Mike Kolupaev e45673dece Properly report IO errors when IndexType::kBinarySearchWithFirstKey is used (#6621)
Context: Index type `kBinarySearchWithFirstKey` added the ability for sst file iterator to sometimes report a key from index without reading the corresponding data block. This is useful when sst blocks are cut at some meaningful boundaries (e.g. one block per key prefix), and many seeks land between blocks (e.g. for each prefix, the ranges of keys in different sst files are nearly disjoint, so a typical seek needs to read a data block from only one file even if all files have the prefix). But this added a new error condition, which rocksdb code was really not equipped to deal with: `InternalIterator::value()` may fail with an IO error or Status::Incomplete, but it's just a method returning a Slice, with no way to report error instead. Before this PR, this type of error wasn't handled at all (an empty slice was returned), and kBinarySearchWithFirstKey implementation was considered a prototype.

Now that we (LogDevice) have experimented with kBinarySearchWithFirstKey for a while and confirmed that it's really useful, this PR is adding the missing error handling.

It's a pretty inconvenient situation implementation-wise. The error needs to be reported from InternalIterator when trying to access value. But there are ~700 call sites of `InternalIterator::value()`, most of which either can't hit the error condition (because the iterator is reading from memtable or from index or something) or wouldn't benefit from the deferred loading of the value (e.g. compaction iterator that reads all values anyway). Adding error handling to all these call sites would needlessly bloat the code. So instead I made the deferred value loading optional: only the call sites that may use deferred loading have to call the new method `PrepareValue()` before calling `value()`. The feature is enabled with a new bool argument `allow_unprepared_value` to a bunch of methods that create iterators (it wouldn't make sense to put it in ReadOptions because it's completely internal to iterators, with virtually no user-visible effect). Lmk if you have better ideas.

Note that the deferred value loading only happens for *internal* iterators. The user-visible iterator (DBIter) always prepares the value before returning from Seek/Next/etc. We could go further and add an API to defer that value loading too, but that's most likely not useful for LogDevice, so it doesn't seem worth the complexity for now.
Pull Request resolved:

Test Plan: make -j5 check . Will also deploy to some logdevice test clusters and look at stats.

Reviewed By: siying

Differential Revision: D20786930

Pulled By: al13n321

fbshipit-source-id: 6da77d918bad3780522e918f17f4d5513d3e99ee
2020-04-15 17:40:44 -07:00

781 lines
28 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#include "tools/sst_dump_tool_imp.h"
#include <cinttypes>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include "db/blob/blob_index.h"
#include "db/memtable.h"
#include "db/write_batch_internal.h"
#include "env/composite_env_wrapper.h"
#include "options/cf_options.h"
#include "rocksdb/db.h"
#include "rocksdb/env.h"
#include "rocksdb/iterator.h"
#include "rocksdb/slice_transform.h"
#include "rocksdb/status.h"
#include "rocksdb/table_properties.h"
#include "rocksdb/utilities/ldb_cmd.h"
#include "table/block_based/block.h"
#include "table/block_based/block_based_table_builder.h"
#include "table/block_based/block_based_table_factory.h"
#include "table/block_based/block_builder.h"
#include "table/format.h"
#include "table/meta_blocks.h"
#include "table/plain/plain_table_factory.h"
#include "table/table_reader.h"
#include "util/compression.h"
#include "util/random.h"
#include "port/port.h"
SstFileDumper::SstFileDumper(const Options& options,
const std::string& file_path, bool verify_checksum,
bool output_hex, bool decode_blob_index)
: file_name_(file_path),
internal_comparator_(BytewiseComparator()) {
fprintf(stdout, "Process %s\n", file_path.c_str());
init_result_ = GetTableReader(file_name_);
extern const uint64_t kBlockBasedTableMagicNumber;
extern const uint64_t kLegacyBlockBasedTableMagicNumber;
extern const uint64_t kPlainTableMagicNumber;
extern const uint64_t kLegacyPlainTableMagicNumber;
const char* testFileName = "test_file_name";
static const std::vector<std::pair<CompressionType, const char*>>
kCompressions = {
{CompressionType::kNoCompression, "kNoCompression"},
{CompressionType::kSnappyCompression, "kSnappyCompression"},
{CompressionType::kZlibCompression, "kZlibCompression"},
{CompressionType::kBZip2Compression, "kBZip2Compression"},
{CompressionType::kLZ4Compression, "kLZ4Compression"},
{CompressionType::kLZ4HCCompression, "kLZ4HCCompression"},
{CompressionType::kXpressCompression, "kXpressCompression"},
{CompressionType::kZSTD, "kZSTD"}};
Status SstFileDumper::GetTableReader(const std::string& file_path) {
// Warning about 'magic_number' being uninitialized shows up only in UBsan
// builds. Though access is guarded by 's.ok()' checks, fix the issue to
// avoid any warnings.
uint64_t magic_number = Footer::kInvalidTableMagicNumber;
// read table magic number
Footer footer;
std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile> file;
uint64_t file_size = 0;
Status s = options_.env->NewRandomAccessFile(file_path, &file, soptions_);
if (s.ok()) {
s = options_.env->GetFileSize(file_path, &file_size);
file_.reset(new RandomAccessFileReader(NewLegacyRandomAccessFileWrapper(file),
if (s.ok()) {
s = ReadFooterFromFile(file_.get(), nullptr /* prefetch_buffer */,
file_size, &footer);
if (s.ok()) {
magic_number = footer.table_magic_number();
if (s.ok()) {
if (magic_number == kPlainTableMagicNumber ||
magic_number == kLegacyPlainTableMagicNumber) {
soptions_.use_mmap_reads = true;
options_.env->NewRandomAccessFile(file_path, &file, soptions_);
file_.reset(new RandomAccessFileReader(
NewLegacyRandomAccessFileWrapper(file), file_path));
options_.comparator = &internal_comparator_;
// For old sst format, ReadTableProperties might fail but file can be read
if (ReadTableProperties(magic_number, file_.get(), file_size).ok()) {
} else {
if (s.ok()) {
s = NewTableReader(ioptions_, soptions_, internal_comparator_, file_size,
return s;
Status SstFileDumper::NewTableReader(
const ImmutableCFOptions& /*ioptions*/, const EnvOptions& /*soptions*/,
const InternalKeyComparator& /*internal_comparator*/, uint64_t file_size,
std::unique_ptr<TableReader>* /*table_reader*/) {
auto t_opt = TableReaderOptions(ioptions_, moptions_.prefix_extractor.get(),
soptions_, internal_comparator_);
// Allow open file with global sequence number for backward compatibility.
t_opt.largest_seqno = kMaxSequenceNumber;
// We need to turn off pre-fetching of index and filter nodes for
// BlockBasedTable
if (BlockBasedTableFactory::kName == options_.table_factory->Name()) {
return options_.table_factory->NewTableReader(t_opt, std::move(file_),
file_size, &table_reader_,
// For all other factory implementation
return options_.table_factory->NewTableReader(t_opt, std::move(file_),
file_size, &table_reader_);
Status SstFileDumper::VerifyChecksum() {
// We could pass specific readahead setting into read options if needed.
return table_reader_->VerifyChecksum(ReadOptions(),
Status SstFileDumper::DumpTable(const std::string& out_filename) {
std::unique_ptr<WritableFile> out_file;
Env* env = options_.env;
env->NewWritableFile(out_filename, &out_file, soptions_);
Status s = table_reader_->DumpTable(out_file.get());
return s;
uint64_t SstFileDumper::CalculateCompressedTableSize(
const TableBuilderOptions& tb_options, size_t block_size,
uint64_t* num_data_blocks) {
std::unique_ptr<WritableFile> out_file;
std::unique_ptr<Env> env(NewMemEnv(options_.env));
env->NewWritableFile(testFileName, &out_file, soptions_);
std::unique_ptr<WritableFileWriter> dest_writer;
new WritableFileWriter(NewLegacyWritableFileWrapper(std::move(out_file)),
testFileName, soptions_));
BlockBasedTableOptions table_options;
table_options.block_size = block_size;
BlockBasedTableFactory block_based_tf(table_options);
std::unique_ptr<TableBuilder> table_builder;
std::unique_ptr<InternalIterator> iter(table_reader_->NewIterator(
ReadOptions(), moptions_.prefix_extractor.get(), /*arena=*/nullptr,
/*skip_filters=*/false, TableReaderCaller::kSSTDumpTool));
for (iter->SeekToFirst(); iter->Valid(); iter->Next()) {
table_builder->Add(iter->key(), iter->value());
if (!iter->status().ok()) {
fputs(iter->status().ToString().c_str(), stderr);
Status s = table_builder->Finish();
if (!s.ok()) {
fputs(s.ToString().c_str(), stderr);
uint64_t size = table_builder->FileSize();
assert(num_data_blocks != nullptr);
*num_data_blocks = table_builder->GetTableProperties().num_data_blocks;
return size;
int SstFileDumper::ShowAllCompressionSizes(
size_t block_size,
const std::vector<std::pair<CompressionType, const char*>>&
compression_types) {
ReadOptions read_options;
Options opts;
opts.statistics = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CreateDBStatistics();
const ImmutableCFOptions imoptions(opts);
const ColumnFamilyOptions cfo(opts);
const MutableCFOptions moptions(cfo);
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::InternalKeyComparator ikc(opts.comparator);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IntTblPropCollectorFactory> >
fprintf(stdout, "Block Size: %" ROCKSDB_PRIszt "\n", block_size);
for (auto& i : compression_types) {
if (CompressionTypeSupported(i.first)) {
CompressionOptions compress_opt;
std::string column_family_name;
int unknown_level = -1;
TableBuilderOptions tb_opts(
imoptions, moptions, ikc, &block_based_table_factories, i.first,
0 /* sample_for_compression */, compress_opt,
false /* skip_filters */, column_family_name, unknown_level);
uint64_t num_data_blocks = 0;
uint64_t file_size =
CalculateCompressedTableSize(tb_opts, block_size, &num_data_blocks);
fprintf(stdout, "Compression: %-24s", i.second);
fprintf(stdout, " Size: %10" PRIu64, file_size);
fprintf(stdout, " Blocks: %6" PRIu64, num_data_blocks);
const uint64_t compressed_blocks =
const uint64_t not_compressed_blocks =
// When the option enable_index_compression is true,
// NUMBER_BLOCK_COMPRESSED is incremented for index block(s).
if ((compressed_blocks + not_compressed_blocks) > num_data_blocks) {
num_data_blocks = compressed_blocks + not_compressed_blocks;
const uint64_t ratio_not_compressed_blocks =
(num_data_blocks - compressed_blocks) - not_compressed_blocks;
const double compressed_pcnt =
(0 == num_data_blocks) ? 0.0
: ((static_cast<double>(compressed_blocks) /
static_cast<double>(num_data_blocks)) *
const double ratio_not_compressed_pcnt =
(0 == num_data_blocks)
? 0.0
: ((static_cast<double>(ratio_not_compressed_blocks) /
static_cast<double>(num_data_blocks)) *
const double not_compressed_pcnt =
(0 == num_data_blocks)
? 0.0
: ((static_cast<double>(not_compressed_blocks) /
static_cast<double>(num_data_blocks)) *
fprintf(stdout, " Compressed: %6" PRIu64 " (%5.1f%%)", compressed_blocks,
fprintf(stdout, " Not compressed (ratio): %6" PRIu64 " (%5.1f%%)",
ratio_not_compressed_blocks, ratio_not_compressed_pcnt);
fprintf(stdout, " Not compressed (abort): %6" PRIu64 " (%5.1f%%)\n",
not_compressed_blocks, not_compressed_pcnt);
} else {
fprintf(stdout, "Unsupported compression type: %s.\n", i.second);
return 0;
Status SstFileDumper::ReadTableProperties(uint64_t table_magic_number,
RandomAccessFileReader* file,
uint64_t file_size) {
TableProperties* table_properties = nullptr;
Status s = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ReadTableProperties(
file, file_size, table_magic_number, ioptions_, &table_properties);
if (s.ok()) {
} else {
fprintf(stdout, "Not able to read table properties\n");
return s;
Status SstFileDumper::SetTableOptionsByMagicNumber(
uint64_t table_magic_number) {
if (table_magic_number == kBlockBasedTableMagicNumber ||
table_magic_number == kLegacyBlockBasedTableMagicNumber) {
options_.table_factory = std::make_shared<BlockBasedTableFactory>();
fprintf(stdout, "Sst file format: block-based\n");
auto& props = table_properties_->user_collected_properties;
auto pos = props.find(BlockBasedTablePropertyNames::kIndexType);
if (pos != props.end()) {
auto index_type_on_file = static_cast<BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexType>(
if (index_type_on_file ==
BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexType::kHashSearch) {
} else if (table_magic_number == kPlainTableMagicNumber ||
table_magic_number == kLegacyPlainTableMagicNumber) {
options_.allow_mmap_reads = true;
PlainTableOptions plain_table_options;
plain_table_options.user_key_len = kPlainTableVariableLength;
plain_table_options.bloom_bits_per_key = 0;
plain_table_options.hash_table_ratio = 0;
plain_table_options.index_sparseness = 1;
plain_table_options.huge_page_tlb_size = 0;
plain_table_options.encoding_type = kPlain;
plain_table_options.full_scan_mode = true;
fprintf(stdout, "Sst file format: plain table\n");
} else {
char error_msg_buffer[80];
snprintf(error_msg_buffer, sizeof(error_msg_buffer) - 1,
"Unsupported table magic number --- %lx",
return Status::InvalidArgument(error_msg_buffer);
return Status::OK();
Status SstFileDumper::SetOldTableOptions() {
assert(table_properties_ == nullptr);
options_.table_factory = std::make_shared<BlockBasedTableFactory>();
fprintf(stdout, "Sst file format: block-based(old version)\n");
return Status::OK();
Status SstFileDumper::ReadSequential(bool print_kv, uint64_t read_num,
bool has_from, const std::string& from_key,
bool has_to, const std::string& to_key,
bool use_from_as_prefix) {
if (!table_reader_) {
return init_result_;
InternalIterator* iter = table_reader_->NewIterator(
ReadOptions(verify_checksum_, false), moptions_.prefix_extractor.get(),
/*arena=*/nullptr, /*skip_filters=*/false,
uint64_t i = 0;
if (has_from) {
InternalKey ikey;
} else {
for (; iter->Valid(); iter->Next()) {
Slice key = iter->key();
Slice value = iter->value();
if (read_num > 0 && i > read_num)
ParsedInternalKey ikey;
if (!ParseInternalKey(key, &ikey)) {
std::cerr << "Internal Key ["
<< key.ToString(true /* in hex*/)
<< "] parse error!\n";
// the key returned is not prefixed with out 'from' key
if (use_from_as_prefix && !ikey.user_key.starts_with(from_key)) {
// If end marker was specified, we stop before it
if (has_to && BytewiseComparator()->Compare(ikey.user_key, to_key) >= 0) {
if (print_kv) {
if (!decode_blob_index_ || ikey.type != kTypeBlobIndex) {
fprintf(stdout, "%s => %s\n", ikey.DebugString(output_hex_).c_str(),
} else {
BlobIndex blob_index;
const Status s = blob_index.DecodeFrom(value);
if (!s.ok()) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s => error decoding blob index\n",
fprintf(stdout, "%s => %s\n", ikey.DebugString(output_hex_).c_str(),
read_num_ += i;
Status ret = iter->status();
delete iter;
return ret;
Status SstFileDumper::ReadTableProperties(
std::shared_ptr<const TableProperties>* table_properties) {
if (!table_reader_) {
return init_result_;
*table_properties = table_reader_->GetTableProperties();
return init_result_;
namespace {
void print_help() {
R"(sst_dump --file=<data_dir_OR_sst_file> [--command=check|scan|raw|recompress]
Path to SST file or directory containing SST files
--env_uri=<uri of underlying Env>
URI of underlying Env
check: Iterate over entries in files but don't print anything except if an error is encountered (default command)
scan: Iterate over entries in files and print them to screen
raw: Dump all the table contents to <file_name>_dump.txt
verify: Iterate all the blocks in files verifying checksum to detect possible corruption but don't print anything except if a corruption is encountered
recompress: reports the SST file size if recompressed with different
compression types
Can be combined with scan command to print the keys and values in Hex
Decode blob indexes and print them in a human-readable format during scans.
Key to start reading from when executing check|scan
Key to stop reading at when executing check|scan
Returns all keys with this prefix when executing check|scan
Cannot be used in conjunction with --from
Maximum number of entries to read when executing check|scan
Verify file checksum when executing check|scan
Can be combined with --from and --to to indicate that these values are encoded in Hex
Print table properties after iterating over the file when executing
Can be combined with --command=recompress to set the block size that will
be used when trying different compression algorithms
--compression_types=<comma-separated list of CompressionType members, e.g.,
Can be combined with --command=recompress to run recompression for this
list of compression types
Convenience option to parse an internal key on the command line. Dumps the
internal key in hex format {'key' @ SN: type}
} // namespace
int SSTDumpTool::Run(int argc, char** argv, Options options) {
const char* env_uri = nullptr;
const char* dir_or_file = nullptr;
uint64_t read_num = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
std::string command;
char junk;
uint64_t n;
bool verify_checksum = false;
bool output_hex = false;
bool decode_blob_index = false;
bool input_key_hex = false;
bool has_from = false;
bool has_to = false;
bool use_from_as_prefix = false;
bool show_properties = false;
bool show_summary = false;
bool set_block_size = false;
std::string from_key;
std::string to_key;
std::string block_size_str;
size_t block_size = 0;
std::vector<std::pair<CompressionType, const char*>> compression_types;
uint64_t total_num_files = 0;
uint64_t total_num_data_blocks = 0;
uint64_t total_data_block_size = 0;
uint64_t total_index_block_size = 0;
uint64_t total_filter_block_size = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (strncmp(argv[i], "--env_uri=", 10) == 0) {
env_uri = argv[i] + 10;
} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "--file=", 7) == 0) {
dir_or_file = argv[i] + 7;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--output_hex") == 0) {
output_hex = true;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--decode_blob_index") == 0) {
decode_blob_index = true;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--input_key_hex") == 0) {
input_key_hex = true;
} else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--read_num=%lu%c", (unsigned long*)&n, &junk) ==
1) {
read_num = n;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--verify_checksum") == 0) {
verify_checksum = true;
} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "--command=", 10) == 0) {
command = argv[i] + 10;
} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "--from=", 7) == 0) {
from_key = argv[i] + 7;
has_from = true;
} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "--to=", 5) == 0) {
to_key = argv[i] + 5;
has_to = true;
} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "--prefix=", 9) == 0) {
from_key = argv[i] + 9;
use_from_as_prefix = true;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--show_properties") == 0) {
show_properties = true;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--show_summary") == 0) {
show_summary = true;
} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "--set_block_size=", 17) == 0) {
set_block_size = true;
block_size_str = argv[i] + 17;
std::istringstream iss(block_size_str);
iss >> block_size;
if ( {
fprintf(stderr, "block size must be numeric\n");
} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "--compression_types=", 20) == 0) {
std::string compression_types_csv = argv[i] + 20;
std::istringstream iss(compression_types_csv);
std::string compression_type;
while (std::getline(iss, compression_type, ',')) {
auto iter = std::find_if(
kCompressions.begin(), kCompressions.end(),
[&compression_type](std::pair<CompressionType, const char*> curr) {
return curr.second == compression_type;
if (iter == kCompressions.end()) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a valid CompressionType\n",
} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "--parse_internal_key=", 21) == 0) {
std::string in_key(argv[i] + 21);
try {
in_key = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::LDBCommand::HexToString(in_key);
} catch (...) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Invalid key input '"
<< in_key
<< "' Use 0x{hex representation of internal rocksdb key}" << std::endl;
return -1;
Slice sl_key = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Slice(in_key);
ParsedInternalKey ikey;
int retc = 0;
if (!ParseInternalKey(sl_key, &ikey)) {
std::cerr << "Internal Key [" << sl_key.ToString(true /* in hex*/)
<< "] parse error!\n";
retc = -1;
fprintf(stdout, "key=%s\n", ikey.DebugString(true).c_str());
return retc;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized argument '%s'\n\n", argv[i]);
if (use_from_as_prefix && has_from) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot specify --prefix and --from\n\n");
if (input_key_hex) {
if (has_from || use_from_as_prefix) {
from_key = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::LDBCommand::HexToString(from_key);
if (has_to) {
to_key = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::LDBCommand::HexToString(to_key);
if (dir_or_file == nullptr) {
fprintf(stderr, "file or directory must be specified.\n\n");
std::shared_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Env> env_guard;
// If caller of SSTDumpTool::Run(...) does not specify a different env other
// than Env::Default(), then try to load custom env based on dir_or_file.
// Otherwise, the caller is responsible for creating custom env.
if (!options.env || options.env == ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Env::Default()) {
Env* env = Env::Default();
Status s = Env::LoadEnv(env_uri ? env_uri : "", &env, &env_guard);
if (!s.ok() && !s.IsNotFound()) {
fprintf(stderr, "LoadEnv: %s\n", s.ToString().c_str());
options.env = env;
} else {
fprintf(stdout, "options.env is %p\n", options.env);
std::vector<std::string> filenames;
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Env* env = options.env;
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status st = env->GetChildren(dir_or_file, &filenames);
bool dir = true;
if (!st.ok()) {
dir = false;
fprintf(stdout, "from [%s] to [%s]\n",
uint64_t total_read = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < filenames.size(); i++) {
std::string filename =;
if (filename.length() <= 4 ||
filename.rfind(".sst") != filename.length() - 4) {
// ignore
if (dir) {
filename = std::string(dir_or_file) + "/" + filename;
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::SstFileDumper dumper(options, filename, verify_checksum,
output_hex, decode_blob_index);
if (!dumper.getStatus().ok()) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", filename.c_str(),
if (command == "recompress") {
set_block_size ? block_size : 16384,
compression_types.empty() ? kCompressions : compression_types);
return 0;
if (command == "raw") {
std::string out_filename = filename.substr(0, filename.length() - 4);
st = dumper.DumpTable(out_filename);
if (!st.ok()) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", filename.c_str(), st.ToString().c_str());
} else {
fprintf(stdout, "raw dump written to file %s\n", &out_filename[0]);
// scan all files in give file path.
if (command == "" || command == "scan" || command == "check") {
st = dumper.ReadSequential(
command == "scan", read_num > 0 ? (read_num - total_read) : read_num,
has_from || use_from_as_prefix, from_key, has_to, to_key,
if (!st.ok()) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", filename.c_str(),
total_read += dumper.GetReadNumber();
if (read_num > 0 && total_read > read_num) {
if (command == "verify") {
st = dumper.VerifyChecksum();
if (!st.ok()) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s is corrupted: %s\n", filename.c_str(),
} else {
fprintf(stdout, "The file is ok\n");
if (show_properties || show_summary) {
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::TableProperties* table_properties;
std::shared_ptr<const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::TableProperties>
st = dumper.ReadTableProperties(&table_properties_from_reader);
if (!st.ok()) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", filename.c_str(), st.ToString().c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "Try to use initial table properties\n");
table_properties = dumper.GetInitTableProperties();
} else {
table_properties = table_properties_from_reader.get();
if (table_properties != nullptr) {
if (show_properties) {
"Table Properties:\n"
" %s",
table_properties->ToString("\n ", ": ").c_str());
total_num_files += 1;
total_num_data_blocks += table_properties->num_data_blocks;
total_data_block_size += table_properties->data_size;
total_index_block_size += table_properties->index_size;
total_filter_block_size += table_properties->filter_size;
if (show_properties) {
"Raw user collected properties\n"
for (const auto& kv : table_properties->user_collected_properties) {
std::string prop_name = kv.first;
std::string prop_val = Slice(kv.second).ToString(true);
fprintf(stdout, " # %s: 0x%s\n", prop_name.c_str(),
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Reader unexpectedly returned null properties\n");
if (show_summary) {
fprintf(stdout, "total number of files: %" PRIu64 "\n", total_num_files);
fprintf(stdout, "total number of data blocks: %" PRIu64 "\n",
fprintf(stdout, "total data block size: %" PRIu64 "\n",
fprintf(stdout, "total index block size: %" PRIu64 "\n",
fprintf(stdout, "total filter block size: %" PRIu64 "\n",
return 0;
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
#endif // ROCKSDB_LITE