Andrew Kryczka 78ee8564ad Integrity protection for live updates to WriteBatch (#7748)
This PR adds the foundation classes for key-value integrity protection and the first use case: protecting live updates from the source buffers added to `WriteBatch` through the destination buffer in `MemTable`. The width of the protection info is not yet configurable -- only eight bytes per key is supported. This PR allows users to enable protection by constructing `WriteBatch` with `protection_bytes_per_key == 8`. It does not yet expose a way for users to get integrity protection via other write APIs (e.g., `Put()`, `Merge()`, `Delete()`, etc.).

The foundation classes (`ProtectionInfo.*`) embed the coverage info in their type, and provide `Protect.*()` and `Strip.*()` functions to navigate between types with different coverage. For making bytes per key configurable (for powers of two up to eight) in the future, these classes are templated on the unsigned integer type used to store the protection info. That integer contains the XOR'd result of hashes with independent seeds for all covered fields. For integer fields, the hash is computed on the raw unadjusted bytes, so the result is endian-dependent. The most significant bytes are truncated when the hash value (8 bytes) is wider than the protection integer.

When `WriteBatch` is constructed with `protection_bytes_per_key == 8`, we hold a `ProtectionInfoKVOTC` (i.e., one that covers key, value, optype aka `ValueType`, timestamp, and CF ID) for each entry added to the batch. The protection info is generated from the original buffers passed by the user, as well as the original metadata generated internally. When writing to memtable, each entry is transformed to a `ProtectionInfoKVOTS` (i.e., dropping coverage of CF ID and adding coverage of sequence number), since at that point we know the sequence number, and have already selected a memtable corresponding to a particular CF. This protection info is verified once the entry is encoded in the `MemTable` buffer.

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan:
- an integration test to verify a wide variety of single-byte changes to the encoded `MemTable` buffer are caught
- add to stress/crash test to verify it works in variety of configs/operations without intentional corruption
- [deferred] unit tests for `ProtectionInfo.*` classes for edge cases like KV swap, `SliceParts` and `Slice` APIs are interchangeable, etc.

Reviewed By: pdillinger

Differential Revision: D25754492

Pulled By: ajkr

fbshipit-source-id: e481bac6c03c2ab268be41359730f1ceb9964866
2021-01-29 12:18:58 -08:00

344 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "db/db_test_util.h"
#include "db/memtable.h"
#include "db/range_del_aggregator.h"
#include "port/stack_trace.h"
#include "rocksdb/memtablerep.h"
#include "rocksdb/slice_transform.h"
class DBMemTableTest : public DBTestBase {
DBMemTableTest() : DBTestBase("/db_memtable_test", /*env_do_fsync=*/true) {}
class MockMemTableRep : public MemTableRep {
explicit MockMemTableRep(Allocator* allocator, MemTableRep* rep)
: MemTableRep(allocator), rep_(rep), num_insert_with_hint_(0) {}
KeyHandle Allocate(const size_t len, char** buf) override {
return rep_->Allocate(len, buf);
void Insert(KeyHandle handle) override { rep_->Insert(handle); }
void InsertWithHint(KeyHandle handle, void** hint) override {
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, hint);
last_hint_in_ = *hint;
rep_->InsertWithHint(handle, hint);
last_hint_out_ = *hint;
bool Contains(const char* key) const override { return rep_->Contains(key); }
void Get(const LookupKey& k, void* callback_args,
bool (*callback_func)(void* arg, const char* entry)) override {
rep_->Get(k, callback_args, callback_func);
size_t ApproximateMemoryUsage() override {
return rep_->ApproximateMemoryUsage();
Iterator* GetIterator(Arena* arena) override {
return rep_->GetIterator(arena);
void* last_hint_in() { return last_hint_in_; }
void* last_hint_out() { return last_hint_out_; }
int num_insert_with_hint() { return num_insert_with_hint_; }
std::unique_ptr<MemTableRep> rep_;
void* last_hint_in_;
void* last_hint_out_;
int num_insert_with_hint_;
class MockMemTableRepFactory : public MemTableRepFactory {
MemTableRep* CreateMemTableRep(const MemTableRep::KeyComparator& cmp,
Allocator* allocator,
const SliceTransform* transform,
Logger* logger) override {
SkipListFactory factory;
MemTableRep* skiplist_rep =
factory.CreateMemTableRep(cmp, allocator, transform, logger);
mock_rep_ = new MockMemTableRep(allocator, skiplist_rep);
return mock_rep_;
MemTableRep* CreateMemTableRep(const MemTableRep::KeyComparator& cmp,
Allocator* allocator,
const SliceTransform* transform,
Logger* logger,
uint32_t column_family_id) override {
last_column_family_id_ = column_family_id;
return CreateMemTableRep(cmp, allocator, transform, logger);
const char* Name() const override { return "MockMemTableRepFactory"; }
MockMemTableRep* rep() { return mock_rep_; }
bool IsInsertConcurrentlySupported() const override { return false; }
uint32_t GetLastColumnFamilyId() { return last_column_family_id_; }
MockMemTableRep* mock_rep_;
// workaround since there's no port::kMaxUint32 yet.
uint32_t last_column_family_id_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(-1);
class TestPrefixExtractor : public SliceTransform {
const char* Name() const override { return "TestPrefixExtractor"; }
Slice Transform(const Slice& key) const override {
const char* p = separator(key);
if (p == nullptr) {
return Slice();
return Slice(, p - + 1);
bool InDomain(const Slice& key) const override {
return separator(key) != nullptr;
bool InRange(const Slice& /*key*/) const override { return false; }
const char* separator(const Slice& key) const {
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(memchr(, '_', key.size()));
// Test that ::Add properly returns false when inserting duplicate keys
TEST_F(DBMemTableTest, DuplicateSeq) {
SequenceNumber seq = 123;
std::string value;
MergeContext merge_context;
Options options;
InternalKeyComparator ikey_cmp(options.comparator);
ReadRangeDelAggregator range_del_agg(&ikey_cmp,
kMaxSequenceNumber /* upper_bound */);
// Create a MemTable
InternalKeyComparator cmp(BytewiseComparator());
auto factory = std::make_shared<SkipListFactory>();
options.memtable_factory = factory;
ImmutableCFOptions ioptions(options);
WriteBufferManager wb(options.db_write_buffer_size);
MemTable* mem = new MemTable(cmp, ioptions, MutableCFOptions(options), &wb,
kMaxSequenceNumber, 0 /* column_family_id */);
// Write some keys and make sure it returns false on duplicates
mem->Add(seq, kTypeValue, "key", "value2", nullptr /* kv_prot_info */));
mem->Add(seq, kTypeValue, "key", "value2", nullptr /* kv_prot_info */)
// Changing the type should still cause the duplicatae key
mem->Add(seq, kTypeMerge, "key", "value2", nullptr /* kv_prot_info */)
// Changing the seq number will make the key fresh
ASSERT_OK(mem->Add(seq + 1, kTypeMerge, "key", "value2",
nullptr /* kv_prot_info */));
// Test with different types for duplicate keys
mem->Add(seq, kTypeDeletion, "key", "", nullptr /* kv_prot_info */)
mem->Add(seq, kTypeSingleDeletion, "key", "", nullptr /* kv_prot_info */)
// Test the duplicate keys under stress
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
bool insert_dup = i % 10 == 1;
if (!insert_dup) {
Status s = mem->Add(seq, kTypeValue, "foo", "value" + ToString(seq),
nullptr /* kv_prot_info */);
if (insert_dup) {
} else {
delete mem;
// Test with InsertWithHint
new TestPrefixExtractor()); // which uses _ to extract the prefix
ioptions = ImmutableCFOptions(options);
mem = new MemTable(cmp, ioptions, MutableCFOptions(options), &wb,
kMaxSequenceNumber, 0 /* column_family_id */);
// Insert a duplicate key with _ in it
mem->Add(seq, kTypeValue, "key_1", "value", nullptr /* kv_prot_info */));
mem->Add(seq, kTypeValue, "key_1", "value", nullptr /* kv_prot_info */)
delete mem;
// Test when InsertConcurrently will be invoked
options.allow_concurrent_memtable_write = true;
ioptions = ImmutableCFOptions(options);
mem = new MemTable(cmp, ioptions, MutableCFOptions(options), &wb,
kMaxSequenceNumber, 0 /* column_family_id */);
MemTablePostProcessInfo post_process_info;
ASSERT_OK(mem->Add(seq, kTypeValue, "key", "value",
nullptr /* kv_prot_info */, true, &post_process_info));
ASSERT_TRUE(mem->Add(seq, kTypeValue, "key", "value",
nullptr /* kv_prot_info */, true, &post_process_info)
delete mem;
// A simple test to verify that the concurrent merge writes is functional
TEST_F(DBMemTableTest, ConcurrentMergeWrite) {
int num_ops = 1000;
std::string value;
MergeContext merge_context;
Options options;
// A merge operator that is not sensitive to concurrent writes since in this
// test we don't order the writes.
options.merge_operator = MergeOperators::CreateUInt64AddOperator();
// Create a MemTable
InternalKeyComparator cmp(BytewiseComparator());
auto factory = std::make_shared<SkipListFactory>();
options.memtable_factory = factory;
options.allow_concurrent_memtable_write = true;
ImmutableCFOptions ioptions(options);
WriteBufferManager wb(options.db_write_buffer_size);
MemTable* mem = new MemTable(cmp, ioptions, MutableCFOptions(options), &wb,
kMaxSequenceNumber, 0 /* column_family_id */);
// Put 0 as the base
PutFixed64(&value, static_cast<uint64_t>(0));
ASSERT_OK(mem->Add(0, kTypeValue, "key", value, nullptr /* kv_prot_info */));
// Write Merge concurrently
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::port::Thread write_thread1([&]() {
MemTablePostProcessInfo post_process_info1;
std::string v1;
for (int seq = 1; seq < num_ops / 2; seq++) {
PutFixed64(&v1, seq);
ASSERT_OK(mem->Add(seq, kTypeMerge, "key", v1, nullptr /* kv_prot_info */,
true, &post_process_info1));
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::port::Thread write_thread2([&]() {
MemTablePostProcessInfo post_process_info2;
std::string v2;
for (int seq = num_ops / 2; seq < num_ops; seq++) {
PutFixed64(&v2, seq);
ASSERT_OK(mem->Add(seq, kTypeMerge, "key", v2, nullptr /* kv_prot_info */,
true, &post_process_info2));
Status status;
ReadOptions roptions;
SequenceNumber max_covering_tombstone_seq = 0;
LookupKey lkey("key", kMaxSequenceNumber);
bool res = mem->Get(lkey, &value, /*timestamp=*/nullptr, &status,
&merge_context, &max_covering_tombstone_seq, roptions);
uint64_t ivalue = DecodeFixed64(Slice(value).data());
uint64_t sum = 0;
for (int seq = 0; seq < num_ops; seq++) {
sum += seq;
ASSERT_EQ(ivalue, sum);
delete mem;
TEST_F(DBMemTableTest, InsertWithHint) {
Options options;
options.allow_concurrent_memtable_write = false;
options.create_if_missing = true;
options.memtable_factory.reset(new MockMemTableRepFactory());
new TestPrefixExtractor());
options.env = env_;
MockMemTableRep* rep =
ASSERT_OK(Put("foo_k1", "foo_v1"));
ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, rep->last_hint_in());
void* hint_foo = rep->last_hint_out();
ASSERT_OK(Put("foo_k2", "foo_v2"));
ASSERT_EQ(hint_foo, rep->last_hint_in());
ASSERT_EQ(hint_foo, rep->last_hint_out());
ASSERT_OK(Put("foo_k3", "foo_v3"));
ASSERT_EQ(hint_foo, rep->last_hint_in());
ASSERT_EQ(hint_foo, rep->last_hint_out());
ASSERT_OK(Put("bar_k1", "bar_v1"));
ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, rep->last_hint_in());
void* hint_bar = rep->last_hint_out();
ASSERT_NE(hint_foo, hint_bar);
ASSERT_OK(Put("bar_k2", "bar_v2"));
ASSERT_EQ(hint_bar, rep->last_hint_in());
ASSERT_EQ(hint_bar, rep->last_hint_out());
ASSERT_EQ(5, rep->num_insert_with_hint());
ASSERT_OK(Put("NotInPrefixDomain", "vvv"));
ASSERT_EQ(5, rep->num_insert_with_hint());
ASSERT_EQ("foo_v1", Get("foo_k1"));
ASSERT_EQ("foo_v2", Get("foo_k2"));
ASSERT_EQ("foo_v3", Get("foo_k3"));
ASSERT_EQ("bar_v1", Get("bar_k1"));
ASSERT_EQ("bar_v2", Get("bar_k2"));
ASSERT_EQ("vvv", Get("NotInPrefixDomain"));
TEST_F(DBMemTableTest, ColumnFamilyId) {
// Verifies MemTableRepFactory is told the right column family id.
Options options;
options.env = CurrentOptions().env;
options.allow_concurrent_memtable_write = false;
options.create_if_missing = true;
options.memtable_factory.reset(new MockMemTableRepFactory());
CreateAndReopenWithCF({"pikachu"}, options);
for (uint32_t cf = 0; cf < 2; ++cf) {
ASSERT_OK(Put(cf, "key", "val"));
cf, static_cast<MockMemTableRepFactory*>(options.memtable_factory.get())
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();