/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.metrics; import static com.scylladb.jmx.api.APIClient.getReader; import static java.lang.Math.floor; import static java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.json.JsonArray; import javax.json.JsonNumber; import javax.json.JsonObject; import javax.management.InstanceAlreadyExistsException; import javax.management.MBeanRegistrationException; import javax.management.MBeanServer; import javax.management.NotCompliantMBeanException; import javax.management.ObjectName; import com.scylladb.jmx.api.APIClient; import com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer; /** * Makes integrating 3.0 metrics API with 2.0. *

* The 3.0 API comes with poor JMX integration *

*/ public class MetricsRegistry { private static final long CACHE_DURATION = 1000; private static final long UPDATE_INTERVAL = 50; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MetricsRegistry.class.getName()); private final APIClient client; private final JmxMBeanServer mBeanServer; public MetricsRegistry(APIClient client, JmxMBeanServer mBeanServer) { this.client = client; this.mBeanServer = mBeanServer; } public MetricsRegistry(MetricsRegistry other) { this(other.client, other.mBeanServer); } public MetricMBean gauge(String url) { return gauge(Long.class, url); } public MetricMBean gauge(Class type, final String url) { return gauge(getReader(type), url); } public MetricMBean gauge(final BiFunction function, final String url) { return gauge(c -> function.apply(c, url)); } public MetricMBean gauge(final Function function) { return gauge(() -> function.apply(client)); } private class JmxGauge implements JmxGaugeMBean { private final Supplier function; public JmxGauge(Supplier function) { this.function = function; } @Override public Object getValue() { return function.get(); } } public MetricMBean gauge(final Supplier function) { return new JmxGauge(function); } /** * Default approach to register is to actually register/add to * {@link MBeanServer} For unbind phase, override here. * * @param bean * @param objectNames */ public void register(Supplier f, ObjectName... objectNames) { MetricMBean bean = f.get(); for (ObjectName name : objectNames) { try { mBeanServer.getMBeanServerInterceptor().registerMBean(bean, name); } catch (InstanceAlreadyExistsException | MBeanRegistrationException | NotCompliantMBeanException e) { logger.log(SEVERE, "Could not register mbean", e); } } } private class JmxCounter implements JmxCounterMBean { private final String url; public JmxCounter(String url) { super(); this.url = url; } @Override public long getCount() { return client.getLongValue(url); } } public MetricMBean counter(final String url) { if (url != null) { return new JmxCounter(url); } return new JmxCounter(url) { @Override public long getCount() { return 0; } }; } private abstract class IntermediatelyUpdated { private final long interval; private final Supplier supplier; private long lastUpdate; public IntermediatelyUpdated(String url, long interval) { this.supplier = () -> client.getJsonObj(url, null); this.interval = interval; } public IntermediatelyUpdated(Supplier supplier, long interval) { this.supplier = supplier; this.interval = interval; } public abstract void update(JsonObject obj); public final void update() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now - lastUpdate < interval) { return; } try { JsonObject obj = supplier.get(); update(obj); } finally { lastUpdate = now; } } } private static class Meter { public final long count; public final double oneMinuteRate; public final double fiveMinuteRate; public final double fifteenMinuteRate; public final double meanRate; public Meter(long count, double oneMinuteRate, double fiveMinuteRate, double fifteenMinuteRate, double meanRate) { this.count = count; this.oneMinuteRate = oneMinuteRate; this.fiveMinuteRate = fiveMinuteRate; this.fifteenMinuteRate = fifteenMinuteRate; this.meanRate = meanRate; } public Meter() { this(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } public Meter(JsonObject obj) { JsonArray rates = obj.getJsonArray("rates"); oneMinuteRate = rates.getJsonNumber(0).doubleValue(); fiveMinuteRate = rates.getJsonNumber(1).doubleValue(); fifteenMinuteRate = rates.getJsonNumber(2).doubleValue(); meanRate = obj.getJsonNumber("mean_rate").doubleValue(); count = obj.getJsonNumber("count").longValue(); } } private static final TimeUnit RATE_UNIT = TimeUnit.SECONDS; private static final TimeUnit DURATION_UNIT = TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS; private static final TimeUnit API_DURATION_UNIT = TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS; private static final double DURATION_FACTOR = 1.0 / API_DURATION_UNIT.convert(1, DURATION_UNIT); private static double toDuration(double micro) { return micro * DURATION_FACTOR; } private static String unitString(TimeUnit u) { String s = u.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.US); return s.substring(0, s.length() - 1); } private class JmxMeter extends IntermediatelyUpdated implements JmxMeterMBean { private Meter meter = new Meter(); public JmxMeter(String url, long interval) { super(url, interval); } public JmxMeter(Supplier supplier, long interval) { super(supplier, interval); } @Override public void update(JsonObject obj) { meter = new Meter(obj); } @Override public long getCount() { update(); return meter.count; } @Override public double getMeanRate() { update(); return meter.meanRate; } @Override public double getOneMinuteRate() { update(); return meter.oneMinuteRate; } @Override public double getFiveMinuteRate() { update(); return meter.fiveMinuteRate; } @Override public double getFifteenMinuteRate() { update(); return meter.fifteenMinuteRate; } @Override public String getRateUnit() { return "event/" + unitString(RATE_UNIT); } } public MetricMBean meter(String url) { return new JmxMeter(url, CACHE_DURATION); } private static long[] asLongArray(JsonArray a) { return a.getValuesAs(JsonNumber.class).stream().mapToLong(n -> n.longValue()).toArray(); } private static interface Samples { default double getValue(double quantile) { return 0; } default long[] getValues() { return new long[0]; } } private static class BufferSamples implements Samples { private final long[] samples; public BufferSamples(long[] samples) { this.samples = samples; Arrays.sort(this.samples); } @Override public long[] getValues() { return samples; } @Override public double getValue(double quantile) { if (quantile < 0.0 || quantile > 1.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(quantile + " is not in [0..1]"); } if (samples.length == 0) { return 0.0; } final double pos = quantile * (samples.length + 1); if (pos < 1) { return samples[0]; } if (pos >= samples.length) { return samples[samples.length - 1]; } final double lower = samples[(int) pos - 1]; final double upper = samples[(int) pos]; return lower + (pos - floor(pos)) * (upper - lower); } } private static class Histogram { private final long count; private final long min; private final long max; private final double mean; private final double stdDev; private final Samples samples; public Histogram(long count, long min, long max, double mean, double stdDev, Samples samples) { this.count = count; this.min = min; this.max = max; this.mean = mean; this.stdDev = stdDev; this.samples = samples; } public Histogram() { this(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, new Samples() { }); } public Histogram(JsonObject obj) { this(obj.getJsonNumber("count").longValue(), obj.getJsonNumber("min").longValue(), obj.getJsonNumber("max").longValue(), obj.getJsonNumber("mean").doubleValue(), obj.getJsonNumber("variance").doubleValue(), new BufferSamples(getValues(obj))); } public Histogram(EstimatedHistogram h) { this(h.count(), h.min(), h.max(), h.mean(), 0, h); } private static long[] getValues(JsonObject obj) { JsonArray arr = obj.getJsonArray("sample"); if (arr != null) { return asLongArray(arr); } return new long[0]; } public long[] getValues() { return samples.getValues(); } // Origin (and previous iterations of scylla-jxm) // uses biased/ExponentiallyDecaying measurements // for the history & quantile resolution. // However, for use that is just gobbletigook, since // we, at occasions of being asked, and when certain time // has passed, ask the actual scylla server for a // "values" buffer. A buffer with no information whatsoever // on how said values correlate to actual sampling // time. // So, applying time weights at this level is just // wrong. We can just as well treat this as a uniform // distribution. // Obvious improvement: Send time/value tuples instead. public double getValue(double quantile) { return samples.getValue(quantile); } public long getCount() { return count; } public long getMin() { return min; } public long getMax() { return max; } public double getMean() { return mean; } public double getStdDev() { return stdDev; } } private static class EstimatedHistogram implements Samples { /** * The series of values to which the counts in `buckets` correspond: 1, * 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20, etc. Thus, a `buckets` of * [0, 0, 1, 10] would mean we had seen one value of 3 and 10 values of * 4. * * The series starts at 1 and grows by 1.2 each time (rounding and * removing duplicates). It goes from 1 to around 36M by default * (creating 90+1 buckets), which will give us timing resolution from * microseconds to 36 seconds, with less precision as the numbers get * larger. * * Each bucket represents values from (previous bucket offset, current * offset]. */ private final long[] bucketOffsets; // buckets is one element longer than bucketOffsets -- the last element // is // values greater than the last offset private long[] buckets; public EstimatedHistogram(JsonObject obj) { this(asLongArray(obj.getJsonArray("bucket_offsets")), asLongArray(obj.getJsonArray("buckets"))); } public EstimatedHistogram(long[] offsets, long[] bucketData) { assert bucketData.length == offsets.length + 1; bucketOffsets = offsets; buckets = bucketData; } /** * @return the smallest value that could have been added to this * histogram */ public long min() { for (int i = 0; i < buckets.length; i++) { if (buckets[i] > 0) { return i == 0 ? 0 : 1 + bucketOffsets[i - 1]; } } return 0; } /** * @return the largest value that could have been added to this * histogram. If the histogram overflowed, returns * Long.MAX_VALUE. */ public long max() { int lastBucket = buckets.length - 1; if (buckets[lastBucket] > 0) { return Long.MAX_VALUE; } for (int i = lastBucket - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (buckets[i] > 0) { return bucketOffsets[i]; } } return 0; } @Override public long[] getValues() { return buckets; } /** * @param percentile * @return estimated value at given percentile */ @Override public double getValue(double percentile) { assert percentile >= 0 && percentile <= 1.0; int lastBucket = buckets.length - 1; if (buckets[lastBucket] > 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to compute when histogram overflowed"); } long pcount = (long) Math.floor(count() * percentile); if (pcount == 0) { return 0; } long elements = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lastBucket; i++) { elements += buckets[i]; if (elements >= pcount) { return bucketOffsets[i]; } } return 0; } /** * @return the mean histogram value (average of bucket offsets, weighted * by count) * @throws IllegalStateException * if any values were greater than the largest bucket * threshold */ public long mean() { int lastBucket = buckets.length - 1; if (buckets[lastBucket] > 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to compute ceiling for max when histogram overflowed"); } long elements = 0; long sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lastBucket; i++) { long bCount = buckets[i]; elements += bCount; sum += bCount * bucketOffsets[i]; } return (long) Math.ceil((double) sum / elements); } /** * @return the total number of non-zero values */ public long count() { return Arrays.stream(buckets).sum(); } /** * @return true if this histogram has overflowed -- that is, a value * larger than our largest bucket could bound was added */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public boolean isOverflowed() { return buckets[buckets.length - 1] > 0; } } private class JmxHistogram extends IntermediatelyUpdated implements JmxHistogramMBean { private Histogram histogram = new Histogram(); public JmxHistogram(String url, long interval) { super(url, interval); } @Override public void update(JsonObject obj) { if (obj.containsKey("hist")) { obj = obj.getJsonObject("hist"); } if (obj.containsKey("buckets")) { histogram = new Histogram(new EstimatedHistogram(obj)); } else { histogram = new Histogram(obj); } } @Override public long getCount() { update(); return histogram.getCount(); } @Override public long getMin() { update(); return histogram.getMin(); } @Override public long getMax() { update(); return histogram.getMax(); } @Override public double getMean() { update(); return histogram.getMean(); } @Override public double getStdDev() { update(); return histogram.getStdDev(); } @Override public double get50thPercentile() { update(); return histogram.getValue(.5); } @Override public double get75thPercentile() { update(); return histogram.getValue(.75); } @Override public double get95thPercentile() { update(); return histogram.getValue(.95); } @Override public double get98thPercentile() { update(); return histogram.getValue(.98); } @Override public double get99thPercentile() { update(); return histogram.getValue(.99); } @Override public double get999thPercentile() { update(); return histogram.getValue(.999); } @Override public long[] values() { update(); return histogram.getValues(); } } public MetricMBean histogram(String url, boolean considerZeroes) { return new JmxHistogram(url, UPDATE_INTERVAL); } private class JmxTimer extends JmxMeter implements JmxTimerMBean { private Histogram histogram = new Histogram(); public JmxTimer(String url, long interval) { super(url, interval); } @Override public void update(JsonObject obj) { // TODO: this is not atomic. super.update(obj.getJsonObject("meter")); histogram = new Histogram(obj.getJsonObject("hist")); } @Override public double getMin() { update(); return toDuration(histogram.getMin()); } @Override public double getMax() { update(); return toDuration(histogram.getMax()); } @Override public double getMean() { update(); return toDuration(histogram.getMean()); } @Override public double getStdDev() { update(); return toDuration(histogram.getStdDev()); } @Override public double get50thPercentile() { update(); return toDuration(histogram.getValue(.5)); } @Override public double get75thPercentile() { update(); return toDuration(histogram.getValue(.75)); } @Override public double get95thPercentile() { update(); return toDuration(histogram.getValue(.95)); } @Override public double get98thPercentile() { update(); return toDuration(histogram.getValue(.98)); } @Override public double get99thPercentile() { update(); return toDuration(histogram.getValue(.99)); } @Override public double get999thPercentile() { update(); return toDuration(histogram.getValue(.999)); } @Override public long[] values() { update(); return histogram.getValues(); } @Override public String getDurationUnit() { update(); return DURATION_UNIT.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.US); } } public MetricMBean timer(String url) { return new JmxTimer(url, UPDATE_INTERVAL); } public interface MetricMBean { } public static interface JmxGaugeMBean extends MetricMBean { Object getValue(); } public interface JmxHistogramMBean extends MetricMBean { long getCount(); long getMin(); long getMax(); double getMean(); double getStdDev(); double get50thPercentile(); double get75thPercentile(); double get95thPercentile(); double get98thPercentile(); double get99thPercentile(); double get999thPercentile(); long[] values(); } public interface JmxCounterMBean extends MetricMBean { long getCount(); } public interface JmxMeterMBean extends MetricMBean { long getCount(); double getMeanRate(); double getOneMinuteRate(); double getFiveMinuteRate(); double getFifteenMinuteRate(); String getRateUnit(); } public interface JmxTimerMBean extends JmxMeterMBean { double getMin(); double getMax(); double getMean(); double getStdDev(); double get50thPercentile(); double get75thPercentile(); double get95thPercentile(); double get98thPercentile(); double get99thPercentile(); double get999thPercentile(); long[] values(); String getDurationUnit(); } }