Adam Simpkins c06c4c01c5 Fix many bugs in log statement arguments (#5089)
Annotate all of the logging functions to inform the compiler that these
use printf-style formatting arguments.  This allows the compiler to emit
warnings if the format arguments are incorrect.

This also fixes many problems reported now that format string checking
is enabled.  Many of these are simply mix-ups in the argument type (e.g,
int vs uint64_t), but in several cases the wrong number of arguments
were being passed in which can cause the code to crash.

The primary motivation for this was to fix the log message in
`DBImpl::SwitchMemtable()` which caused a segfault due to an extra %s
format parameter with no argument supplied.
Pull Request resolved:

Differential Revision: D14574795

Pulled By: simpkins

fbshipit-source-id: 0921b03f0743652bf4ae21e414ff54b3bb65422a
2019-04-04 12:12:11 -07:00

216 lines
7.3 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "table/plain_table_index.h"
#include "util/coding.h"
#include "util/hash.h"
namespace rocksdb {
namespace {
inline uint32_t GetBucketIdFromHash(uint32_t hash, uint32_t num_buckets) {
assert(num_buckets > 0);
return hash % num_buckets;
Status PlainTableIndex::InitFromRawData(Slice data) {
if (!GetVarint32(&data, &index_size_)) {
return Status::Corruption("Couldn't read the index size!");
assert(index_size_ > 0);
if (!GetVarint32(&data, &num_prefixes_)) {
return Status::Corruption("Couldn't read the index size!");
sub_index_size_ =
static_cast<uint32_t>(data.size()) - index_size_ * kOffsetLen;
char* index_data_begin = const_cast<char*>(;
index_ = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(index_data_begin);
sub_index_ = reinterpret_cast<char*>(index_ + index_size_);
return Status::OK();
PlainTableIndex::IndexSearchResult PlainTableIndex::GetOffset(
uint32_t prefix_hash, uint32_t* bucket_value) const {
int bucket = GetBucketIdFromHash(prefix_hash, index_size_);
GetUnaligned(index_ + bucket, bucket_value);
if ((*bucket_value & kSubIndexMask) == kSubIndexMask) {
*bucket_value ^= kSubIndexMask;
return kSubindex;
if (*bucket_value >= kMaxFileSize) {
return kNoPrefixForBucket;
} else {
// point directly to the file
return kDirectToFile;
void PlainTableIndexBuilder::IndexRecordList::AddRecord(uint32_t hash,
uint32_t offset) {
if (num_records_in_current_group_ == kNumRecordsPerGroup) {
current_group_ = AllocateNewGroup();
num_records_in_current_group_ = 0;
auto& new_record = current_group_[num_records_in_current_group_++];
new_record.hash = hash;
new_record.offset = offset; = nullptr;
void PlainTableIndexBuilder::AddKeyPrefix(Slice key_prefix_slice,
uint32_t key_offset) {
if (is_first_record_ || prev_key_prefix_ != key_prefix_slice.ToString()) {
if (!is_first_record_) {
num_keys_per_prefix_ = 0;
prev_key_prefix_ = key_prefix_slice.ToString();
prev_key_prefix_hash_ = GetSliceHash(key_prefix_slice);
due_index_ = true;
if (due_index_) {
// Add an index key for every kIndexIntervalForSamePrefixKeys keys
record_list_.AddRecord(prev_key_prefix_hash_, key_offset);
due_index_ = false;
if (index_sparseness_ == 0 || num_keys_per_prefix_ % index_sparseness_ == 0) {
due_index_ = true;
is_first_record_ = false;
Slice PlainTableIndexBuilder::Finish() {
std::vector<IndexRecord*> hash_to_offsets(index_size_, nullptr);
std::vector<uint32_t> entries_per_bucket(index_size_, 0);
BucketizeIndexes(&hash_to_offsets, &entries_per_bucket);
ROCKS_LOG_INFO(ioptions_.info_log, "Number of Keys per prefix Histogram: %s",
// From the temp data structure, populate indexes.
return FillIndexes(hash_to_offsets, entries_per_bucket);
void PlainTableIndexBuilder::AllocateIndex() {
if (prefix_extractor_ == nullptr || hash_table_ratio_ <= 0) {
// Fall back to pure binary search if the user fails to specify a prefix
// extractor.
index_size_ = 1;
} else {
double hash_table_size_multipier = 1.0 / hash_table_ratio_;
index_size_ =
static_cast<uint32_t>(num_prefixes_ * hash_table_size_multipier) + 1;
assert(index_size_ > 0);
void PlainTableIndexBuilder::BucketizeIndexes(
std::vector<IndexRecord*>* hash_to_offsets,
std::vector<uint32_t>* entries_per_bucket) {
bool first = true;
uint32_t prev_hash = 0;
size_t num_records = record_list_.GetNumRecords();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_records; i++) {
IndexRecord* index_record = record_list_.At(i);
uint32_t cur_hash = index_record->hash;
if (first || prev_hash != cur_hash) {
prev_hash = cur_hash;
first = false;
uint32_t bucket = GetBucketIdFromHash(cur_hash, index_size_);
IndexRecord* prev_bucket_head = (*hash_to_offsets)[bucket];
index_record->next = prev_bucket_head;
(*hash_to_offsets)[bucket] = index_record;
sub_index_size_ = 0;
for (auto entry_count : *entries_per_bucket) {
if (entry_count <= 1) {
// Only buckets with more than 1 entry will have subindex.
sub_index_size_ += VarintLength(entry_count);
// total bytes needed to store these entries' in-file offsets.
sub_index_size_ += entry_count * PlainTableIndex::kOffsetLen;
Slice PlainTableIndexBuilder::FillIndexes(
const std::vector<IndexRecord*>& hash_to_offsets,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& entries_per_bucket) {
"Reserving %" PRIu32 " bytes for plain table's sub_index",
auto total_allocate_size = GetTotalSize();
char* allocated = arena_->AllocateAligned(
total_allocate_size, huge_page_tlb_size_, ioptions_.info_log);
auto temp_ptr = EncodeVarint32(allocated, index_size_);
uint32_t* index =
reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(EncodeVarint32(temp_ptr, num_prefixes_));
char* sub_index = reinterpret_cast<char*>(index + index_size_);
uint32_t sub_index_offset = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < index_size_; i++) {
uint32_t num_keys_for_bucket = entries_per_bucket[i];
switch (num_keys_for_bucket) {
case 0:
// No key for bucket
PutUnaligned(index + i, (uint32_t)PlainTableIndex::kMaxFileSize);
case 1:
// point directly to the file offset
PutUnaligned(index + i, hash_to_offsets[i]->offset);
// point to second level indexes.
PutUnaligned(index + i, sub_index_offset | PlainTableIndex::kSubIndexMask);
char* prev_ptr = &sub_index[sub_index_offset];
char* cur_ptr = EncodeVarint32(prev_ptr, num_keys_for_bucket);
sub_index_offset += static_cast<uint32_t>(cur_ptr - prev_ptr);
char* sub_index_pos = &sub_index[sub_index_offset];
IndexRecord* record = hash_to_offsets[i];
int j;
for (j = num_keys_for_bucket - 1; j >= 0 && record;
j--, record = record->next) {
EncodeFixed32(sub_index_pos + j * sizeof(uint32_t), record->offset);
assert(j == -1 && record == nullptr);
sub_index_offset += PlainTableIndex::kOffsetLen * num_keys_for_bucket;
assert(sub_index_offset <= sub_index_size_);
assert(sub_index_offset == sub_index_size_);
"hash table size: %" PRIu32 ", suffix_map length %" PRIu32,
index_size_, sub_index_size_);
return Slice(allocated, GetTotalSize());
const std::string PlainTableIndexBuilder::kPlainTableIndexBlock =
}; // namespace rocksdb
#endif // ROCKSDB_LITE