, &newest_writer_);
if (linked_as_leader) {
TEST_SYNC_POINT_CALLBACK("WriteThread::JoinBatchGroup:Wait", w);
if (!linked_as_leader) {
* Wait util:
* 1) An existing leader pick us as the new leader when it finishes
* 2) An existing leader pick us as its follewer and
* 2.1) finishes the memtable writes on our behalf
* 2.2) Or tell us to finish the memtable writes in pralallel
* 3) (pipelined write) An existing leader pick us as its follower and
* finish book-keeping and WAL write for us, enqueue us as pending
* memtable writer, and
* 3.1) we become memtable writer group leader, or
* 3.2) an existing memtable writer group leader tell us to finish memtable
* writes in parallel.
TEST_SYNC_POINT_CALLBACK("WriteThread::JoinBatchGroup:BeganWaiting", w);
TEST_SYNC_POINT_CALLBACK("WriteThread::JoinBatchGroup:DoneWaiting", w);
size_t WriteThread::EnterAsBatchGroupLeader(Writer* leader,
WriteGroup* write_group) {
assert(leader->link_older == nullptr);
assert(leader->batch != nullptr);
assert(write_group != nullptr);
size_t size = WriteBatchInternal::ByteSize(leader->batch);
// Allow the group to grow up to a maximum size, but if the
// original write is small, limit the growth so we do not slow
// down the small write too much.
size_t max_size = max_write_batch_group_size_bytes;
const uint64_t min_batch_size_bytes = max_write_batch_group_size_bytes / 8;
if (size <= min_batch_size_bytes) {
max_size = size + min_batch_size_bytes;
leader->write_group = write_group;
write_group->leader = leader;
write_group->last_writer = leader;
write_group->size = 1;
Writer* newest_writer = newest_writer_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
// This is safe regardless of any db mutex status of the caller. Previous
// calls to ExitAsGroupLeader either didn't call CreateMissingNewerLinks
// (they emptied the list and then we added ourself as leader) or had to
// explicitly wake us up (the list was non-empty when we added ourself,
// so we have already received our MarkJoined).
// Tricky. Iteration start (leader) is exclusive and finish
// (newest_writer) is inclusive. Iteration goes from old to new.
Writer* w = leader;
while (w != newest_writer) {
w = w->link_newer;
if (w->sync && !leader->sync) {
// Do not include a sync write into a batch handled by a non-sync write.
if (w->no_slowdown != leader->no_slowdown) {
// Do not mix writes that are ok with delays with the ones that
// request fail on delays.
if (w->disable_wal != leader->disable_wal) {
// Do not mix writes that enable WAL with the ones whose
// WAL disabled.
if (w->protection_bytes_per_key != leader->protection_bytes_per_key) {
// Do not mix writes with different levels of integrity protection.
if (w->batch == nullptr) {
// Do not include those writes with nullptr batch. Those are not writes,
// those are something else. They want to be alone
if (w->callback != nullptr && !w->callback->AllowWriteBatching()) {
// don't batch writes that don't want to be batched
auto batch_size = WriteBatchInternal::ByteSize(w->batch);
if (size + batch_size > max_size) {
// Do not make batch too big
w->write_group = write_group;
size += batch_size;
write_group->last_writer = w;
TEST_SYNC_POINT_CALLBACK("WriteThread::EnterAsBatchGroupLeader:End", w);
return size;
void WriteThread::EnterAsMemTableWriter(Writer* leader,
WriteGroup* write_group) {
assert(leader != nullptr);
assert(leader->link_older == nullptr);
assert(leader->batch != nullptr);
assert(write_group != nullptr);
size_t size = WriteBatchInternal::ByteSize(leader->batch);
// Allow the group to grow up to a maximum size, but if the
// original write is small, limit the growth so we do not slow
// down the small write too much.
size_t max_size = max_write_batch_group_size_bytes;
const uint64_t min_batch_size_bytes = max_write_batch_group_size_bytes / 8;
if (size <= min_batch_size_bytes) {
max_size = size + min_batch_size_bytes;
leader->write_group = write_group;
write_group->leader = leader;
write_group->size = 1;
Writer* last_writer = leader;
if (!allow_concurrent_memtable_write_ || !leader->batch->HasMerge()) {
Writer* newest_writer = newest_memtable_writer_.load();
Writer* w = leader;
while (w != newest_writer) {
w = w->link_newer;
if (w->batch == nullptr) {
if (w->batch->HasMerge()) {
if (!allow_concurrent_memtable_write_) {
auto batch_size = WriteBatchInternal::ByteSize(w->batch);
if (size + batch_size > max_size) {
// Do not make batch too big
size += batch_size;
w->write_group = write_group;
last_writer = w;
write_group->last_writer = last_writer;
write_group->last_sequence =
last_writer->sequence + WriteBatchInternal::Count(last_writer->batch) - 1;
void WriteThread::ExitAsMemTableWriter(Writer* /*self*/,
WriteGroup& write_group) {
Writer* leader = write_group.leader;
Writer* last_writer = write_group.last_writer;
Writer* newest_writer = last_writer;
if (!newest_memtable_writer_.compare_exchange_strong(newest_writer,
nullptr)) {
Writer* next_leader = last_writer->link_newer;
assert(next_leader != nullptr);
next_leader->link_older = nullptr;
Writer* w = leader;
while (true) {
if (!write_group.status.ok()) {
w->status = write_group.status;
Writer* next = w->link_newer;
if (w != leader) {
if (w == last_writer) {
w = next;
// Note that leader has to exit last, since it owns the write group.
SetState(leader, STATE_COMPLETED);
void WriteThread::LaunchParallelMemTableWriters(WriteGroup* write_group) {
assert(write_group != nullptr);
for (auto w : *write_group) {
static WriteThread::AdaptationContext cpmtw_ctx("CompleteParallelMemTableWriter");
// This method is called by both the leader and parallel followers
bool WriteThread::CompleteParallelMemTableWriter(Writer* w) {
auto* write_group = w->write_group;
if (!w->status.ok()) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(write_group->leader->StateMutex());
write_group->status = w->status;
if (write_group->running-- > 1) {
// we're not the last one
AwaitState(w, STATE_COMPLETED, &cpmtw_ctx);
return false;
// else we're the last parallel worker and should perform exit duties.
w->status = write_group->status;
// Callers of this function must ensure w->status is checked.
return true;
void WriteThread::ExitAsBatchGroupFollower(Writer* w) {
auto* write_group = w->write_group;
ExitAsBatchGroupLeader(*write_group, write_group->status);
assert(w->state == STATE_COMPLETED);
SetState(write_group->leader, STATE_COMPLETED);
static WriteThread::AdaptationContext eabgl_ctx("ExitAsBatchGroupLeader");
void WriteThread::ExitAsBatchGroupLeader(WriteGroup& write_group,
Status& status) {
Writer* leader = write_group.leader;
Writer* last_writer = write_group.last_writer;
assert(leader->link_older == nullptr);
// If status is non-ok already, then write_group.status won't have the chance
// of being propagated to caller.
if (!status.ok()) {
// Propagate memtable write error to the whole group.
if (status.ok() && !write_group.status.ok()) {
status = write_group.status;
if (enable_pipelined_write_) {
// Notify writers don't write to memtable to exit.
for (Writer* w = last_writer; w != leader;) {
Writer* next = w->link_older;
w->status = status;
if (!w->ShouldWriteToMemtable()) {
CompleteFollower(w, write_group);
w = next;
if (!leader->ShouldWriteToMemtable()) {
Writer* next_leader = nullptr;
// Look for next leader before we call LinkGroup. If there isn't
// pending writers, place a dummy writer at the tail of the queue
// so we know the boundary of the current write group.
Writer dummy;
Writer* expected = last_writer;
bool has_dummy = newest_writer_.compare_exchange_strong(expected, &dummy);
if (!has_dummy) {
// We find at least one pending writer when we insert dummy. We search
// for next leader from there.
next_leader = FindNextLeader(expected, last_writer);
assert(next_leader != nullptr && next_leader != last_writer);
// Link the ramaining of the group to memtable writer list.
// We have to link our group to memtable writer queue before wake up the
// next leader or set newest_writer_ to null, otherwise the next leader
// can run ahead of us and link to memtable writer queue before we do.
if (write_group.size > 0) {
if (LinkGroup(write_group, &newest_memtable_writer_)) {
// The leader can now be different from current writer.
SetState(write_group.leader, STATE_MEMTABLE_WRITER_LEADER);
// If we have inserted dummy in the queue, remove it now and check if there
// are pending writer join the queue since we insert the dummy. If so,
// look for next leader again.
if (has_dummy) {
assert(next_leader == nullptr);
expected = &dummy;
bool has_pending_writer =
!newest_writer_.compare_exchange_strong(expected, nullptr);
if (has_pending_writer) {
next_leader = FindNextLeader(expected, &dummy);
assert(next_leader != nullptr && next_leader != &dummy);
if (next_leader != nullptr) {
next_leader->link_older = nullptr;
SetState(next_leader, STATE_GROUP_LEADER);
} else {
Writer* head = newest_writer_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (head != last_writer ||
!newest_writer_.compare_exchange_strong(head, nullptr)) {
// Either w wasn't the head during the load(), or it was the head
// during the load() but somebody else pushed onto the list before
// we did the compare_exchange_strong (causing it to fail). In the
// latter case compare_exchange_strong has the effect of re-reading
// its first param (head). No need to retry a failing CAS, because
// only a departing leader (which we are at the moment) can remove
// nodes from the list.
assert(head != last_writer);
// After walking link_older starting from head (if not already done)
// we will be able to traverse w->link_newer below. This function
// can only be called from an active leader, only a leader can
// clear newest_writer_, we didn't, and only a clear newest_writer_
// could cause the next leader to start their work without a call
// to MarkJoined, so we can definitely conclude that no other leader
// work is going on here (with or without db mutex).
assert(last_writer->link_newer->link_older == last_writer);
last_writer->link_newer->link_older = nullptr;
// Next leader didn't self-identify, because newest_writer_ wasn't
// nullptr when they enqueued (we were definitely enqueued before them
// and are still in the list). That means leader handoff occurs when
// we call MarkJoined
SetState(last_writer->link_newer, STATE_GROUP_LEADER);
// else nobody else was waiting, although there might already be a new
// leader now
while (last_writer != leader) {
last_writer->status = status;
// we need to read link_older before calling SetState, because as soon
// as it is marked committed the other thread's Await may return and
// deallocate the Writer.
auto next = last_writer->link_older;
SetState(last_writer, STATE_COMPLETED);
last_writer = next;
static WriteThread::AdaptationContext eu_ctx("EnterUnbatched");
void WriteThread::EnterUnbatched(Writer* w, InstrumentedMutex* mu) {
assert(w != nullptr && w->batch == nullptr);
bool linked_as_leader = LinkOne(w, &newest_writer_);
if (!linked_as_leader) {
// Last leader will not pick us as a follower since our batch is nullptr
AwaitState(w, STATE_GROUP_LEADER, &eu_ctx);
if (enable_pipelined_write_) {
void WriteThread::ExitUnbatched(Writer* w) {
assert(w != nullptr);
Writer* newest_writer = w;
if (!newest_writer_.compare_exchange_strong(newest_writer, nullptr)) {
Writer* next_leader = w->link_newer;
assert(next_leader != nullptr);
next_leader->link_older = nullptr;
SetState(next_leader, STATE_GROUP_LEADER);
static WriteThread::AdaptationContext wfmw_ctx("WaitForMemTableWriters");
void WriteThread::WaitForMemTableWriters() {
if (newest_memtable_writer_.load() == nullptr) {
Writer w;
if (!LinkOne(&w, &newest_memtable_writer_)) {
AwaitState(&w, STATE_MEMTABLE_WRITER_LEADER, &wfmw_ctx);
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE