Yanqin Jin 717749f4c0 Fail point-in-time WAL recovery upon IOError reading WAL (#6963)
If `options.wal_recovery_mode == WALRecoveryMode::kPointInTimeRecovery`, RocksDB stops replaying WAL once hitting an error and discards the rest of the WAL. This can lead to data loss if the error occurs at an offset smaller than the last sync'ed offset.
Ideally, RocksDB point-in-time recovery should permit recovery if the error occurs after last synced offset while fail recovery if error occurs before the last synced offset. However, RocksDB does not track the synced offset of WALs. Consequently, RocksDB does not know whether an error occurs before or after the last synced offset. An error can be one of the following.
- WAL record checksum mismatch. This can result from both corruption of synced data and dropping of unsynced data during shutdown. We cannot be sure which one. In order not to defeat the original motivation to permit the latter case, we keep the original behavior of point-in-time WAL recovery.
- IOError. This means the WAL can be bad, an indicator of whole file becoming unavailable, not to mention synced part of the WAL. Therefore, we choose to modify the behavior of point-in-time recovery and fail the database recovery.

Test plan (devserver):
make check
Pull Request resolved:

Reviewed By: ajkr

Differential Revision: D22011083

Pulled By: riversand963

fbshipit-source-id: f9cbf29a37dc5cc40d3fa62f89eed1ad67ca1536
2020-06-11 18:42:10 -07:00

626 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#include "db/log_reader.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "file/sequence_file_reader.h"
#include "port/lang.h"
#include "rocksdb/env.h"
#include "test_util/sync_point.h"
#include "util/coding.h"
#include "util/crc32c.h"
namespace log {
Reader::Reporter::~Reporter() {
Reader::Reader(std::shared_ptr<Logger> info_log,
std::unique_ptr<SequentialFileReader>&& _file,
Reporter* reporter, bool checksum, uint64_t log_num)
: info_log_(info_log),
backing_store_(new char[kBlockSize]),
recycled_(false) {}
Reader::~Reader() {
delete[] backing_store_;
// For kAbsoluteConsistency, on clean shutdown we don't expect any error
// in the log files. For other modes, we can ignore only incomplete records
// in the last log file, which are presumably due to a write in progress
// during restart (or from log recycling).
// TODO krad: Evaluate if we need to move to a more strict mode where we
// restrict the inconsistency to only the last log
bool Reader::ReadRecord(Slice* record, std::string* scratch,
WALRecoveryMode wal_recovery_mode) {
bool in_fragmented_record = false;
// Record offset of the logical record that we're reading
// 0 is a dummy value to make compilers happy
uint64_t prospective_record_offset = 0;
Slice fragment;
while (true) {
uint64_t physical_record_offset = end_of_buffer_offset_ - buffer_.size();
size_t drop_size = 0;
const unsigned int record_type = ReadPhysicalRecord(&fragment, &drop_size);
switch (record_type) {
case kFullType:
case kRecyclableFullType:
if (in_fragmented_record && !scratch->empty()) {
// Handle bug in earlier versions of log::Writer where
// it could emit an empty kFirstType record at the tail end
// of a block followed by a kFullType or kFirstType record
// at the beginning of the next block.
ReportCorruption(scratch->size(), "partial record without end(1)");
prospective_record_offset = physical_record_offset;
*record = fragment;
last_record_offset_ = prospective_record_offset;
return true;
case kFirstType:
case kRecyclableFirstType:
if (in_fragmented_record && !scratch->empty()) {
// Handle bug in earlier versions of log::Writer where
// it could emit an empty kFirstType record at the tail end
// of a block followed by a kFullType or kFirstType record
// at the beginning of the next block.
ReportCorruption(scratch->size(), "partial record without end(2)");
prospective_record_offset = physical_record_offset;
scratch->assign(, fragment.size());
in_fragmented_record = true;
case kMiddleType:
case kRecyclableMiddleType:
if (!in_fragmented_record) {
"missing start of fragmented record(1)");
} else {
scratch->append(, fragment.size());
case kLastType:
case kRecyclableLastType:
if (!in_fragmented_record) {
"missing start of fragmented record(2)");
} else {
scratch->append(, fragment.size());
*record = Slice(*scratch);
last_record_offset_ = prospective_record_offset;
return true;
case kBadHeader:
if (wal_recovery_mode == WALRecoveryMode::kAbsoluteConsistency) {
// in clean shutdown we don't expect any error in the log files
ReportCorruption(drop_size, "truncated header");
case kEof:
if (in_fragmented_record) {
if (wal_recovery_mode == WALRecoveryMode::kAbsoluteConsistency) {
// in clean shutdown we don't expect any error in the log files
ReportCorruption(scratch->size(), "error reading trailing data");
// This can be caused by the writer dying immediately after
// writing a physical record but before completing the next; don't
// treat it as a corruption, just ignore the entire logical record.
return false;
case kOldRecord:
if (wal_recovery_mode != WALRecoveryMode::kSkipAnyCorruptedRecords) {
// Treat a record from a previous instance of the log as EOF.
if (in_fragmented_record) {
if (wal_recovery_mode == WALRecoveryMode::kAbsoluteConsistency) {
// in clean shutdown we don't expect any error in the log files
ReportCorruption(scratch->size(), "error reading trailing data");
// This can be caused by the writer dying immediately after
// writing a physical record but before completing the next; don't
// treat it as a corruption, just ignore the entire logical record.
return false;
case kBadRecord:
if (in_fragmented_record) {
ReportCorruption(scratch->size(), "error in middle of record");
in_fragmented_record = false;
case kBadRecordLen:
case kBadRecordChecksum:
if (recycled_ &&
wal_recovery_mode ==
WALRecoveryMode::kTolerateCorruptedTailRecords) {
return false;
if (record_type == kBadRecordLen) {
ReportCorruption(drop_size, "bad record length");
} else {
ReportCorruption(drop_size, "checksum mismatch");
if (in_fragmented_record) {
ReportCorruption(scratch->size(), "error in middle of record");
in_fragmented_record = false;
default: {
char buf[40];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "unknown record type %u", record_type);
(fragment.size() + (in_fragmented_record ? scratch->size() : 0)),
in_fragmented_record = false;
return false;
uint64_t Reader::LastRecordOffset() {
return last_record_offset_;
void Reader::UnmarkEOF() {
if (read_error_) {
eof_ = false;
if (eof_offset_ == 0) {
void Reader::UnmarkEOFInternal() {
// If the EOF was in the middle of a block (a partial block was read) we have
// to read the rest of the block as ReadPhysicalRecord can only read full
// blocks and expects the file position indicator to be aligned to the start
// of a block.
// consumed_bytes + buffer_size() + remaining == kBlockSize
size_t consumed_bytes = eof_offset_ - buffer_.size();
size_t remaining = kBlockSize - eof_offset_;
// backing_store_ is used to concatenate what is left in buffer_ and
// the remainder of the block. If buffer_ already uses backing_store_,
// we just append the new data.
if ( != backing_store_ + consumed_bytes) {
// Buffer_ does not use backing_store_ for storage.
// Copy what is left in buffer_ to backing_store.
memmove(backing_store_ + consumed_bytes,, buffer_.size());
Slice read_buffer;
Status status = file_->Read(remaining, &read_buffer,
backing_store_ + eof_offset_);
size_t added = read_buffer.size();
end_of_buffer_offset_ += added;
if (!status.ok()) {
if (added > 0) {
ReportDrop(added, status);
read_error_ = true;
if ( != backing_store_ + eof_offset_) {
// Read did not write to backing_store_
memmove(backing_store_ + eof_offset_,,
buffer_ = Slice(backing_store_ + consumed_bytes,
eof_offset_ + added - consumed_bytes);
if (added < remaining) {
eof_ = true;
eof_offset_ += added;
} else {
eof_offset_ = 0;
void Reader::ReportCorruption(size_t bytes, const char* reason) {
ReportDrop(bytes, Status::Corruption(reason));
void Reader::ReportDrop(size_t bytes, const Status& reason) {
if (reporter_ != nullptr) {
reporter_->Corruption(bytes, reason);
bool Reader::ReadMore(size_t* drop_size, int *error) {
if (!eof_ && !read_error_) {
// Last read was a full read, so this is a trailer to skip
Status status = file_->Read(kBlockSize, &buffer_, backing_store_);
TEST_SYNC_POINT_CALLBACK("LogReader::ReadMore:AfterReadFile", &status);
end_of_buffer_offset_ += buffer_.size();
if (!status.ok()) {
ReportDrop(kBlockSize, status);
read_error_ = true;
*error = kEof;
return false;
} else if (buffer_.size() < static_cast<size_t>(kBlockSize)) {
eof_ = true;
eof_offset_ = buffer_.size();
return true;
} else {
// Note that if buffer_ is non-empty, we have a truncated header at the
// end of the file, which can be caused by the writer crashing in the
// middle of writing the header. Unless explicitly requested we don't
// considering this an error, just report EOF.
if (buffer_.size()) {
*drop_size = buffer_.size();
*error = kBadHeader;
return false;
*error = kEof;
return false;
unsigned int Reader::ReadPhysicalRecord(Slice* result, size_t* drop_size) {
while (true) {
// We need at least the minimum header size
if (buffer_.size() < static_cast<size_t>(kHeaderSize)) {
// the default value of r is meaningless because ReadMore will overwrite
// it if it returns false; in case it returns true, the return value will
// not be used anyway
int r = kEof;
if (!ReadMore(drop_size, &r)) {
return r;
// Parse the header
const char* header =;
const uint32_t a = static_cast<uint32_t>(header[4]) & 0xff;
const uint32_t b = static_cast<uint32_t>(header[5]) & 0xff;
const unsigned int type = header[6];
const uint32_t length = a | (b << 8);
int header_size = kHeaderSize;
if (type >= kRecyclableFullType && type <= kRecyclableLastType) {
if (end_of_buffer_offset_ - buffer_.size() == 0) {
recycled_ = true;
header_size = kRecyclableHeaderSize;
// We need enough for the larger header
if (buffer_.size() < static_cast<size_t>(kRecyclableHeaderSize)) {
int r = kEof;
if (!ReadMore(drop_size, &r)) {
return r;
const uint32_t log_num = DecodeFixed32(header + 7);
if (log_num != log_number_) {
return kOldRecord;
if (header_size + length > buffer_.size()) {
*drop_size = buffer_.size();
if (!eof_) {
return kBadRecordLen;
// If the end of the file has been reached without reading |length|
// bytes of payload, assume the writer died in the middle of writing the
// record. Don't report a corruption unless requested.
if (*drop_size) {
return kBadHeader;
return kEof;
if (type == kZeroType && length == 0) {
// Skip zero length record without reporting any drops since
// such records are produced by the mmap based writing code in
// that preallocates file regions.
// NOTE: this should never happen in DB written by new RocksDB versions,
// since we turn off mmap writes to manifest and log files
return kBadRecord;
// Check crc
if (checksum_) {
uint32_t expected_crc = crc32c::Unmask(DecodeFixed32(header));
uint32_t actual_crc = crc32c::Value(header + 6, length + header_size - 6);
if (actual_crc != expected_crc) {
// Drop the rest of the buffer since "length" itself may have
// been corrupted and if we trust it, we could find some
// fragment of a real log record that just happens to look
// like a valid log record.
*drop_size = buffer_.size();
return kBadRecordChecksum;
buffer_.remove_prefix(header_size + length);
*result = Slice(header + header_size, length);
return type;
bool FragmentBufferedReader::ReadRecord(Slice* record, std::string* scratch,
WALRecoveryMode /*unused*/) {
assert(record != nullptr);
assert(scratch != nullptr);
uint64_t prospective_record_offset = 0;
uint64_t physical_record_offset = end_of_buffer_offset_ - buffer_.size();
size_t drop_size = 0;
unsigned int fragment_type_or_err = 0; // Initialize to make compiler happy
Slice fragment;
while (TryReadFragment(&fragment, &drop_size, &fragment_type_or_err)) {
switch (fragment_type_or_err) {
case kFullType:
case kRecyclableFullType:
if (in_fragmented_record_ && !fragments_.empty()) {
ReportCorruption(fragments_.size(), "partial record without end(1)");
*record = fragment;
prospective_record_offset = physical_record_offset;
last_record_offset_ = prospective_record_offset;
in_fragmented_record_ = false;
return true;
case kFirstType:
case kRecyclableFirstType:
if (in_fragmented_record_ || !fragments_.empty()) {
ReportCorruption(fragments_.size(), "partial record without end(2)");
prospective_record_offset = physical_record_offset;
fragments_.assign(, fragment.size());
in_fragmented_record_ = true;
case kMiddleType:
case kRecyclableMiddleType:
if (!in_fragmented_record_) {
"missing start of fragmented record(1)");
} else {
fragments_.append(, fragment.size());
case kLastType:
case kRecyclableLastType:
if (!in_fragmented_record_) {
"missing start of fragmented record(2)");
} else {
fragments_.append(, fragment.size());
scratch->assign(, fragments_.size());
*record = Slice(*scratch);
last_record_offset_ = prospective_record_offset;
in_fragmented_record_ = false;
return true;
case kBadHeader:
case kBadRecord:
case kEof:
case kOldRecord:
if (in_fragmented_record_) {
ReportCorruption(fragments_.size(), "error in middle of record");
in_fragmented_record_ = false;
case kBadRecordChecksum:
if (recycled_) {
return false;
ReportCorruption(drop_size, "checksum mismatch");
if (in_fragmented_record_) {
ReportCorruption(fragments_.size(), "error in middle of record");
in_fragmented_record_ = false;
default: {
char buf[40];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "unknown record type %u",
fragment.size() + (in_fragmented_record_ ? fragments_.size() : 0),
in_fragmented_record_ = false;
return false;
void FragmentBufferedReader::UnmarkEOF() {
if (read_error_) {
eof_ = false;
bool FragmentBufferedReader::TryReadMore(size_t* drop_size, int* error) {
if (!eof_ && !read_error_) {
// Last read was a full read, so this is a trailer to skip
Status status = file_->Read(kBlockSize, &buffer_, backing_store_);
end_of_buffer_offset_ += buffer_.size();
if (!status.ok()) {
ReportDrop(kBlockSize, status);
read_error_ = true;
*error = kEof;
return false;
} else if (buffer_.size() < static_cast<size_t>(kBlockSize)) {
eof_ = true;
eof_offset_ = buffer_.size();
"FragmentBufferedLogReader::TryReadMore:FirstEOF", nullptr);
return true;
} else if (!read_error_) {
if (!read_error_) {
return true;
*error = kEof;
*drop_size = buffer_.size();
if (buffer_.size() > 0) {
*error = kBadHeader;
return false;
// return true if the caller should process the fragment_type_or_err.
bool FragmentBufferedReader::TryReadFragment(
Slice* fragment, size_t* drop_size, unsigned int* fragment_type_or_err) {
assert(fragment != nullptr);
assert(drop_size != nullptr);
assert(fragment_type_or_err != nullptr);
while (buffer_.size() < static_cast<size_t>(kHeaderSize)) {
size_t old_size = buffer_.size();
int error = kEof;
if (!TryReadMore(drop_size, &error)) {
*fragment_type_or_err = error;
return false;
} else if (old_size == buffer_.size()) {
return false;
const char* header =;
const uint32_t a = static_cast<uint32_t>(header[4]) & 0xff;
const uint32_t b = static_cast<uint32_t>(header[5]) & 0xff;
const unsigned int type = header[6];
const uint32_t length = a | (b << 8);
int header_size = kHeaderSize;
if (type >= kRecyclableFullType && type <= kRecyclableLastType) {
if (end_of_buffer_offset_ - buffer_.size() == 0) {
recycled_ = true;
header_size = kRecyclableHeaderSize;
while (buffer_.size() < static_cast<size_t>(kRecyclableHeaderSize)) {
size_t old_size = buffer_.size();
int error = kEof;
if (!TryReadMore(drop_size, &error)) {
*fragment_type_or_err = error;
return false;
} else if (old_size == buffer_.size()) {
return false;
const uint32_t log_num = DecodeFixed32(header + 7);
if (log_num != log_number_) {
*fragment_type_or_err = kOldRecord;
return true;
while (header_size + length > buffer_.size()) {
size_t old_size = buffer_.size();
int error = kEof;
if (!TryReadMore(drop_size, &error)) {
*fragment_type_or_err = error;
return false;
} else if (old_size == buffer_.size()) {
return false;
if (type == kZeroType && length == 0) {
*fragment_type_or_err = kBadRecord;
return true;
if (checksum_) {
uint32_t expected_crc = crc32c::Unmask(DecodeFixed32(header));
uint32_t actual_crc = crc32c::Value(header + 6, length + header_size - 6);
if (actual_crc != expected_crc) {
*drop_size = buffer_.size();
*fragment_type_or_err = kBadRecordChecksum;
return true;
buffer_.remove_prefix(header_size + length);
*fragment = Slice(header + header_size, length);
*fragment_type_or_err = type;
return true;
} // namespace log
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE