Nathan Bronson b7198c3afe reduce db mutex contention for write batch groups
This diff allows a Writer to join the next write batch group
without acquiring any locks. Waiting is performed via a per-Writer mutex,
so all of the non-leader writers never need to acquire the db mutex.
It is now possible to join a write batch group after the leader has been
chosen but before the batch has been constructed. This diff doesn't
increase parallelism, but reduces synchronization overheads.

For some CPU-bound workloads (no WAL, RAM-sized working set) this can
substantially reduce contention on the db mutex in a multi-threaded
environment.  With T=8 N=500000 in a CPU-bound scenario (see the test
plan) this is good for a 33% perf win.  Not all scenarios see such a
win, but none show a loss.  This code is slightly faster even for the
single-threaded case (about 2% for the CPU-bound scenario below).

Test Plan:
1. unit tests
2. COMPILE_WITH_TSAN=1 make check
3. stress high-contention scenarios with db_bench -benchmarks=fillrandom -threads=$T -batch_size=1 -memtablerep=skip_list -value_size=0 --num=$N -level0_slowdown_writes_trigger=9999 -level0_stop_writes_trigger=9999 -disable_auto_compactions --max_write_buffer_number=8 -max_background_flushes=8 --disable_wal --write_buffer_size=160000000

Reviewers: sdong, igor, rven, ljin, yhchiang

Subscribers: dhruba

Differential Revision:
2015-08-14 10:55:43 -07:00

150 lines
5.3 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#pragma once
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include <type_traits>
#include "rocksdb/status.h"
#include "db/write_batch_internal.h"
#include "util/autovector.h"
#include "util/instrumented_mutex.h"
namespace rocksdb {
class WriteThread {
// Information kept for every waiting writer.
struct Writer {
WriteBatch* batch;
bool sync;
bool disableWAL;
bool in_batch_group;
bool done;
bool has_callback;
Status status;
bool made_waitable; // records lazy construction of mutex and cv
bool joined; // read/write only under JoinMutex() (or pre-link)
std::aligned_storage<sizeof(std::mutex)>::type join_mutex_bytes;
std::aligned_storage<sizeof(std::condition_variable)>::type join_cv_bytes;
Writer* link_older; // read/write only before linking, or as leader
Writer* link_newer; // lazy, read/write only before linking, or as leader
: batch(nullptr),
link_newer(nullptr) {}
~Writer() {
if (made_waitable) {
void CreateMutex() {
if (!made_waitable) {
made_waitable = true;
new (&join_mutex_bytes) std::mutex;
new (&join_cv_bytes) std::condition_variable;
// No other mutexes may be acquired while holding JoinMutex(), it is
// always last in the order
std::mutex& JoinMutex() {
return *static_cast<std::mutex*>(static_cast<void*>(&join_mutex_bytes));
std::condition_variable& JoinCV() {
return *static_cast<std::condition_variable*>(
WriteThread() : newest_writer_(nullptr) {}
// IMPORTANT: None of the methods in this class rely on the db mutex
// for correctness. All of the methods except JoinBatchGroup and
// EnterUnbatched may be called either with or without the db mutex held.
// Correctness is maintained by ensuring that only a single thread is
// a leader at a time.
// Registers w as ready to become part of a batch group, and blocks
// until some other thread has completed the write (in which case
// w->done will be set to true) or this write has become the leader
// of a batch group (w->done will remain unset). The db mutex SHOULD
// NOT be held when calling this function, because it will block.
// If !w->done then JoinBatchGroup should be followed by a call to
// EnterAsBatchGroupLeader and ExitAsBatchGroupLeader.
// Writer* w: Writer to be executed as part of a batch group
void JoinBatchGroup(Writer* w);
// Constructs a write batch group led by leader, which should be a
// Writer passed to JoinBatchGroup on the current thread.
// Writer* leader: Writer passed to JoinBatchGroup, but !done
// Writer** last_writer: Out-param for use by ExitAsBatchGroupLeader
// autovector<WriteBatch*>* write_batch_group: Out-param of group members
// returns: Total batch group size
size_t EnterAsBatchGroupLeader(Writer* leader, Writer** last_writer,
autovector<WriteBatch*>* write_batch_group);
// Unlinks the Writer-s in a batch group, wakes up the non-leaders, and
// wakes up the next leader (if any).
// Writer* leader: From EnterAsBatchGroupLeader
// Writer* last_writer: Value of out-param of EnterAsBatchGroupLeader
// Status status: Status of write operation
void ExitAsBatchGroupLeader(Writer* leader, Writer* last_writer,
Status status);
// Waits for all preceding writers (unlocking mu while waiting), then
// registers w as the currently proceeding writer.
// Writer* w: A Writer not eligible for batching
// InstrumentedMutex* mu: The db mutex, to unlock while waiting
// REQUIRES: db mutex held
void EnterUnbatched(Writer* w, InstrumentedMutex* mu);
// Completes a Writer begun with EnterUnbatched, unblocking subsequent
// writers.
void ExitUnbatched(Writer* w);
// Points to the newest pending Writer. Only leader can remove
// elements, adding can be done lock-free by anybody
std::atomic<Writer*> newest_writer_;
void Await(Writer* w);
void MarkJoined(Writer* w);
// Links w into the newest_writer_ list. Sets *wait_needed to false
// if w was linked directly into the leader position, true otherwise.
// Safe to call from multiple threads without external locking.
void LinkOne(Writer* w, bool* wait_needed);
// Computes any missing link_newer links. Should not be called
// concurrently with itself.
void CreateMissingNewerLinks(Writer* head);
} // namespace rocksdb