Andrew Kryczka 1026e794a3 rate limit auto-tuning
Dynamic adjustment of rate limit according to demand for background I/O. It increases by a factor when limiter is drained too frequently, and decreases by the same factor when limiter is not drained frequently enough. The parameters for this behavior are fixed in `GenericRateLimiter::Tune`. Other changes:

- make rate limiter's `Env*` configurable for testing
- track num drain intervals in RateLimiter so we don't have to rely on stats, which may be shared across different DB instances from the ones that share the RateLimiter.

Differential Revision: D5858704

Pulled By: ajkr

fbshipit-source-id: cc2bac30f85e7f6fd63655d0a6732ef9ed7403b1
2017-10-04 19:15:01 -07:00

240 lines
9.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#include "util/rate_limiter.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <limits>
#include "db/db_test_util.h"
#include "rocksdb/env.h"
#include "util/random.h"
#include "util/sync_point.h"
#include "util/testharness.h"
namespace rocksdb {
// TODO(yhchiang): the rate will not be accurate when we run test in parallel.
class RateLimiterTest : public testing::Test {};
TEST_F(RateLimiterTest, OverflowRate) {
GenericRateLimiter limiter(port::kMaxInt64, 1000, 10,
RateLimiter::Mode::kWritesOnly, Env::Default(),
false /* auto_tuned */);
ASSERT_GT(limiter.GetSingleBurstBytes(), 1000000000ll);
TEST_F(RateLimiterTest, StartStop) {
std::unique_ptr<RateLimiter> limiter(NewGenericRateLimiter(100, 100, 10));
TEST_F(RateLimiterTest, Modes) {
for (auto mode : {RateLimiter::Mode::kWritesOnly,
RateLimiter::Mode::kReadsOnly, RateLimiter::Mode::kAllIo}) {
GenericRateLimiter limiter(
2000 /* rate_bytes_per_sec */, 1000 * 1000 /* refill_period_us */,
10 /* fairness */, mode, Env::Default(), false /* auto_tuned */);
limiter.Request(1000 /* bytes */, Env::IO_HIGH, nullptr /* stats */,
if (mode == RateLimiter::Mode::kWritesOnly) {
ASSERT_EQ(0, limiter.GetTotalBytesThrough(Env::IO_HIGH));
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(1000, limiter.GetTotalBytesThrough(Env::IO_HIGH));
limiter.Request(1000 /* bytes */, Env::IO_HIGH, nullptr /* stats */,
if (mode == RateLimiter::Mode::kAllIo) {
ASSERT_EQ(2000, limiter.GetTotalBytesThrough(Env::IO_HIGH));
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(1000, limiter.GetTotalBytesThrough(Env::IO_HIGH));
#if !(defined(TRAVIS) && defined(OS_MACOSX))
TEST_F(RateLimiterTest, Rate) {
auto* env = Env::Default();
struct Arg {
Arg(int32_t _target_rate, int _burst)
: limiter(NewGenericRateLimiter(_target_rate, 100 * 1000, 10)),
request_size(_target_rate / 10),
burst(_burst) {}
std::unique_ptr<RateLimiter> limiter;
int32_t request_size;
int burst;
auto writer = [](void* p) {
auto* thread_env = Env::Default();
auto* arg = static_cast<Arg*>(p);
// Test for 2 seconds
auto until = thread_env->NowMicros() + 2 * 1000000;
Random r((uint32_t)(thread_env->NowNanos() %
while (thread_env->NowMicros() < until) {
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(r.Skewed(arg->burst) + 1); ++i) {
arg->limiter->Request(r.Uniform(arg->request_size - 1) + 1,
Env::IO_HIGH, nullptr /* stats */,
arg->limiter->Request(r.Uniform(arg->request_size - 1) + 1, Env::IO_LOW,
nullptr /* stats */, RateLimiter::OpType::kWrite);
for (int i = 1; i <= 16; i *= 2) {
int32_t target = i * 1024 * 10;
Arg arg(target, i / 4 + 1);
int64_t old_total_bytes_through = 0;
for (int iter = 1; iter <= 2; ++iter) {
// second iteration changes the target dynamically
if (iter == 2) {
target *= 2;
auto start = env->NowMicros();
for (int t = 0; t < i; ++t) {
env->StartThread(writer, &arg);
auto elapsed = env->NowMicros() - start;
double rate =
(arg.limiter->GetTotalBytesThrough() - old_total_bytes_through) *
1000000.0 / elapsed;
old_total_bytes_through = arg.limiter->GetTotalBytesThrough();
"request size [1 - %" PRIi32 "], limit %" PRIi32
" KB/sec, actual rate: %lf KB/sec, elapsed %.2lf seconds\n",
arg.request_size - 1, target / 1024, rate / 1024,
elapsed / 1000000.0);
ASSERT_GE(rate / target, 0.80);
ASSERT_LE(rate / target, 1.25);
TEST_F(RateLimiterTest, LimitChangeTest) {
// starvation test when limit changes to a smaller value
int64_t refill_period = 1000 * 1000;
auto* env = Env::Default();
struct Arg {
Arg(int32_t _request_size, Env::IOPriority _pri,
std::shared_ptr<RateLimiter> _limiter)
: request_size(_request_size), pri(_pri), limiter(_limiter) {}
int32_t request_size;
Env::IOPriority pri;
std::shared_ptr<RateLimiter> limiter;
auto writer = [](void* p) {
auto* arg = static_cast<Arg*>(p);
arg->limiter->Request(arg->request_size, arg->pri, nullptr /* stats */,
for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= 16; i <<= 1) {
int32_t target = i * 1024 * 10;
// refill per second
for (int iter = 0; iter < 2; iter++) {
std::shared_ptr<RateLimiter> limiter =
target, refill_period, 10, RateLimiter::Mode::kWritesOnly,
Env::Default(), false /* auto_tuned */);
Arg arg(target, Env::IO_HIGH, limiter);
// The idea behind is to start a request first, then before it refills,
// update limit to a different value (2X/0.5X). No starvation should
// be guaranteed under any situation
// TODO(lightmark): more test cases are welcome.
env->StartThread(writer, &arg);
int32_t new_limit = (target << 1) >> (iter << 1);
"[COMPLETE] request size %" PRIi32 " KB, new limit %" PRIi32
"KB/sec, refill period %" PRIi64 " ms\n",
target / 1024, new_limit / 1024, refill_period / 1000);
TEST_F(RateLimiterTest, AutoTuneIncreaseWhenFull) {
const std::chrono::seconds kTimePerRefill(1);
const int kRefillsPerTune = 100; // needs to match util/
SpecialEnv special_env(Env::Default());
special_env.no_slowdown_ = true;
special_env.time_elapse_only_sleep_ = true;
auto stats = CreateDBStatistics();
std::unique_ptr<RateLimiter> rate_limiter(new GenericRateLimiter(
1000 /* rate_bytes_per_sec */,
std::chrono::microseconds(kTimePerRefill).count(), 10 /* fairness */,
RateLimiter::Mode::kWritesOnly, &special_env, true /* auto_tuned */));
// Use callback to advance time because we need to advance (1) after Request()
// has determined the bytes are not available; and (2) before Refill()
// computes the next refill time (ensuring refill time in the future allows
// the next request to drain the rate limiter).
"GenericRateLimiter::Refill", [&](void* arg) {
// verify rate limit increases after a sequence of periods where rate limiter
// is always drained
int64_t orig_bytes_per_sec = rate_limiter->GetSingleBurstBytes();
rate_limiter->Request(orig_bytes_per_sec, Env::IO_HIGH, stats.get(),
while (std::chrono::microseconds(special_env.NowMicros()) <=
kRefillsPerTune * kTimePerRefill) {
rate_limiter->Request(orig_bytes_per_sec, Env::IO_HIGH, stats.get(),
int64_t new_bytes_per_sec = rate_limiter->GetSingleBurstBytes();
ASSERT_GT(new_bytes_per_sec, orig_bytes_per_sec);
// decreases after a sequence of periods where rate limiter is not drained
orig_bytes_per_sec = new_bytes_per_sec;
kRefillsPerTune * std::chrono::microseconds(kTimePerRefill).count()));
// make a request so tuner can be triggered
rate_limiter->Request(1 /* bytes */, Env::IO_HIGH, stats.get(),
new_bytes_per_sec = rate_limiter->GetSingleBurstBytes();
ASSERT_LT(new_bytes_per_sec, orig_bytes_per_sec);
} // namespace rocksdb
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();