Peter Dillinger efd035164b Meta-internal folly integration with F14FastMap (#9546)
Especially after updating to C++17, I don't see a compelling case for
*requiring* any folly components in RocksDB. I was able to purge the existing
hard dependencies, and it can be quite difficult to strip out non-trivial components
from folly for use in RocksDB. (The prospect of doing that on F14 has changed
my mind on the best approach here.)

But this change creates an optional integration where we can plug in
components from folly at compile time, starting here with F14FastMap to replace
std::unordered_map when possible (probably no public APIs for example). I have
replaced the biggest CPU users of std::unordered_map with compile-time
pluggable UnorderedMap which will use F14FastMap when USE_FOLLY is set.
USE_FOLLY is always set in the Meta-internal buck build, and a simulation of
that is in the Makefile for public CI testing. A full folly build is not needed, but
checking out the full folly repo is much simpler for getting the dependency,
and anything else we might want to optionally integrate in the future.

Some picky details:
* I don't think the distributed mutex stuff is actually used, so it was easy to remove.
* I implemented an alternative to `folly::constexpr_log2` (which is much easier
in C++17 than C++11) so that I could pull out the hard dependencies on
* I had to add noexcept move constructors/operators to some types to make
F14's complainUnlessNothrowMoveAndDestroy check happy, and I added a
macro to make that easier in some common cases.
* Updated Meta-internal buck build to use folly F14Map (always)

No updates to nor as this is not (yet?) considered a
production integration for open source users.

Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan:
CircleCI tests updated so that a couple of them use folly.

Most internal unit & stress/crash tests updated to use Meta-internal latest folly.
(Note: they should probably use buck but they currently use Makefile.)

Example performance improvement: when filter partitions are pinned in cache,
they are tracked by PartitionedFilterBlockReader::filter_map_ and we can build
a test that exercises that heavily. Build DB with

TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/rocksdb ./db_bench -benchmarks=fillrandom -num=10000000 -disable_wal=1 -write_buffer_size=30000000 -bloom_bits=16 -compaction_style=2 -fifo_compaction_max_table_files_size_mb=10000 -fifo_compaction_allow_compaction=0 -partition_index_and_filters

and test with (simultaneous runs with & without folly, ~20 times each to see

TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/rocksdb ./db_bench_folly -readonly -use_existing_db -benchmarks=readrandom -num=10000000 -bloom_bits=16 -compaction_style=2 -fifo_compaction_max_table_files_size_mb=10000 -fifo_compaction_allow_compaction=0 -partition_index_and_filters -duration=40 -pin_l0_filter_and_index_blocks_in_cache

Average ops/s no folly: 26229.2
Average ops/s with folly: 26853.3 (+2.4%)

Reviewed By: ajkr

Differential Revision: D34181736

Pulled By: pdillinger

fbshipit-source-id: ffa6ad5104c2880321d8a1aa7187e00ab0d02e94
2022-04-13 07:34:01 -07:00

469 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#include "cache/cache_reservation_manager.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include "cache/cache_entry_roles.h"
#include "rocksdb/cache.h"
#include "rocksdb/slice.h"
#include "test_util/testharness.h"
#include "util/coding.h"
class CacheReservationManagerTest : public ::testing::Test {
static constexpr std::size_t kSizeDummyEntry =
static constexpr std::size_t kCacheCapacity = 4096 * kSizeDummyEntry;
static constexpr int kNumShardBits = 0; // 2^0 shard
static constexpr std::size_t kMetaDataChargeOverhead = 10000;
std::shared_ptr<Cache> cache = NewLRUCache(kCacheCapacity, kNumShardBits);
std::shared_ptr<CacheReservationManager> test_cache_rev_mng;
CacheReservationManagerTest() {
test_cache_rev_mng =
TEST_F(CacheReservationManagerTest, GenerateCacheKey) {
std::size_t new_mem_used = 1 * kSizeDummyEntry;
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
ASSERT_EQ(s, Status::OK());
ASSERT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 1 * kSizeDummyEntry);
1 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
// Next unique Cache key
CacheKey ckey = CacheKey::CreateUniqueForCacheLifetime(cache.get());
// Get to the underlying values
using PairU64 = std::array<uint64_t, 2>;
auto& ckey_pair = *reinterpret_cast<PairU64*>(&ckey);
// Back it up to the one used by CRM (using CacheKey implementation details)
// Specific key (subject to implementation details)
EXPECT_EQ(ckey_pair, PairU64({0, 2}));
Cache::Handle* handle = cache->Lookup(ckey.AsSlice());
EXPECT_NE(handle, nullptr)
<< "Failed to generate the cache key for the dummy entry correctly";
// Clean up the returned handle from Lookup() to prevent memory leak
TEST_F(CacheReservationManagerTest, KeepCacheReservationTheSame) {
std::size_t new_mem_used = 1 * kSizeDummyEntry;
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
ASSERT_EQ(s, Status::OK());
1 * kSizeDummyEntry);
ASSERT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used);
std::size_t initial_pinned_usage = cache->GetPinnedUsage();
ASSERT_GE(initial_pinned_usage, 1 * kSizeDummyEntry);
1 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK())
<< "Failed to keep cache reservation the same when new_mem_used equals "
"to current cache reservation";
1 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep correctly when new_mem_used equals to current "
"cache reservation";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly when new_mem_used "
"equals to current cache reservation";
EXPECT_EQ(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), initial_pinned_usage)
<< "Failed to keep underlying dummy entries the same when new_mem_used "
"equals to current cache reservation";
IncreaseCacheReservationByMultiplesOfDummyEntrySize) {
std::size_t new_mem_used = 2 * kSizeDummyEntry;
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK())
<< "Failed to increase cache reservation correctly";
2 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep cache reservation increase correctly";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 2 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to increase underlying dummy entries in cache correctly";
2 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead)
<< "Failed to increase underlying dummy entries in cache correctly";
IncreaseCacheReservationNotByMultiplesOfDummyEntrySize) {
std::size_t new_mem_used = 2 * kSizeDummyEntry + kSizeDummyEntry / 2;
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK())
<< "Failed to increase cache reservation correctly";
3 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep cache reservation increase correctly";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 3 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to increase underlying dummy entries in cache correctly";
3 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead)
<< "Failed to increase underlying dummy entries in cache correctly";
IncreaseCacheReservationOnFullCache) {
constexpr std::size_t kSizeDummyEntry =
constexpr std::size_t kSmallCacheCapacity = 4 * kSizeDummyEntry;
constexpr std::size_t kBigCacheCapacity = 4096 * kSizeDummyEntry;
constexpr std::size_t kMetaDataChargeOverhead = 10000;
LRUCacheOptions lo;
lo.capacity = kSmallCacheCapacity;
lo.num_shard_bits = 0; // 2^0 shard
lo.strict_capacity_limit = true;
std::shared_ptr<Cache> cache = NewLRUCache(lo);
std::shared_ptr<CacheReservationManager> test_cache_rev_mng =
std::size_t new_mem_used = kSmallCacheCapacity + 1;
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::Incomplete())
<< "Failed to return status to indicate failure of dummy entry insertion "
"during cache reservation on full cache";
1 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep correctly before cache resevation failure happens "
"due to full cache";
<< "Failed to bookkeep correctly (i.e, bookkeep only successful dummy "
"entry insertions) when encountering cache resevation failure due to "
"full cache";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 1 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to insert underlying dummy entries correctly when "
"encountering cache resevation failure due to full cache";
EXPECT_LE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), kSmallCacheCapacity)
<< "Failed to insert underlying dummy entries correctly when "
"encountering cache resevation failure due to full cache";
new_mem_used = kSmallCacheCapacity / 2; // 2 dummy entries
s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK())
<< "Failed to decrease cache reservation after encountering cache "
"reservation failure due to full cache";
2 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep cache reservation decrease correctly after "
"encountering cache reservation due to full cache";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 2 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to release underlying dummy entries correctly on cache "
"reservation decrease after encountering cache resevation failure due "
"to full cache";
2 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead)
<< "Failed to release underlying dummy entries correctly on cache "
"reservation decrease after encountering cache resevation failure due "
"to full cache";
// Create cache full again for subsequent tests
new_mem_used = kSmallCacheCapacity + 1;
s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::Incomplete())
<< "Failed to return status to indicate failure of dummy entry insertion "
"during cache reservation on full cache";
1 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep correctly before cache resevation failure happens "
"due to full cache";
<< "Failed to bookkeep correctly (i.e, bookkeep only successful dummy "
"entry insertions) when encountering cache resevation failure due to "
"full cache";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 1 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to insert underlying dummy entries correctly when "
"encountering cache resevation failure due to full cache";
EXPECT_LE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), kSmallCacheCapacity)
<< "Failed to insert underlying dummy entries correctly when "
"encountering cache resevation failure due to full cache";
// Increase cache capacity so the previously failed insertion can fully
// succeed
new_mem_used = kSmallCacheCapacity + 1;
s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK())
<< "Failed to increase cache reservation after increasing cache capacity "
"and mitigating cache full error";
5 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep cache reservation increase correctly after "
"increasing cache capacity and mitigating cache full error";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 5 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to insert underlying dummy entries correctly after increasing "
"cache capacity and mitigating cache full error";
5 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead)
<< "Failed to insert underlying dummy entries correctly after increasing "
"cache capacity and mitigating cache full error";
DecreaseCacheReservationByMultiplesOfDummyEntrySize) {
std::size_t new_mem_used = 2 * kSizeDummyEntry;
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
ASSERT_EQ(s, Status::OK());
2 * kSizeDummyEntry);
ASSERT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used);
ASSERT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 2 * kSizeDummyEntry);
2 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
new_mem_used = 1 * kSizeDummyEntry;
s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK())
<< "Failed to decrease cache reservation correctly";
1 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep cache reservation decrease correctly";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 1 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to decrease underlying dummy entries in cache correctly";
1 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead)
<< "Failed to decrease underlying dummy entries in cache correctly";
DecreaseCacheReservationNotByMultiplesOfDummyEntrySize) {
std::size_t new_mem_used = 2 * kSizeDummyEntry;
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
ASSERT_EQ(s, Status::OK());
2 * kSizeDummyEntry);
ASSERT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used);
ASSERT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 2 * kSizeDummyEntry);
2 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
new_mem_used = kSizeDummyEntry / 2;
s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK())
<< "Failed to decrease cache reservation correctly";
1 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep cache reservation decrease correctly";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 1 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to decrease underlying dummy entries in cache correctly";
1 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead)
<< "Failed to decrease underlying dummy entries in cache correctly";
DecreaseCacheReservationWithDelayedDecrease) {
constexpr std::size_t kSizeDummyEntry =
constexpr std::size_t kCacheCapacity = 4096 * kSizeDummyEntry;
constexpr std::size_t kMetaDataChargeOverhead = 10000;
LRUCacheOptions lo;
lo.capacity = kCacheCapacity;
lo.num_shard_bits = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Cache> cache = NewLRUCache(lo);
std::shared_ptr<CacheReservationManager> test_cache_rev_mng =
cache, true /* delayed_decrease */);
std::size_t new_mem_used = 8 * kSizeDummyEntry;
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
ASSERT_EQ(s, Status::OK());
8 * kSizeDummyEntry);
ASSERT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used);
std::size_t initial_pinned_usage = cache->GetPinnedUsage();
ASSERT_GE(initial_pinned_usage, 8 * kSizeDummyEntry);
8 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
new_mem_used = 6 * kSizeDummyEntry;
s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK()) << "Failed to delay decreasing cache reservation";
8 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep correctly when delaying cache reservation "
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_EQ(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), initial_pinned_usage)
<< "Failed to delay decreasing underlying dummy entries in cache";
new_mem_used = 7 * kSizeDummyEntry;
s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK()) << "Failed to delay decreasing cache reservation";
8 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep correctly when delaying cache reservation "
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_EQ(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), initial_pinned_usage)
<< "Failed to delay decreasing underlying dummy entries in cache";
new_mem_used = 6 * kSizeDummyEntry - 1;
s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(s, Status::OK())
<< "Failed to decrease cache reservation correctly when new_mem_used < "
"GetTotalReservedCacheSize() * 3 / 4 on delayed decrease mode";
6 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to bookkeep correctly when new_mem_used < "
"GetTotalReservedCacheSize() * 3 / 4 on delayed decrease mode";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), new_mem_used)
<< "Failed to bookkeep the used memory correctly";
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 6 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to decrease underlying dummy entries in cache when "
"new_mem_used < GetTotalReservedCacheSize() * 3 / 4 on delayed "
"decrease mode";
6 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead)
<< "Failed to decrease underlying dummy entries in cache when "
"new_mem_used < GetTotalReservedCacheSize() * 3 / 4 on delayed "
"decrease mode";
ReleaseRemainingDummyEntriesOnDestruction) {
constexpr std::size_t kSizeDummyEntry =
constexpr std::size_t kCacheCapacity = 4096 * kSizeDummyEntry;
constexpr std::size_t kMetaDataChargeOverhead = 10000;
LRUCacheOptions lo;
lo.capacity = kCacheCapacity;
lo.num_shard_bits = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Cache> cache = NewLRUCache(lo);
std::shared_ptr<CacheReservationManager> test_cache_rev_mng =
std::size_t new_mem_used = 1 * kSizeDummyEntry;
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->UpdateCacheReservation(new_mem_used);
ASSERT_EQ(s, Status::OK());
ASSERT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 1 * kSizeDummyEntry);
1 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
EXPECT_EQ(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), 0 * kSizeDummyEntry)
<< "Failed to release remaining underlying dummy entries in cache in "
"CacheReservationManager's destructor";
TEST(CacheReservationHandleTest, HandleTest) {
constexpr std::size_t kOneGigabyte = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
constexpr std::size_t kSizeDummyEntry = 256 * 1024;
constexpr std::size_t kMetaDataChargeOverhead = 10000;
LRUCacheOptions lo;
lo.capacity = kOneGigabyte;
lo.num_shard_bits = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Cache> cache = NewLRUCache(lo);
std::shared_ptr<CacheReservationManager> test_cache_rev_mng(
std::size_t mem_used = 0;
const std::size_t incremental_mem_used_handle_1 = 1 * kSizeDummyEntry;
const std::size_t incremental_mem_used_handle_2 = 2 * kSizeDummyEntry;
std::unique_ptr<CacheReservationManager::CacheReservationHandle> handle_1,
// To test consecutive CacheReservationManager::MakeCacheReservation works
// correctly in terms of returning the handle as well as updating cache
// reservation and the latest total memory used
Status s = test_cache_rev_mng->MakeCacheReservation(
incremental_mem_used_handle_1, &handle_1);
mem_used = mem_used + incremental_mem_used_handle_1;
ASSERT_EQ(s, Status::OK());
EXPECT_TRUE(handle_1 != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalReservedCacheSize(), mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), mem_used);
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), mem_used);
EXPECT_LT(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), mem_used + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
s = test_cache_rev_mng->MakeCacheReservation(incremental_mem_used_handle_2,
mem_used = mem_used + incremental_mem_used_handle_2;
ASSERT_EQ(s, Status::OK());
EXPECT_TRUE(handle_2 != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalReservedCacheSize(), mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), mem_used);
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), mem_used);
EXPECT_LT(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), mem_used + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
// To test
// CacheReservationManager::CacheReservationHandle::~CacheReservationHandle()
// works correctly in releasing the cache reserved for the handle
EXPECT_TRUE(handle_1 == nullptr);
mem_used = mem_used - incremental_mem_used_handle_1;
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalReservedCacheSize(), mem_used);
EXPECT_EQ(test_cache_rev_mng->GetTotalMemoryUsed(), mem_used);
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), mem_used);
EXPECT_LT(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), mem_used + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
// To test the actual CacheReservationManager object won't be deallocated
// as long as there remain handles pointing to it.
// We strongly recommend deallocating CacheReservationManager object only
// after all its handles are deallocated to keep things easy to reasonate
EXPECT_GE(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), mem_used);
EXPECT_LT(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), mem_used + kMetaDataChargeOverhead);
// The CacheReservationManager object is now deallocated since all the handles
// and its original pointer is gone
mem_used = mem_used - incremental_mem_used_handle_2;
EXPECT_EQ(mem_used, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(cache->GetPinnedUsage(), mem_used);
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();